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Sample for Research proposal


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Present research proposal will be delivering information in relation to impact of globalization on multinational banks' market performance in terms of managing global competition. Also, the case study that has been taken into consideration is Barclays PL which is a British multinational investment bank, and financial services company. This report will also reflect light on information in relation with how a multinational bank may effectively gain different advantages by considering practices like globalization.


Globalization in present time is said to be both opportunity and challenge for financial institutes and banks as well, which helps them in gaining strength within domestic market. It also improved presence of banking sector within global market. On the other hand, globalization also focuses on a range of factors like political, economic, technological, and other system related integration which directly improved the proficiency level at workplace. In most of the countries, different range of norms developed for Banking Industry to consider globalization and to perform all range of activities in much effective and in efficient manner. Banks have identified increase in their product portfolio ratio due to maximization in information technology this in turn resulted in improved business efficiency of global financial system.

This research proposal is based on the given topic such as “Impact of globalization on the market performance of multinational banks in terms of managing global competition: A case study of Barclays bank, UK”. In this respect, it can be said that there are varied type of transformations is being seen in the world banking system because of the presence of varied opportunities in the given industry. Over the years, in addition to this, by complying with the practice like globalization varied advantages can be gained by the firms and its consists of following such as using and implementing the advance technology and increasing the sales and profitability related condition of the firm in an effective manner. As per the view point of the Cuyvers “Globalization is defined as business activity which enables manager of organization in terms of growing and expanding the existing operation of the firm throughout the entire world” (Cuyvers and, 2011).

On the other hand, it can also be said that globalization within banking sector plays an important role as it majorly helps them in bringing in improvement within existing position through considering new technologies. This also aid in reducing a number of fallacious activities as well. In this context, new risk management related techniques may improve confidence level within banking sector (Dickson, 2009). As the result of it sales and profitability related condition of the organization will be impacted in a negative way which is considered as the major indicator of the market performance. The given proposal is based on the case study of Barclays bank. It is the universal bank that provides wide amount of services to its buyers. This study also gives an overall review about the impact of globalization on the market performance of the banking industries. It also tells about the strategies that are used to manage the global competition in different countries in which bank operates.

Background of the study

Over the years, global changes within banking sector took place because of different factors like transport and communications, economic, development of technology, political, business activities and impose the need for enterprises in its struggle for survival. However, globalization has raised ample number of benefits to the banking sector as it impacted positively on performance level. It has been found that the banking institutes that are active in international business are called multinational banks where globalization led them to conduct the operations and grabbing the attentions of clients from all over the world.

Significance of the study

The given study has its significance for those scholars and researchers that are interested in terms of carrying out their study on the given topic such as assessing the impact of globalization on the market performance of multinational bank like Barclays in terms of managing global competition. In the given research, the main issue is relating to the increase amount of competition in the banking industry because of the presence of activity like globalization (Dost, 2006). The aspect relating to the globalization is an issue because it is causing direct impact on the market performance of banking industry.

In addition to this, it is a research issue because the activity like globalization is causing both positive and negative impact on the company. However, it can be said that globalization has always been much more fruitful to all the business sectors and in the same way it directly improves the proficiency level of banks as well. This resulted into positive impact on their productivity and profitability because globalization has made bank's customer base much stronger.        It is a major issue because of the presence of huge amount of competition in the market (Glowik and Smyczek, 2011). Due to the globalization, many small are also entering into the market. As the result of it wide amount of competition is being occurring within the nation. Because of the presence of huge amount of competition, market performance of varied large or multinational banks like Barclay is being affecting in a negative manner.

Research aims and objectives

Research aim

The given study has the main aim “To analyze the impact of globalization on the market performance of Barclays bank in terms of managing global competition, United Kingdom”.

Research Objective

  • To identify influence of Globalization on growth and soundness of Barclays banking
  • To determine impact of technological advancement on changing nature of quality products on banking sector

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On the basis of the given research objective following research question is being framed and it is detailed as below:

  • What is the meaning and significance of globalization?
  • What are the impact of globalization on the banking industry?
  • What are the challenges that been pose to Braclays from globalization?
  • Recommend the measures with regard to improve the market performance of Barclays?

