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This research report related to the senior manager and define  mini research and study into the specific problem and topic. Senior manager of the BRITISH AIRWAYS research create  many scope, objectives and criteria of company manager. Research conducting many aims and objectives of the organisation and develop smart objectives related to the company project in this organisation. Research also developing many techniques and method related to  company research report.  Research report increasing  human knowledge and skill and also developing society or culture knowledge. Through  research report solving  many problems related manager behaviour, attitude and their perception. The manager is the part of the organisation that  develop many benefits and increasing  company sales. This research is very important to gathering company data  and information related of the company and develop the managers Wright related to research project. Manager research also determine many question, objectives, goals and aims  for the BRITISH AIRWAYS COMPANY manager. Company provide  airline services and their manager manager services like satisfaction, safety, food etc. This research also determine the scope of  research and what is the benefits and objectives(Ab Talib and, 2013 ) achieving British airway company.

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The scope and objective of  research project for senior manager determine  many aims and objective in this organisation.  Research conducting the mini research and developing  best method of research including surveys and interviews. Research of the manager conducting the many scope related like social and culture and provide the best decision. There are many scope that define  interpersonal skill, level of the responsibility, decision making authority , physical and sensory demands and working environment. Interpersonal skill of the senior manager maintain many contact and create profession working relationship. BRITISH AIRWAY manager developing the role and responsibility related to the company manager. Scope of this research create many level of manger responsibility and developing best opportunity. The manager of the BRITISH AIRWAY define position and set the organisation goals, objectives and developing alternative ideas. Manager prepare and maintaining research report and gathering company data of the research. Company manager responsible to coordinating  many function of the organisation and developing the human performances (Bansal and, 2012). Decision making may be established for the proposal development and creating innovative plans and initiative ideas. This is also responsible to provide  best environment and operating company senior staff. Research scope is also define working environment and develop best environment in this organisation.


The objective of research project determine the many objectives of research question and create companies best environment. The objectives are as follows:

Role of senior manager in the business.

Analysis business performances.

Relationship between senior manager and business performances.

Research question:

Q1 What is the role of senior manager.

Q2 What is the business effectiveness performances

Q3 what is the link between senior manager and business performances



Researchers proposal:

Research proposal determine the whole research information and developing manager roles and their responsibility in this organisation(Bilbao-Osorio and, 2013).Research proposal including many introduction, aims and objectives, literature review, research methodology, data analysis and interpretation and conclusion.


This research determine the goals and objectives of the company and senior manager right  in an organisation. Manager of BRITISH AIRWAY company developing many services and best product and also create  many benefits in this organisation. Mini  research developing best techniques and method related to research project. Company many  project have been developing  team members performances and create the best decision.

Aims and objectives:

BRITISH AIRWAY company have many aims and objectives are as follows:

Role of senior manager in the business :

Role of the senior manager ,manage the process including planning, organising, staffing and controlling system and develop the best decision regarding to the company performances (Bolden ., 2011).  Research project Providing  many guidance and create company direct reports, ensuring the clear goals and objectives of an organisation. Approving the requests for investment and developing level of the authority in an organisation.

Managing the overall financial instrument like company budget process and evaluating the best method of  research data. Approving for  hiring and firing information related to company staff manager. Interacting for senior manager management report and developing  many strategy and innovative planning system. Achieving the communication and financial goals and objectives and create  many function for the company. Provide  many facility related to the company services and their data and also define company performance.

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Analysis business performance:

BRITISH AIRWAY company manager  analysing the many performance and measurement  many process related to company system. This business performances analysing  business framework and achieving the organisational goals and objectives (de Haan and, 2013). Mini research of the senior manager create  new services ,product and developing alternative ideas and company performances. This analysis consisting the   budgeting, forecasting and financial planning. company research also analysis the score carding and reporting analysis

Relationship between senior manager and business performances:

This mini research also determine the relationship between  senior manager and business performances in an organisation. Manager  performances achieving in an organisational goals and objectives an developing the best decision of business product and  services. The manager of the BRITISH AIRWAS developing many techniques and attractive plan for  company process.

Literature review:

According to the De Haes provide  many research techniques related to the qualitative and quantitative techniques in this organisation. On the other hand it is define the role of the manger and develop the best method. According to the Farnda develop the goals and objectives and on the other hand define the company aims and values.

Research methodology:

This methodology determine many method and techniques including the descriptive methodology. Research methodology used  many information and data of the business and evaluating the interview, surveys and many research techniques. Research  methodology determine company position and role of the senior manager and developing  organisational goals, aims and also determine the best project(De Haes and, 2013).

You may also like to read: Research Methods

Data analysis and interpretation:

Data analysis define the company data and developing  best method and also evaluating manager research. Company achieving many goals and objectives in short duration and define the link between  business performances and  senior manager. This is define the best techniques like quantitative and qualitative that BRITISH AIRWAYS company use.

