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Important Role of Hospitality Industry- InterContinental Hotel Group


  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3335
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0486
  • Downloads: 1034
Organization Selected : InterContinental Hotel Group


Hospitality industry plays an important role in every business. It includes number of facilities such as lodging, planning, parks, restaurants, etc. Main aim of this report is to raise the awareness of hospitality industry. The report presents the current scale, scope and diversity of the hospitality industry. It also discusses about the organizational structure of different hospitality organizations such as five star hotel and restaurant. The report assesses role of hospitality related organizations and professional bodies with different types of examples. It creates awareness about staffing in the industry and assessing the requirements of staff for different hospitality. It also presents roles, responsibilities and qualification requirements of staff. Report analyses the operational, managerial and legislative issue resulting from recent developments which may affect the sector of hospitality and it also presents current image in market. The report focuses on justified predictions for potential trends and development as well as produces an impact with analyzing trends and development.

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1.1 Analyzing current scale, scope and diversity of the hospitality industry

Scale: Hospitality industry in United Kingdom is the most important part in terms of providing accommodation services and generating revenue. As per recent data available, hotel enterprises generate more than £18 billion and contribute most of the value in economy of UK. Leading hotel in UK such as Premier Inn and InterContinental Hotel Group which have more than 37000 rooms and count in five star hotels and the cost of rooms are around 67 pounds which is quite expensive as compared to normal rooms which shows that scale of hospitality industry is wide (Idrees, Vasconcelos and Ellis, 2018). London is the main market for hotel industry as compared to Europe and Britain and these sector is developed day by day in order to provide more facilities to customers.

Scope: The scope of hospitality sector in UK is wide as compared to others because it is counted as the fourth leading country in world. There are various types of ownership such as private owned hotels, leased hotel and managed hotel as well as some are based on franchises. This is the reason their scope is big. Even hospitality sector contribute its biggest part in UK economy (Figueroa-Domecq and, 2018). The data says that it offers direct contribution to employment and in the year 2016, 2.9 million jobs are available in hotel sector as well as £57 billion is contributed in the GDP of UK. We also provide dissertation help UK.

Diversity: Hospitality sector provides different types of products and services. Its diversity is highly vast and huge. Hospitality industry provide many products and services such as beverages, lunch and dinner, spa services, bar, hotels, pubs, 24 hours room service in hotel, conference room for meeting, private dinner facility, restaurants, concierge service, resort, theme park and swimming pool and many more. Main aim of this sector is to provide services at affordable rate with fulfilling all the needs of their customers (Chiang and Saw, 2018). Hospitality sector provides a lot of facilities and services as per the demand with using the latest technologies in order to attract number of people.

1.2 Presenting different organizational structure in five star hotel and restaurant

Organizational structure of five star hotel: The hotel must have organizational structure which help to provide services to its customers in an effective way. Each department has its own roles and responsibilities and it is necessary to maintain for well functioning in each organization. Organizational structure of hotel is mentioned as below:

Executive Managers: A five star hotel has executive manager or a hotel owner who set all the policies and rules as well as regulations for each individual. His main activity is to regulate or manage routine activities and monitor all the departments of a hotel such as housekeeping, laundry and catering services (Vassou, Zopiatis and Theocharous, 2017).

Assistant Managers: They communicate with other departments and help to improve the performance of hotel by providing new ideas. He is the right hand of executive manager because all the terms and policies are firstly passed to assistant managers.

Operational Staff: These are the persons who work in different departments. For example: housekeeping, front desk, bar, etc. as well as other staff such as chefs, attendants (guest room, laundry room), waiters and receptionist (Hofmann and Stokburger-Sauer, 2017).

Organizational Structure of Restaurant: Restaurant has completely different organizational structure from five star hotel which will be clearer from the below points:

Ownership: Private restaurants have single owner and he is responsible to take decisions and give direction to the business. The owner does not involve day to day activities but resolve the problems related to operational field only.

General Manager: He is a person who is responsible for all the routine activities which include hiring, training and maintaining all the operational functions. He also checks daily receipts and communicate properly with the owners with letting him know about the activities done in premises (Sun and Lee, 2018).

Executive Chef: The person takes care for back house operations which include hiring and training new staff, creating menus, purchasing food and determining prices for meals.

Front of House: This department is responsible for restaurant area which includes setting up all the services and waiting for customers as well as interacting with staff.

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1.3 Presenting role of hospitality related organization and professional bodies

There are many professional bodies developed in the UK to make hospitality industry as a back bone supporter of the people who working in those sectors and these are listed below:

British institute of Innkeepers: These types of institutes help to represent workers who can work in hospitality industry. They provide advice and support to run the business of long term. This type of institute helps financially to needed industry. They also help managers and executive managers and those persons who want to become manager in future.

