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Management and Leadership Skills for the Service Sector


  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4353
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MGMT8250
  • Downloads: 1158

Question :

Learning outcome -

LO1 Do interpret the classical management theories and leadership styles

Under this provide a scenario by including several management theories and apply the same to the Marriott International. Also, in this reference highlight the role of manager or the leader and their inherited leadership style in managing talent.

Also, you are required to review the management and leadership style associated with the upcoming influence of talent management in Marriott International

LO2 What factors impact different management structure and styles in a service industry

In context to this, do identify and inspect several internal and external factors which affects management style and structures. Make an analysis of the major influencing factors including strategic management, identify their strength and weakness

With respect to Marriott hotel, do the critical analysis of the way in which particular management style have been influenced and amended by application of talent management

LO3 Do interpret the current and future management and leadership skills for the service sector.

Under this, make an assessment of the current management and leadership skills that includes both hard and soft skills in Marriott Hotel and also provide the description of the skills that are required for future and how to gain those skills.

Do an evaluation of the current and future management and leadership skills that are important for the hotel in the light of talent management issues such as staff retention and development. With respect to change, Do the critical evaluation of how, management and leadership skills in your chosen sector organisation has developed

LO4 Provide certain management and leadership skills in context to service industry

As a part of this, perform an examination of the process of change management and leadership in implementing change in hotel and also perform a comparison with another sector. Using your organisation as an example, analyse how change process affects management and leadership skills and styles with reference to managing talent

Learning outcome

Pass criteria

Merit criteria

Distinction criteria

LO1 Do interpret the classical management theories and leadership styles

 P1 Make an assessment of various classical management theories and apply these in a Marriott International

P2What role does leader play and also explain the leadership style in context to service industry

P3 Perform a review of management and leadership styles in a specific service sector organisation

M1 Perform an analysis of the management and leadership style in the service sector with respect to organisational culture and structure

D1 Make an evaluation of Marriott international current management and leadership styles making links to theorists and providing evidence of organisational practice

LO2 What factors impact different management structure and styles in a service industry

P4 Conduct an analysis of internal and external factors that impacts management styles and structures in a selected service industry organisation

M2 in what way does internal and external factors influence management style and structure in Marriott International by taking into consideration strength and weakness

D2 Do a critical analysis of how particular management styles have impacted and changed by internal and external factors in a selected service industry organisation

LO3 Do interpret the current and future management and leadership skills for the service sector.

P5 Inspect current management and leadership ‘hard’ and soft’ skills providing proof from specific service sector examples

P6 Describe future management and leadership skills required by the service sector and how these can be achieved

M3 Make an evaluation of the current and future management and leadership skills that are significant for the hotel

D3 Do a critical evaluation of how, as a response of change, management and leadership skills in the service sector have developed

LO4 Provide certain management and leadership skills in context to service industry

P7 Offer a comparative view of different service industry organisation change management system and leadership for the purpose of implementing change

M4 in what way does change management impacts management and leadership skills and styles

D4 as mentioned above in D3

Answer :

Organization Selected : Marriott International


Leadership is about inspiring and management is about planning. Leaders have a tendency to praise success and drive people, whereas managers work to find faults. Managers, on the other hand, will focus on setting, measuring and achieving goals by controlling situations to reach or exceed their objectives. Marriott International is an American multinational diversified hospitality company that manages and franchises a broad portfolio of hotels and related lodging facilities. It was founded by J. Willard Marriott, the company is now led by his son, executive chairman Bill Marriott, and president and chief executive officer Arne Sorenson. Marriott International is the third largest hotel chain in the world. This report covers questions such as theories of management, role of a leader and different styles of leadership. Management and leadership styles, internal and external factors of management that influence the structure of the company are also discussed in report. The current and future management leadership skill are also discussed in report. It also includes the Hard and soft skills of management, future and leadership skills of management and change in the system of management (Megeirhi and, 2018). The change management process and Implementing of the leadership theories in the hospitality industry is affecting the company at the large scale. So the report is providing the knowledge regarding the management and leadership in the service industry.

