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Important Aspects Working With Leading People


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Working with leading people is one of the important aspects which required proper learning. With the help this topic information related with how to lead people will be gathered. In this report the information and knowledge form United Parcel Services is one of the leading package delivery firm. They provide supply chain solutions to its client in the world wide. It is multinational logistics which is located in the United States (Ang, 2012). They operate more than 220 countries. Their revenue is approx. 60 billion which is quite large. This report is related with the creating and designing different aspects which are related with the work force planning, recruitment and selection and training and development. It also focused on the laws and regulatory framework which should be followed by the cited business unit.

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Task 1

1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff

Recruitment and selection hiring process are as follows:

Identify Vacancy: Vacancy may arise due to resignation, maternity leave or employee agreement. For fill the vacant position UPS need proper planning and evaluation to hire the right person at the right occupation. Understand the requirement or qualification of the vacant position. Ensure that job description is up to date. Job description includes duties and responsibilities of the vacant position (Basset,and, 2010).

Position Description: This is most important part of recruitment process. In this descibe the position broadly. Job description is provide according to the business need. No person want to perform duties only, they also want some responsibilities with the position.

Develop Recruitment Plan: Every position in the organisation requires registered recruitment plan which is sanctioned by organisational unit.The plan is made for attracting and hiring the foremost candidate for the job. The plan is developed by hiring managers with the help or HR coordinator. Advertising resources can be used like digital marketing, print media, social media etc.

Select Search Committee: Ensure that the persons who are selected in the recruitment process for thr interview or taken under final consideration are evaluated by more than one person to minimize the biasness. Hiring manager should make try to appoint a search committee that represents a various cross section of the staff.

Implement Recruitment Plan: After position description, now its time to implement the recruitment plan. Attempt should be made to insure the quality of the Job description. It is not possible to change in position which is posted (Bauer, and, 2014).

Review Applicants: After posted the position now candidates will apply for the jon in UPS. Every applicants must be considered either apply before or now. And short list the candidate who is suitable for the job or fulfil the requirement of the job.

Conduct Interview: It is important part of selection process. After short list of candidates then they are invited for interview.
Select hire and finalise recruitment: after interview candidate who is best or suitable for the job is hired by UPS.

There are various documents which is required for the selection and recruitment process of cited business unit:

  • Resume/CV
  • Cover letter
  • Follow up letter
  • Negotiation letter
  • Job acceptance letter

1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process

This is must to follow legal, regulatory and ethical consideration for any company. Every company must follow law and they can't deny to follow. Some are as follows:

Equality Act, 2010: According to the UK law this act protects people from discrimination in the workplace. It requires equal treatment in both private and public services (Beeley, 2012). The Equality Act applies to discrimination based on Age, Race, Sex, Gender reassignment, Disability, Religion or belief, Sexual orientation, Marriage or civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity. If there is pregnant woman in workplace then special protection must be made.

Minimum Wage Act : According to the UK law, minimum wages depend on age of worker. If employer is small, doesn't matter he has to pay the minimum wages to the worker. Workers must be at least 16 years of age to get the minimum wages. It is not necessary to make contract to get the minimum wages, without get into contract you will get the minimum wages. Workers are also entitled to the correct minimum wage if they’re part-time, casual labourers (for example someone hired for one day), agency workers, workers and homeworkers paid by the number of items they make, apprentices, trainees, workers on probation, disabled workers, agricultural workers, foreign workers, seafarers, offshore workers (Chenand, 2014.).

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: According to UK law, every employer is responsible for health and safety of the workers. Healthy and secure atmosphere can help to keep employees more productive and happy. And helps to reduces the cost of injuries. If workers are work on the machines then it is the responsibility of the employer to provide safety equipments to the workers. In some jobs, training is also necessary then it is the duty of employer to provide proper training to their employees or workers. The act includes safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems, safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances, adequate welfare provisions for staff at work.

1.3 Take part in the selection process

As a HR manager, there are some roles to play in selection process:

Application Review: it means read each any every application which is received to find that the candidate have education, skills, experience or other important qualification which is needed for the job. Separate those candidates who will be interviewed and who will be kept for some time period.

Testing Candidates: It is the next step for selecting the right candidate. Testing the candidate for job skills and knowledge and then find that the candidate is qualified for the job or not. Tests include physical test, personality test and skills test. Manager choose some candidates for the test. After test, the result receives and manager will call those candidates for interview who pass the test (Cushman, 2011).

Interviews: This is the next step. The candidates who is selected can appear for the interview. Interview is a meeting between candidate (who apply for job) and the employer to determine that the candidate is suitable for the job or not.

Choosing a Candidate: The candidate who is fulfil the need of employer will select. Selection also can done by comparison between candidate's qualification and criteria required to perform.

