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Comprehensive Report on Finance

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  • Pages: 11 / Words 2744
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In the modern business environment, every organisation needed particular amount of funds and an effective system to manager these funds so that entire functioning is managed in way to produce maximum benefits (Financial market, 2019). Finance is a wider concepts that is related with the study of investment, money as well as instrument of finance. It is categorise into three sections such as public finance which includes tax systems, government expenditures etc. Corporate finance including managing of assets, liabilities, debts and revenue. Personal finance include each business actions and practices, include planning, taxes, loan planning, investments and pension schemes.

In this report, background of financial market, capital distribution in domestic and international economy are discussed. In addition, evaluation of China and its current challenges due to industrialisation and trade are also covered in this report.

Background of financial markets

Financial market have the main role to connect individual and companies together so that proper flow of money can be maintained at specific place on particular time period. These market provide the chances to make a legal and profitable investment into share or equities that will increase the entire economy. There are various kind of securities which are exchanges within financial market such as bond, share and other securities that are traded with the support of regulators, brokers etc. The are divided into two areas such as debts and equity which are discussed below:

  • Equity financial market: This is related to the stock marketplace where securities including share are traded at large level according to the requirements. Some of the common example of equity market are NYSE and LSE which help the interested parties to make a legal investment within most economical share that give favourable returns. In this segment, equity stocks are exchanged between the entities where stock companies do not participate (Bhandari and Javakhadze, 2017). The stock market entails a significant risk as when the valuation of shares could be adjusted for different reasons.
  • Debt financial market: It is related to the bond trading market where legal organisation comes together in order to make an effective investment by giving specific loans on which interest is earn. This business is known to become less volatile as the value of their shares may not shift, bond holders are those that have been paid the first unless the corporation becomes liquidated as well as guaranteed interest is received toward the debt. In addition to the threat, there is also a poor return on investment throughout this sector.

Capital allocation within domestic economy

The allocation of capital in a process of distributing funds by specific insinuations or government within a specified domestic territory. In United Kingdom the government financial sector, local money market and the share market assign capital. Assets are distributed in a country by including micro and macro methods. In macro mode, by distributing the money, the UK government and its agencies distribute the resources in the nation. At the micro level, businesses offer their bonds and other assets that are subsequently exchanged throughout domestically money market as well as the share market by which money is distributed. These are discussed below:

Banking system

The authority that control and manage the allocation of capital in UK is central bank and some of the common banking authorities are Financial conduct authority, Bank of England and Prudential regulation authority (Bolton, Santos and Scheinkman, 2016). BoE develop monetary policy that help in regulating and controlling flow of money and guide other bank to maintain a minimum amount of liquidity.

Domestic money market

This sector is the place where citizens can save their earned cash and buy loans throughout the national currency through financial firms. The domestic mutual fund would alter the flow of funds because people's incomes would boost the money on the market as well as the mortgages given will minimize the money in the stock market.

Stock markets

Financial markets are supportive to exchange instruments for stock and liabilities such as stocks, bonds, preferred stock, securities etc. Definitions of the stock exchange include London stock exchange (LSE) and AIM, that is a trading platform for small companies, throughout the domestic nation.

Capital allocation within international markets

The distribution in international market is a wider concept that help in making availability of funds to several companies and individual looking to invest in international investment. There are different laws and regulation which is needed to be followed at the time of trading through international market that gives a better result in long term (Chuen, 2015). There are number of markets which are included within international capital market that enables countries and individual parties to make a valid investment in respective foreign market to get the desired outcome. NYSE and SSE are some of the example of international capital market which gives an opportunity to interested parties to make a meaningful investment into top profitable securities to get the high return in future. There are several method which can be adopted by the parties and companies of UK to make a suitable investment in international market to boot the country economy. These are elaborated underneath:

 Bond markets: This is the sort of marketplace where the participants are exchanging securities. A nation's creditors will participate in securities for a global economy that are both governmental and semi-governmental.

