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Evaluation of Business Communication

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1713
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/9878
  • Downloads: 1194

Table of Content

  1. TASK 1
  2. TASK 2

Question :

This objective of this report is to evaluate communication practices in the context of a business in order gain competitiveness from target market.

  • Identify the general principles and main barriers of effective communication.
  • Discuss the application of the principles of effective communication.

Answer :

Organization Selected : -


1.1 Selection interview process and effective verbal and non verbal communication

There is huge role is played by verbal and non verbal communication in the process of selection. This will includes about sound, words or speaking. To communicate verbally need to focus on their tone of voice, volume and pitch. It helps in influencing the behaviour of interviewer. Non verbal communication is the process which includes communicate with other with the help of gestures, facial expressions, body movement etc. It is provided about the way of behaving in front of interviewer (Berry, 2011). The different factors which are need to oversee by the candidates for their effective presentation which enhance their non verbal communication includes physical care and clothing, confidence and respect towards personal space.

This essay includes explanation about two different models of selection interview, use of STAR technique and building of verbal and non verbal communication.

Selection interview is one of the technique of assessment and evaluation of a candidate for a particular job. It helps the the interviewer is to grab the information about the skills and knowledge in more appropriate manner. The process of selection includes many aspects like written tests, oral examination, psychological tests and one to one communication. This will provides the opportunity about assessing the behavioural traits, presence of mind and psychological bearing capacity of candidate. It helps in selection of the best candidate from large number of alternatives whom is most suitable for particular job. There are many models which helps in selection interview process (Bisel, Messersmith and Kelley, 2012). Application of the provisions of this model improves the working efficiency of interviewer is to perform their functions in optimum manner to attain maximum outputs. The first important model of selection interview is structured interview. This type of model is mainly used in all the big organisations for selection of best candidate who possess skills as per the requirements. This can be referred as formal or panel interview which usually begins with icebreaker questions. This model also includes the questions regarding company and its position in market. Here, also define about the interviewer about the day to day roles and responsibilities which are need to perform in organisation. The another model which is used in the process of section of candidates named as Unstructured interview. It is one of the kind of informal interview where large number of open ended questions are asked ascertain the information about their habits, hobbies and behaviour. In this model of selection less formal tone is used during conversation.

STAR technique is considered as one of the job interview technique which I used by the interviewer to collection the important information which is required to have by candidates for particular job. The different aspects which are includes in this technique are situation, task, action and result. It is also known as behavioural interview technique which ensures high degree of performance of candidate on job. The different aspects provides different information regarding the behaviour of candidates (Conrad and Newberry, 2012).

Situation, here the task or challenge is given by interviewer to candidate and see their reaction in particular situations.

Task, It helps to assess what is learnt by the candidate while dealing with particular situation.

Action, interviewer oversee the actions which are taken by candidates to handle the challenging situations and other alternative which are available to them.

Results, last step where the result is gathered to assess about the overall capability and performance of candidate.

Many steps are included in the process of selection but it is observed that there is huge importance of communication to share ideas and know the perceptions of other. In the process of interview, information is gathered from the both verbal and non verbal communication. Verbal communication helps to know about academic skills and knowledges and non verbal communication contributes to ascertain the information from their attitude, clothing style, gestures, facial expressions. There are many barriers which have negative impact upon the maintenance of effective verbal and non verbal communication. One of the barrier is named as semantic where there is having the possibility about the misunderstanding of feelings of sender and takes it otherwise in wrong sense. The different types of words, signs and figures which are used for communication are interpret by the receiver in his own experience which always create doubtful situations (Cotton and Falvey, 2012). It is happen in most of the case because it is not transmitted in simple language. Another type of barrier in communication process is psychological or emotional barrier. It is important both the parties of communication are mentally fit to understand the message in right sense. If any party is not mentally fit then this will considered as hindrance of communication. It can be further classified into many types according to emotional situations. First, premature evaluation, where the receiver of information tried to find out the meaning of message without much thinking at the time of receiving this message. Secondly, lack of attention, where the receiver of message is busy in doing some other work which impacts their attention to gather the information in right sense. This will disrupt the process of gathering information in right format.

It is observed that there are many ways which helps in development of the verbal and non verbal communication. The different ways which contributes in the process of developing verbal communication includes speak with confidence, varying in vocal tone, be clear and concise, good listener etc. One of the important way which helps to provide the information without any break and interruption is to think once before delivering the message (Crews and Stitt-Gohdes, 2012). This will provides the opportunity regarding elimination of the pauses and while delivering their message. In this this process, it is important to organise the thoughts in mind before begin to speak. It helps to provides the more reliable and accurate information. Another method which helps to make the communication process more effective is to be more clear and concise. Here, provided about that avoid using complex sentences and phrases which is easily understandable by the receiver in right sense. It is about making their point in clear way.

It is also observed that there is need to develop non verbal communication as they also play significant role in development of personality. There are many aspects which contributes in enhancing the abilities of non verbal communication includes having good eye contact, use of pleasant voice, working on postures etc. To impress interviewer in the process interview candidates are required to make eye contact. It is important way of communication which provides the information regarding confidence and interest of person in conversation. It is seems that if person is not having contacts with other person then they tries to hide something which wrong in their perspective. Another important aspect which counts under the purview of non verbal communication is tone of voice while speaking. It is important for the candidates while they facing interviews use effective and pleasant which depicts their decent behaviour. There is huge impact of pitching upon the behaviour of interview and this will increase the chance of their selection (DeKay, 2012). It helps to asses the emotion sender such as happiness, sadness, anger and boredom.

It has been concluded from the essay that STAR techniques helps in assessment of the behaviour of candidates which are present in selection process. This technique has four different perspective which are known as situations, task, actions and results. It provides the opportunity regarding determination of the capability about how effectively they handle the harsh situations. There are many methods which helps to overcome from barriers of communication. Different ways are available for development of verbal and non verbal communication which includes good listener, clear and concise, confidence etc. And for non verbal communication the ways includes voice tome, work posture etc. It provides the opportunity to provide their message in clear and concise form to interpret the information in right form (Erickson, Weber and Segovia, 2011).


2.1 Impact of nation culture upon business communication

Businesses are vital part of economy which helps to build the national culture. Most of the businesses are multinational in nature and provides their functions across the boundaries of their domestic nation. As the large number of employees are working in organisation which comes from different countries to effectively operate the business operations. For success of business, it is important to develop norms, belief, values and cultures which are required to follow by them while giving their performances. It is highly interrelated with the culture of nation. It depicts the culture which is followed in nation. For ex., in UK organisation using systematic ways of communication which shows the culture of nations. This can be assessed from the process that individuals of society like to perform their function in systematic manner.

National culture provides the information about set of norms, behaviours, beliefs and customs which is exist within the nation. All the international companies develop the culture within the organisation in accordance with such national cultures. It provides the opportunity regarding development of effective communication and coordination among the employees which comes from different nations as they have to follow set standards. It also helps in removal of the cultural differences which as negative impact upon their performance and contributes in the development of positive attitudes towards their work. It is the duty upon the management of organisation is adopt different models of culture and communication according to the cultures which is present within the organisation (Grunig, 2013). For effective development of models of culture need to address the culture, values, belief present within the country. One of the important model of organisation culture is provided by Handy's. It is adopted by the many organisation for directing the employees in performance of their functions within the organisation in particular manner. The different perspectives of this model includes power culture, role culture, task culture and person culture.

Power culture, this culture within the organisation depicts that power is held by just few individuals and they run whole organisation solely with their decision makings.

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