Perform Background and Reference Check: In this checking the candidate's criminal record, education record, military record. Also verify that the candidate's application is true or not. Also checking that any necessary information is not hiding by the employee. Checking that all the valuable information is shared by the candidate.

Send Selected Candidate for Health Check: the candidates who is selected for the job, send them for the health check (Godfray, and, 2010 ).

1.4 Evaluate own contribution to the selection process

UPS company in as an HR manager selection for the candidate should develop recruitment plan in effective manner . Effective selection process refers to the steps involved in who have right qualification to help to fill current and future vacancy in the organization.

Selection process in UPS company has various steps those are follow:

Criteria Development

All individual person involve in the hiring process but they should have to qualification that are require for the job and also develop interview criteria , reviewing resume of the candidate, and interviewing questions and also requirements in the employee those are have to be suitable for the job.

Application And Resume Review

Second step in the selection process is application and reviewing resume of candidate . People have different types of methods going through this process but there are also smart computer program that can easy to search keywords in resume.


After determine which applications meet the minimum criteria, candidate select for the interview .In this interview ask formal questions to candidate and identifies skills and qualifications for that particular job in UPS company (Heath, 2012).

Test Administrations

After interview , before hiring include many type of test of candidate like physical test, drug test, personality test, etc. Test administration is the important step for the organization to manage employees and current situation in the HR department.

Making The Offer

The last step of selection process of candidate is to offer a particular position to a particular candidate. Develop offer letter via email .compensations and benefits are depended on the basis work performance of employees. After hiring employee have to provide training for how to do work in the UPS company and how to recover loss of the company.


2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership

In UPS company skills and attributes needed for leadership ,determine the qualities that good leader that share knowledge with followers and motivate them for work. leader should have skills to mange all followers and have to understand them. Leader should have following skills and attributes those are following:

Inspires And Motivates Others

A good leader create clear vision and mission of the future that is compelling and that helps to motivates employees to want to achieve it . Every company wants to work different from other companies. As a good leader , you are best able to help they followers connect and understand those problems in UPS company (Machery, 2010).


In UPS company , have to great leader with honest in nature and transparent. Leader should share all things related to work and company so they can do work effectively and efficiently manner. And also they can easy to communicated with leader in the organization.

Slove Problems

Normally leader are recruit by HR of UPS company after that trained and finally chosen to solve companies problems and issue and to take advantages of opportunities in the company and in the market.
Communicates Powerfully. A good leader communicates with their followers in various type of ways , like it may be one -on -one conversation, team meeting , blog posts, email message, phone, or Skype calls etc.,leaders are not talk about communicating they just do it if they think it is require.

Builds Relationship

In any type of company leader have to build a good relationship with superior and followers. Its all depend on the basis of leaders nature and behaviour so leaders behaviour is much important to UPS company to manage and improve work efficiency of employees (Morgan, L., and, 2014).

Ability To Create An Inspired Culture

A culture of effective in motivation and inspiration influence others to perform at their best in company. In UPS company one of the most important assets is employees at this time at situation have to manage and develop company.

Skill Of Agility And Adaptability

Adapting to chance to new situations , handle unexpected demands and be ready to face problems at any moments in the company, in a leader should have to many type of skills and attributes ,when combined and applied , go for making followers effective in nature.

2.2 Explain the difference between leadership and management

It is essential for a company is that they can differentiae between leadership and management which are given below:

Compare leadership styles for different situations

Different types of leadership style having its own advantages and disadvantages which can help to control their subordinate in a effective manner. These are:

Explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives

  • There are some ways to motivate staff to achieve objective :
  • Meet with employees on a continuous basis to evaluate their performance. Also give suggestions to employees if they are having difficulties.

Create Clear Vision: Determine organisation's goals and mission and also make sure that everyone understand that very clearly.

  • Give everyone respect.
  • Always encourage employees.
  • Provide time to time training sessions.
  • Compliment each of reports on weekly basis.
  • Meet one by one with your employees.
  • Provide training to make the tasks easier.
  • Ability to get innovative may motivate worker to continue working towards their goals.
  • Let employees know that what is expecting from them.

Pay employees what they worth: When employer set salaries of their employees, they need to be consistent.

Provide them pleasant place to work: It is necessary to provide pleasant place of work to their staff or employees.

Offer opportunity for self development: Every employee wants self development so it is the duty of employer to provide them better opportunity.

  • Clearly communicate the objective of department or organisation.
  • Always listen carefully to the employees. Always listen their opinions, suggestions because they might be useful for the organisation and this will also help in motivate them.
  • Always give credit to the employees who reach their goals and also announce the achievement.