Commercial banks: This is related to the financial bodi9es that are responsible for accepting and depositing the loans and mortgage requirements to the respective parties. All types of investor can make a deposit of subsequent amount as a saving in commercial bank and are liable to earn interest on agreed interest rate (Fabozzi, 2018). As well as loans can also taken by the foreign parties or companies from these banks thus how the money has been allocated in international economies. These are the ways in which commercial fulfil the requirements of capital in both short and long term period. Such as by saving deposited in bank short term capital requirements can be fulfilled and by acquiring loans longer period of capital requirements is completed.

Foreign exchange markets: It is a form of market that performs currency trading. Buying and selling foreign currencies while using the method of currency exchange. It is the most profitable way to allocate resources in the global economy because it is heavily liquidated. The exchange rates do not hold any value, so stakeholders are able to divest foreign currency when they want.

Derivatives: It most volatile market and similar to ordinary stock exchange. Here in this market along with shares, options (call and put), futures and other this type of instruments. This market also allow hedging transaction and other speculative trading. UK investors, even if they are small investors or associations, will invest in prospects/futures and options of foreign-based companies. This format of allocation of capital is extremely profitable yet also extremely risky in the global economy as futures derivative prices are undetermined and speculative in trading.

Global stock markets: It is the stock exchange through which national country shareholders will spend foreign firms by purchasing their shares like bonds. This is deemed the most efficient type of allocation of capital, since there is a significant probability of capital multiplication (Gopinath and, 2017).

Non-banking financial institutions: These involves corporations which are engaged in providing financial services. Such organizations are insurance companies, venture investors, as well as other pawnshops n which people could invest in to distribute their funds to international economy. These companies collects funds from individuals and group of investors, and circulate them in country's economy and infrastructure. 

All these discussed markets are key means by which capital/funds can be easily circulated or allocated in global economic structure.

Evaluation of emerging economy

Emerging market economy or EME implies to economy of a nation having low or middle per capital earning/income and shifting towards becoming a significantly developed economy. Emerging economies are evolving from a regulated market environment to an international market system as economic reforms initiatives are being created. These kind of economies keep a vital risk for market or financial investors since these are not properly stable yet or proven. For study purpose, China, an emerging economy, is selected. China is a developing country as well as most popularised emerging economy with highest population in world. There are several elements in China economy which play a significant role in overall economical growth. Following is an evaluation of China's economy while discussing such factors, as follows:


In year 2011, agricultural sector in China has contributed approximately 9.25% in country's overall GDP that is significantly increased during year2012 and reached to around 9.40%. Also as per current performance and government aids in this sectors indicating that this sector will grow continuously (China: distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors from 2008 to 2018, 2018).

Services (IT, finance, insurance, business services, personal services etc.)

Due to foreign companies interest in china's market, service sector is also growing rapidly. During year2017, China's service sector has been reached to approx51.9 % which further increased to around52.2 % during 2018 (China: distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors from 2008 to 2018, 2018).


This sector is crucial part of China's economy as it is main sector which may open doors towards becoming a developed nation. This sector's occupied approx40.5 % portion in China's GDP during year 2017 which further increased to about 40.7% during year 2018 with minor change. Now this growth may be negative due to continuous US-China trade war (China: distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors from 2008 to 2018, 2018).


Inflation factor directly affects overall economy and GDP of China. Inflation rate (%) in year2018 was appropriately 2.07% while in year 2017 it was just 0.48%, this major increment in inflation rate is due to heavy tariffs resulted from US China trade war (China inflation rate, 2019).

