Question :
Learning Outcomes:
- Discuss the relevance and put into context current perspectives and challenges in leadership.
- Explain the concept and application of the ‘authentic’ leadership model for encouraging others to follow a leader.
- Analyse and examine the role of authentic and transformational leadership.
- Evaluate the importance of demonstrating responsible leadership during a process of change
Module Description
The appropriate role of leadership which reflect the economic, social and political context which is operated by leaders. The module explains different theories of leadership with its application on business situations of modern days. In particular, the link between theories of change and the role of leaders in building trust through the exercise of responsible leadership is examined. It is supported by evaluation of the link between effective leadership and traits of personality, such as ‘fellowship leadership and authentic and transformational leadership.
Assessment Tasks
There are two tasks which are required to be completed in this module:
- Case study (2000 words)
Intended learning outcomes: 1 and 4
- Case study (2000 words)
Intended learning outcomes: 2 and 3
1 (LO1 and LO4)
You are given two articles for the case study.
Article 1: Global leadership challenges
Article 2: The Critical Role of Leadership Development During Organizational Change
Give response to the following based on the above two articles and other relevant literature:
- Analyse changing perspectives of leadership in different economic, social and political contexts
- Discuss the challenges in leadership in today’s volatile business environment.
- Clearly evaluate different characteristics of responsible leadership.
- Examine the Importance of demonstrating responsible leadership to be able to lead the organisation during a process of change.
2: LO2 and LO3 – Case study
You have been presented Richard Branson case as an authentic and transformational leader for the purpose of this assessment.
2 Task (LO2 and LO3)
Using the above case study and other relevant literature on authentic and transformational leadership qualities:
- Explain the concept and application of the authentic leadership model for encouraging others to follow a leader.
- Analyse and examine the role of authentic and transformational leadership drawing evidences from Richard Branson’s leadership style.
Answer :
Leadership refers the action of the leading group of member or the ability of the person to motivate large number of the peoples. Generally, leadership involves to create vision and motivate the group of people to achieve vision by giving the best performance. Leadership theories are proposed by the great leaders who guide group, team or organization towards achieving goal. On other hand practices refers when a person or leader adapts style and act according to the leadership style and guides. In this report will cover characteristic of responsible leadership.
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1. Change perspectives of leadership in different economic, social and political
Leader changes their perspective which is based on the factors such as economical, political and social. Leader plays significant role in the organizations where motivates group of the peoples and supports them to overcome their weakness so that organization gets profitability. Leader changes their prospect according to situation and leaders faces global challenges.
Economical challenges
To motivate group of the employees in the company offers leadership development program so that organization enables to lead changes and acquires profit in the company. Emotional intelligence program also offers by the leader to employees so that they improve their emotional intelligence and able to take appropriate decision in the company. Economical challenge are budget, organizational strategy etc. which is faced by the leader and have to changes their leadership style (Yang and Lim, 2016). Leader changes their leadership according to situations such as when budget is super tight in some countries and organization wants software development program so that organization enables to attract group of customers to the company. But organization doesn't have large funds to invest on the program and wants to appropriate employees who take training operating software. In that state leaders changes their leadership and monitors those employees who posses excellent catching power. Based on the skills, leader have to make the strategy for offering classes selected employees in well-formed manner. Leader applies autocratic leadership during economical challenges where monitors employees performance and reduces employees turnover so that excellent employee retains in the company and lead competitive advantage in the organization. Autocratic leader offers training classes some selected employees and the main motive of the leadership to lead high competitive advantage over the period. Due to the budget tightening, leader unable to motivate each employee at workplace.
Political challenges
Political challenges are governmental laws, competitors, expectation of the stakeholder which is faced by the leaders and, they have to changes their leadership according to perceptions.
