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Major Trends & Forecasts in Hospitality Industry- Hilton Hotel

University: Manchester Metropolitan University

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2417
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: EMT309
  • Downloads: 867
Organization Selected : Hotel Hilton


Hospitality industry in today's time forms one of the most indispensable activities when in comes to economic development of a nation. It serves as a major industry for generating higher revenues, providing employment and attracting tourists to visit that nation leading to earning higher foreign exchange(Boella and Goss-Turner, 2013). It is evident from that fact in UK alone it proves to be fourth largest sector providing employment to more than 3.2 million people. It comprises industries like travel and tourism, hotel industries etc. segmented into business, travel,education, health care, corporate hospitality and many others.

This assignment will be discuss about Hilton hotel, which is one of the top most brand in UK hospitality industry. The report will focus on providing analysis of scope, scale and diversity of this industry along with discussing about organizational structure of various industries in this sector. Further it will give a brief about staffing requirements comprising their roles . Responsibility and qualification requirements. Also major trends and forecasts will be explained through presentation.

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Task 1

1.1 Analysis of current scale, scope and diversity of hospitality industry

As millennials are entering hospitality sector is emerging as one of the most flourishingindustry having immensegrowth potential. It is due to the fact besides serving the luxury,travelling and other work or entertainment needs of people it happens to accommodate large number of people leading to being major source of employment (Harkison, Poulston and Ginny Kim, 2011). In UK , hospitality sector has experienced a great bump resulting in a contribution of 10% in country's GDP and its a revenue of around£143 billion for the last financial year.Moreover it serves to be sixth largest contributor to export earnings and fourth largest employment generating sector in UK by accommodating around 3 million people forming 10% of total employment workforce and other 180,000 businesses for the nation. This sectorcomprises around 14 different sectors consisting puns, bars, nigh clubs, hotels , restaurants , contract catering , events, self catering and others. In particular UK has around10,000 hotels.

Scope isdefines as the chances or future prospective of a organization to get its business diversified within and beyond its country's boundaries (He, Li and Keung Lai, 2011). Hospitalityindustry in UK is being fragmented into various service industries comprising hotels, lounges, catering , restaurants,pubs, event planning in addition to tourism sector. Thus, it has evident to be a success sector in capturing attention of a number of tourists aswell as government in a very short period and a major sector for providing economical assistance to the nation. This industry proved to be a profitable area of revenue generation even in times when other sectors were impacted by economical crisis prevailing around the globe (Ineson, Yap and Whiting, 2013). For instance, in 2012 despite being slow economy where in people were cautious in spending their income around 149,000 tourists from China visited UK which is more than double visiting Australia. Thus its scope could be determined through hotel industry which is known to provide convenience and comfortable stay for to the people travelling in-country or abroad for different purposes comprising business trip to family trip or vacations and so on. By establishing the Tourism Council along with Visit Britain, Visit y England associations UK government is introducing many reforms and development projects in order t enhance growth , competitiveness and innovation in this sector (Kim, Vogt and Knutson, 2015). Scope of this can further be expanded to tourism, railways, and airways businesses that contributes in facilitating conveyance to the visitors.

1.2 Discussing organisational structure of different hospitality organisations

Organisation structure of an institution defines the manner in which task are allocated along withfacilitation of communication in the internal environment. The arrangement of an organisation defines the manner through which information flows from one end to another (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013). The various type of organisational structure which can be carried out within an organisation are as follows:

Functional: The function structure describes delegating role and responsibility and tasks to be undertaken by a particular employee and grouping those having similar set of skills into one group so as to make them expert or gain specialization in that particular area. In this type of organizational structure firm is divide into various smaller divisions on the basis of functions performed by them. Each department has a manger who is the head and responsible for monitoring and coordinating activities and performance of each employee under him and is accountable to accomplish all the objectives within specific time periodwith efficiency generating higher returns. The Edc Hotels UK follows functional structure where in it divides it business operations into various departments comprising HR, finance, housekeeping, Food and Bevearges, security and others each having separate roles and responsibilities to perform and different targets to achieve.

Divisional: This organisational structure is generally adopted by firms operating at large scalewhere in employees are divided into various segments that is associated witha particular good, serviceor market. This structure helps in maintainingautonomy among various chain stores or subsidiaries of a business firm within and beyond nation boundaries (Radojevic, Stanisic and Stanic, 2015).For instance: General Electric have been working in aviation, transportation and renewable energy have been using this structure so that expenditure and costs could be controlled.

Matrix: This type of structure is generally adopted by firms who is having diversification in its product line and helps in maintaining balance between its functional and project oriented structure. It is a complex approach which creates confusion for the employees as they have report and take orders from department and project supervisors leading to conflict of commands. For instance General Electrics is one of the well renowned company dealing in a diversifies product line by following matrix structure towho follows this structure to balance its products and functional modes.

Flat: This structure comprises organization with few or no middle management level between staff and managers. In this structure employees are directly supervised by their managers leading to small chain of command. Nike UK follows flat organizational structure in its business organisation.

Mariott Hotels and Resorts follows flat and functional organizational structure where in it has various departments comprising HR, F&B, Housekeeping,Finance, Marketing, Front Office and Security each headed by a manger who is responsible for operations of that particular department accountable for achieving assigned tasks and objectives within limited resources and time period (Raub and Robert, 2013).Also it follows informal communication channels besides its formal communication sources in order to motivate its employees to share their best practices, opinions and work related suggestions to get creative and innovative new practices in their business process.

