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Business Development Plan

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 36 / Words 8938
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
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This study highlights the importance of organic coffee compared to regular coffee. By launching a new product or coffee, the company develops its business plan. Developing a business plan is not an easy task, as the company must perform several functions and analyze various factors such as the target market, current market trends, and the needs of the target market. Through thorough research and following all the steps involved in the research process, the new product can assist the company in developing its business plan. For further guidance on how to effectively create a business plan, students may explore assignment help and dissertation writing services to improve their academic performance and understanding.



To open business of transformation of Kernels of Dates into Ecological Coffee in Tunisia: Company Randiva.

Coherence / Justification

Date kernel are the beans that are transformed and made from dates. It is then converted into coffee beans that is further processed into coffee. Here, a business idea is taken to transform date kernel into ecological coffee. It will enable in providing ecological coffee to business and customers in the market. However, this concept describe the way in which coffee is made or produced in a manner that has numerous virtues, resembling of coffee is done without using caffeine into it. Hence this is considered as healthy drink. The vision of Randiva is to raise satisfaction among consumers and provide valuable products to them. Hence transformation of kernels of dates into ecological coffee is the sustainable business idea that may help entrepreneur in sustaining in market for longer duration. Coffee market of Tunisia is growing and demand of healthy drinks is very high. Coffee is considered as food element that is used for refreshment by large number of audience. In the recent time roasting of coffee is done by using chemicals and it is done to raise taste of coffee and make it more favourable.

Recently, there is a lot of diet disorder related to people health. So, it has resulted in various health concerns in many countries. Therefore, nutritious food has emerged as a solution for people to improve their health. It has enabled in controlling many diseases like diabetes, cancer, etc. and enhancing digestive system of people. The food consumed by people contain fortified and enriched products. So, in this regard there are two types of food been prepared that is functional and designer. Here, designer food is those that prevent or cure disorder and diseases. The phytoceutic included in fruits is responsible for antioxidant activity. However, peels and seeds of date is beneficial for health. Furthermore, many food products are developed of date like date juice, syrup, etc.

Health consciousness is one of the most common perspective of people now days. There are many people are consuming 1 – 2 cups of coffee every day on an average. Many scientific researches have evaluated that too much consumption of coffee can cause harm to the body. People all around the world are now more cautious about their health and diet on every day basis. Healthy lifestyle and healthy diet is important part of their daily routine. Many organizations are looking for new and innovative beverages that can be offered to people which are healthier and safe for consumption (Purnomo and, 2017). There are various innovative products are sold by different countries in market place by different companies. The kernels of dates seeds can be used to make a coffee as an alternative energising drink which is healthier and delicious. It is suitable for business who want to add some new flavour of coffee. This will be completely different from normal coffee beans. Here, kernel of dates is transformed and ecological coffee beans are made. This will bring shift in process of producing coffee beans. So, there will be an alternative for business to use kernel date powder instead. People do not know that seeds of dates can be used as alternative supplement for coffee. Because this product is obtained from kernels of dates it also reduces the waste production. This concept of business is also cost and time efficient (Zulkarnain, Wahyuningtias and Putranto, 2018). The suitability of kernel coffee will also suitable for the people who want to live healthy lifestyle.


Coffee is the highest consumption drink that is consumed by people all around the world. There are various types of flavours available in coffee which fulfil needs of people. The coffee powder is produced from coffee beans. For this there is a transformation process through which beans are made. However, there is shift in people needs which due to their taste and preference has changed. Now, organic and ecological coffee beans are produced to allow people to drink healthy coffee. For that a start up is launched which will transform kernel dates into ecological coffee.

Randiva is planning to provide ecological coffee in Tunisia through transformation of kernels of dates. This is the country where growth rate of coffee houses is very high as demand of such kind of products is very high. Annual consumption rate of Coffee in Tunisian is around 30000 tons. The coffee is the most popular need of population and it is available at affordable rates. In addition, main objective is to increase use of ecological coffee and bringing a new taste and preference to customers. The purpose is to provide an organic and caffeine free coffee powder to businesses and customers. through that, it will be easy to assist them to live a long life and improving health concerns.

Moreover, another reason for starting this business is to promote ecological agriculture in regard to producing of coffee. Alongside, there will be change in making coffee drinks and rising awareness within people to improve their lifestyle. It will be useful in solving health related concerns of people. However, it will be a new and unique type of start up where ecological coffee is produced. Furthermore, it is analysed that in Tunisia there are many coffee houses that consumes a huge coffee beans. So, it will transform way of producing coffee beans and offering healthy one.

