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QAB020C406A - Business Psychology

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3462
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: QAB020C406A
  • Downloads: 328
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Psychology is a scientific study of the human functions, behaviours and mind. For understanding others and themselves there is a requirement of some skills (Piaget, 2015). Communication and taking feedbacks' ability makes an individual able to understand their behaviour.

Evaluation of psychological approaches in understand self and others

Psychology study means to understand of themselves and others as what make them unique and different from others. Self understanding and self concept in psychology plays an important role as an individual can analyse him/herself that what motivates his/her actions and how he/she can accomplish his/her pre-determined goals. The main aim of the study of psychology is to understand him and herself better in terms of potential. It is stated that an individual can understand other and can perform any type of work if he/she understand himself in better manner. There are some approaches' psychology that helps an individual in understanding themselves and others such as:

Cognitive approach: It is the best and modern approach which believes that thought process of an individual directly affect the way of behaving. So, it can be said that there is an interrelationship of way of behaving/treating and thought process (Metzger and Flanagin, 2015). It is somehow as like the behavioural approach in which individual's behaviour is found as a result of the way of he/she interprets and perceive. So, it can be said that if an individual wants to understand behaviour of others and themselves then they have to understand how people are processing it in the way they are.

Behavioural approach: It is an effective approach of psychology which focuses on objective method of investigation. This approach believes that only those things are real whom individual can observe and see. For example, an individual cannot see brain, but he can see the way in which people act and react. The main aim of this approach is to understand behaviour of others and themselves. Authors believe that much of the learning of an individual and several aspects of behaviour can occur via observing behaviours of others.

Humanistic approach: This approach is mainly based on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. According to theory and approach, it believes that a person needs to obtain each of the needs of Maslow's defined needs if he/she wants to reach their full potential. Basic or psychological needs, safety, belonging, esteem and self actualization needs. So, from this theory and approach, it can be said that humanistic perspective looks at human behaviour as a whole and according to it he/she can control his/her behaviours (Obschonka and Stuetzer, 2017).

From the aforementioned approaches, it can be inferred that psychological approaches play a crucial role in helping individuals analyze and understand themselves and others more effectively. This understanding is particularly valuable in the context of accounting assignments, where psychological insights can be beneficial.

Reflection of core skills

1. Time management

What is the core skill to develop?

The core skill which I need to improve and develop in my professional and personal life is time management. Time management can be defined as a process and way of planning the time about activities and analyse the time which is being spent in each activity (Newstead and Isles-Buck, 2019). In other words it can be said that it is a procedure of planning and controlling of time spent in each activity.

Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your development (personal and professional)? (use relevant theories and concepts from psychology and business to support your answer)

In my opinion, I can say that time management is the primary skill which can make an individual able to accomplish its goals in a timely manner. It is a skill which not only helpful in professional life but also beneficial in personal life. I can also say that an effective time management skill help an individual in taking an effective decision. So, by improving time management, they can improve their decision-making skills as well. The most important benefit of time management skill is it reduces stress (Dicke and, 2015). When employees completed their work on the time then it makes them happy and in contrast if they do not complete their important tasks on the time then it increases their stress level. Pickle jar theory defines the importance of time management skills as it is an idea that time is like a pickle jar and it is limited.

Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to answer this question)

I have completed a self assessment which showed me that I am lack in time management. When I was in college, I recognized and analysed that it is my main weakness as I cannot finish tasks and given project on the time. In some projects I felt that I am lacking in time management due to late submission of project. On the other hand, in some types of project I completed tasks and project on the time. So, I think it depends upon the type of project and tasks. Whenever I completed tasks on the time then I felt that I committed some errors.