Managing stakeholders: Stakeholders are two types internal and external where internal stakeholders are employees, management, organizational structure etc. on other hand external stakeholder includes customers, governmental policies etc. leader sets goal which is based on the political norms where leader have to change their leadership style so that enables to give profitability to employees (Turnnidge and Côté, 2018). Leader faces challenge when organizational strategy changes according to political norms. In that state leader have to change their leadership so that enable to motivate group of employees in the particular company. To understand challenge there is an example such as UK's organization is Tesco which offers worldwide services. Organization wants to promote business in other countries where government is unstable. In that state organization changes their strategy so that challenges converts into opportunity. On other hand leader have to set goal according to political situation which can face by the employees. Leader offers training classes to internal stakeholders so that they give their best performance in the company and achieve goal of the company. Thus, leader have to face political challenges in the company. To overcome the political issues' leader adapts situational leadership style for collaborating the political challenge.
Social Challenges
Social challenges are diverse cultures, inflexibility in organizational strategies, managing stakeholders etc. leads changes in leadership prospectiveness. Diversity at workplace is big challenge for leaders because they have to conducts their training program in equally manner so that dispute doesn't take place between employees. Diversity includes male and female community and leader have to set goal according to the employees so that each employees gets value in the company (Tourish, 2019). Second challenge is cultural diversity in which includes different types of group of employees who belongs to different region along with different culture. Cultural diversity lead high conflict between employees and management if leader doesn't offer value equally. It is big task for the leaders because they have to change their strategies and have to implement that strategies which lead involvement of each employee in the program and each employee gives respect to each other. Leader also faces challenge during training program where leader have to apply that practices which leads effectiveness in each employee performance. To overcome the social challenge leaders changes their leadership style and adapts situational and charismatic leadership style so that employees gets values and maintains their well-being at workplace. Thus, kind challenges are faced by the leader globally.
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2. Current challenges of volatile business environment in leadership
Leading a change in the leadership according to business environment is a big deal for leaders. Current business requires wide variety change in the leadership according to volatile worlds. Leader faces various challenges in current business environment such as-
Impact of the technology
New technology gives impact on organization performance and it is based on the leaders actions. For example today's world is based on the digital technology and large scale organization wants to utilize these technologies so that their working efficiency becomes good and generates high income in the company. On other hand leaders have to conduct software training program for the employee who offers their services within company to customers. To deal with new technology session program is big challenge for the leaders because they have to change their leadership style so that able to understand employees performance and their requirements (Rosile, M Boje and Claw, 2018). Inflexibility in technology gives challenges to leaders because they have to change their practices during offering training class. Currently emerging technology gives threat to volatile business environment where they have to change their operation. On other hand, leader have to improve their skills so that enables to understand each employee how to operate software's.
Emotional intelligence
It also plays significant role in current challenges of volatile business environment and it requires by the organization in leader. Leaders should posses emotional intelligence skills so that enables to build relationship with employees, and they follow their leader as role model. Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management and self management (Clarke, 2018). Thus, kind ability is requires by the business in leaders. Leaders have to improve their self-awareness in term of behaviour, self-confidence and their strength & weakness, so that enables to take appropriate decision for motivating employees. Thus, kind requirement leads complexity for leader, and they have to change their leadership as well.
Cultural issues
Large scale business creates cultural diversity at workplace so that enables to get highly talented employees as result generates sustainable competitive advantage in business market. To manage diverse cultural group at workplace is big challenge for the leaders because they have to change their leadership style so that each employee able to communicate leader carefree and gives values to the decision (Nawaz and Khan_ PhD, 2016). Due to different culture, leader have to understand their efficiency, requirement and their expectation within company and applies leadership style so that easily comply with organization situation. Some times, cultural diversity creates complexity for leaders because unable to communicate with cultural employees. Thus, type challenges faces by the leader in the volatile business environment.
3. Characteristic of responsible leadership
Organization needs that who posses ability to run business global level. Characteristic of responsible leadership-
Creativity and innovation: Leadership should posses creativity and innovation characteristic so that leader capable to introduce creative ideas or decision for the employees, as result employees performance improves in high level. Even responsible leadership leads effectiveness in the leaders decision and differentiates leader from other followers. Creative thinking and continuous innovation makes team confident and differentiate from crowd.