1.3 Assessing the role of hospitality related organisations and professional bodies

Mentioned below are the major roles carried out by professional bodies:-

The British Hospitality Association- It Is considered to beone of the renowned and major non government hospitality related firm that works towards promoting interets of hotesl, clubs, restaurants and other related organisations to the government Ministeries, MP's, Welsh Assembly Members, media and other government authorities. It consists around 40,000 hotels, clubs food services and other firmsfor leisure activities from over 700 countries (Strand-Polyak, 2013). The major responsibility of BHA is to work with government and carry out various campaigns to facilitate competitiveness and to provide business from various opportunities like creating new jobs enhancing various business process etc. For instance BHA is working with government to improve the process of VISA accessibility for UK, reduction of VAT rules in Europe and so on.

British Institute of Inn-keeping- As a professional bodyit represents people working in licensed hospitality sector. It helpsits members to develop their careers by providing them with membership benefits like providing advice on legal, financial and licensing matters, mentoring services, business magazines, organizing events and many other benefits that fulfil business requirements of an individual.

Institute of hospitality-It is a international professional body that controls and aspires manager working and studying in hospitality, tourism andleisure industries. It has more than 10,000 professionals from around 100 nations to whom company assists by enhancing and improving their professionalprofile , knowledge and expertise through providing them with industrial visits, training themin gaining hospitality qualification, providing them with online learning materiallike HQ magazines, e-books, e journals , management guides etc (Wang, 2014). Thus the strive top provide hospitality industrial with a team of proficient members having highest potential, right qualification and personality.

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Task 2

2.1 Assess the staffing requirements of different hospitality businesses

Hospitality industry is quiet unique sector as it provides intangible services to its customers for which it is of utmost importance to haveprofessional and skilledemployees who can proficiently handles customers queries and solve their doubts by providing viable solutions. Therefore it requires individuals with different qualifications, training and skills depending upon there job specification and extent of interaction with customers. Thus, the quality of workforce forms key factor in the success or failureof a firm as they are the face of firm for customers and on the basis if services provided by them clients built up company's image.

HR department thus needs to be very specific while hiring any individual and have to match its capabilities, knowledge and skills with job specifications so as to ensure right personat right job at right time. For instance,in the Food production department of a hotel the staffing requirements comprises individual who are experts having experience of cooking food a per customers specific taste and ingredients (Wang, 2013). The job specifications and qualification requirement for an individuals differs depending upon the type of the job, asin food production system employee does not need to interact with employee therefore the entire focus while hiring a candidate for this department is on its cooking experience and skills rather than his fluency in communication or other interpersonal skills.

On the other hand, the customer service department which deals directly with consumers requires individual to be expert in interpersonal skills as they are required to assist customers in solving their queries and doubts by providing them with viable solutions to gain customer satisfaction. Thus, firm while recruiting for this department emphasis on hiring individual proficient in communication skills, having good personality and confidence. The staff requirement in housekeeping is of individuals who can fulfil guests expectation in terms of cleanliness (Williams, 2012). To make every department coordinated and to handle their operations efficiently a firm most importantly requires a goof management team that are capable of getting things done with employees by enhancing their performance time to time by various means comprising training, monetary and non monetary rewards as motivating factors and combining effort of all division in one direction towards achieving the ultimate goals and objectives within specific time generating higher returns.

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2.2 Discussing roles, responsibility and qualification requirement of hospitality staff

Hospitality industry is amalgamation of various different segments comprising restaurant, hotels, tourism, lounge and many more, therefore the roles, capabilities and qualification requirement for an individuals differs sector to sector in all these services. A tremendous boom in this industry has lad to establishment of various professional institutions that are providing professional degree courses and various programs to individuals in order to enhance their personality, communication skills and other important theoretical as well as practical knowledge to groom and develop them (Yoo, Lee and Bai, 2011).

Responsibility and qualifications for the role of finance manger

  • Responsible for formulating budgets
  • Optimum utilization of funds and financial resources available with a firm in most appropriate manner without wastage
  • Providing training to employee in same domain in order to enhance their skills and knowledge about latest tax policies and other financial aspects.
  • The candidate is require to have master's degreein financial management
  • Experience of over 10 years so as to handle complex situations to ensure firm's profitability.

Responsibility and qualifications for the role of Communication manger

  • Responsible for ensuring that any information exchanges inside or outside an organisation should be authentic, clearly understood by every department and should be communicated with proper channel in right manner.
  • Responsible for building and maintaining credibility and brand image of a firm.
  • Candidate in this area is required to have masters degree in hospitality management
  • Minimum experience of 6 years in communication management

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The project concluded that the hospitality sector is one of the major emerging industries that is reaping huge benefits and profits for the UK economy. This sector have become one of the major sources of employment generation. Marriott hotels and resorts by adopting a functional and flat organizational structure is been able to manage its operations efficiently and effectively. The latest trends and predictions in the hospitality sector create a favorable environment for such institutions to prosper and attain better financial outcomes.

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  • Boella, M. and Goss-Turner, S., 2013. Human resource management in the hospitality industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge.
  • Brotherton, B. ed., 2012. International Hospitality Industry. Routledge.
  • Harkison, T., Poulston, J. and Ginny Kim, J. H., 2011. Hospitality graduates and managers: the big divide.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.23(3). pp.377-392.
  • He, Y., Li, W. and Keung Lai, K., 2011. Service climate, employee commitment and customer satisfaction: evidence from the hospitality industry in China. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 23(5). pp.592-607.
  • Ineson, E. M., Yap, M. H. and Whiting, G., 2013. Sexual discrimination and harassment in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management.35. pp.1-9.
  • Kim, M., Vogt, C. A. and Knutson, B. J., 2015. Relationships among customer satisfaction, delight, and loyalty in the hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 39(2). pp.170-197.
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