Scenario Chosen

Tunisia is an African country which situated on top of African continent. As per the size and population there is good scope for the organization to establish a new business. As per the comparison of Tunisia form other African countries it is richer and have more possibilities than other countries. here, most people depend in farming to fulfil their needs. The nation is not developed as well. In present scenario it is identified that many companies provide coffee that contain caffeine. The convert coffee beans to produce coffee powder. So, in many parts of world coffee beans farming is done to produce powder. It is then used for coffee.

It is essential to bring change in life of people of Tunisia as they are suffering from several diseases. People are highly addicted towards coffee. In country there are many coffee chains which provide coffee to people. In other countries dates flavour coffee is offered to people.

The company will also offer ecological coffee to companies in Tunisia. It will also set a plant in nation where things entire processing is done. Also, coffee will be exported to neighbour countries as well. However, warehousing and transportation services will also be offered to store ecological coffee. There are other services as well that will be provided.

Aim and Objectives

Aim –

To open business of transformation of Kernels of Dates into Ecological Coffee in Tunisia: Company Randiva.

Objectives -

  1. To evaluate the transformation process of kernel date into ecological coffee.
  2. To analyse current coffee market of Tunisia and identify target market.
  3. To evaluate feasibility of ecological coffee in Tunisia.


With technological advancement there are many new businesses and start ups emerging. Also, it has enabled in providing new techniques and ways of using technology in business. Similarly, people are becoming more health conscious. They are aware about diseases that can highly impact on their health. However, date fruits are highly been consumed by people to improve their health. The dates contain of high nutrition and other ingredients which is beneficial for health of people. Also, dates are used in many food items as well to provide a new taste and variety to customers. Moreover, in many countries’ dates are used in coffee as well. Thus, Tunisia is a country where dates not available to fulfil needs of people. furthermore, coffee seeds are roasted and then coffee is produced from it. This result in caffeine power that is not healthy to consume.

Structure of Project-

There is a specific structure will be followed in this project to make work and research more relevant and effective for the company to utilise this information effectively. This effective structure also will help the organization and readers to get proper understanding of the collected information and data. In the initial part of project brief introduction of business development plan will be provided in the report. The introduction part of the report is sub divided in title of project report, justification of selecting coffee that is made of kernel of dates as particular product. The rationale of the selecting topic is analysed in detailed manner. The target market of is analysed in detailed way to get effective data of target market. The aims and objective for report are also provided in the introductory part. Complete background of the business development project report is provided in the introduction part. The structure of the report also will be provided in the report to give an over view to reader and organization. In the next chapter of report detailed information that is collected by different authors will be evaluated in the report. In the literature review topics like marketing mix, segmentation, targeting and positioning in detailed way to make effective plan for the company to launch new product in Tunisia. Various theoretical and practical concepts that are discussed by various authors also will be considered in literature review part of report. There are different research methods will be used in the research process to get effective data and information related to business expansion in the target market. Brief overview of different methodologies also will be provided in the project to define whole data collection and analysis process effectively for the business development plan. In the data analysis part various methods and technologies will be used to analysis data and convert in the usable form to conclude final result for the collected data to make effective business development plan for Randiva company. In the conclusion and recommendation part result of whole data is presented with different recommendations that can be used by the organization to get better response from market place with positive and profitable outcome. This is how all report is structured effectively to get efficient outcomes for reader and co


Industry review

As per the view of Krupskyi and et al., (2017) Tunisia is the country where coffee consumption majorly done in urban areas. It has captured more than 50% market share in the nation. Over a period coffee retail sales have been increased to great extent. Migration of Libyan is very high in Tunisia and people of Libyan have high consumption of coffee which helps in increasing revenue of this sector. Societe café Bondin is considered as market leader which recorded 32% retail volume in the year 2014. Since longer duration population of Tunisia has habit of consuming coffee as it is the long tradition in the country. People like to teste new coffee types such as espresso, Turkish style coffee etc. Estimated annual consumption of coffee in the Tunisia is around 30000 tonnes per year. Nebli has 4% market share in the country whereas Bondin has 30% market share. Espresso coffee has less than 1dt cost in the Tunisia.