Recommendation and conclusion:

As per the research using  primary data and also  using the qualitative techniques for research manager.  Research project also contacting  interviews and many surveys and use the best researchers techniques (Farnda and, 2011).







Question 1. What do you think Senior manager play vital role in the company or not.

(a) Yes

(b) No

Question 2. What do you think Senior manager  help to manage and control all over the activities of the company.

(a) Yes

(b) No

Question 3. Do you think for the senior manager post require any special requirement in the persons or not.

(a) Yes

(b) No

Question 4. Does you think senior manage help to build coordination between all employees of the company.

(a) Yes

(b) No

Question 5. What do you think about the major role of senior manager in the company.

(a) Manage all works and activities

(b) Build coordination

(c) help to take better decision

Question 6. What do you think which qualification are require for this post in the company.

(a) MBA

(b) Graduate

(c) other more

Question 7. Does you think senior manage of the company help to take effective decision regarding any situation of the company.

(a) Yes

(b) No



Question 1. What do you think Senior manager play vital role in the company or not.

                                                                           Frequency                        Percentage

(a) Yes                                                                      8                                       90

(b) No                                                                       2                                       10


Interpretation :

According to this question senior manager play vital role in the company so 90% persons said yes and 10% persons said no on the basis of their views and ideas. So its help easy to evaluate role of senior manager of the company.

Question 2. What do you think Senior manager  help to manage and control all over the activities of the company.

                                                                          Frequency                        Percentage

(a) Yes                                                                      7                                      80

(b) No                                                                       3                                      20


Interpretation :

As per this question senior manager of this company help to manage and control all company activities and works in the effective and systematic manner so 80% persons  said yes and 20%  persons said no.

Question 3. Do you think for the senior manager post require any special qualification in the persons or not.

                                                                            Frequency                        Percentage

(a) Yes                                                                      8                                      80

(b) No                                                                       2                                      20



According to this question for senior manager post having require any special qualification in the persons so 80% persons said yes and 20% persons said no on the basis of their view and ideas.

Question 4. Does you think senior manage help to build coordination between all employees of the company.

                                                                            Frequency                        Percentage

(a) Yes                                                                      7                                      70

(b) No                                                                       3                                      30



According to this question senior manager of the company help to build coordination between all employees of the company so 70% persons are agree with this question but 30% persons are not agree.     

Question 5. What do you think about the major role of senior manager in the company.

                                                                                    Frequency                        Percentage

(a) Manage all works and activities                               5                                         60

(b) Build coordination                                                   3                                         20

(c) Help to take better decision                                      2                                         20



As per above this question 60% persons said manage all works and activities  by the senior manager of the company, 20% said its help to build coordination between employees  and 20% said its help to take effective decision regarding company's issues.

Question 6. What do you think which qualification are require for this post in the company.

                                                                                   Frequency                        Percentage

(a) At least MBA                                                            7                                        70             

(b) Graduate                                                                    1                                        10

(c) other more                                                                  2                                        20



As per this question 70% persons said for senior manager post in the company at least MBA qualification of the persons, 10% persons are said Graduate and 20% said require other more qualification for this post.

Question 7. Does you think senior manager of the company help to take effective decision regarding any situation of the company.

                                                                            Frequency                        Percentage

(a) Yes                                                                        8                                   80

(b) No                                                                         2                                   20



As per this question 80% persons are said senior manager of the company help to take effective decision regarding any situation of the company and 20% persons said no.

Literature review:

The research of  senior manager conducting the mini research related to BRITISH AIRWAYS company manager and create  many aims and objectives for the business. This is also define the senior manager role in an organisation and create many techniques including to the quantitative and qualitative. This techniques are best techniques to evaluating manager research. According to the Kiron that define research is the best way to identify  companies goals and objectives and on the other hand define  research is the best way to increasing company sales and their services (Keckler and, 2011).

According to the Willmott define manager role and on the other hand define the business performances. It is the very important to developing  business goals and objectives and create the best techniques like qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative technique determine  many chart, graphs and many tools. This is the best plan and utilizing  many resources like  interview and survey process.

The research of the senior manager developing  many plans and create  many responsibility related to company staff and organisation performances and developing  organisation growth. According to the Mingers define  research project including the method and data interpretation and on the other hand define  mini research related of the business performances. Manager research define the business performances and role of the senior manager in this research. BRITISH AIRWAS company provide  many method related to  research project and conducting many method of the research and this method developing the organisation goals and objectives (Kiron and, 2012). 



Research methodology:

Research means finding something new to solve an unresolved problem and methodology means analysis of methods applied to a study. So research methodology means  finding the solution to a problem by using different methods.

There are number of methodologies available to do the research. In the context of this research we use descriptive research. Descriptive research helps the researcher in getting knowledge or information about the research problem.

Data collection:

Data collection is a process of collecting the data with a topic. Data can be collected in order to solve a problem or to better the understanding about a topic.

