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Hospitality Operation Management - Hotel Hilton

University: Regent College of London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2110
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/9862
  • Downloads: 755

Table of Content

  2. TASK 1

Question :

The objective of this report is to evaluate operational issues that may impact performance of a business as well as its growth practices. In this regard, it is required for an organisation to implement operational management strategies by considering:

  • Evaluate operational issues in the context of Hilton hotel.
  • Provide theory of operational management in respect of Hilton hotel.
  • Analyze causes of operational management theory.
  • Determine impact of operation issues over the business performance of Hilton hotel.
  • Discuss the improvement of business operational management.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Hilton hotel


Operational management is the process of planing, organising, directing and controlling and improving their businesses performance. It is concerned with designing the business operation related to the good and services (Walker and Walker, 2016). It also includes the duties or responsibilities of the organisation that operated in efficient manner while using some important resources which is very helpful to fulfil their customer requirement. This file explaining the operational issues ineffective way , it providing the main problems of the businesses. It also defines this report the causes of the businesses operational. This file also mention the different types of operations theory which show the actual performance of the Hilton hotel and help to how to make effective plan or how to control businesses operations. According to this file cover all the important aspect and giving the improvement of the operational management improvement it is very necessary without improvement this hospitality industry not achieve their goal of the businesses.


Operational issues

Operational issues can be defined any organisation need to focus on few things like productions' margin product and services. The main problems of businesses less resources, they effect operational performance of the organisation. So firms has to face many problems like production department, marketing, ,management these are the area where some issue create problems.

Hilton hotel also face some problems in their workplaces, management staff not work proper way, employees of this hospitality is highly qualified, the main motive of whole staff tp providing satisfaction to their customers (Mahadevan, 2015). But some time complaints about their services in food and beverages, that time they feel bad and reduces their confidences level. They get demotivate, they're afraid to face their top management so this is not good for their businesses. This fear create many problems like they do not work properly, losing their performance level, sometimes even leave their job, they feel frustration on their workplaces. They also feel lot of pressure on them so they do not provide better services to the consumer, they people make even more mistakes. It is not good for management they have tensions which leads to sick and decreasing their performance in day by day. So management take right decision they providing proper management, healthy environment in their work places. It is very important of this company without employees participation they do not achieve their target.

Level of employees motivation it is very important part of the businesses but less motive also create many issues like employees are not satisfied their work, they feel demoralized when they hear about the complaints from their hotel manager. Staff need to support but if this hospitality industry top level staff they have not pay in time their worker so they ultimately loose their motivations level (Mahadevan, 2015). So this firms need to proper management they providing incentives, motivational trips, they also providing effective training to their staff, if this hotel not recruit the best people so they also face problem like they do not providing best services to their consumer. So company need to giving best training fro their development of the worker as well organisation (Walker and Walker, 2016). Financials management is also very important, if Hilton hotel manager not properly use their financial resources, or if they do not properly managed so they face also lot of problems, they do not providing in effective services to their customer, they do not payment in their employees. So it is also the big issues. If they not improve their service so consumer are not willing to visit their hotel. So they maintain their front house staff, their services, they also providing better services to their consumer, if they are providing so they do not achieve their goal of the businesses. Employees turnover, it is most common operational issue in Hilton hotel in business staff turnover this hotel employees work full-time it is not necessary to mention they do work only holiday or weekend so this industry need to finding long time workers to manage working hours (Mahadevan, 2015). This hotel need to right people who serve different types of customer that the big attract for this hotel. They dealing with high volumes of consumer easily and help to increase their highest turnover rate. Operation cost is also the big issues there are some reasons that becoming problems for this hotel, first this hotel do not properly try new technology trend so they are not running their operational work properly without using technology, they do not gather information their consumer, they do not giving details their hotel.

2) Theory of operational management

Operational management is related to the controlling the production process and organisational operations, it involves certain responsibilities (Mahadevan, 2015). The main duty of operational management system increasing work efficiency in effective way and maintain the highest standard , it is necessary to fulfil the requirement of customers. The main reason for the absences of proper management no any industry mange their work so it is curial, it helps to providing discipline, maintaining the interpersonal relationship among the employees between their subordinates (Davis and, 2018). This types of theory providing the authority and responsibility of the work and giving each department work in properly way and it is also helpful for protecting the financials resources means manage fund in effective manner. The theory of operational management is given below:

Planing: it is the process of thinking in advance, it is important for making plan for future or achieving the goal of the organisational (Davis and, 2018). Hilton hotel also make their plan in advance regarding their work like what is to be done in the future, how many services provided their customer in different level, how to motivated their employees so these are the plan which help to retaining or increasing the efficiency of the worker.