Figure 1: market share

(Source: The Tunisian coffee scenario 2019, 2019)

Business idea explained

According to Webb, Knutson and Gamble, (2017) opening a new business is very difficult task as person has to take care of many things in order to gain success in market. If this is not done properly then it may create problem in managing the business activities effectively, in such condition entrepreneur has to face loss. Tunisia is the country that has great scope of coffee business, transformation of kernels of dates into ecological coffee is the great business ideas. People of Tunisia like to have amazing coffee hence they prefer to pay for amazing taste of coffee. Ecological coffee is quite unique and new concept. Most of people have thoughts that coffee is not that much good for the health but ecological coffee can help in keeping the health of person good. Demand of ecological coffee is high hence it is considered as great business idea.


Objective of Randiva is to become the sustainable performer in coffee industry and serve consumers most delicious coffee. It aims to achieve 45% revenue in next three years.


Mission of Randiva is to offer quality and finest ecological coffee to the wide range of population in Tunisia.

Key to success

Randiva will focus on its visibility hence it will choose location of high street where coffee houses can contact to the Randiva easily. Convenient access will be another significant point of this business as it will help Randiva in gaining attention of mass audience. Products of the firm will be its unique point as it will serve fresh ecological coffee to all its consumers. It will ensure to use clean equipment every time so that hygiene can be maintained. Randiva is planning to use premium serving containers and also it will maintain consistent flavour. In addition to this, friendly atmosphere, quick services will be its USB as company will serve its consumers quickly and will take care of their needs always.

Company detail and ownership

Randiva will be a new business where transformation of kernels to dates will be done to produce ecological coffee. It will be sole trader firm as no partnership will be done at initial level. Profit and loss will be taken care by owner only.

Marketing mix

According to Prokhorova and et al., (2016) marketing plays significant role in the success of any business, if companies promote their brand. This is the tool which enhance awareness of product and help business in establishing in the new market successfully. Tunisia’s coffee market is wide hence if any firm enters into this sector then there is high chances of getting success because people like to have amazing coffee products. Randiva will market its products in a unique way, as it is planning to use social networking sites to enhance awareness among consumers, restaurants, coffee houses of Tunisia about this new amazing ecological coffee. By conducting marketing activities through Facebook, Twitter firm will be able to gain attention of mass audience in the country and many people will take interest in ecological coffee. Rocha, Petry and Riciardi, (2017) stated that product is the most important element that contributes in success of new business, if company is able to offer satisfactory goods and services then it would be better in gaining success in market. Randiva will ensure that it offers great quality ecological coffee. It will take care that transformation of kernels of dates into ecological coffee is done in most significant manner so that end product can have great quality and it can satisfy the needs of consumers of getting healthy coffee. The main agenda of Randiva is to offer satisfactory coffee products that do not impact on health of consumers so that it can generate reasonable amount of profit in this market. Firm will plan to maintain taste and use appropriate transformation tools so that quality remains maintain. This tactic will give positive result to business and will help the firm in gaining success in market. It is planning to offer several packs as per the need of buyer such as 20 gram, 100 gram packs etc. Packaging of ecological coffee after transformation will be great as designing of packets will be so attractive.

Randiva will pay close attention on its products and will consistently serve the best quality ecological coffee to wide range of people in Tunisia.. It will use clean equipment’s so that hygiene remains maintained. During the transformation all the equipment’s will be used in most careful manner. Services of this new business will be its unique point as its frequent services will enhance number of customer of Randiva.

As per the view of Wang and et al., (2018) place is considered as most essential tool which supports the business in reaching to wide range of audience. If entity fails to use effective placing tactic then it would create problem in meeting demand timely. Randiya’s main strategy will be to reach to large audience but for that it will start supplying ecological coffee in officers and general cafes.. Once popularity of this product will increase then it will start using wholesale marketing techniques to reach to large audience. This is the great starting tactics which will defiantly help the firm in meeting with its objective and generating sales. Randiva will use retail distribution strategy as transformation of kernels of dates into ecological coffee is the longer process but once production is done then kit can serve to large audience. Hence it is planning to use retail distribution channels to reach to large number of audience to sell this ecological coffee. It will supply to super markets, offices, coffee houses or cafes etc.

