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Critical Factors of Recycling in Hospitality Industry - Rosewood Hotel

University: University of Warwick

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4042
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: SIT50416
  • Downloads: 969

Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions

  • How research proposal helps in analysing the data and sources of information.
  • What are the key approaches and methods used to conduct research methodology.

Answer :



Recycling is one of the most elementary practices for the companies to generate new potential material by addressing growing problems of municipal solid waste. With the help of recycling process, necessary material or valuable things can be regenerated again or reused. Recycling process is the modern concept of sustainable development that helps hospitably industry to take new further steps in order to meet the consumer satisfaction in environment growth. It is very necessary or effective process of recycling in hotel industry for getting good sustainable environment for the business (Brizga, Feng and Hubacek, 2017). It also helpful to reduce the costing of raw material in the development area. Further it helps to keep the environment clean and eco friendly.

In other terms, for hotels they face high range of barriers to sorting and recycling their waste. They are extent to limited by the waste management infrastructure in their locality. It brings new managing task overall, it brings new managing effective culture environment in order to meet out the best possible action plan.

Sometimes hospitality sector has limited infrastructure waste management techniques due to which leisure industry cannot maintained their position level together. Apart from that, it also helps to keep the all management task more appropriate and effective (Chan and, 2017). Present study will be based on hospitality industry that to which extent recycling is critical for the hospitality sector. So yes it is very necessary for the industry to keep environment safe and secure. In UK waste culture has been rapidly increasing due to diminishing landfill space and increasing collection and disposal costs. Due to ineffective waste management and long term growth in order to meet out the best form of results.

The largest waste fractions generated by hotels are glass, organic, cardboard and paper, metals and plastics. In hospitality sector large number of waste has come out from kitchen activities, hotel is requited to make more serious about the waste management techniques.

In order to develop the waste management practices hotel manager needs to require and adopt the best effective feasibility audit to ensure the waste management process plan. In order to meet out the goals and best forming results, it is necessary to keep all task alive and most effectively done (Choi, Jang and Kandampully, 2015). For example, Create employee interest in the facilities recycling program. Build ownership by involving employee in the initial stage of the programme. Present study will help to explain the significant factors of recycling that helps to keep the environment more sustainable and effective for long term. Apart from that, assist the recycling team in establishing the hotel recycling goals. Further it discussing about the important factors of recycling for hospitality industry. 

The main aim of this present research is to define the importance of recycling process or their importance in hospitality sector. That helps to make businesses aware about the waste management practices. This present research helps to increase the importance of waste management into the best hotel industry (Han and Yoon, 2015). It helps to take new different opportunities and growth in order to keep all things more effective and valuable. The use of lightweight plastics and composite materials in the automotive industry has been increasing the important role in current days. The study aims to analyse the different practices that are should needs to followed by the hospitality industry in order to adopt the recycling process of effective management task and process. Apart from that, it discovers the new management task and opportunity to develop the new management effective performance to make the better advancement growth.

In other words recycling is the component or an element which maintains or improving the local environment. Recycling process not even keep good economic sense even this are more valuable for the suitability development

Scope of the study

The importance of this research is to eventuate the critical factors of recycling in hospitality industry. It helps to bring new advantage and growth of waste management practices in hospitality sector. In order to meet out the customer environmental needs. Overall, it helps to take new further steps in order to reduce the negative climatic erosion and process. Scope of this present study is very much essential in the development sector to take the new benefits and growth for the development needs (Leonidou and, 2015). Overall, it helps to bring new managing successful business growth. This study can also help to develop Rosewood hotel demand and customer attention. Apart from that, it takes new necessary and important features of developing high profile ratio and new managing successful business growth. Apart from that, this present study can helps many other hospitality businesses to adopt the same practices in order to protect the environment sustainability. Overall, it takes so much time to develop the new identify growth in order to fulfil the long term goals of customer satisfaction approach. Apart from that, it helps to keep all things more effective and entangle productive for the new development.

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Aim: “ To identify that to What extend is recycling a critical factor for hospitality based company” Case study based on Rosewood Hotel London.

