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Leadership and Management


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Introduction to Leadership and Management

Leadership and management are virtually overlapping concepts. However, they are not the same thing, but are used interchangeably. Although their work patterns are moreover same, but still they have certain difference and importance.The research report describes the role of the hospitality manager, in the context of leadership and management. Further, the report also presents relationship between leadership and management. Also, many roles and responsibility of a manger within a range of hospitality environment are being discussed. The report has aimed on evaluating the importance of healthy, safe and productive work environment which meets organizational objectives and legal requirements (Adelekan, 2007).

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Concept of Leadership and its relationship with management

Leadership has a many diverse definitions. Peter Drucker has defined it as: “Leader is someone who has followers (Drucker, 2003).” To gain followers requires lot of influence. Leadership of a person influences others decisions. While it is find in every study that “Leadership is made or born in a person by birth (Drucker, 2012).” Leadership includes leading the manpower in an appropriate manner, it entails formation of group and motivation of personnel’s creating coordination among them to enhance the working ability of the team members. Management and leadership are interlinked because management strategies can perform better when they are properly guided by the leader. Although they have different activities and functions, Leadership and management are necessary in every industry. In the industry every person does not have both qualities to lead and manage uniformly. Managers are always good in management but are not good in leadership, whereas leaders are good in leading a team but they are not enough capable to manage people in the organization. In the hospitality industry, managers are trained to plan, organize, implement, monitor and evaluate. The managers plan to achieve desired feedback of the guests so they can retain them in a regular duration of time. Managers organize the planned activities with the help of department heads in the hospitality industry (Brotherton, and Wood, 2007).  The leaders or department head executes the planned activities; they make coordination among the team and perform the work assigned by the manager. The manager tracks the activities which are performed by the team members and leaders. They also evaluate the performance of the other departments with planned activities. Good management includes good leadership.

Leadership is concerned with scanning, implementation, mobilizing and aligning the activities and inspiring the workers to perform well. Hospitality managers are the back bone and they are not in the contact with the guests directly. A hospitality manager is concerned for the management of staff and day-to –day operations (Coleman, and Glover, 2010). They are also concerned with the guest service and make up of management team, the team leader are responsible for the routine operation work. Leader motivates team members to deliver the quality of services, where as mangers are concerned for planning to maximize profits. Mangers are often included in responsibilities, from managing finance to greeting guests, whereas leaders motivates their team to work, by the direction of management. The hospitality industry includes vision establishment, human development and networking, vision execution and vision outcome. In this process management sets plans, develops process and sets timelines, and leadership sets directions, develops strategic plans in achieving the vision, work from passionate attitude to achieve the vision and goals. In the next step management organizes staff, delegate responsibilities and authorities, shoes low emotion for work and limits the choice of employees and leadership align organization, communicates effectively to achieve vision mission and directs team for them to work, it increases choices for team work emotions are high and influences teams and partnership. Further management controls process, identifies problems, solve problem, monitor results but it take low risk approach to slave problems and leadership inspires and motivates its employees it encourages employees to defeat barriers and change, it also satisfy the basic needs of humans, and to solve any problem it takes high risk approach (Crystal, Leung, and Law, 2011). At the last step managers concerns on vision order and predictability of servicers they provide, they concerns to provide consistent expected results to stakeholders, and leadership concerns in promoting useful and dramatic changes, it focuses on improving services, relation with employees and introducing new and innovative services.

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Differentiating between the roles and responsibilities of a manager within a range of hospitality environment, in the large hotels mangers are included in all activities, such as servicing guest, marketing, accounting, and team building. There are certain other responsibilities which are also important; they consist of planning and organizing accommodation, catering and other hotel services; managing budgets and financial plans as well as controlling expenditure; promoting and marketing the business; setting and achieving sales and profit targets; maintaining statistical and financial records; recruiting, training and monitoring staff; analyzing sales figures and devising marketing and revenue management strategies; planning work schedules for individuals and teams; dealing with customer complaints and comments; meeting and greeting customers; ensuring events and conferences run smoothly; addressing problems and troubleshooting; dealing with contractors and suppliers; supervising maintenance, supplies, renovations and furnishings; carrying out inspections of property and services; ensuring compliance with licensing laws, health and safety and other statutory regulations; ensuring security is effective (Darr, n.d). The manager leads and directs the operations of hotels. They are appointed at the senior level of hotel and their role is report for the hotels’ department heads.

In the hospitality mangers role is to design plans and policies. The department heads and leaders role is to implement the plans and policies which are designed by the managers in the form of services. The hotel management consists of four departments – accommodation department, food and beverage department, housekeeping department and front desk, reception. These are the main department in the hospitality industry (González, and Garazo, 2006). Other than this hotels do have sub departments they are human resource department, IT department and accounting department. Team leaders’ work in the front of the hotel and mangers supports them to perform their service from the behind. Operations work is majorly performed by the main departments and sub departments perform sub activities like billing, management of resources. Managerial persons of the hospitality industry are highly qualified and paid high amount of salary, whereas department heads and other employees are less skilled and paid low amount of salary (Hassanien, 2006). The role of managers and leaders differ at every point in the hotel management. The department heads makes innovation to their services, creates new services for guests, they are highly focused on people, they inspire trust, they have a long range of perspective, they ask what and why to do services which hare outdated, they are focused on the horizon, they challenges adverse situations where they provide quick services, department heads have unique personalities, every employee is inspired by them, they always do the right things. The management provides administrative services to guests and to employees of the organizations, they copy method from other organization, management is always focused on systems and structure, management always rely on control process, their view for the customer is short – range, management of the hotels always ask questions like how and when to its department heads, they keep eye on the bottom line, management of the hotel is always in verge to seek status for the hotel. In the hospitality industry managerial persons are well groomed, they know the trick to retain their precious customers. Management of the hospitality industry believes in doing things right (High employee fluctuation in the hospitality industry. 2013).