As per the view of López-Cózar-Navarro, Benito-Hernández and Platero-Jaime, (2017) price plays significant role in establishment of new business. If entity implements effective pricing tactic then it would be better in gaining positive result to the organisation. Firm has to ensure the purchasing power of target audience and accordingly it has to set prices of its goods and services. If people are not able to buy such costly products then it is essential for the firm to keep it low. As population of Tunisia like to spend in coffees but spend less money on it. Hence company needs to implement penetration strategy where it should first offer low cost ecological coffees to all its potential buyers , once they like it and become frequent buyers then enterprise has to increase cost of its products. This would be better in gaining attention of mass audience ad making them loyal towards the brand. This is the great start because people will take interest in its ecological coffee which will help in establishing n this market successfully and sustaining in market for longer duration. Randiva will apply penetration pricing strategy as competition is very high and people of Tunisisa like to have coffee at affordable rates. Hence use of penetration pricing strategy will be better for the organisation in gaining attention of large audience. As compare to other competitors it will be able to generate more profit by using this pricing tactic. Randiva is aiming to generate profit in next two to three years hence it is very important for the firm that to take care of cost and price. If its operational cost is high, then firm will not be able to offer goods and services at affordable rates. Hence Randiva will ensure to recuse of resources so that wastage can be minimised and cost can be controlled. By using this process it will be able to set prices of ecological coffee affordable for the target consumers. Apart from this, 15% additional discounts will be given to wholesalers and additional 10% discounts will be given to families.

Prokhorova and et al., (2016) argued that promotions is essential aspect of marketing mix. Companies need to promote their brad in effective manner so that wide range of people ca get to know about its products and services. Being a new firm it is very important for Randiya that market its new items properly, for that it needs to take assistance of social networking sites. In the recent time people spend huge time on these sites. They interact with other on Facebook, Twitter and also they make their buying decision after reading comments of others on these sites. These social sites have given the amazing platform to all the companies to interact with wide range of consumers and know more about their needs. By using this platform entity can be able to make them aware with the features of ecological coffee and how it is different from other same products. Use of this platform will attract new buyers and sales of the firm will be increased to great extent. Randiva will use social networking sites to promote its new business that is transformation of kernels of dates in ecological coffee. As it is completely a new concept in coffee industry hence there is need to promote this new product otherwise people will not take much interest in this ecological coffee products. Transformation process is such a lengthy process and there is need to take care of hygiene and other things. Firm will ensure to make people aware about the actual transformation process of this products and why ecological coffee is different from other marketer s by using social networking sites. The long term goal of Randiva is to gain visibility of target audience and get more inquiries of investors so that it can get more funds to expand its business successfully. Public relationship strategy will also be used by Randiva to promote its ecological coffee. This will help the firm in making direct contact with the audience and making them aware with benefits of this product and difference between existing coffee and ecological coffee. By this way demand of this product will be raised and firm will get more order of it.

Another promotion tactic will be used by Randiva is participation in seminars with samples of this ecological coffee. People those who have attended that seminar will be provided free sample of this coffee which will make them aware with actual taste of this unique product.


There are different operations are important for the organization before establishing business in a particular market. The process of the segmentation can be explained as method that followed by organization for creating segment with in a diverse market place to select target customer for company. In opinion of Lupton and et al., (2018) Market segmentation process help the organization to develop various business policies and practices in order to occupy major part of market to gain higher profit. In the process of market segmentation a specific processes is followed in order to develop effective business strategy. The process of segmentation starts with identifying the target market, identifying expectations of the target consumers, create sub groups of people, reviewing the needs of the target audience, named the target market segment, marketing strategy, review the consumer behaviour and size of the target market. This is how these process need to be followed in order to develop strategies to establish the business of Randiva in Tunisia market.

Randiva will use geographic segmentation strategy. It will target people on the bases of their geographical location. This will have two segmentation tactic captive consumers and commuters. Commuters are such individuals those who travel one palace to another and captive consumers are such people those who are inside a campus such as offices, schools etc. It will target corporate offices and restaurants those which are located in metropolitan areas. Its main focus will be such corporate houses that have more than 500 employees.

The process of identification of the target audience is one of the most important step of segmentation process. All further actions of the organization are based on the audience that is selected in the identifications. The choices of people are different and this is important for organization to perform effective research work to evaluate the demands of people to make effective marketing and business policy to earn maximum profit from consumer base. Market research that is performed by organization can help them to identify the needs of target audience.