After reflecting on my competencies, I am aware and know that what I actually need to improve in my time management skills.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

I analysed myself and came to know that how I completed tasks till now and which types of problems I face in completing projects on the time. I think that my time management skills depend upon the type and nature of work. For knowing my effectiveness and weakness I took feedbacks from my peers, and they told me that I am not that much good in time management but I complete work in a quality manner. It made my happy and sad at the same time. I need to improve my time management skills along with making quality.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

By improving time management skill I can take promotional opportunities and can minimize stress level and being happy in the future. By competing prioritize and important tasks before I can even complete other works as well. I can enjoy y personal and social life by developing time management skill which is important for an individual and the society as well.

2. Public speaking

What is the core skill to develop?

The core skill in which I am lacking and need to improve is public speaking. This skill can be defined as a process of communicating informations and feelings to an audience without having fear and confidently (Stewart and, 2017). Giving a speech and performing any act in front of a large audience is known as public speaking.

Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your development (personal and professional)? (use relevant theories and concepts from psychology and business to support your answer)

In the context of importance of public speaking, I can say that it is an important skill which shows listener about the confidence level and knowledge of a topic of an individual. As a leader and manager, it is important to have this skills because they are mainly responsible for introducing all policies, vision and details of the company to employees. An effective public speaking skill increase confidence of speaker and listener as well. For public speaking it is important to have communication skills which also improves the way of behaving and talking with people. I believe that this skill can make an individual more able to influence customers and employees in an efficient manner. Social learning is the best theory of communication and public speaking which shows that by observing and communicating with people can increase this skill.

Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to answer this question)

I analysed or assessed myself in order to know this weakness. I found that I have fear of speaking in public and those people who is not known to me. I have has some occasion where I had to speak in front of large population. When I were in school, all friends and teachers were known to me so, I felt comfortable and gave excellent speech. On the other hand, at the time of conference and office meeting when I was asked to give a speech then I get stressed. I did not give an effective speech. I got nervous. So, from this I got to know that my public speaking depends upon the type of audience and people as if they are known or unknown to me. After few meetings and preparing meeting speech I gave speech and manage the meeting but somewhere I was not feeling comfortable at all. So, I think that I need to improve this skill of communicating and speaking in font of any type of people.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

For knowing and analysing myself more I took feedbacks from my colleagues in order to know that what they feel about me and what is the difference between their and mine thinking. They told me that at the time of giving speech I remain calm and do not speak much. So, it shows that I need to improve my skill and become more confident by which I can speak out openly.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

By improving this skill I can increase my confidence level which will help me out in increasing my employability. It will also help me out in accomplishing all goals and achieving effective career opportunities. By communicating in an effective manner I can improve relationship with others which will make me happy (Hostetler and Kahl, 2016). It will also make me able to understand feelings of others as well.

3. Conflict resolution

What is the core skill to develop?

The core skill in which I am not good and wants to improve for my better professional and personal life is conflict resolution (Fusch and Fusch, 2015). It is a process and way of taking a decision by which both parties feel satisfied. To make both parties involved in a conflict able to agree on an agreement and give a peaceful solution is called conflict resolution.

Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your development (personal and professional)? (use relevant theories and concepts from psychology and business to support your answer)

Conflict resolution is an effective skill which can help an individual in his/her professional life to become happy and make the environment peaceful. Peaceful and happy environment is called the key of the success of an organization which makes people healthy and fresh. The reason of improving this skill is to improve effective relationship with others and reduce the fiction which deceases working relationship. Conflict resolution skill makes an individual able to accomplish their long term goals and solve all other problems like labour turnover, miscommunication etc. With the help of John Burton theory, importance and ways of conflict resolution skills is defined. It shows that conflicts always occur due to dissatisfaction (Gren and Lenberg, 2018). By understanding needs of others, conflict resolution skill can be improved and make the environment happy.

Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to answer this question)

I have completed a self-assessment and analysis by which I came to know that to which limit I lack in this skill and how much time I need to invest in improving this skill. I perceived myself as a low competence level. I felt that due to lack of this skill I avoid and negotiate situations rather solving them. It creates several problems which makes me depressed sometimes. When I was promoted as a team leader than initially I felt and faced several problems in making people influenced and agreed on a particular situation. But after sometimes I found that people are understanding each other and working tirelessly. So, it can say that I can improve this skill by understanding needs of other as what they want to say and what they seek.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

There is a contradiction in my analysis and self assessment and it is identified when I asked my manager to give feedback about my conflict resolution skill. I assessed my self a lower competence in this skill but what my manager told me totally shocked me. My manager told me that I am good in conflict resolution as team members like to work with me which they knew in one-to-one session. They also said that I have an ability to influence people and make them able to agree on the result which I give. So, I can say that there is a contradiction in my analysis.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

As I think that I am not good in this skill so, I need to develop it for making my career effective and taking promotional opportunities. With the help of conflict resolution skills I can make good relation with others which can create a peaceful working environment. It can increase my and the overall productivity of the company. I can also increase my concentration power which will increase my productivity and also will make me able to complete project on the time.

Action plan


In the context of strength I can strongly say that I am good at taking and giving feedbacks. This strength shows that my observation and understanding people's behaviours skill is good (Safa and, 2018). This skill helped me out in understanding myself and other which makes a working environment effective. It also increased my decision-making skills and make me able to help the company in accomplishing its goals. In addition, I also believe that my research and development skills is good. It helped me out many of the times in getting appropriate informations like current trends, customers' needs, employees demands etc.


In this context I can say that my time management skills is not good as most of the time I miss the deadline of submitting project. It is not good for me and my colleagues. It gives a bad impression on manager and others and also makes me tensed. When I do not submit tasks and projects on the time than I have to suffer a lot as it hamper my other works. I cannot even spare time for my family and myself which frustrate me. There are other areas also in which I need to invest time and improve them. Public speaking and an effective communication skill. I feel that I cannot speak in front of a large population and audience which demotivate me and decrease my confidence level.

So, I can say that self evaluation and assessment plays an important role because it shows both areas of strengths and weaknesses. With an effective evaluation I can improve my skills which are my weaknesses.

Areas need to improve






Time management

For improving time management skill I will make a time table as per the every hour. It will allow me to tell me that how much time will be taken by me in each activity.

By dividing tasks and assumed time I will breakdown hours and activities. By seeing each activity and actual time, I can, measure my effectiveness.

For seeing that if my skills has been attained or not I will complete the same task again and again. It will increase my effectiveness and help me out in attaining my objectives.

It is very important for me to increase this skill as it is relevant to my job role. I think that submitting projects on the time will help me in the future in professional and personal life.

Developing time management skill will take approximate 20 days.

Public speaking

Public speaking is also important to increase confidence. It is a skill which can only be improved by practising. For improving this skill I will speak in front of the mirror by thinking out that people are sitting in front of me.

This target can be achieved because practice makes a man perfect. By practising on continuous basis and increasing time on this practice I can measure its effectiveness.

This target is attainable. For taking time for practising, I cannot spend time in social media.

In the context of relevance I can say that it is the skill which shows confidence level to listener and also make them influenced, It is important for an employee to have this skill because they have to communicate and influence customers.

This skill require more practice and building up confidence is not easy so, it will take approximate 30 days.

Team working

I feel uncomfortable while working in a team. As I am an introvert person, so I prefer to keep calm and have fear of sharing something with others. But it is important to develop this skill for getting outcomes. For this I require to work more in a group and team.

By taking feedbacks from my colleagues with whom I perform activities in a team, I can measure my effectiveness.

It is attainable as there are many projects which required to be completed in a team and group.

It is highly relevant in my professional level because team working improves relationship and also give learning opportunities.

It will take 15-20 days.


From the above data it has been summarized that different skills like time management, public speaking played a vital role in psychological. Understanding people in a better manner helped an individual in conflict resolution.

Read also: Brief analysis of personality theory

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