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Employee Experience Regarding Working at TVS Lanka

University: Canterbury Christ Church University

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2098
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: SBLC4005
  • Downloads: 1146

Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Identify three different experiences of your work life in TVS Lanka.
  • Recall the memories in detail about the three different experiences you have generated.
  • Explaining your practical experiences with the use of relevant theories of Organisational Behaviour. highlight the extent to which the theories can explain the practical scenarios and the deviations.

Answer :

Organization Selected : TVS Lanka


Organizational behaviour is the collective behavior of individuals who are in an organization. This report includes organizational behaviour and an analysis of the experience had by a Colombo-based 2-wheeler sales executive experience regarding working at TVS Lanka, which is a personal transport vehicle provider company in Sri Lanka. This organization is facing some issues that are making it difficult for employees to work and remain in the organization. Concerned with this situation this report includes relating and analyzing the situation in the context of organizational behavior theories.


1st Experience

First experience at TVS Lanka which is about not giving any annual commission and promotion including target achievement commission of sales executives. This situation occurred as TVS Lanka's 3 wheeler department is facing loss and the profits of 2 wheeler departments are being employed here to cover the losses of 3 wheeler department. This situation reduces motivation ad morale of those who are working in TVS Lanka and specially those who are working in 2 wheeler department (Jian and Fairhurst, 2017). Because when profits are deviated from 2 wheeler department to 3 wheeler department and that gives negative feeling to those working in 2 wheeler department. As the profit earned by their efforts is being utilized to cover the losses of other department that also by holding their interest.

In context of organisation behaviour that is made of many aspects like motivation, leaderships, teams, managerial roles etc. In context of this situation theories of leadership can be applied as the situations that has occurred seems to be caused by inadequate and improper leadership due to which 3 wheeler department is not able to perform well. There are various leadership styles that leader can use in this crisis situation. Leaders need to make sure that employees in the 3 wheelers department perform well and to do this leaders need to adopt situational style o leadership. This will enable leaders to behave in a particular according to employees in the department. This situation refers that employees ability to perform is not as required for efficient performance that refers that competence of employees in low in 3 wheelers department and constant low performance also showcase that employees' commitment is also low and this situation where competence and commitment both are low leader needs to adopt Telling style.

Telling style requires to take all the decisions on the behalf of employees leaders is the one to choose what to do and how to do it (Lăzăroiu, 2015). In this regard leader in TVS Lanka needs to take all the decision for their employees because of their low competence and low commitment.

Other theory that relate to this situation is theory of motivation. This situation clearly says that sales executives at any level of the organisation were not paid any commission whether annual or their target sales commission. Reduced motivation for work is very obvious in such situation. If this situation is analysed on the basis of ERG theory of motivation that includes individuals are motivated by three types of needs that are Existence need, Relatedness need and growth needs. In context of situation prevailed in TVS Lanka employees first and basic need that refers to Existence needs that includes fulfilment of basic and all materialistic physiological needs are not being fulfilled by the company as Sales commission is their basic remuneration and growth needs that is also not being fulfilled by the organisation as company also have not provided any promotion to the employees both of these are very important to motivate employees in organisational context as remuneration is most important reason that motivate employees to work and employees get adequate remuneration second important reason that motivates employees to work and perform better is desire to grow and this is fulfilled by organisation by promoting employees as per their competency and experience (Nader, 2019). All these circumstances are likely to reduce motivation and morale of the employees and theories are perfectly matched with actual situation.

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2nd experience

Like 1st experience 2nd situation also represent incompetency of organisation in context with managing their employees and because of that organisation is performing low and employees are not ready to stay in organisation. This is because when employees leave organisation instead of hiring new one's company increase work load of those who are in organisation that also without increasing their pay. This situation is not ideal and this situation has affected Job satisfaction of employees and creating frustrating job environment (Hammer and Avgar, 2017). Another important aspect and theory concerned with organisation behaviour job satisfaction that is result of various factors combing and very important for employees and organisation so that employees perform well and organisation can achieve its objectives. In this situation there are various factors that instead of increasing job satisfaction have led to dissatisfied employees. These factors are inadequate pay, work overload, low or no chances of growth. Two factor theory of Herzberg can be related with this situation that includes and explain factors that maintain satisfaction of employees and their non-existence can lead to dissatisfaction. These factors are company policies, Supervision, relationships, work conditions, remuneration, salary and security (Kimura, Bande and Fernández-Ferrín, 2018). Amongst all these most of the factors are not available to employees at TVS Lanka. Factors like supervision is not proper and suitable to employees, work condition in which all the employees are over burdened with work, remuneration is not adequate and provided at time. Company need to avail all these factors if it want to have satisfied employees that consequently gives benefit to the company in terms of performance. Most importantly company needs to recruit new employees at places that are vacant due to resigned employees as this will reduce workload of current employees. Work overload also affect work life balance of individuals that also contribute to dissatisfaction of employees affecting their performance and eventually affecting profits and productivity of the company.