British Hospitality Association: These group specially focus on the financial growth of a business and make new policies as well as implement same in the hospitality sector to create new jobs (Ram, 2018). This group contributes to export earnings and create competition between top hotel of UK. British Association also reduces the VAT in UK which helps in economy of UK.

Springboard UK: Their main target are youngsters and they help youth to achieve their objectives. Even they help the people to find new jobs and promote hospitality and tourism sector. It also helps teachers by providing learning outcomes which help in their classes. They also work on human resources and raise funds for the welfare of society.

People 1st: They work with employees and give guidance as well as implement solution to improve their performance (Segovia-Pérez and, 2018). They also held conferences and meetings to make people aware about their rights and help in finding job opportunities and information. These people provide training session to the students of colleges and support regional as well as local bodies for growth plans.


2.1 Explaining staff requirements of different hospitality business

Food service staff: this staff are responsible for provide food service to customers. The cook preparing the food and chef will increase the quality of food by add more decorators and prepare menus for the clients and cook and sous chef prepare the food as per demand and then servers take the orders and bring meal and beverages into a table. All the food staff receive training in five star hotel which includes planning, preparing and executing (Ma and, 2018). To provide food in best quality to their customers is the basic aim in hospitality industry and these management is done by managers and they can hire or train employees or staff to work accordingly. Managers make ensure that customers are satisfied with their food product and services which are offered to them or not.

Hotel and accommodation management: managers are key responsible in a hotel to provide good quality of service to their guest and they direct all the staff to maintain the dignity and image of hotel. Managers may hire employees such as receptionist for front desk, back office work or an accountant. Managers must have knowledge about all the working environment because they have to report the executive manager about day to day activities (Segovia-Pérez and, 2018).

Housekeeping staff: they are the main staff in hospitality industry. Every hotel or resort hire housekeeping staff to keep room and whole premises clean. Their job is to make beds, clean bathroom as well as corridors an room and attend all the guest with positive attitude and in good tone. Special training should be done to make them more attentive in their specific job work.

Housekeeping staff

2.2 Roles, responsibilities and qualification requirement for hospitality staff

Managers: they play an important role in hospitality sector. Their main role is to recruit new staff and train them or assign responsibility. They act as a mediator between working staff and an executive managers because he communicate all activities the owner and working as right hand of executive managers. Managers should have master's degree and have knowledge and experience in this field. Their main responsibility is to monitor day to day activities and resolve all the problems related to housekeeping staff and others (Chiang and Saw, 2018).

Housekeeping Staff: they are key aspect of a hotel because they clean whole premises and then take care all the requirements of the customers. They must having their bachelors degree and if must trained them about treatment with customers. Basically they clean the floors, bathroom and complete the essential need of customers. If the system is not working properly in the premises then it is a duty of housekeeping staff to inform the managers and take care other services.

Chef: in a restaurant, chef is the main responsible person who looks after all the performance of staff under him. He must have bachelor's degree and must have an experience related to this field. The main role of chef is to develop menu for the clients and monitor day to day activities or train staff to learn more related to field (Sun & and Lee, 2018.).

Front of House: the person who work as a receptionist or work in front office is play a lead role in hospitality industry because they are the person who directly contact with customers and with their positive attitude they can easily create brand image of hotel. They must possess bachelors degree in hotel management and positive by nature. Their role is to attend all the customers and make them comfortable in premises. They should have control on the housekeeping staff.

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Task 3

3.1 Analyzing operational, managerial and legislative issue that affect hospitality industry

Operational issue

  • Revenue management is one of most complex operational issue for maximizing profit in a company, it analyzes all the data from past, present and future and then tells the exact rate which help to deal with customers.
  • Poorly managed staff is another operational issue because it tell how many people are expected to hire during a period.
  • Sudden change in management system will also affect the hospitality sectors. Good management only help to attract more number of customers (Hofmann and Stokburger-Sauer, 2017).

Managerial issue:

  • Staff turnover is the biggest managerial issue. To deal with high number of customers are the biggest reason of having highest employee turnover rate.
  • To satisfy customers with product and services is also biggest issue in hospitality sector.
  • Find best staff for a business and train them according to need and demand is crucial for managers.
  • To review the performance of all the employees, is the major task for managers because it is quite not possible to monitor all the activities done by every individual.

Legislative issue:

  • Hospitality sector have to pay minimum wage to every staff because it is stated in law.
  • If an employee do extra work other than its prescribe time, owner must pay extra wages to him (Vassou, Zopiatis and Theocharous, 2017).
  • If owner of hotel takes tax from the customer then it is their duty to submit complete tax to the government otherwise they should pay the amount with penalties.