Employee Appraisal: to motivate the employees also give them appraisals that can be either in monetary or non-monetary terms. Monetary terms like bonus, commission, increment etc. and non-monetary terms like promotions.

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3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for an organisation

For success team work play an important role ion the organization and also help to contribution of team workers for a decided task and goal. In a team have a leader and other are followers those are have to follow that team leader , if have in any case and any problems so easy to ask to team leader and also can share with team person . In an effective team , should build a good relationship with all peers and team persons and also share with all information with each other and also concern and take ideas from each others for business development .team is always make by 2 or more persons (Peterson,2011).

Team working has some following benefits these are follows:

Build Good Working Efficiency

Though team work increase working quality and efficiency because in a team many types of persons they have many types of ideas an views those are share with each others for complete the task and achieve the goal.

Increase Working Power

Team building helps to increase working power and skills to do effective work and task on the decided time period and also maintain the behaviour of the person in the organization so it can help to communicate with each other and increase working smartness.

Develop Employees Relationship

Team works develop employees relationship with good communication skill and abilities it can help to understand to other peers views and ideas that can helps to develop organization .

3.2 Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

As a good team leader have to manage all the followers in the team and always try to understand situations and issues , if in case create problems and not properly understand by the team leaders so that situation an s issue become more complicated in the organization .Leaders are always try to give appropriate answers and solutions to followers and always they are try to remove misunderstanding with peers or team workers (Shaw,2011). if in case makes conflicts or difficulties in the organization so many type of solutions are available those are following:

Communicate With Each Other

In case of conflicts in the team workers so have to remove misunderstanding and as soon as clear all things so communication is the good way to remove conflicts through team and organization communication through exchange views and problems with each other and solve conflicts.

Avoid Rumour

In a team for solve the conflicts and difficulties for make sure avoid rumours about team workers and organization when may be not understand they problems so in this situation have to share with each other and try to make good relationship with team workers.

Make Environment Friendly

For solve conflicts should build a friendly and healthy environment with each other so it can easy to communicate with senior and subordinates , if environment is friendly we can easily concert ate on our work to achieve a particular goals and targets which builds confidence level of an employee.


4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance

There are various factors in the planning and monitoring of the work performance. These factors can help to improve individual performance in the near future (Urhuogoand Williams, 2011.). These factors can be

Learning Needs: in the UPS there are different types of employees required various need in order to perform their task. These learnings can be related with the personal and professional development. These needs can be involved communication skills, problem solving decision making etc.

Cultural Diversity: Diversity in culture affects the working style as well as the skills possessed by the employees. This is the reason why employees with different culture have different needs of learning as well as assessed with different processes (WestBow and, 2014).

4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals

It is important for UPS should plan and deliver the assessment so that it could ensure needs of the required staff. There are various aspects which can be considered by them. Motivation is one of the aspects which help to delivering support to the employees of the cited business unit. The HR manager of the UPS required that to use various motivational tools which can help to increase motivation level of their staff in order to attain long term goals and targets (Ang, 2012). Delegation of authority is another aspects where the HR manager is responsible to assign roles and responsibilities and power and duties so that they can perform their task in a effective manner.

4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process

Evaluation is essential for a business unit in order to attain success for the near future. There are various methods which can be used by the United Parcel Services. These methods can be:

360 Degree Feedback: This is one of the common approach where the HR department of the cited business unit can monitor the performance on an individual employee and take input form other staff members regarding that employees. In this approach staff member of the company are evaluated on their effectiveness within its own department on the basis of various aspects such as job performance, job description and so on.

Graphic scale: This is another important tool where the HR department can evaluate the individual performance. They can provide rank according their according to the job profile and match its attain targets with standards (Basset, and, 2010).


As per the above mentioned report it has been concluded that working wit leading people provide a variety of opportunities to their subordinates. It is essential for the people on different aspects in order to improve their personal and professional aspects such as motivation, performance, leadership etc. in this process the HR department of the company played a large role in order to manage human resource so that they can manage any complex situation in a appropriate way. They having a wide varieties of information which can be used by them in order to make decision effectively. They also required that to identifying opportunities and working with the organisational staff in order to attain their desired goals and objectives.


  • Ang, L., 2012. Leading and managing in the early years: A study of the impact of a NCSL programme on children’s centre leaders’ perceptions of leadership and practice. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
  • Basset, T., and, 2010. Lived experience leading the way: Peer support in mental health. London: Together for Mental Wellbeing.
  • Bauer, U.E., and, 2014. Prevention of chronic disease in the 21st century: elimination of the leading preventable causes of premature death and disability in the USA. The Lancet.
  • Beeley, C.A., 2012. Leading God's People: Wisdom from the Early Church for Today.
  • Chen, L.K., and, 2014. Sarcopenia in Asia: consensus report of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
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