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P1) Assess different management theories and apply in service industry

Classical management theories are theories which is concentrating on the management of the organization. It help organization to achieve the long term goals and improve performance of hotel in the market. Management theory is including Henry fayol functions and Taylor scientific management functions.

Henry fayol principles must be followed by the organization while working in the effective way. Division of the work and the reduces the span of the attention or the effort which is developing the work in the effective way. Authority has the power and right to give the order in the effective way and it is also included the responsibility of the individual which is on the high post and which has the authorities as well. Discipline must be followed by the employees while working at the hotel. Discipline includes the formal and the informal agreements which are between the firm and the employees (Alhelalat 2015). Authority has the right to command and give the orders while the authority have right to give orders and direct to employees which are working under them.

Employers must pay the remuneration to employee which are working in the hotel. Size of the organisation is depends on the working of the organisation and the employees of the hotel as well. Thew quality of work is affected by the size of the organisation. The leader must handle the employee with the kindliness and the respect as well. Employees must be given time for settling down in the hotel because every person would need the time to settle down in the any kind of the situation.

Henry fayol has come up with the scientific theory of the management and it is focusing on the efficiency and productivity of the hotel and the employee which are working in organisation. It is developing the condition of the employee in the hotel by the way of using the correct methods for each time and situation. Employee must be trained in the effective way which would improve the performance of employee in hotel (Bavik 2019).

It also includes the theory of the bureaucracy which was brought up by max Weber. It is focusing on the authority which are working at the high post in the organization. Authorities are divided among the three types and it is including the traditional authority and charismatic authority. It is including the traditions and custom as well. The bureaucracy is including the function of organization and the structure of organization.

P2) Explain the role of the leader and different leadership styles in service sector

The leader has to work in hotel and manage the work in hotel. Leader has to provide the vision to the employees which are working in the hotel. In some case employees are not participating in the hotel and in item work as well. So employees would be working in the hotel, but they are not provided with the guidelines for how to perform the work in the effective way. Team members are working in the hotel, and they are driving self towards the work. Leader must know how to establish the structure in hotel and improve the communication between the employee which are working in hotel. Due to the effective communication performance of hotel is improved and employees as well (Belias and, 2017). Leader can the role model for employees which are working in the organisation and it is also improving the behavior of the employees towards work and leader. Leader must look after that the employee would motivate employee in effective way. Employee need the inspiration and motivation from time to time which would improve the performance of employees. Ensure that the training is provided to employee in effective way.

Leadership styles

Democratic leadership theory is focusing on the decision of the leaders which have power of taking the final decision. In these types of the leadership employees are motivated to give suggestions, and they are encouraged to work in effective way. Low level employee have the power to exercise authority over the use the concepts which would provide to them while training. In democratic leadership leader are listening to the employees and the suggestion of employees are encouraged as well (Buil, Martínez and Matute., 2016).

Autocratic leadership

These style is inverse of the democratic leadership and the leadership style is affecting the decision and the input of the employee which are working on them. Manager are changing the hours to the certain extent and the work shift of the manger is increased as well. Leadership is more open to the intellect towards the team. Employees are not given importance and, nor they are given any priority in the company while working in team projects.

P3) Review the management and leadership styles in the service sector

Leadership styles

Laissez faire leadership styles are affecting company and these styles is effective in some cases. In these styles of leadership it was focusing on the overall working the company and the employees would be motivated to work towards the company in the effective way. In these employees are trusted and the style is focusing on employees which are working in company (Eluwole, Lasisi and Avci., 2018). Leadership is empowering the employee to work in the effective way and look after the development of company growth and opportunities which are working in the company.

Strategic leadership

Strategic leadership style is focusing on operation between the growth and opportunities of company. It is thinking about the multiple types of the employees at one time and so employees would improve performance of employees. Employees are respected in hotel and employers are supporting employees in the effective way. In these the working conditions remain stable for every one and every time as well. The work load is not managed by the employee in the effective way and so the employee would be encouraged to work and mangers must know how to the handle the work load and employees as well (Gehrels and Suleri., 2016).