According to Kobayashi, Hara and Usui, (2017) the company product is a healthy nutritious drink so the target customer will be the people who are worried about their health and finding better and healthier solution for tea and coffee. For the process of segmentation Randiva can use different type of segmentation process which are good for the product of company. As company is selling healthy product so the demographic segmentation process will be used by company to target people based on gender, age, family size and income of people.

Target market

According to Masih and et al., (2019)targeting is most essential element that ensures that right consumers are being target by business those who can take more interests in buying that products. Target consumers of Randiva ae such people those who like to get fresh with amazing taste. People those who like to spend money to get excellent tasty coffee will be targeted by Randiva. Apart from this, youth, families will be targeted by Randiva.


As per Fu and et al., (2016)There are different segments are their in which company can launch their product. As the product of company is a coffee that is made of kernels of dates which is tasty and healthier. So, this product can be launch by organization in target market as healthy and fitness drink that can be consumed by all people. The approach that can be used by Randiva could be like global thinking along with effective local market capturing. This processes and business method can help them to occupy large size market in Tunisia. In this category there are no other companies who are producing healthy coffee of tea. By considering global marketing approach organization can earn high profit in particular market which is targeted by them for business. This is how Randiva can make positioning plan to efficiently established their business in Tunisia. Randiva will raise its market position by creating value for Tunisia. It will deliever bundles of coffee packets with close control over quality. It will focus on customised sales and it will ensure reliable supply of goods and services. By using this positioning strategy Randiva will be able to develop iots market image in the new country and will be able to establish its business in new market successfully.

Theories of business model

As per the view of (Yamamoto, Kan and Bartnik, (2018) there are different processes and methods which can be used by the health care organization to make entry in the market of Tunisia. The business model for Randiva company will be great as it is more concern about environment and health of people hence transformational process in Tunisia will be systematic that do not harm natural resources and climate as well. It will ensure safe use of any kind of agrochemicals so that neutrality of coffee can be maintained. Randiva will apply farmer ownership model (FOM) this would be better for the firm in transformation of kernels into ecological coffee easily and gaining success in market.

In opinion of Zhang and et al., (2017) partnership is also one of the better solution for the organization to select specific process to enter the market of Tunisia. In the business model of Partnership Randiva can form arrangement or agreement with local organization to manage and operate in local. In this process organization can share roles, responsibilities along with profit share. This is how organization can use the support to establish and run organization in the target market with shared profit and share risk. This business model can help the organization to get enter completely new market without too much risk. There is also one other process Randiva can use to enter the target market in Tunisia. Acquisition is one of the most effective process for organization like Randiva to enter new market. In this business model organization can purchase a local organization and use their resources, machinery and supply chain to start their business efficiently. This process of entering new market is one of the best process because in this process company can use all the resources, supplier and machineries. So, they so not have to make new investments and contacts to develop new business. This is how organization can use this strategy to develop their business in new country.

Business model canvas

In opinion of Nugroho and et al., (2017) business model canvas is a strategic management and lean template that is used by people for developing new or existing business in the target market. It also can be taken as visual chart that is used by organization to explain the value proportion of product, infrastructure of company, finances and customers of organization to get effective knowledge of business development of an organization. This can be considered as explanation that how an organization form, delivers and capture the value for consumer. This also can be starts with mapping process that can help organization to full fill vital and important aspects of business model. Business model canvas is a process that helps the organization to understand business more clearly. There are various things that are considered in the business model canvas are key partner of the organization, key activity of company, key resources of organization, cost structure of company, value proposition, customer relationship, channel of that are used by company, segment of consumer and revenue streams. These all things are considered for the organization to evaluate and assess the business model that is used by the organization.

Key partners

Key activities

Value proposition

Customer relationship

  • Food outlets
  • Corporate offices
  • Other coffee farmers
  • Suppliers
  • Transformation of kernels into ecological coffee
  • Services
  • farming
  • Quality ecological coffee
  • Coffee appliances
  • Personal services
  • Social media services
  • Community interaction


Key resources

Cost structure

Revenue streams

  • Direct sales
  • Seminars
  • Wholesalers
  • Building
  • Equipment’s
  • Raw material
  • Funds
  • Coffee processing
  • Raw material; purchasing
  • Salaries
  • Marketing expenses
  • Transformation cost
  • Sales of ecological coffee