2nd experience also include one more instance according to which sales staff has been introduced with new GPS tracking system and reporting system that which was hassle for them and staff refused to work with that system. Sales Staff of the company was not well versed with the situation and installing GPS system was showing all negative impacts to employees as they will be tracked all the time and they are under more control (Chen, Sparrow and Cooper, 2016). In this situation resistance is not unusual. TVS Lanka should have brought change in systematic manner. OB has many theories within it that can help companies while bringing change and widely applied theory for change is Kurt Lewin's change theory. Company should have adopted this model to bring change. In this theory change in organisation is brought in 3 phases which are Unfreezing, Freezing and Refreezing. Company can hire an agent from outside for this purpose. As the name of these stages suggest 1st stage requires unfreezing, to unfreeze old practices that are being followed by employees. For that company needs to entail knowledge of the new practices that are supposed to be followed by employees after change (Fernandez and Rainey, 2017). Secondly, the change is implemented in real situation. Employees are motivated and encouraged to work with new practices and lastly employees become habitual to new practices and organisation just have to make sure that old practices does not refurbish. In this whole process resistance of employees is not uncommon and company should make appropriate strategies to deal with that resistance.

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3rd experience

Third experience is related to team dynamics of the TVS Lanka. In which planning team for the new product which includes one sales executive and rest members of the team are Regional managers, brand manager,AGM marketing, AGM sales, AGM finance, CEO and 3 dealers. The team included planning of the new product in all aspects like marketing, finance and sales. This team was developed for the planning of the new product that really does not needed to include sales executive in the team but positive side of this is that sales executives are well versed with demands and complaints of the customers and including he in planning team will enable team to make efficient plans. This team was formed for a period of one month and was required to and once team has made the planning (Collins and, 2016). In relation with this there are various theories in OB like Tuckman's Linear model of group development which includes 5 stages o a team development and its working. The stages are, Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning.

Forming- First step of team development in which all the members of the team get to know each other and develop relationship with each other. This is a ideal step in the process that build trust among team members and introduce them with strength and weakness of other members. In context of TVS Lanka it is very important as they get to know each other as they all are from different department and area of the organisation.

Storming- Executive stage of the team where all the members brainstorm and generate new ideas where conflict and dysfunction of the group is very common. Because group members get to know about each others motivation better and preliminary expectations and boundaries are challenged.

Norming- In this stage conflict among team members are resolved, and they are going good and flexible. Every member of the team is working on their role and executing their responsibility. In this stage team-mates are independent on their roles but frequently communicate with their team-mates to ensure effective and efficiency of the group.

Performing- Team perform together while members performing their own roles and duties in the overall project (Salas and Bisbey, 2019). Team has developed a system and is performing according to that.

Adjourning- Team when accomplish their objective and project is complete the every member of the team is separate their ways. In TVS Lanka when after one month planning of the team was complete team members started working on their respective roles in the company.

In context of team in TVS other theory that was developed by Lencioni few problems with the team were identified that affect effectiveness of the team, as this team is also having members from different department and their level and type of association with company is different. These are as follows-

  • Lack of Trust.
  • Fear of conflict.
  • Lack of commitment.
  • Avoidance of accountability.
  • Inattention to results.

The situation in which TVS Lanka stands itself chances of all these are very high and other factor that contribute to this fears is that all the members of the team are from different department and do not know much about each other.

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Numerous problems are being faced by TVS Lanka in form of financial crisis and employees leaving the organization, employees not accepting change and many others. On the basis of this report it can be concluded that all these problems and crisis of the company are result of its ineffective manpower practices. That does not consider factors like motivation, job satisfaction which result in employee turnover and low performance of employees.


  • Chen, P., Sparrow, P. and Cooper, C., 2016. The relationship between person-organization fit and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 31(5). pp.946-959.
  • Collins, C. G and, 2016. Unpacking team dynamics with growth modeling: An approach to test, refine, and integrate theory. Organizational Psychology Review. 6(1). pp.63-91.
  • Fernandez, S. and Rainey, H. G., 2017. Managing successful organizational change in the public sector. In Debating Public Administration. (pp. 7-26). Routledge.
  • Hammer, T. H. and Avgar, A., 2017. The impact of unions on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover. In What Do Unions Do? (pp. 346-372). Routledge.
  • Jian, G. and Fairhurst, G. T., 2017. Leadership in organizations. The international encyclopedia of organizational communication, pp.1-20.
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