2.0 Research objectives and Research questions

Research Objectives

  • To identify the importance of recycling process in hospitality industry
  • To determine the critical factors of recycling presents in the hospitality sector
  • To identify the impact of recycling on the evolution of sustainability development.

Research Questions

Q. What are the importance of recycling process in hospitality industry ?

Q. What are the critical factors of recycling presents in the hospitality sector ?

Q. What are the impact of recycling on the evolution of sustainability development ?

Gantt chart


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Research proposal


Aims and objectives


Literature review


Research methodologies


Data collection


Data analysis


Data interpretation


Finding and conclusion




Execute the plan




3.0 Literature Review

Theme 1: To identify the importance of recycling process in hospitality industry

According to Lord, Putrevu, and Kreeger, (2015) recycling is the most essential topic and practices which needs has been increased in hospitality sector. It very vital for some reasons such as it is easy and flexible to set up and run with some short of knowledge and proper planning and it feels good to be involved for the sack of better environmental growth and better feasibility research. Moreover, it helps to sustained the long term growth in the better form of results. It is very easy and protected the environment in all form of areas. Better it takes long term environment to make long lasting effects effective challenging task full growth in order to meet out the best developing challenging in future times. As per the Leonidou and, (2015) it has been calculated that 30% waste reduction has been done from pubs, 16% waste reduction has been done from hotels, 98% reduction has been done from nightclubs (Information sheet Hospitality, 2018).

Recycling or waste management practices is very much essential for the hospitality companies which helps to enable to identify the sources and types of waste that company produce. This practices will helpful for the companies to take corrective action plan to develop good skill development task and better forming results. This can be helpful in many ways. Such as that process enable to ensure that waste can be reused wherever its possible as raw material to make new products. Further, it helpful to conserves natural resources, it helps to limit food waste and help to keep maintained pollution free environment. It also helps to measure the most important and most challenging resourceful items. Overall, it takes new prominent and measurable source full item to get the best output results.

According to Leonidou and, (2015) that effective waste management and helps to focussing on reducing waste material, reusing valuable materials and recycling in better way. This is essential for the companies to get reduced the additional cost which they invest on the purchasing raw materials etc. hospitality companies can easily adopts some waste management models and techniques through which they can easily introduce practices within the business culture in order to ensure the best waste management practices. Apart from that, some items which can easily be reused such as LED lighting, dish ware, filtered water instead of bottled, reducing and reusing supplies of packaging and also can reduce the amount of paper products which is used in printing and helping in distributing materials.

According to Han and Yoon, (2015) suggests that recycling is beneficial for the hospitality industry for the better environment. This helps can be more effective and challenging into more appropriate manner. Recycling centres can also recycle the paper cardboard, metal, plastic, electronics, food waste and oil, wood and glass. It will be more helpful and best approachable results in order to meet the objectives. Apart from that, another benefit to the hospitality industry is to get good image in the community in terms of good praise and long term growth. With the help of this profitability ratio it helps to give better form of results and target market goals into more appropriate manner. For example, wastage of food material can be reused by farmers to get new one or for composting for community gardens, furniture. Linens.

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Critical factors of recycling presents in the hospitality sector

According to the point of Tingchi Liu and, (2014), location and labelling of recycling contain major factor that presents in the hospitality sector. It assists to found suitable waste contractor in appropriate manner recycle in the business. In today's time, there are several natural resources that can be helps to attain desired level of results. As a result, people work together to protect environment for benefit of society and welfare of generation. In addition to this, waste and management policy act of 1991 has been accomplished which was designed to address growing concern citizens that impact on waste upon the environment. On the other hand, Sirakaya-Turk, Baloglu and Mercado, (2014) stated that main component of the act is to promote reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste before land-filling or incineration. In Rosewood Hotel London, legislations also encourage people to recycle and reduce to cooperate with different people of the business such as government, business, industry and private citizen. Today's time is successfully developed and wisely utilise resources that increases attractiveness of environment influences also create decision making process which create major factor to determine market potential. It is one of the greatest potential outcomes to maintain and improve environmental change.