Management styles

Visionary styles are management styles which are working in company. Through the vision the visionary is provided the employee which are working in the company and proper direction is given to the employees which are working in the company. Team leader would set the team vision and look after the workings of team manager. Mangers would work only in the team and track the working of each employee which are working in team. Employees are working in company, and they would provide the knowledge regarding the task and steps for completing the work. Through the visionary styles employees are motivated and decision-making power of employees is increased.

Democratic management styles

In these managers are participating in the decision-making process in team work. Employees from the diverse regions are working in company and leader has to manage the employees so that the ideas would be appreciated and employees would not be insulted because of different region and different culture. Democratic managers are working in company, and they would manage and approve the decision of the employees and respect the suggestions given by them (Gibson and Parkman., 2018).

M1) Analyze the management and leader ship style in service sector

These management and leadership styles are motivating the employees and leader are performing their work in effective way. Management styles are helping leader to manage the operation and work in the effective manner. These would not only affect the employee performance but management and working culture is also changed and improved. Through the leadership styles the leader are performing in the effective way. Leader are motivating the employees, and they are working for the company and encourage employees to work better. Leader are role model for employees so leader must work in the effective way for improving the performance of hotel.

D1) Evaluate the organization current management and leadership styles

Hotel is using the democratic leadership styles and management style which employees are working in the hotel in the effective way. Employees would be appreciated for working in company, and they are encouraged for giving the suggestions to the employees which are working in company. Leader are managing the team members, and they would be managing the team members and team is managed in the effective way (Guillet And, 2019).


P4) Investigate the internal and external factors which influence management styles and structures

Internal and external factors which would affect the management styles and structures of the hotel. Organization is affected by the way of communication which would include the communication problems. Effective communication is playing the vital role in the working of organization. In the case of miscommunication the company is affected and the team work as well. Organizations have the communication problems due to which the employees are not working in effective manner. Communication must be effective from the top-level managers to low level employees (Gutiérrez-Martínez and Duhamel., 2019).

Organization structure is also affecting the company performance because company is working and the power is distributed among selected employees. So performance of employees are affected and employees are not able to work in effective manner. The employees are not able to communicate with the high level mangers and problems of employees would not be solved in the effective way. Some organizations are working globally and so employees need to be communicated in the effective way. Some organization have flat structure and employees are able to share the problems in the effective way.

External factors which are affecting the performance of company are the technological factors and the environmental factors. Customers nowadays are preferred the new technologies and innovate products and new services. So the customers are changing their preference frequently, and they are loyal towards the new technology. Hotels must use the latest technologies in the products and bring the innovation in products for attracting customers (Huang and, 2016).

Environmental factors are affecting the management styles and structure because the people are nowadays concentrating on the environment. So the people are attracted towards the companies which are working for environment and providing the products which are environment friendly. Hotel is using the environment friendly products, but they are attracted towards the company, and they are working in the effective way as well.

Legal factors are also affecting the company sales and management of the company. As the organization is hospitality industry it is providing the services to customers. Services are provided to customers. Company is working with many problems like the government has levied many rile and regulation on the travel and hospitality industry. Laws are related to services which include the food and safety laws and many more. Hotel industry is providing the services to the customers by the way of food so the food quality laws are applied in hotels for protecting the customers form the cheating (Jiang and Alexakis., 2017).

M2) Analyze the internal and external factors which influence the management styles and structures

These internal and external factors are influencing the management styles and structures. Internal factors like communication problems and the organizational structure and external factors like the legal factors and environmental factors are in influencing the company. Democratic style and structure is affecting the company sales and the productivity as well. Effective communication would be the strengths for company and management while the organizational structure is the weak the management. Environmental factors are also strengths of the company but the legal factors are the weakness for the company.

