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Introduction to Psychology

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1786
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: CBA924
  • Downloads: 327
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Psychology refers to a study of behaviours and mind of an individual in scientific manner. It is known as a multifaceted discipline including several areas such as health, clinical, social behaviour, sports, cognitive process and human development. However, it can be divisible widely into two parts like a large profession and a smaller but growing science of mind, brain & social behaviour (Mangal, 2019). In context of this assignment, it will focus on comparison among psychological approaches including differences and similarities. It will also include various types of research methods utilised for psychological investigation. The importance of ethical issues raised in psychological research are given below.


1.1 Compare and contrast two psychological approaches/perspectives

Psychological approaches refers to a perspective which include specific assumptions such as beliefs about human behaviour, their way of function, what are their aspects to be worthy of study and what sort of research methods would be appropriate for understanding human behaviour. These approaches are introduced by number of psychologists for understanding human nature and their behaviour. Main reason for developing these approaches is to explain human phenomena. Such different approaches include Psychodynamic and cognitive which are discussed here. 

Psychodynamic approach

This psychological approach focus on three different parts of mind which is conscious, preconscious and subconscious along with the three major elements of personality which are ego, superego and id. It describe conscious mind as perceptions and thoughts whereas unconscious mind contains desires and wishes developed during childhood. All psychodynamic theories are developed though psychoanalysis (Weis, 2017). According to this approach, understanding human behaviour needs observation of feelings and thoughts which effect actions of an individual. Experiences of childhood has a crucial role in overall development of individual including enhancement of individual personality. Psycho-sexual stages of each and every child has a major role in development of overall personality. Methods of investigation for psychodynamic approach include dream analysis and some clinical case studies.

Cognitive approach

It is basically a modern approach to psychology and focus on thinking style of an individual. Implementation of cognitive approach to learning brings an understanding of concepts and information. It can be refer to as overall scientific study of mind by means of information processor. According to this approach, thinking can be developed with qualitative changes which comes with enhancement of maturity in brain. It focus on information process of an individual and states that research is majorly tends to take place in laboratory settings rather than reality (Ornstein, 2018). Method of investigation for cognitive approach include observation such as Piaget daily observation method.

There are some differences between both the approaches which are discussed here.

Psychodynamic approach

Cognitive approach

  • It mainly focus on case studies which are longitudinal.
  • It can be refer as unscientific as it could not be manipulated and measure.
  • It states that human behaviour cannot be learned and it comes from some unconscious forces.
  • It consider behaviour as predetermined.
  • It uses experimental method and brings out snap shot research.
  • It can be refer to as scientific approach as it states that brain is similar to a computer in which information process.
  • It states that behaviour can be learned through information process and some mental changes which occur over passing time.
  • It does not consider behaviour as predetermined.


Along with some major differences, there are some similarities between both the approaches such as each theory focus on mental state of human beings and explains mental illness as a serious concern. Both these approaches determines ways of controlling human mind whenever it is required (Shibutani, 2017). Both these theories put emphasis on human mind on its own way and reaction of human beings to their surrounding environment. Psychodynamic approach as well as cognitive approach has difficulties in confirming their investigation.


Explain different types of research methods used in psychological research

Psychological research contains different way of analysing information and gaining findings. It is necessary for a investigator to determine more effective as well as efficient research which can be applied to attain accurate outcomes. However, there are various research methods that can be used by psychologists to carry out their study in psychology in which some of them are mentioned here.

Case studies can be considered as a qualitative method of investigation which consist proper observation of an individual or a group of respondents or a particular duration of time. It includes the criterion that the researcher carry out interview if selected participants or observe behaviours of them along with preparing records of the overall information (Ellis and Beattie, 2017). However, it has been analysed that case study method is utilised in psychology to evaluate the theories as well as principles related to psychology that are utilised by psychologist in actual practices as professionals. Moreover, this types of method is widely used in terms of professional training by psychological practitioners.

Questionnaires refer to a method of conducting research by gathering data through views of selected respondents in terms of gaining accurate findings related to specific problem of the study. It includes the criterion of preparing a series of questions related to the selected topic of investigation which has reason to collect desired data. Meanwhile, it is known as a method of primary based research in order to interpret the findings on the basis of opinion gathered by participants. However, the technique of questionnaire can be known as a type of written interview which can be carried out via telephone, face to face, computer or post. Additionally, this method is consider widely as it is cheap, quick and effective way of collecting information from a large sample of individuals.

Observational study can be explained as a type of qualitative research which can be easily controlled by investigator due its naturalistic criterion. It is method of conducting study in very careful and systematic manner which is very important phenomena under psychological research. Meanwhile, this process of study has an objective of describing as well as identifying a variable or even a set of variable which plays an important to conduct entire study in appropriate way. Moreover, it can be utilised as a precursor in context of other kinds which are responsible for focussing on single problems of investigation.

Laboratory experiments refers to a wide type of study which consist specific procedure along with number of methods to be used. It incudes the series of experiments based on specified principles and this kinds of investigation is mostly used in science. However, it focusses on controlling the group of individuals as well as variables in which the entire experiment should remain free of extraneous information as possible. This can be consider as an important element which help psychologist in terms of repeating the experiment that is known to be single requirement of reliable investigation. It consist the another principles of consistency of measurements which permitting different standards makes impossible replication along with unreliable results.

Survey can be defined as a kind of 'shotgun' approach in terms of carrying out investigation. This kinds of study is mostly dependent on information which is self reported so that it is consider to be highly subjective. Meanwhile, surveys are responsible involving number of subjects and it is qualitative research along with using random sampling of selected subjects. However, it has been analysed that survey is known to be only a kind of research related to psychology where investigator utilise factor of randomness respectively (Turtle, 2019). Moreover, survey is consider as an experimental method of study ion psychology but the samples are carefully selected for further analysis.

Content analysis refers to the type of psychological study which focus on media including radio, television, print and another in terms of repetition of particular phrases, ideas or words. It includes the the utilisation of quantitative method along with employing mathematical information related to concepts for studying aspects including stereotyping or several prospects of cultures like sexuality. This types of investigation is known to be valuable in context of advertising and it can be also utilised for predicting behaviour in particular populations.


Evaluate the importance of ethical issues raised within psychological research

In terms of psychological research, it is possible that issue related to ethical principles can be raised related to confidentiality, truthfulness, autonomy, informed consent, maleficence and beneficence. It is essential to follow these factors while carry out psychological investigation. However, it is necessary for researcher to focus on certain important aspects which may raise ethical issues. Meanwhile, it involves protection from harm, right to withdraw, debriefing, deception and many more, it is very important for investigator to consider these actors in order to conduct psychological study in ethical manner correctly. 

On the other hand, it has been analysed that it is required to provide information to participants about purpose of study, procedures of investigation and benefit of research for the society. It is important for researcher to respondents aware about possible physical and psychological risk in the entire process before participating in investigation. However, it is essential for an investigator to make sure that entire process of research will not be caused distress to the individuals participating in the same. Meanwhile, the researcher should maintain privacy and confidentiality of data related to respondents. In addition to this, the factors of deception is required to be consider by researcher such as deliberate misleading and deception of omission. Moreover, the ethical issues can be raised if participants are not allowed to withdraw from the study as per their own convenience. They have a right to withdraw from the process then investigator should not pressurise them to complete the entire process.


From the above assignment, it has been concluded that psychology can be described as a study of behaviours and mind of an individual in scientific manner. It includes various psychological approaches including psychodynamic and cognitive which has number of differences along with similarities.

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