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Search Engine Marketing in Digital Marketing

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3126
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 87
Organization Selected : SEM firm


Search engine marketing refers to digital marketing strategies which are being used for improvising visibility of website in search engine results page (SERPs). This denotes internet marketing that involves promotion of website through enhancement of visibility via usage of paid advertising (Rathaur and Agarwal, 2019). This can be integrated with search engine optimisation through which higher ranking of the website can be attained via pay per clicks. For an instance Yahoo Search Ads, Bing Ads and Google Adwords can be used by organisation. This denotes that by usage of SEM firms has the option to appear on top of search of individuals. With increasing number of customers preference for online shopping, search engine marketing has became crucial marketing strategy through which reach of organisation can be enhanced. Apart from this, SEM furnish businesses with improvised brand awareness, individuals can reach at right place and time, generating enhanced revenues along with attaining competitive edge in market.

Simbound offers a platform for web marketing operations conducted in a gaming environment, utilized by management professionals across various industries and business sizes. This platform provides online and content simulations through diverse game mechanics, facilitating digital commerce via internet marketing. Key components include website analytics, search engine marketing, and email marketing simulation. In this context, businesses can pursue activities such as website development, ad creation, and email campaign management. This report focuses on search engine marketing in conjunction with Simbound. If you're looking to enhance your understanding of these concepts or need assistance, you might consider options like "pay someone to do my homework" for support.


Search engine marketing encompasses of various steps that are taken up for improvisation of traffic within websites of organisation through enhancements within ranking of sites. This technique aids marketers for management as well as optimisation of paid search advertisements which will help users to formulate budget, carry out research for keywords, implementation of paid ad campaigns and intelligent bidding. Along with this, it will assist businesses within carrying out forecasting along with analysis of results (Ritz, Wolf and McQuitty, 2019). The purpose behind its usage is to bring within target audiences to their website for specified keywords which are present on the top of organic outcomes. To carry out this, tools such as Google AdWords, Bing ads, etc. can be used. Within search engine marketing, businesses makes use of paid advertisements for ensuring that products and services rendered by firms which are visible when users search for specified keyword in search engine result page. An example can be taken to understand this, when individuals look for specified keyword within browser then through the usage of SEM firm will be appeared on the top along with this if they search for same product from other brand then also an ad will pop up on the screen or on the specified site (Lubis, 2019). This may capture a new customer for products and services rendered by them. There are certain words related with search engine marketing, they are specified beneath:

  • Clicks: This implies number of individuals who have clicked on specified advertisement that is displayed while reading something or going through anything.
  • Cost: This implies cost per click which means that what is being paid when user clicks on the peculiar ad.
  • CTR: It denotes click via rate that entail ratio of individuals who have clicked on particular web link to the entire number of users who have seen that advertisement, email or page. Generally, it is utilised for determination of success of online advertisement campaign for specified website (Hoque, 2018). 
  • Impressions:This denotes that peculiar number of times advertisement can be screen on the screen but it do not imply that it was seen by individuals. For an example, when user looks for something on search engine then by clicking on any of the specified web link, advertisement will be shown along within the page. They might be visuals or impelling words so that users might click on them but does not means that they have seen it.

Significance and benefits of SEM

For both large as well as small organisations, search engine marketing can be used; this will render them with tool which can be utilised for reaching ample of individuals. The benefit as well as importance is depicted below:

  • Conversion-focused: Search engine marketing acts like a decisive conversion driver in marketing campaign irrespective of data or information contained within this (Araujo, 2018). The purpose for this is that a paid advertisement includes conversion-focussed landing pages which are responsible for moving web traffic through the usage of sales funnels. Paid ads are related with landing pages that serves as an entry for any webpage linked with them. 
  • Strengthens brand awareness: This is considered as bottom funnel marketing channel and ad leads to brand awareness at a higher rate. But even in case if individual do not click on the links still then name of the brand can be seen clearly.
  • Generates immediate results:This implies game strategies which are liable for generation of web traffic like an immediate outcome. When advertisement is launched, the process associated with attainment of more clicks is started so that overall sales can be enhanced (Bui, 2018). This acts as one of the strongest strategy by which traffic on website can be increased.
  • Reliable source of traffic: Each and every business looks forward for continuous source of web traffic for maintenance of visibility along with enhancement within the number of sales which incur. It is important for development of plans and anticipation of budget. Apart from this, search ads can be used for generating reliable traffic for peculiar keywords and aids them to control the traffic which comes within the site.
  • Brings in qualified leads: The attempt behind is not only generation of traffic but the aim is to have an appropriate traffic. This is not always possible for controlling what individuals are looking for within the organic search results (Rakhmetzhan and Medukhanova, 2018). Firms can opt for making use of search engine marketing which will enable them to customise audiences who visit their websites and engage them with ads given.