In addition to this, Umair, Björklund and Petersen, (2015) said that recycling is key component to maintain and improving local environment performances. Therefore, it helps to make good economic sense to demonstrate to guest and community with good ethics. It can be used as manual as beginning point to develop recycle program for property. With the help of teamwork and realistic expectations, successfully recycling experience can be develop at workplace. Cooperation of individual also assists to deal with public and private sector of group. Hence, they can accomplish goals to make better place. However, Mo and Jeon, (2018) argued that recycling is one of the element in process to address growing problem and include valuable material that are re-manufactured and reused. In this way, Rosewood Hotel London can get idea of resource recovery with modern concept of sustainable development. In order to highly effective waste management program the chosen business need to capture recyclable material from the waste stream. It contains knowing material which can be effectively separated from hotel waste stream.

Impact of recycling on the evolution of sustainability development

As per the views of Schill and Shaw, (2016), recycling or reuse of resources, material assists to develop important part in the process of sustainability. This is because, it reduces negative impact of human from the environment. As a result, pressure from the natural resources can be identify easily. In Rosewood Hotel London, term sustainable development coined for common future which assists to meet needs of the present to generate ability of future generations to gain more desired level of results. Sustainable products in the chosen business provide environmental, social and economic benefits to protect public health with whole life cycle. From the extraction of raw materials, final disposal work also performed effectively. On the other hand, Priarone, Ingarao and Di Lorenzo, (2016) stated that recycling is very important as it creates huge impact on natural environment. There are several harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses released from rubbish in landfill sites. It assists to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Habitat destruction and global warming are some effects that caused by deforestation. Sustainable development includes satisfying needs of present customers in the chosen business with effective development program.

Along with this, Ahmad, Bazmi and Bukhari, (2016) generated their views sustainability is most often defined to meet with needs of present without compromising ability of future generation to meet with positive results. There are mainly three pillars such as economic, environment and social which assists to accomplish profits and revenue with large number of effectiveness. In Rosewood Hotel London, recycling assists to need for extracting which contain mining, quarrying and logging for refining and processing raw material. All of these create substantial air and water pollution. It assists to save energy to reduce greenhouse gas emission that tackle climate change. Beside this, Kravanja, Varbanov and Klemeš, (2015) stated that recycling assists to reduce energy usage and consumption of fresh raw material from air and water pollution. Waste disposal and greenhouse gases emissions also increases positive results to develop more significant advantages to considered environment friendly. Recycling is very important as waste which create huge negative impact from natural environment.


4.1 Research design, approach and type

In the research, there are different methods, types and approaches used that assists to accomplish aim and objectives in positive consideration. There are different elements explained under here:

  • Research design: Research design is arrangement of conditions or collections with using different elements in whole study. Therefore, it contains descriptive, experimental, exploratory, correlative, etc. All these methods are suitable to present study to assess extent in which recycling is a critical factor for hospitality based enterprise. With the help of descriptive research design, researcher able to accomplish aim and objectives in positive consideration (Xu and Gursoy, 2015). Apart from this, other elements of research design are not suitable because these cannot be effectively apply in present study.
  • Research approach: Furthermore, research approach is also adopted by qualitative researchers which tends to be inductive and means to develop theory and look for a pattern on the basis of data collected. On the other hand, deductive approach usually begins with hypothesis which consider wide scope of the research. In the present study, deductive approach has been used that emphasis and focused on exploring new phenomena from different perspective (Mackey and Gass, 2015). It is commonly associated with qualitative research because there is no set of rules to consider appropriate study. For present aim of recycling, this deductive approach is the best aspect that used to attain effective results in the whole research.
  • Research type: Qualitative and quantitative two kinds of research types. With this consideration, qualitative study is primarily used to gain understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations. It provides insights into problems that assists to develop ideas and hypothesis for potential quantitative research. On the other hand, quantitative research is used to quantify the problems in a particular way to generate numerical data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It can be used to quantify attitude, opinion, behaviour, etc. defined variables. In the present research study, qualitative data and information used that assists to collect method that are varied using unstructured or semi-structured techniques (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). This is because, qualitative research consist non-representative cases that are used as sample to increase initial understanding. It is process oriented method that contain desired level of results in whole study successfully.
  • Research philosophy: Research philosophy consider in two aspects such as positivism and interpretivism. From the both, researcher select interpretivism research philosophy because it is effective to conduct research on recycling in hotel industry. It provides subjective assessment and measurement to focus on appropriate system in the whole program.
  • Research strategy: In the present study, survey has been conducted with taking 20 employees of Rosewood Hotel London. It will help to focus on more effective result and performances that will be consider to attain more goals and objectives.
  • Research approach: There are two types of research approach such as inductive and deductive. From the both, researcher select inductive research approach that is useful to analysis from specific to general. As a result, researcher can focus on further program that can be successfully build to gain more effective results at workplace.
  • Data collection: In the present research study, questionnaire has been prepared which assist to conduct survey with using qualitative research study. It also helps to focus on effective functioning at workplace of the research. Reason behind selecting questionnaire is that it assists to find effective results in survey.
  • Data analysis: Present study also useful to conduct effective research and thematic analysis has been used to perform several functions. In this regard, effectiveness will be increasing to focus on appropriate functioning.
  • Ethics: In order to conduct present research, proper ethics must be followed that helps to focus on appropriate findings of the study. In this regard, it can be stated that all regulations and norms must be carry by researcher that assists to conduct study without any harm to person and other things as well.
  • Risk analysis: In order to conduct risk analysis, it can be stated that appropriate functioning will be successfully develop to find negative things from the study. In this consideration, it can be stated that time and budget are two major aspect of risk.

4.2 Rationale

Research philosophy contain belief about particular way where data should be gathered, analysed and used. It is encompasses different kinds of philosophies in the whole study. It is more important consideration which used in research experience and contain interests, past, present and future performances. There are two types of research philosophies such as interpretivism and positivism. In the present research study, interpretivism research philosophy has been used that interpret elements of study to integrate human interest into particular study. According to this philosophy, it can be emphasis on qualitative analysis to implement recycle process in hospitality industry (Lewis, 2015).

Furthermore, data collection is another element of research which need to be gather from different resources to ascertained desired results at workplace. With the help of primary and secondary data collection, researcher can implement appropriate work in the whole consideration of research. Primary data can be collected from questionnaire which implemented in survey in which 20 employees of Rosewood Hotel London has been selected as sample size. Simple random sapling method has been selected in which appropriate work can be accomplish to focus on desired level of results (Vaioleti, 2016).

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In order to collect appropriate data, researcher need to focus on ethics that are identified and implemented to ascertained effectiveness. With the help of policies, regulations and standard form of data, it can be stated that privacy of respondents need to be secure so that appropriate significant outcomes successfully develop at workplace. In addition to this, government determine certain rules which must be applied to evaluate significant advantages in research study (Ledford and Gast, 2018).


Moreover, there is limitation of certain elements in whole research that successfully consider in whole program to develop desired level of results. Time and money, there are two major perspective that has limitation in front of researcher. In order to increase sustainability, it is important to focus on the formulation of research aim and objectives. Appropriate data collection method consider in research which acknowledge shortcoming of work instead to leave in dissertation assessor. Due to lack of previous studies in the research areas, present study contain literature review that helps to identify more scope of works (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015).


  • Ahmad, M.S., Bazmi, A.A. and Bukhari, N., 2016. Students’ responses to improve environmental sustainability through recycling: quantitatively improving qualitative model. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 11(1). pp.253-270.
  • Kravanja, Z., Varbanov, P.S. and Klemeš, J.J., 2015. Recent advances in green energy and product productions, environmentally friendly, healthier and safer technologies and processes, CO2 capturing, storage and recycling, and sustainability assessment in decision-making. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 17(5). pp.1119-1126.
  • Ledford, J.R. and Gast, D.L., 2018. Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Lewis, S., 2015. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice. 16(4). pp.473-475.
  • Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.
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