Customer segment

  • Corporate offices
  • Restaurants
  • Families
  • Youth

From the above model, it can be said that, in Tunisia there are some key partners which include: corporate offices, food outlets and other coffee farmers which can increase competition. The main activity of the company is to transform kernels into ecological coffee and farming. By doing this it can make ecological coffee and take competitive advantages. Maintaining quality is the value proposition. By providing coffee and other services via social media platforms as well as personal contacts, company can make a position in the market. Direct selling, making effective relations with wholesalers and developing seminars are some ways of delivering products. For providing sources offline, it will require building, machines, raw materials, funds and skilled workforce. Investment in machines, buying raw materials, salary to employees, marketing activities and transformation cost can increase the overall cost of the company. The main segment and target people of this company will be restaurants, families, youth and corporate offices.

Principal issue related to topic

According to Bah, Gauthier and Qi, (2016) there are different challenges are faced by organization in process of business expansion. Business expansion is one of the most difficult for the business organization to launch their business in new market place in other country. Randiva will have to face financial issues when it will open a new business, as transformation of kernels into ecological process would be cost occurring business as it requires big machines and big investments. Apart from this firm will have to hire large number of employees so that according to demand products can be produced and supply in Tunisia market. Another major challenge in front of Randiva will be handing and convincing the corporate offices and other consumers why they have to start using this coffee. As competition is very high and people are addicted to sue one kind of coffee. Hence this would be another challenge to educate people with benefit of ecological coffee. Generating profit will be another difficult aspect for Randiva because initially it will require huge sales otherwise cost will not be recoved hence profit generation will be key principle issue for the Randiva. Meeting needs of consumers will be challenging as consumers like to have best quality coffee and if Randiva fail to meet their need then it will fail to success in market. Hernce it will have to ensure processing of right quality material to produce quality ecological coffee.


Selection of clear aims and objectives

The aim for the applied research is to develop a business plan for Randiva company to launch ecological coffee that is made of dates seeds in Tunisia. Objective of the research is to evaluate the market size and opportunities in Tunisia market for food and beverage sector. Another objective is to analyze the business idea and its possibility in target market and to analyze current market situation of target market to develop business plan for company.

Theoretical and applied research methods knowledge

In order to conduct this research, researcher will make use of appropriate research methodologies like for example data will be collected with the help of secondary data. It will also utilize appropriate approach and thematic analysis for doing research. Feasibility and viability of applied research will also be checked by researchers.

Concepts and theories for doing strategic analysis

As per Masulis, Pham and Zein, (2019) strategic analysis is a process that is used by the organization that includes researching about the business environment that can help the company to develop new strategies which are effective to lead the organization to the success. There are different strategic analysis processes are used by the company in order to evaluate the business environment for organization in target market. For the internal and external condition evaluation there are different strategic analysis can be used. For the internal environment analysis organization can use SWOT Analysis and porter value chain model. This model can help the company to find internal capabilities to perform different business activities. For the external evaluation process organization can use PESTEL analysis and Porter value chain analysis. This is how different strategic model can be used by the organization for business environment evaluation.

Appropriate models

Strategic analysis is a process of researching and analysing business environment in which company wants to operate. In the context of Randiva, it can be said that it wants to transform date seed into ecological coffee. For making its business successful it is important to identify its own strengths and weaknesses which are:

SWOT Analysis


  • The main strength of this product or business is it has several health benefits and an array of nutraceutics for healthy survival and disease prevention.
  • Randiva has skilled workforce and technical staff.
  • This ecological or sustainable coffee has great positive impacts on the environment.


  • Labour cost and investment tend to be higher in organic or ecological coffee than in organic which can decrease profit margin.
  • Lack of flexibility as it requires certification which is a time-consuming process.


  • Competitive advantages opportunities can be taken by attracting people.
  • High demand of ecological coffee in Tunisia is other opportunity for the company.


  • Lower profit margin and higher investment or labour cost is the main threat.
  • Risk involved in pesticides is other threat.

PESTLE Analysis

Political: In this context, it is stated that businesses of coffee of Tunisia are dependent on international trade. After the civil war in Libya, many migrants and people of Libya decided to stay in Tunisia. In the context of coffee, it is stated that coffee companies of Tunisia offering coffee to Libyans at subsidized prices. Due to these prices and political stability, Libyans buy coffee in large quantity.

Economic: Economical condition of Tunisia in effective. Due to disposable income people invest in food materials and in coffee. Consumption in coffee is increasing with changing consumption patterns (Athmouni and, 2016).