The importance along with their benefits has been specified above and can be used by organisations to have adequate results as well as be at the top of search engine results page.

Working of SEM along with examples.

Search engine marketing makes use of distinct and complex algorithm to ensure that apt results are delivered in each search as well as renders crucial information. It is a paid search advertisement which involves sponsored ads that are present beside or at the top of results that is being searched by individuals (Hanlon, 2019). This will provide enhanced visibility of website as compared to others organic marketing via other search engines. An instance ca n be taken into consideration such as when user look for particular service online then by going through the specific keyword then keyword will be matched and apt results will be shown to them and ads will be there with respect to those who furnish same products. The ads can be seen on the prominent locations in search engine result page as well as within search listings that will compare the keyword entered. These paid listing are one of the most prominent way to illustrate the search which has been made by an individual’s a there is higher probability that user will click on them. An example can be taken like individual search for smartphones then ads of different companies will appear as there is high chance that user may click on them as they need it. When there are different options and unique features are mentioned within the ads then there are higher possibilities that individuals will click on it (Pandey, 2018). This denotes that content which is written advertisements will play important role for attracting users or impelling them to click on them. The paid listing acts like a relevant asset when search is made by individuals. This is the working of search engine marketing from the perspective of customers or users.

Workings from the view point of advertiser’s have been illustrated in this section. Here, the list of keywords associated with products, services and content available on website will be made that firm has to advertise. In addition to this, they select the geographic location with respect to availability of products furnished by them or they can make available to customers from peculiar country (Shaikh, 2018). For this, a relevant text based advertisement will be displayed within the landing page or search engine result page according to the keyword entered by users. Along with this, bids will be made with respect to price that will be paid for clicks which are being made on their advertisement. This will enhance the ranking of website on search engine result page and the specified website may appear at the top of results. In context of organisations, it is always easy develop text ads as this comprises of entering headline that is followed by texts and relevant actions can be taken like links must be provided through which user can be directed to the website (Rangaswamy, 2018).

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Factors affecting SEM

There exist various components which creates an influence on the ways in which search engine marketing operates and renders its purpose. They have been specified beneath:

  • Meta description tag: It comprises of HTML attributes which are responsible for delivering enhanced summary of website like services and products delivered by specified website or firm. Like when users search for something on Google then along with links some detail is mentioned in 2 to 3 lines. This implies the primary information associated with the keyword entered by user.
  • Canonical tag: The SEM algorithm will be impacted in case more than one link is present on advertisement. The cause behind this is that when various links are available then it might be difficult for algorithm to redirect to which link (Ghosal, 2019). An instance can be taken like user has clicked on ad and redirected them to specified address or link but that was not working due to any reason again the user press on the add and same link was opened. This will frustrate individual on they won’t look for that specific ad. This will be confusing for algorithm. It is important that link must direct to home page where individual can have all the information, they are looking forward for. There can be two identical landing pages so that if one link might work then the other must also take to the same website but it might not be home page.

An instance can be taken into consideration such as user search for a keyword tablet then different options will be appeared (Duke and Ashraf, 2019).

Figure 1 Keywords

Firms can accordingly formulate strategies with respect to pay per click so that they can withstand their competitors. Along with this, it will aid them within formulation of content for advertisement.

Evaluation of Simbound.

The business simulation genre that is liable for addressing digital as well as online marketing subject in functional way is defined as Simbound. This implies a simulation game which is dependent on online marketing (Heiskanen, 2018). In this case, games are being played by selling of products like tablet through online means in market of United States and United Kingdom. This is being carried out by making use of virtual search engine and formulating ad campaigns. Basically, it denotes a simplified simulation for implementation of Bing and Google Adwords campaign. It comprises of everything from searching out for keyword, formulation of ads along with creating landing pages. Simbound made the process easy by compilation of all possible keywords along with eliminating the one which are least searched.