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According to the present scenario of the hospitality industry, hotels are concerned for quality control and standard practices rather than vision and mission. Providing quality of services is the key of current hospitality industry. The department heads are concerned for the quality and they makes necessary of change on their hand. In the present, department heads train their team member; they encourage every employee to act like a manager. Hotel management believes on moment of truth. In the hospitality industry moment of truth is when an employee interacts with a guest, it consists you have only fifteen second to make impression (Jayawardena, 2000). The department heads believes that management should hire good people and keep them happy because there is high turnover ratio in the industry. Employees who are happy will be dedicated to their work and they will also keep happy their guests. This simply results in increasing footfall in the hotel. The department should respond timely, because no person likes to be put on hold. The guests do not want to wait at the time check in. In the hospitality industry housekeeping departments of the hotel should make a point of responding in timely manner, it will make customers to come back for more times in the future (Jayawardena, et. al. 2013).

Key aspects of that a hospitality management focuses in context of healthy, safe and productive working environment is described according to the requirement of the hospitality management. First, when hotels hire employees they should take dynamic team into account. The management should hire employees who are self motivated and self driven; team leader of every department is responsible to create a good team and to train them or the services they are performing. In the present employee turnover ratio is hire because every hotel is hiring employees who are smart, trained and experienced. Second, the working environment in the hotel should be pleasant and friendly, it will create some liaising between team members and department heads. Friendly environment in the organization creates good impact on the employees further it leads in less employee turnover ratio for the hotel. Friendly atmosphere does   mean to retain the employees of the organization for a long run. Third, in the present world management of the hotels should try to build a positive image in the minds of employees. It will motivate their employees, and they will work hard to provide more and more satisfaction to the customers. Fourth, importance of productive working environment includes management of the hotel should involves their employees in developing plans. Through this step employees will feel motivated (Maier, 2012). In the present world big hotel chains are focusing through this step because employees genuinely know that where their organization lack in serving the customers and guests. Fifth, this step evaluates that when an employee is delegated more responsibilities, he focuses more on the work which will create good customers for the organization. Delegation of authority and responsibility generally encourages the employees to work more effectively. It also helps the organization to meet their objectives and legal requirements. Sixth, a hotel organization can meet its legal requirement and objectives by providing training opportunities to the employees. Training opportunity to grow employees work efficiency also motivates employees to work with their full strengths. In the present each and every industry is concerned for its employee grooming and management of the company are also agree to pay for it. Seventh, this is concerned with the leadership style of the department heads. In the hospitality industry employees are influenced by their seniors and bosses (McKimm, and Phillips, 2009.). Employees are concerned with the leadership style of their team leader and they also want to be as them. Working quality of the team leaders also reflects the working environment in the organization. Eight, in the present world every employee is concerned with its respect in the organization. Management should give respect to each and every employee of the organization. It also helps in achieving the objectives of the organization and creating the healthy environment. Ninth, hotel management should give annual performance reviews and rewards to its employees; management can also collects the feedback from its employees to improve any kind of areas (Marquis, and Huston, 2009). This method will also help in improving the working environment of the organization. Tenth, hotels can improve its working environment and meet their objectives by providing attractive benefits and handsome amount of salaries. It will also lead in less turnover ratio for the organization. Management of the hotels can also provide promotions to its employees to retain them. Eleventh, in the present world there is a huge work load in every organization, which is affecting the working environment of the organization. In hospitality industry workload can be reduced by the use of effective hotel management system and hotels can creates good working environment. Twelfth, last but not the least hotel organization can achieve good working condition through recognizing a job well done. There are many ways to apprise the employees of the organization. There can be monetary and non monetary was to apprise the employees (Roles within the Hotel Industry, n.d).

In the present world working conditions in the hospitality industry is healthy and productive, although there is a high employee turnover ratio. It is due to the ambitious hoteliers who can agree to pay high salary and other benefits to the experience personnel. Good working condition in the industry attracting the more youth to work in the industry (Zopiatis, and Constanti, 2012).


As per the topic is concern, the report carries the major aspects of the leadership and management are discussed in brief. There is the major role of the manager in the hospitality management to apply the leadership skills for improvement of the organization. the leadership brings the team management in the hospitality industry. There is a positive integrity between the leadership and the management. Is case of the hospitality management the discipline is the major factor that the customers’ demands from the industry and the staffs working the hotels and the resorts. This approach of discipline can be derived from the leadership quality of the hospitality manager. The role of the hospitality manager is to plan the functions of the human resource allocate the resources available; evaluate the services rendered for the betterment and the improvement of the industry (Sustainable Business Associates, 2008). The retention of the customers is the major prospect in the hospitality management which is described in the report clearly. The report clarifies the difference between the leadership and the management along with the need of both in the context of the hospitality management. The report describes the role of the hospitality manager in relation to the environment of the hotel industry the effect of the behavior of the manager in the internal and the external environment is shown clearly in the report. The whole study includes all the positive aspects where the leadership and management works as helping hands for each other and help to complete the vision and mission of the organization (Xiao, John, and Mattila, 2012).


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  • Drucker, F. P., 2003. Peter Drucker On The Profession Of Management. Harvard Business Press.
  • Drucker, P., 2012. Managing for the Future.  Routledge.
  • González, J. V., and Garazo, T. G., 2006. Structural relationships between organizational service orientation, contact employee job satisfaction and citizenship behavior. International Journal of Service Industry Management. 17(1). pp.23 – 50.
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