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Roles of Leaders and Management in Tesla and Tesco

University: California Institute of Technology

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1220
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BUSM4737
  • Downloads: 1496

Question :

The nature and function of management and leadership combined with communication, team dynamics and strategic direction in contemporary practices are of the most importance in driving success. This explores the relationship debate between management and leadership within a historical context. This report should offer the theory from 1900 up to modern-day practice and thought.

Learning out Comes:

  • Evaluate the key theories and perspectives of leadership and management in a range of contexts and diverse environments.
  • Interpret and measure the various leadership styles, matching these to the situational context.


Title:  Historical Development of leadership and management

Produce a report that covers and measure the role of management and leadership in two contrasting company. This report should consider the historical development of the subject alongside consideration of the debate between the two perspectives, this report should address learning outcome 1 and 2.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Tesco


Roles of manager and leader are very different from one another and it is very important that businesses distinguish them for better functioning of organization. To have a better control or command on employees of organization there have to management and leaders in industry.

Tesco is having 6,800 stores with 450,000 employees working in organization. Revenue organization is making are £63,911 million as of 2019 and net income of firm is £1,320 million. Tesla is having a 45,000 employees and net income of company is -$0.98 billion and revenue company has as of 2018 is $21.46 billion. Both company are different in nature yet have a strong place for themselves in market.

Report would be covering roles of leaders and management in Tesla and Tesco because they differ from one another with help of theories. There are a lot of factors which need to be considered when it comes to dividing roles between two in companies but when it is done smooth and efficient working of firm is visible.

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Role of Management

In Tesla role of manager is very limited, and they are bound to follow them. An effective management will make company work smoothly and effectively and that is a very important factor for Tesla because Tesla is one of this company in market which wants to get a competitive advantage therefore there are a lot of innovations which are taking place (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). Goals setting and planning of Tesla is way more organized and effective in market because company is very futuristic in nature. Tesla is using principles of management which is making functioning of management of organization more effective and bond there is stronger. Skilled employees with creative and innovative ideas are being taken in firm so that management can make better decisions for company. There is a respect in employees of company because management is making sure that all employees are following principles which they have put for employees and so does management follow them. There is a right time for right thing to happen and firm is focusing on that factor so that changes can take place. Government motivates motor industry to product vehicles which are electrical and not using fuels which are limited. Employees have a say in decision-making of company which is making Tesla so unique in its forms (Spurgeon, Clark and Ham, 2017).

Tesco is having an effective management as well but management in this company focuses on quality of products which are already existing in market. Human relations theory is what Tesco is using for functioning of organization. Company is trying to create better relationship with customers, employees and suppliers of company so that there is a better understanding and effective productivity in organization so that objectives and goals can be met (Chen and Mason, 2018). Management is focused on development and growth of firm in market so that they can improve in company for a better image for themselves Tesco management motivates leaders so that they can take out best from employees which will increase productivity in industry. Management must have right communication and relationship with everyone so that they can make better decisions for organization and functioning of business. Tesco works on feedback's they get from customers from time to time so that they can make functioning of organization better. There is a direction communication of customers with management so that management can make decisions accordingly if they know where problem is. Tesco is improving quality of products all time so that they can satisfy customers as much as possible. Management does not allow employees to have a say in decision-making of company which is why there are no innovative ideas and creativity which is visible in firm (Klein, 2018).

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Role of Leadership

Tesla is using participative leadership theories because employees have a say in ideas and suggestions of making decisions in improvement in organization. Leaders of Tesla are very motivated to get changes in company all time and keeping employees motivated to accept that is very important (Rich, Singleton and Wadhwa, 2018). Leadership has a lot of pressure on them because they are responsible for training of employees and also keeping them motivated as well as solve internal troubles which might spoil relationship with people. Leaders must make sure that all employees are having good relationship and are working as a team so that targets can be achieved. There is more commitment of leaders and employees of company in this theory which Tesla is using and it is proven that is more effective in nature and has got a lot of change and competitive advantage for firm.

Leaders of Tesco are using situational theory for functioning in firm so that there is a better connection between employees and customers who are in direct connection with each other (Madsen and Scribner, 2017). Leaders of Tesco are very motivated and are good at motivating their team as well so that objectives and aims can be met from time to time. Employees do not have a say in decision-making which is making leaders work harder for making employees of company be motivated and be loyal to organization. Leader has to create a balance between management and employees and have to be a bridge which has to keep both side satisfied.

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From above report it can be concluded that management and leadership play a great role in making organization function smoothly and effectively. There are roles and responsibilities which are divided between leaders and managers of company so that they do not have too many roles which they will not be able to handle. Manager and leaders have to make most in making functioning of companies be better. This division can lead to reaching objectives and aims quickly which will be very beneficial for firm. Employees turnover has reduced because for division of work and focus is being given to staff as well individually which is making employees be loyal to

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