D2) Critically analyze the management styles which are influenced by the internal and external factors

Democratic management styles are affecting the company performance and management as well. Due to the effective communication company is not working in the effective way and the company would face problems due to the miscommunication among the employees which are working in company. Laws are levied by the government on the company but the management as to look after the work in the effective way (Lashley 2015).


P5) Assess current management and leadership styles with the hard and soft skills

Soft skills which are need by the hotel industry in the working effectively. Team leadership is the ability in which the team is working properly and it is listening to the team leader in the effective way. Leaders are motivating the employees which are working in team projects and leaders would also encourage employee to work better and improve the performance. Training is given to the employees which are working in the organisation. Proper training of employees would change the image of the hotel and employees would be satisfied from the job as well. The employee turn over rate would be decreased and employees would not leave the jobs. New staff must be provided training for working in organisation and employees would be given the right skills and right training to handle the diverse situation.

Problem solving is the depending on the situation and how employees would be handling the situation. In the hospitality sector customers preferences are changing from time to time and the hotel industry is suffering due to these problems. Employees must be trained to handle the situation and work according to the customer. Impression must be set by employees which are working in the company (Liang And, 2017).

Hard skills

food and beverage services in the hotel is must for customers and it is affecting the image of the hotel in market. In these hotels is providing the services to customer at the food services like food is required in hotel and delivered to customers in the restaurants. These would also include the food safety rules and the rule regarding the food quality as well. Heath and safety laws is having the effect on the production of the food and food is prepared in safe and secured way. Quality of food is Improved and so the customers are attracted towards the hotel.

Sales and marketing skills

In hotel sales and marketing skill is playing the vital role because hotel need marketing and the products which are to be sold in market also need marketing. Work must be monitored and different marketing strategies would be used by the hotel for improving the sales. Digital marketing techniques and tools would be used by hotel to improve sales. Nowadays customers are using the social media and the internet at the large scale and so it is having the impact on the sales of the hotel.

P6) Discuss future management and leadership skills in the service sector

Proficiency in different languages

In these the employees must know about the different languages which are spoken in different countries and different regions. Various other employees are working in company and customers are visiting the hotel form the different regions and so the hotel must be able to solve the problems in the effective way. By learning different languages employees would be able to communicate with each other and these would also affect the employees. Employees would learn new things and different languages which would improve the performance of company (Ling, Liu and Wu., 2017).

Research and development

Employees must be provided the research and development skills which would help them to innovate new things, and they would work better. Information regarding the product would be used and analyzed by the hotel and then it would be used in the hotel. Employee would be developed effectively by the way of the training because employees need to explore themselves and use the new techniques. For these they would need proper and efficient training which would improve performance.

Understanding the technology

The technology is increasing by time and so the employees need to understand the technology and use the latest technology as well. Technology is increasing and the hotel is using the latest technology in the effective way. Company would use the technology for completing the functions and delivering the services effectively. Employees would need the time and training for understanding the technology (Nair and Choudhary., 2016). Technology is also used by hotel in preparing the food. Employees must work in the innovation while working in team and provide the innovative ideas for improving the employee performance.

Ability to work with the people and technology

leader and team members would have the ability to use the team members and technology in the effective way. Some employees are working in the effective way, but they are not able to work in the effective manner and these would affect the employee of company. Some employees would use the technology, but they are not able to work in the team projects. So employees would use the latest technologies, and they must have the skills of the problem solving as well.

High emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence would affect the employees and members which are working in team must have the ability to work in the effective way. Some leader and team members are not able to work In team projects so leaders must have the high intelligence in working with the other employees. So the emotional intelligence of the employees would make them strong emotionally, and they would be working in the effective way (Parsa and Narapareddy., 2015).

M3) Evaluate the current and future management and leadership skills in service industry

The current skills would lead the hotel industry towards the company and the performance would be changed as well. These current leadership skills are concentrating on the current skills and current situation in the effective way. But in the case of future skills employees needs to be trained with the future trends in the which are need to be fulfilled by employees. These future trends would include the leadership skills and the management skills according to the situation in the future.