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Meaning and significance of globalization

According to the view point of Hartungi, 2006 “Globalization is being considered as the process with the help of which integration of the market in the world economy can be increased” (Hartungi, 2006). In addition to this, another Hurn, 2013 has stated that “Globalization is activity that provides platform to the organization with regard to perform their operation in the larger scale or in the global platform” (Hurn, 2013 ). In the today's, competitive scenario the concept relating to the globalization becomes very popular as many organizations are directing their efforts in terms of expanding the operation of the company in some other nation. In this respect, it can be said that there are varied importance with respect to the concept such as globalization is being identified.

In this regard, Alon, 2003 has stated that “The aspect relating to the globalization provides platform to the firm with regard to present their goods and services among large number of population” (Alon, 2003). This has been rightly said by the author. This is because, with the help of such type of activity the produced can be distributed among the large number of customers in an effective manner. This will lead to the firm like Barclay's in terms of increased profits and sales in an effective manner.

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Assessing the impact of globalization on the banking industry in terms of managing global competition

The working of the banking industry is significantly affecting through the concept such as globalization. Due to the increasing competition in market companies are trying for adopting various strategies. In this respect, it has been said by the Bank, 2010 that “Globalization type of practices gives rise to the competition type of activity due to which direct impact can be seen on the sales and profitability related condition of the respective firm” (Bank, 2010). The statement as being given by the author is right. This is because, globalization opens platform for trading for large number of companies irrespective of their size.

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As the result of it high amount of competition will be occurred between the banks that are national and international. In the competitive type of situation, that specific type of bank will achieve the win type of situation which is using an effective type of policies and procedures with regard to attract the large number of customers towards the firm. However, the absence of an effective policies and procedures will leads to affect the direct impact on the sales and profitability related condition of the banks. Thus, it can be said that the aspect relating to the globalization is influencing the sales and profitability related condition of the bank.

Further, with this it has been stated by another Too and, 2010 “The aspect relating to the globalization reduces the control of the local firm over the local market” (Too and, 2010). It has been rightly said by the author. This is because, in this context it has been seen that the organization that is planning for entering into the international market will come by taking this perspective in the mind that it will have to attract the large number of customers towards the firm.

With an aim to pursue to given goal, they will come up with different type of offers such as giving loan at low interest and providing additional services to the buyers such as internet and investment banking etc. It is due to the presence of the given aspect, direct impact can be seen on the performance of those firms like Barclay's that is being carrying out its operation in its local market in an effective manner (Wang and, 2010). By using different type of marketing strategies, global firm will control the market condition of the specific country. Thus, due to this direct impact can be seen on the sales and profitability related condition of the enterprise.

However, it has been critically evaluated by another Thomas and, 2005 that “The concept relating to the globalization helps in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of the banking operation of the company” (Thomas and, 2005). The firm that is entering into the international market will tends to bring knowledge regarding the use of new technology. The use of new technology in the banking operation will help the firm like Barclays in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of its operation in an effective manner. As the result of it an appropriate services will be being delivered by the organization to its respective customers. Due to this, the firm will be benefited in terms of increased profits and sales. Overall, it can be said that the activity like globalization possess both positive and negative impact on the banking industry.

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Challenges faced by organization due to globalization

According to the view point of Cuyvers and, 2011 “Cultural difference and intense competition are being regarded as two major type of challenges being faced by the banks due to the globalization” (Cuyvers and, 2011). In this context, it can be said that corporation has to carry out changes in their policies in accordance with the culture of specific nation. For example, in India people believes in saving so varied saving type of services can be introduced by the firm such as Barclay's in the Indian market. However, if it is not being done by the organization at that direct impact can be seen on the sales and profitability related condition of the firm. Besides this, firm has to face challenge in the of intense competition. The given challenge can be resolved by the firm by framing an effective strategy with regard to the same (Bank, 2010).

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Type of investigation: For the present study which is on analyzing the impact of globalization on the market performance of Barclays bank in terms of managing global competition exploratory descriptive research design will be used. It is used because, by using the given approach the impact of globalization on the market performance of the bank will be effectively analyzed by the researcher. In audition to this, with the help of given approach the research problem of the study will be effectively explored by the scholars in an effective way. This will ultimately tends to enable them in terms of drawing an appropriate conclusion with regard to the given study in an effectual manner (Murphy and Maguire, 2011). However, descriptive research design will be being used by the researcher when they have full fledged knowledge regarding the problem which they are going to be assessed in the given study. In this given circumstances, descriptive research design is being used by the scholars.