Organising: it is related to the organisation is to providing raw material, personnel, capital. It is divide into two parts, the material corporation and the human organisation. So after making plan Hilton hotel manager have need to how organise their work so they manage their personnel issues, fulfil businesses requirement and managing their duty in effective manner (Xu and Gursoy, 2015). This hotel manager is responsible to assignee their worker duties like providing services to customer in proper discipline and maintain healthy environment at workplaces. This hotel also defines their staff duties clearly.

Command: the motive of this aspect set a organisation goal Hilton hotel manager giving a command to get optimum return all the staff of in the interest of the whole business. They have to provide proper knowledge in personally their employees, the aim of the hospitality industry work done in unity full energy, taking initiative and providing best services to their customer. They also maintain loyalty among the staff as well as peoples . This hotel conduct periodic audit in their business and they use proper utilization of resources.

co- ordinations: it is related to the every department work in effective manner means they perform their duties in harmony with the rest (Davis and, 2018). Hilton hotel manager divide their work in according to different department like front house perform their dusty in effective way or their section is also completing their task in peacefully in proper coordination. The aim of this hotel is to running their business in clear co-operation.

Control: it is very important term, it works on peoples, things, actions, it is the process of taking appropriate action influences other for making the best result and controlling operational management work. Hilton hotel also control their internal department and all the work control by supervisors (Walker and Walker, 2016). Controlling is the last function of the management it is upward, if planing is must in every businesses so controlling is also important without this no any organisation control entire businesses operations.

These are the theory of operational management is very important for giving right direction or also help to achieving the goal of the organisation. It is also help to providing the rules, methods procedures of the businesses. It providing the division of work in every employees. If Hilton hotel manager implement these types of theory. so they earn more profit and providing customer satisfaction as well motivated their staff (Davis and, 2018). It also hep to make effective plan and controlling all the work in effective way. Planing and controlling both aspect is very important with or plan of action this hotel not reach their goal or without controlling this organisation can not manage entire work so both are equally important.

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3)Causes of operational management theory

Operational management is the process of planing, organizing, directing and controlling all the important aspect in the businesses. It providing the improvement of the organisation and support company strategies goals. The causes of the operational management issues reducing the employer work efficiency and create many problem in businesses operations. There are some causes which is related to the operational management theory in given below.

Improper planing: if Hilton hotel manager not making effective plan or not making proper plan of action so they people do providing best services, they do not established well relationship with consumers (Xu and Gursoy, 2015). They face many problem like wastage of resources, reducing their sales,they do not earn more profitability. This hotel do not identifying their business value in proper way. If they make effective plan so this hospitality industry achieve their target easily.

Poor scheduling: it is very important like complete their task in proper time, it is essental fro manager and their employees do their job according to schedule means completing working hours. If Hilton hotel manager are not using cloud based project management softerware, scheduling become even difficult so they not mention every employer task per day. If they use this method, it is simple to manage whole task in each worker.

Poor team quality control and supervision: it refer to the Hilton hotel lack of staff, if they hiring wrong person so they reduce their work efficiency, if manager of this hotel taking too long time to completing their work, missing their task deadlines or not submitting in time so they top management need to improve their skill in proper way (Brandon and 2016). This hotel manager not higher the right person so they face many problem like they do not providing the quality services to their customer, if they do not control internal environment so this industry also create issues like they do not maintain their relationship with employees. Poor team quality raise lot of problem like they do not proper information to their customer regarding hotel services.

These are the causes of operational management which create many problems, if Hilton hotel manager are not making proper plans, scheduling and do not focus on quality services so they do not achieve their goal of the business.

4)Operation issues impact on businesses performances

The impact of operational issues reduces Hilton hotel business performance level. The impact of operational issues is given below.

Reducing the profitability of the businesses: it is very important aspects, if Hilton hotel not focus on their work, if they are not assign their duties in proper way so they automatically reducing the profitability of the hotel, they are not achieving the goal of the businesses (Xu and Gursoy, 2015). This hotel have need to complete their task in effective manner, they also focus on their customer, they providing quality of services, giving friendly environment full fill their wants so they also obtaining profit.

Reducing value of customer's: some time they people not focus in their services or not giving preference their consumers so they face many problems like clients are not willing staying their hotel. So they focus on their customer, quality of services.

Employees are not satisfied with their work: this hotel manager not providing proper salary, performance appraisal so this the big reason (Xu and Gursoy, 2015). if worker are not complete their task so the performance of the business is automatically low so this organisation need to improve their customer services as well as creating healthy environment at workplaces and providing proper fund to their staff.

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