P7) Compare and contrast the different service industry in organisation change management system and leadership

The Marriott is using the Kurt lewin change management model in the hotel so these would change the customer of the organisation it is divided in the three parts and it includes the unfreezing, refreezing and changing. In the process of change and the unfreezing is the first step which is used by organisation. Many employees in company would not resit the change in the effective way. Some employees are of the old behavior and it is affecting their performance. So employees smut be aware about the change in the organisation. Old behavior of the employees would affect them in the effective way. Secondly the changing step is used and change step is organized and it would include the change in the organisation culture (Silva, Silva and Martins., 2019). During the process of changing the employees would learn new things, and they would learn new things as well. But some employees would be affected by the performance of the employees. In the process of refreezing it would also include the stabilizing the solidifying the new state of the employees. These changes would also affect the change and the employees would work in the effective way. Employee need time it accepts the change and in the process of refreezing that time is provided to the employees for improving the performance.

Hyatt is using the organisation change and it is creating the urgency among the employees and the hotel. Change need to be successful and these it would need the time and also it would need the time to for building the urgency as well. It would also form the power full coalition and so the strong leadership abilities would improve the performance of the company. Effective leader would help employee so it accepts the coalition. Leader would create the vision of changing the culture of the management and strong competition would affect the employees effectively. Obstacle would be improved by the leader and the employees would affect as well. Create the short term wins and use the latest strategies for making the change successful. During the process of the change employees must be motivated, and they need to be encouraged as well. Anchor the changes and use the corporate culture as well (Slåtten and Mehmetoglu., 2015). Corporate culture is always affected by the change and the employees as well. So the employees must be motivated while the change.

M4) Analyze the change management which is affecting the management and leadership skills

Hotel is using the change management model of Kurt lewin change management and these model is having the effect on the performance of company and on the leadership skills as well. Employees are affected by the change in the organization culture and the so the skills and training if the employees would be affected. But these model would have the positive effect on the performance of employees. Like the employees would be provided with new training, and they would also increase the sales as well.

D4) Critically evaluate the change management and leadership skills in the service sector

These change management model is having the impact on the leadership skills and the performance of the employees would be affected as well. In the hospitality industry the change of the employees would be affected and the leadership skills would be the positive change in the performance of the employees. Leadership skills like the leader has to manage the team projects and make the member of the team work in the effective way (Tuan., 2018).

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From the above studies it has been concluded that Marriott serves in hospitality industry which requires coping up with constant change in order to attract the attention of people and obtain more share in the market. In this report hard and soft skills of management of the company has been described and how does it help them to make their results better by improving the working of the employees. In this report it has been highlighted that what effective methods Marriott needs to implement in their structure so that they can enhance and expand their services and satisfy the needs of more and more people. The report has discussed the change in the management theories and leadership styles which are having the effect on the employee performance. These classical management theories are looking after the Henry fayol principles which would consist of management skill in the effective way. Factors which are affecting the leadership skills and management skills which is having the effect on the employee performance. Change management models is used by the employees which are working in the organization in the effective way. These change management models are having the impact on the leadership skills. These leadership skills and management skill of the employees would be improved and employees would work in the effective way. It would also affect the employee performance and the company performance as well.


Books and journals

A Megeirhi, H. and, 2018. Does team psychological capital moderate the relationship between authentic leadership and negative outcomes: An investigation in the hospitality industry. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja.31(1). pp.927-945.

Alhelalat, J. A., 2015. Hospitality and non-hospitality graduate skills between education and industry. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly.6(4). p.46.

Bavik, A., 2019. A systematic review of the servant leadership literature in management and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

Belias, D. and, 2017. Human resource management, strategic leadership development and the Greek tourism sector. In Tourism, Culture and Heritage in a Smart Economy(pp. 189-205). Springer, Cham.

Buil, I., Martínez, E. and Matute, J., 2016. From internal brand management to organizational citizenship behaviours: Evidence from frontline employees in the hotel industry. Tourism Management.57. pp.256-271.

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