Social: In this context, it is stated that Libyans and people of Tunisia are becoming more health conscious. Rather, a regular coffee they seek organic coffee which does not harm their health. So, this factor can have positive impact on the performance of Randiva as it wants to transform Kernels of Dates into Ecological Coffee. Annual consumption of coffee is approximate 30'000 tons per year which is equal to 2.5 kg/year/capita (The Tunisian coffee scenario,2019).

Technological: An effective use of coffee machines and genetic engineering can increase competition for Randiva. By making an effective use of machines and genetic engineering, they modify produce at the genetic level in order to improve taste, yield etc. But on the other hand, this genetically engineered coffee has some side effects so, some consumers do not prefer it.

Legal: There are several laws regarding food and coffee which needs to be followed by this company. Coffee contains large amount of caffeine so, it is important to follow caffeine standards. These standards of Tunisia is becoming tighter and strict but by providing organic and Ecological Coffee Randiva can solve this problem.

Environmental: Sustainability is one of the important environmental factor which need to be considered by Randiva. Maintaining sustainability and by performing sustainable farming process, company can take competitive advantages (Samuel, 2017).

Porter's 5 forces

It is also important for Randiva to identify market trends and competition in the coffee industry of Tunisia. The main aim of analysing porter's 5 forces is to make strategies accordingly and take competitive advantages. 5 forces of Porters' are:

Bargaining power of buyers: Bargaining power of customers in coffee industry of Tunisia is low because prices of coffee is already low. Coffee companies offer coffee to people at lower prices. Cost is also lower. So, it can be beneficial for the company (Zlaoui and, 2019).

Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers bargaining power is also moderate because there is no multinational company. All cafes are at small levels. So, there is a high intensity of this power.

Threats of substitute products: It is stated that in Tunisia, come coffee from Uganda and Congo is also available. But it is available to only small level and extent. Intensity of Substitute products in this industry in moderate.

Threats of new entry: There is no requirement of heavy investment. There are already several cafes who provide coffee to customers at lower prices. So, there is a high intensity of new entry.

Competitive rivalry among existing players: In the context of competition, it is stated that big coffee players as like Starbucks and McCafe are totally absent. There are all small cafes but no international company. There is low intensity of this force (The Tunisian coffee scenario, 2019).

Selection of aims and objectives

Aim –

“To open business of transformation of Kernels of Dates into Ecological Coffee in Tunisia: Company Randiva.”

Objectives -

1. To evaluate the transformation process of kernel date into ecological coffee.

2. To analyse current coffee market of Tunisia and identify target market.

3. To evaluate feasibility of ecological coffee in Tunisia.

Selection of research methodology

In order to conduct this research, researcher will make use of appropriate research methodologies like for example data will be collected with the help of primary and secondary data.

Research type: There are two types of research one is qualitative and another one is quantitative. In qualitative research type, only theoretical frameworks are being analyzed by researchers. This type of research can be conducted through open-ended questionnaires. Other type of research is quantitative in this interpretation of subject matter is done on basis of numbers. It is fully based on numerical facts and figures. The researcher analyses the data with the help of statistics and hopes the numbers will yield an unbiased result that can be generalized to some larger population. Abnormalities can be found while obtaining result through quantitative data. For the present research, qualitative data will be used. Qualitative research provides a more realistic feel of the world that cannot be experienced in the numerical data and statistical analysis

Research approach: There are two types of research approaches one is inductive and other is deductive. Inductive research approach basically consists of effective analysis of observation and theories so that end results can be obtained. Deductive approach includes collection of information, making hypothesis on basis of it and providing results on basis of hypothesis which is being developed. It can be used for having complete understanding of topic or subject better. For the present research, inductive approach will be used.

Sampling: Sampling is simply stated as selecting a portion of the population. Simple Random sampling the selection is totally random. It is also known as methods of chances. No biasness exists in this type of research.

Primary and secondary market research

Data collection basically means gathering, analysing and interpreting information. Data can be collected with the help of various methods like primary and secondary. The main aim of this research project is to transform Kernels of Dates as Ecological Coffee and for which company needs to identify all factors which can affect it in both positive and in a negative manner. For this purpose, Randiva conducts primary and secondary research. In this research it identifies current market trends in Tunisia about coffee. Needs and demands of people of Tunisia about coffee. Political stability, laws regarding this, technological factors, intensity of competition etc. For getting all these information’s, researcher and the company will make an effective use of secondary data collection. In this type, it will get information’s via internet or social media. By getting data about current trends and needs of customers in the country, researcher will collect relevant information’s.