Simbound game furnishes risk-free environment that revolves around learning by carrying out distinct things. This aid individual within formulation of marketing with peers as well as analyzes a different factor which creates impact on decisions and performance of sales (Rathaur and Agarwal, 2019). In this case any kind of pessimistic influence is not created instead it will assist within identification of risks. By making use of Simbound game competitors can be joined as well as compete with one other identical to real time scenarios. Distinct rounds will be taken up depending upon users and instructors. Each round possesses different conditions along with certain challenges associated with them. With respect to this, individuals will be able to develop innovative thinking in context of different aspects and carry out their execution. Each round is accomplished when it reaches its deadline and attains the required outcome instantly (Ghazie and Dolah, 2018). The rationale behind playing this game is that it will assist users within formulation of plans, react to the situations prevailing and execute their strategies by making use of Simbound digital techniques.

Landing pages comprises of progress bar that illustrates degree up to which content section of webpage have been accomplished. Enhanced page will renders optimized exposure with respect to positioning in search engine results pages in Baigoo. Search engine marketing campaign involves simulation keywords which aim at attaining distinct responses from virtual visitors (Ritz, Wolf and McQuitty, 2019). This will yield suitable indicators with engagement plans and allocation of budgets in an appropriate manner. Along with this, level of competition will also illustrated like number of persons targeting the specified keyword. Average search volume denotes the popularity of peculiar keyword along with this it will render details associated with it. Simbound tools will speed up overall process related with search engine marketing.

The standalone webpage which tends to make use of paid campaigns on Adwords, Bing or any other tool is referred to as PPC lading page. It denotes a dedicated page where users lands on after clicking on advertisement or paid-per-click ad (Lubis, 2019). Basically, PPC implies internet advertising model which is being used for attracting traffic to websites in which advertisers are responsible to pay to publisher when click is made on the ad Here, bids are made on each keyword phrases depending on the market and it is being carried out by advertisers. Websites utilizes PPC as it will show ad when user will search for particular keyword like when searching for tablet all the advertisements related with tablet will be shown in the screen. It is a critical digital channel which is responsible for growing traffic metrics along with their conversions. Different benefits are provided by PPC, they have been illustrated in the following section.

Advertisers will be able to drive in huge amount of traffic into their sites which are being depicted by their speed. PPC marketing acts as one of the fastest growing strategy that is being utilized by organization. Along with this, precise outcomes will be yielded as ad provides a straightforward method which is related with keyword for which individuals are looking forward for. Performance data can be attained immediately that enables to make alterations accordingly and improvise chances for carrying out campaigns, this denotes agility of PPC. Through effectual conversion tracking can measure ROI of advertisements which is being given of firms (Hoque, 2018).

By making use of different online promotional tools objectives can be attained by which cumulative profit can be achieved via entire simulation. The different rounds of simulation unfold means through which input can be given with respect to decisions before deadline is attained for getting enhanced results. There is high probability that rankings will alter depending upon simulation which takes place while carrying out activities with other teams. Simbound will render fast as well as measureable methods for enhancement of awareness for sales proposition. It will lead individuals to have experience within planning, management and measurement of online outreach campaigns (Araujo, 2018). Along with this, through this different aspects can be measured as well as sales can be improvised via marketing technology operations. Furthermore, it will enable to interpret operational metrics for unlike online marketing channels.

Figure 2 Email Campaign

The email campaign clearly states the number like how many users have clicked on the ad, opened this, sent this message to others and who have unsubscribed (Bui, 2018). Through this firm can acknowledge the interest of users and can send them identical ads.


From above, it has been observed that, search engine marketing is an effective way for growth of business in an evolving market. With the enhancement in technology, firms have the different ways through which they can carry out their operations like via giving online advertisements maximum number of customers can be attracted towards products delivered by them. With respect to this, search engine marketing will provide alternative way for carrying out promotional activities of business. SEM denotes a business practice in which paid advertisements are being utilised that makes the search visible on search engine result page. For this, advertisers make bids on keyword that users of services such as Google Adwords and Bing enter while searching for peculiar products or services which are responsible for furnishing advertisers with a prospect for giving ads which appears along with the queries result page. They are denoted by pay per click ads in distinguished formats.

There are different advertisements which are being utilised by firms and are referred to as PLA or shopping ads. Basically, they are text-based, visual based and product dependent advertisements that will aid individuals to have glance of essential information related with prices of products along with their specification and prices for the same. The crucial asset that is being provided by search engine marketing is that it exemplifies advertisers with different opportunities for keeping ads within front of users so that they can buy products and have precise details associated with this accordingly. Search engine marketing furnishes powerful as well as enhanced way for growth of business.

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