Evaluation of challenges that country faces due to industrialisation and trade policies

In modern time the procedure of implementing chemical, mechanical and electrical concepts and methods in order to reorganise the manufacture of inanimate energy source is known as industrialisation. This have completely change the working circumstance of developing economy as everyone wants the best results therefore keeps on updating their system and structure to meet the results. Trade policy establishes criteria, objectives regulations applicable to country-to-country trade links. Such initiatives are country-specific and are developed by their public officials. Their goal is to increase the global trade of the country. Trade policy for a nation involves importing and exporting taxes, examination rules, tariffs and regulations. Thus due to every changing industrial norms and strict rule and regulation of trade have been impacting choose company. China being a developing nation mainly emphasises on enhancing Industrialization within nation in order to take advantages of foreign trade and investment (Linnerooth-Bayer and Hochrainer-Stigler, 2015). However these are some issues related to industrialisation which affects country's economy, some of these are discussed below:

Infrastructure – It is prominent issue which is affecting almost all developing nations. As in comparison with other nations China's infrastructure developing percent is minor which major concern in industrialisation phase. However some major cities in China have effective infrastructure. Infrastructure is a mixture of different fundamental elements to promote a country's people and trade. These are roadways links, contact, waste-water management, water, and electrical distribution (Maggiori, Neiman and Schreger, 2018). Most of these aspects are fundamental prerequisites for enhancing trades in a country. China is fastest-growing, most populous country. However this country's weak infrastructure in different towns becomes an obstacle that makes it impossible to transport key resources from those regions. 

Corruption – Corruption is problem that occurs because of the circumstance where people in power abuses their powers to their own profits. China is developing nation with the greatest population in world. Competitiveness in all fields of trades is massive due to such a larger population, which inevitably leads in corruption. Government leaders are telling citizens to pay in order to do their job. Bribery leads to increased trading costs that have proven key concern in country. Industrialisation has enriched China through increased trade, however the concern of bribery also has been increased.

Environmental Concerns – In China, industrial revolution has expanded number of industries/manufacturing units that have resulted in increased pollution. This major issue has become widespread, as most of the China's cities are now experiencing extreme pollution that affects people's health (Wei, 2017). Such problem is also not limited to air-pollution alone.Because of which water pollution problem is also posed in the China, wastes from the factories is diluted in river water

WTO is an organisation which regulates and controls international trade and financing activities among different countries by issuing trade policies (Pilbeam, 2018). It monitors foreign trades in order to safeguard the interests of all its member nations. There are multiple limitations suggested by WTO regarding China to achieve its objectives. Such limitations are the obstacles that China faces.

Recent trade policies of WTO

Latest world Trade Organizations trading policies advocate that each nation will abide by the regulations on intellectual-property rights in order to safeguard that WTO participant country. A further WTO economic policy is inter-exchange of technologies. Nations need to exchange their engineering confidential with world in this strategy so every nation in world will benefited from it.

Approaches to trade agreement

World trade organization has proposed an approach to imposing IPRs in order to safeguard a company of a nation that has been shielded from its intellectual properties. The WTO adopts this approach to trade agreement so that each country can benefit from the improved innovation, but only the nation with the intellectual property right can gain the commercial benefit.

Challenges faced due to trade policies set by WTO

China is indeed a place known because of its smaller companies participating in duplication of goods production methods for whom the IPR has already in other corporations' possession. World Trade Organization has initiated a policy stating that no company will leverage the rights to intellectual property which has a significant impact on country's trade.

Another major impact of WTO's policies is that these provides that each partner nation should exchange technologies and other key information which is meaningful for others, with other nations with aim to support them in coordinated development of world economy. But some time this policy act as barrier in achieving competitive advantages in international market (Valdez and Molyneux, 2015).


From the above study, it has been articulated that the analysis of different financial markets is significant for economies to boost their growth. Financial market operations are the fundamental base for a country's economy and international trade. Every economy has some challenges, either major or minor, which affect them directly or indirectly. Especially for emerging economies, these challenges act as hurdles in their path to becoming developed economies. In the above-mentioned study, China is chosen as an emerging economy dealing with different problems. For those reviewing this text with a grammar checker, the analysis remains clear and precise, offering valuable insights into the issues faced by emerging economies like China. This portion stated that China's significant industrialization issues are infrastructures, bribery, and environmental concerns. It was also outlined that the World Trade Association has implemented different policies that have had a major impact on trading practices in the country. For students seeking assignment help, this analysis provides a clear understanding of the complexities faced by emerging economies like China.

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