Emotional intelligence: EI assist to build strong relation with the team members. Responsible leadership posses this charactristic so that capable to conncet wth employee emotionally. The main reason of the emotional intelligence charactristic in the leadership is that to manage each employee emotion efectively in the workplace so that they give high performce . Another reason it improve social awarenesss which leads better communicati with diffrent cultural peoples.
Delegation and Empowerment: It is most important characteristic of the responsible leadership. It is crucial for the leaders for focusing responsibilities so that enables to clarify different types of task to each employee and empowers followers to complete task sophisticatedly. Responsible leader also helps employees by resolving their issues relevant to tasks.
Good communicator: communication plays vital role for motivating group of employees to improve their performance during task. It is main characteristic of the leadership where leader gives effectiveness on the employees by communication and enables to build relations with employees.
Transparency: Responsible leadership posses transparency in decision-making and task delegation (Harrison, 2017). Leader gives respect to each employee and offers opportunity to show their skill. Even leader involves them in decision-making and permits them to share their ideas and leader listen them properly. Thus, leader gives values to employee and maintains their well-being at workplace.
4. Significance of responsible leadership to lead organization
Due to various characteristic of responsible leadership plays vital role for leading organization during procedure change. Responsible leadership observes outside environment of business and creates creative idea so that organization gets profitability in the company. Leader sets vision of the company and address importance of the vision so that each employee becomes responsible for the job. Responsible leader uses emotional intelligence for getting employees strength and weakness which can create problem for employees during task achievement. Thus, leader connects them emotionally and builds good relation (Guhr, Lebek and Breitner, 2019). Responsible leadership conducts skill and development program so that they learn how to operate new technology and improves their existing skills. The main goal of the program to improve their creativity at workplace. Leader also motivates them by offering recognition on their performance and encourage them to explore creativity at workplace. Responsible leadership act as monitor for the employees where leader monitors performance during task operation and their achievements.
Leader prepares task balance sheet of employees and address employee about their performance so that they understand what's their weakness or strength and how can improve their task achievement. It is effective activity for the leader and employees, as result leads development in team performance by transforming their weakness into strength. 360 feedback strategy applies by the responsible leadership to collect reviews of each department in which employees give their services for completing task (Ford and Harding, 2018). In 360 feedback strategy includes employee, customers, management etc. These are sources for review collections and analyses affectivity on employee's presentation in company. Responsible leadership uses transformation mindset to know organization position and execute in high position by employees task performance. To retain talented employee at workplace offers reward strategies so that they develop new skills and offers high services in company in the form of task achievement, good relation with customers. Responsible leader conducts such kind programs which comply with global change and generate sustainable pr0fitability.All operations of the leader is undertaken by the finance and management department (Dugan, 2017). They specify their vision and goal to leader while leader makes decision according to their requirements so that enables to meet their requirement. To lead change in the organization operations is big deal which can require high investment for leadership improvement program but responsible leadership comply with organization vision and leads transformational success in the company.
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It can be concluded leadership theories and their practices which is based on global challenges. Changing perspective of leadership in different economic, social and political challenges has been summarized in the report. It can be summarized challenges in leadership in current volatile business environment. Different characteristic of the responsible leadership has been concluded in the report. The significance of demonstrating responsible leadership to be able to lead the organization during procedure of change can be concluded.
Books and Journals
- Clarke, N., 2018. Relational Leadership: Theory, Practice and Development. Routledge.
- Dugan, J.P., 2017. Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives. John Wiley & Sons.
- Ford, J. and Harding, N., 2018. Followers in leadership theory: Fiction, fantasy and illusion. Leadership. 14(1). pp.3-24.
- Guhr, N., Lebek, B. and Breitner, M.H., 2019. The impact of leadership on employees' intended information security behaviour: An examination of the full‐range leadership theory. Information Systems Journal. 29(2). pp.340-362.
- Harrison, C., 2017. Leadership theory and research: A critical approach to new and existing paradigms. Springer.