In primary data collection, it is actually raw information which is not finished. This type of data requires lots of time. Main source of collecting data includes observation, survey, questionnaire. This type of data collection method consumes lots of time and also lots of money needs to be invested in it. Secondary data is basically that information which is been collected with the help of articles, journals, published literature. It is processed data. In comparison to Primary data, this type of information is really easy to collect and analyse. This type of data is being readily available from other sources.

Research limitations

The main research limitation of this business plan is, company or researcher focuses on secondary data and do not focus on observation and survey. Due to lack of survey, questionnaire, they cannot know the actual needs, demands of customers as what they like and seek actually. With the help of survey and questionnaire, company can get relevant and accurate informations. Investment is high in transforming Kernels of Dates as Ecological Coffee and not getting effective source is one of the main limitation of this study. By getting and analysing each source of finance, it can be made more successful. Getting informations about Tunisia regarding coffee is one of the main important element on which basis, company can make its business successful. By transforming Kernels of Dates as Ecological Coffee it wants to improve health of people as well as increasing sales by providing ecological coffee to others.


Selected product and service is really feasible; it has high scope in market. Market research has been done to check the viability of product and service which is being made available for consumers. The demand of coffee is higher and also have good price in the international market but the farmers are getting poor price due to the lack of processing facilities and the proper marketing channel. So company needs to lay emphasis on their marketing channels so that product can be made easily available to target market. This will help them in making their product like by large number of consumers.

Product and Service: It has been analysed that Randiva a new start-up company, there business is based on transforming Kernel of dates into ecological coffee. Coffee made from date kernels is produced, know-how to obtain a drink that contains numerous virtues, among which as a digestive. Randiva will be engaged in developing traditional practice in order to obtain this drink which is similar as Coffee but this do not include caffeine into it. Dates will be cleaned by in order to remove the white film which is places in between fruit and Kernel. Date seeds will be placed out in sun so that the humidity and moisture from seeds will be removed. Company will be engaged in making use of high quality of date seeds to make best ecological coffee which can be drank by health conscious consumers. The drink will be given various flavours by Randiva a new start up cinnamon, ginger, peeper and many more. Ecological Coffee can be drinking by users hot in morning or during evening type. It has been analysed that this coffee is mostly drank by elderly people as younger generation is highly involved in drinking commercial coffee. This ecological coffee provided by Randiva will be better tasting, better for health and also will better for environment. With emerging market like North Africa ecological coffee will surpass demand of commercial coffee one day. Randiva will be transforming Kernel Seeds. This ecological coffee will be free of chemical pesticide residue, really does taste better; it also represents something tangible that you can do to lessen (however minimally) your impact on the environment. This type of coffee is basically being generated so that individual who are obese can lose weight. It will also assist them in enhancing their health outcome by making improvising their digestive system. Kernel dates are being used to produce the ecological coffee, these dates have several health benefits which Randiva will also give in ecological coffee. Like for example these dates are useful in preventing DNA from damage, they are also being used in treating blood sugar. So health conscious people can be engaged in drinking this. Also new start-up company will be engaged in making use of high quality Kernel dates to make ecological coffee.

Industry: Ecological or sometimes can be said as organic is the latest buzzword and the food and beverage industry is one of the frontrunners in adopting it to grow its sales. It has been analysed that various companies are been engaged in transforming Kernel date seeds into ecological coffee without making use of any pesticide or fertilizers. It has been analysed that this beverage accounts for around one third of the ecological beverages which is being sold in world. It has been analysed that market related to Ecological coffee is been analysed to grow at a healthy clip in the upcoming time as more and more people are becoming health conscious. Market: In Norther Africa Tunisia the ecological coffee market is growing at an increasing pace, it has been analysed that market has grown to 7.5%. More resources were divided into agricultural industries like coffee, People are engaged in drinking ecological coffee because of their health, as they are becoming more health conscious day by day. It has also been analysed that locals are highly engaged in increasing liking for ecological coffee. There has been an increase in long term demands of coffee beans.

Financial feasibility issues:

Sales/Revenue budget:


























Unit selling price ($)

























Unit sales

























Revenue ($)


























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