There are two methods which a researcher can use in a research to collect the data(Mingers and Willmott ., 2013).

Primary data collection methods: Primary data collection is a method of collecting the fresh data from the people by using interviews, surveys, questionnaires and etc. one of the main advantage of this method that it provides relevant data related with the research topic. A lot of time and cost is consumed under this. Methods of primary collection data  includes the following:

Interviews: Face to face interaction is taken place between the researcher and respondent under this.

Surveys: Under this researcher conduct a survey to know more about the respondent's tastes and habits.

Questionnaires: A questionnaire is made by the researcher and than send to the respondents by mail and they are asked to resend it after filling it.

Secondary method: this a another method of collecting the data by using already collected data by someone or use the available data to do the research. one of the main advantage of this collection method is that it is a cost effective method and the main drawback of this method is that sometimes it provides irrelevant data related with the research topic (O'Reillyand Tushman ., 2013). Methods of collecting the secondary data includes the following:

Published data: Already published by someone in context of other research.

Personnel records: The enterprises own personal records can help a lot in getting useful information.

Government records: Government of the country collected and published data time to time which is an another important source of getting information(Slater and, 2014).

Internet: Internet is one of the most effective tool of collecting data. A lot of relevant information can be gathered through the internet which can help the researcher using as a base for doing primary research.

One of the main advantage of using secondary method that it can provide a solid base for conducting the research. These methods are not time consuming or are cost effective. The main drawback of this method is that it collect irrelevant information.

Under this research both secondary and primary data are used by the researcher. Under this research the sample size is 20.

Data analysis:

Data analysis is a process of evaluating all the data collected through research process and eliminating the unnecessary and irrelevant data and use the relevant and important information to take decisions. It is one of the effective process used by the researcher in order to come or draw valid conclusions from the whole research process.

When a researcher conducted a research there are number of respondents who do relevant answers but there are also some who does not give properly answer to the question asked by the researcher. So before presenting the final report to the to managers of the enterprise or before conclude or come to a final answer it is very important to analyse the large collected data. Descriptive data analysis is done under this research. Descriptivist data analysis help the researcher to come to  a valid conclusions.

Data interpretation:

Data interpretation is  a process of determining the importance of different information including survey results, experimental findings and many more. It is one of the important process in getting valid results from the research (Subar and, 2012).

 Data research can be of two type:

Quantitative interpretation: Under this method special quantity digits or figures are entered into a software and than special results are obtained.

Qualitative research: Under this figures are not used by the researcher but following principles including sociology, psychology, anthropology are used by the researcher.

Under the context of this research qualitative research is  used in order to strong the findings the research.

Recommendation :

In this research conducting the many survey and developing  many profit of the company productivity. This research define the role and responsibility for the senior manager and developing  best method and techniques. Research define  how many person known the role and responsibility of senior manager. It is very important to achieving  best research and best finding. The senior manager controlling many activities and plans and it is  very important because it is reducing  conflict between  manager and their staff. Eighty percent people satisfied and twenty percent people not aggry for this research. This research define the post of the senior manager with their qualification it is very important because qualification developing best and good leader of BRITISH AIRWAY company.

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As per the mention research creating many aims and objectives and developing the research question and scope. This research evaluating the many tools and techniques and determine the aims and objectives. Mini  research developing qualitative and quantitative research and provide  best method of the data evaluating. This research evaluating the company profile and determining role and responsibility of senior manager for  British Airways company. As per the research also define descriptive research and developing many data analysis and interpretation including the primary and secondary data but company apply the primary data because data show the mini research .The primary data including  many surveys, interviews and questionnaire. This research also using the company bibliography and references. 



Books and journals:

  • Ab Talib, M.S., Rubin, L. and Zhengyi, V.K., 2013. Qualitative research on critical issues in halal logistics. Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research, 1.(2). pp.1-20.
  • Bansal and, 2012. Bridging the research–practice gap. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 26.(1). pp.73-92.
  • Bilbao-Osorio, B., Dutta, S. and Lanvin, B., 2013, April. The global information technology report 2013. In World Economic Forum (pp. 1-383).
  • Bolden, R., 2011. Distributed leadership in organizations: A review of theory and research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 13.(3).pp.251-269.
  • de Haan and, 2013. Executive coaching outcome research: The contribution of common factors such as relationship, personality match, and self-efficacy. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 65.(1). p.40.
  • De Haes, S., Van Grembergen, W. and Debreceny, R.S., 2013. COBIT 5 and enterprise governance of information technology: Building blocks and research opportunities. Journal of Information Systems, 27.(1).ardroom. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 26.(3). pp.200-211.
  • Farnda and, 2011. The influence of perceived employee voice on organizational commitment: An exchange perspective. Human Resource Management, 50.(1). pp.113-129.
  • Keckler and, 2011. GPUs and the future of parallel computing. IEEE Micro, 31.(5). pp.7-17.
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