3.2 Current image of hospitality industry

  • Hospitality industry serve all type of facilities such as food, accommodation, park, restaurants, bars etc.
  • its main is to meet the demand of customer and satisfy them with its services and products.
  • To maintain proper respect and dignity in the market, hospitality sector focus more to maintain healthy and long term relation with customers.
  • The performance of hotels in UK are increasing year by year as the data available.
  • By establishing commercial rates, the rate of room and accommodation will be decreases and it is difficult to assume the market performance of hotel.
  • The report of tour and travel was produced every month and by analyzing those report it can be concluded that hospitality industry enhances its performance level up to 6.4 per cent (Chiang and Saw, 2018).
  • As per changing trend, whole world is based on latest technologies and hospitality sector also start online transaction for convenience of customers. It also uses all the latest technologies in their product and services which help to attract more number of customers.
  • To change the mind set of customer, owners and managers of hospitality sector try to use social media and display all the available services into media which help to increase attraction power of customers towards their offered service.

Extra Facility


4.1 Predictions for potential trends and developments in hospitality

  • Proper food facility should be ensure which include proper food management system, presenting way and serving system. Systematic food management will help to maximizes profit and maintain good relationship with customers.
  • High quality of technology should be provided in hotel because customers feel comfortable using websites and data services. Hotel should make its offering up to date and customer's friendly (Hospitality trend and development,2018).
  • Well equipped fitness center and spas, pools will definitely increases number of travelers and they are looking forward for innovations in the existing sectors, that is why it is necessary to provide all extra facilities to them.
  • Staff should be train as per requirement because they are proper attendant of customers and many travelers prefer technology as they want to check in digitally.
  • Many industry focus on eco – friendly practices and due to this they start installing solar plant and update old system so that there is no wastage of electric energy (Figueroa-Domecq and, 2018).
  • Peoples learn different types of languages to attract customers at national and international level and in hospitality sector, owners too forces their managers and staff to learn different types of languages and use it as per culture.
  • By providing best service with good products, hospitality sectors maintain good relationship with their customers and they keep try to maintain this relationship as long as possible.

Food service

4.2 Impact of trends and development in hospitality sector

New trends and development will definitely affect the hospitality sectors, by adding new products and services will build a brand image in market. Providing best food facility will definitely increase the visitors and having best food and beverage management system will enhance the productivity of business (Idrees, Vasconcelos and Ellis, 2018). Making good and healthy relations with the customers and keep them for long term will create good impact in the economy of hospitality sectors. New and current generation is completely based on new technologies and they are connected the hospitality sector through online system it means that to keep up to date the sites will encourages customers to come and use their product and services.

New trend of fusion cooking with delicious food will also help to attract more number of customer and new innovation related to food will help to attract youngsters because they want to use latest trend and development in all sectors. To complete the need as per demanded by the customers will create vast impact on the sectors of hospitality. People are quite conscious about their health so mostly they avoid oily and fast food (Segovia-Pérez and, 2018). New trends and development in hospitality sector will create huge and positive impact on the people as well as its economy.

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By summing up above report, it is concluded that hospitality sector play a vital role in every field of business. This report mainly focus on the current image of hospitality sector in UK. It presents current scale, scope and diversity of hospitality industry and describe organizational structure of different hospitality organizations such as five star hotel and restaurants. It also assess the role of hospitality related to organizations and professional bodies with varieties of example. The report raise an awareness about staffing requirements and their roles, responsibilities and qualification needed in the hospitality industry. The report also presents operational, managerial and legislative issue which result from recent developments that affect the hospitality industry. It also justified predictions for potentials trends and developments in hospitality sector and show how these new trends and development impact on this sector and help to attract more number of people in this sector.


  • Chiang, C. I. and Saw, Y. L., 2018. Do good looks matter when applying for jobs in the hospitality industry?. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 71.pp.33-40.
  • Figueroa-Domecq and, 2018. Incorporating a gender approach in the hospitality industry: Female executives’ perceptions. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
  • Hofmann, V. and Stokburger-Sauer, N. E., 2017. The impact of emotional labor on employees’ work-life balance perception and commitment: A study in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 65.pp.47-58.
  • Idrees, I. A., Vasconcelos, A. C. and Ellis, D., 2018. Clique and elite: inter-organizational knowledge sharing across five star hotels in the Saudi Arabian religious tourism and hospitality industry. Journal of Knowledge Management.
  • Ma, M. and, 2018. From finance to marketing: Initial public offering ownership overhang and marketing in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 76.pp.71-82.
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