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Data collection methods: For the researcher it is also necessary that it must select an appropriate data collection technique with regard to collect the data for its study in an appropriate manner. For the current study which is on analyzing the impact of globalization on the market performance of Barclays bank in terms of managing global competition both methods of data collection will be used such as primary and secondary. Here with an aim to collect the primary data for the given study, tool like questionnaire will be used by the researcher. It is an effective tool because by taking assistance from the given methods views points of Barclays employees regarding the impact of globalization on the market performance of bank will be analyzed (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012). Further with this, here data will also be collected by the scholars by using different secondary tools and methods such as books, journals and online articles. With the help of given means, researcher can improved its knowledge regarding varied important aspects of the topic such as globalization, multinational bank and market performance.

Sampling methods: For the scholar it became very difficult with regard to carry out its study among whole population. It is because of the presence of this aspect, the need relating to collecting the sample for the research is being arises in front of researcher. However, with an aim to select sample for the study researcher has to use the different type of sampling methods which is basically being categorizes in the two category such as probability and non probability sampling. For the present study which is on analyzing the impact of globalization on the market performance of Barclays bank in terms of managing global competition , probability sampling technique like random sampling will be used. This is selected because by using the given technique each sample can be given an equal chance of being selected (Random sampling, 2015). In addition to this, for the present study sample of 50 Barclay's employees will be selected.

Accessibility issues: While collecting the data for the present study accessibility related issue being faced by the scholars. While collecting the data from the secondary sources such as online, researcher will face the issue relating to the accessibility. The given issue will be being faced by it because there are some sites that demands for log in ID and Password. If the ID and Password will not being entered by the scholar at that time it will became very difficult for them with regard to get the important information from that specific sites. However, the given problem can be solved by the researcher by creating separate long in ID and Password for such type of site (Bernard, 2011).

Ethical issues: There are different ethical issues needs to be faced by the researcher while performing its study. It is of maintaining the confidentiality of the collected information and keeping the information as being given by sample as private. It is the duty of the researcher that it must maintain the confidentiality of the data being collected by it. This is because, if it is not being done by them then trust of selected sample towards it will be lost by the scholars. As the result of it there are many difficulties being faced by the scholars whileconducting its future studies.

Data analysis plan: For the present study which is on analyzing the impact of globalization on the market performance of Barclays bank in terms of managing global competition , data will be analyzed by the researcher by using the quantitative technique like SPSS. In the given methods different tests of descriptive statistics will be applied by the scholars It consists of following such as cross tabulation and frequency table etc (Bhattacharyya, 2009).

Research limitation:There are two basic type of limitation is being identified for the given study such as analyzing the impact of globalization on the market performance of Barclays bank in terms of managing global competition. It is time and money. In order to carry out the specific research sufficient time is being needed by the researcher. However if the given thing will be being found as absent at that time direct impact can be seen on the quality of the study in an effective manner. This is because, due to the presence of availability of limited amount of time scholars will not being able to direct its efforts in terms of researching varied sources for its study (Neuman, 2000). As the result of it quality of the study will be being hampered in a negative way. In addition to this, fiancee is the another limitation that would affect the work of the present study in an effective manner.

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  • Alon, I., 2003. Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy. Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Bank, C. M., 2010. Globalisation and human rights: Some implications for the African content and government. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. 6(3). pp.181–191.
  • Bernard, H. R., 2011. Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Rowman Altamira.
  • Bhattacharyya, K. D., 2009. Research Methodology. Excel Books India.
  • Crowther, D. and Lancaster, G., 2012. Research Methods. 2nd ed. Routledge.
  • Cuyvers, L. and, 2011. The labour market consequences of globalisation and regionalization. International Journal of Manpower. 32(3). pp.252–256.
  • Dickson, T., 2009. Knowledge transfer and the globalisation of higher education. Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China. 1(3). pp.174-184.
  • Dost, C., 2006. International Marketing Strategies: Example: Coca Cola. GRIN Verlag.
  • Glowik, M. and Smyczek, S., 2011. International Marketing Management: Strategies, Concepts and Cases in Europe. Oldenbourg Verlag.
  • Hartungi, R., 2006. Could developing countries take the benefit of globalisation?. International Journal of Social Economics. 33(11). pp.728–743.
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