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Exploring Digital Leadership in E-Commerce and Cloud


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3578
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Organization Selected : Amazon


Digital leadership is considered to be as a strategic framework which in turn mainly focuses on using digital assets of the company in order to achieve higher operational and business goals in a systematic and efficient manner (Paprocki, 2017). Digital leadership is very useful in addressing at both individual and organizational levels. This study will highlight on critically evaluating how e-commerce and cloud computing industry adapt to Industry 4.0. This study also critically examine case study in relation with strategic digital capabilities. Furthermore, this report will focus on critically applying models, theories and frameworks in order to discuss role of digital leaders in relation with the particular industry.

Amazon is one of the leading American multinational technology company which tends to mainly focus on cloud computing, digital streaming, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, etc. Amazon company was founded in the year 1994 by Jeff Bezos. Amazon web service is considered to be on secured cloud service platform which intends to focus on offering database storage, computing power, content delivery, etc.

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This report is mainly covered with the matter related to the discussion of the amazon company and its cloud services which is provided to users on their demands. As due to changes in time, the impact of digital technology is higher and thus resulting in increasing in demand of the services which can be availed through internet (Pham, Lim and Tan, 2018). Amazon company is considered to be one of the big fourth tech companies after the most gaining companies such as google, apple, Facebook. Due to bringing the innovative ideas at work place, they are dealing in providing the high tech system or clouding computation to their user in form of amazon web services. 

Thus, in relation to industry 4.0 it refers to the automatic things which does not require any involvement of the human and data can be transferred through internet of things or any cyber physical systems in which the mechanism is installed to manage or control the information in better way (Ashalatha and Agarkhed, 2015). They also deal in services related to cloud computing in which on demand services are provided to customer and they had to pay on the bases of the demanding services. Thus, industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial resolution which is adapted by amazon company in relation to building strong connectivity with the customer and also tracking the latest trends which is emerging in market. In such manner Industry 4.0 is considered to be one of the smart factory which carries the smart manufacturing and also dealing in using the cyber process to monitor the physicals activity to provide better results (Yang, 2018).

Cloud computing systems

In case of amazon company they adapted the industry 4.0 in respect of focusing more on providing the smart digital technologies to deal in matter globally and undertake big data to manage the working of the company in right manner. As due to changes in market trends, industry 4.0 helps in storing the large number of data on cloud computing systems. This is one type of tools which is undertaken by amazon company in relation to storing larger number of customer information or also company details or any type of data which in highly secured. As to use this information is not easy for any staff of amazon company as they are restricted and access is given to only limited persons (Oliveira, Squicciarini and Lin, 2016). As it is easy to buy the cloud storages to secured the information of the company but to use such system, it carries the skilled and trained person to handle the procedure in better way. As it is necessary that the person which are handling such system must carry adequate knowledges and experiences in particular field. Thus, in such manner amazon apply the industry 4.0 services in relation to securing the data of the company and customers through using the cloud computing systems.

Thus, data are stored in the form of hardware and software to deliver the services in form of internet. As in relation to know any information about the company working, the user had to take the access to user such sites or also take permission from the company regarding availing such services (Ray, Dash and De, 2019). As this types of security is carried under the cloud computing which secured the customer information fro-m hackers. It is examined that cloud computing uses the multiple services such as data backups, resources availability, customer details, company investors details and also the cost which is incurred in relation to managing the overall activity.

Security of the cloud computing systems:

In context of amazon web services, the data are secured and managed by the expertise person which is appointed by the Amazon company in relation to securing the company information. As the security is necessary for the customers and company in relation to maintaining the reputation of the business in market for longer time period. The issues is raised regarding not having clear visibility of the data or also the information which is not accurate and stated as per mentioned in the records (Singh, 2019). Thus, in such manner if any customer demands the information, and if company present the wrong information, than in such way it affecting the rights of the customer also violated the company polices in resulting to lacking their confidential information.

The secured information which is covered under the amazon cloud is relating to carrying the detailed information of the investors and thus strategies which they use to enhances their interest in the business (Uzaman and, 2019). Thus, it is necessary to be protected and also availed if they opt for proper permission from the company.


In the above discussion, the major things which is discussed under the cloud computing system is that of amazon Elastic compute clouds , this is one typed of machines which is visible at all the time through the access of the internet. In this systems the data are stored and secured to carry the further access to their information. As this is easily usable as the customer can secured large number of information in this system but it also carries the storages to provide access to limited data. This mainly carries hardware, CPU and any Other systems which is needed to use the machines in better way. This system are mainly available to the employees of the amazon company in relation to securing the company information and also providing services to the customer which is demanded by them (Hall, 2016). Thus, in such matter this is one of the cloud computing system which is undertaken by the Amazon company in relation to accomplishing the task. This system is useful in case of covering the small number of data and also to collect data and stored on regular bases. But this system is not useful in case of collecting large number of data or also giving access to any person to use such information. As there are more chances of hacking the detail or infringing any of the information which affects the company integrity to retain their position in market.

2nd example:

Through using the Scalable resources on which the payment is made according to the services used by the customer. As it is not necessary that customer had to pay the whole amount for the services which they not yet attained (Zakarya, 2018). They had to pay only for those services which they are availing from the company. Thus, in such aspects, the details are inserted in the Cloud computing where the company can charge according to the used pack which is adapted by customers. In case when any any misleading entries are conducted, they can demand the records of the company regarding the set pack which they booked (Eraky, 2017). Thus, in this aspects it helps in gaining profits in relation to securing large number of information and also the services which they are offering. 


The case study which reflect the overall working of the Amazon company is relating to firstly it stated that the the case of the Amazon. Com regarding examining the framework of Online customer service experiences using the emerging consequences techniques relating to big data saver. As Amazon dealing most of the business through online platform, thus it is necessary that their data and information are protected and secured in company systems (The case of towards a conceptual framework of online customer service experience (OCSE) using the emerging consensus technique (ECT), 2019). In relation to using the emerging consequences techniques in which the big data saver is needed to secured the information and protect the customer rights (Dhir, Chakraverti and Chakraverti, 2016). As customer book the services of amazon online and purchase it by sharing their personal detail along with their bank information. Thus, in such manner they expected that their information is secured and also get timely delivery of their booked orders. Thus, in such aspects this case is determined in relation to retaining the customer interest by securing their information. Thus, in such manner the digital strategy techniques is determines in relation to using the customer intelligence system where they find all the detail of the customer. By applying this techniques in the realet6uion to the framework of online customer services it helps in gathering the taste of the customer regarding pertaining the particular services (Pawluczuk, 2017). As Amazon mainly deal in proving web service to the customer which are some kind of their interest. Thus, in such manner, to grab the taste of the customer in providing the services, is helpful through applying the customer intelligences.

The another case study which is relating to cloud revolutionizes: The TV viewing experiences. In this case study, amazon mainly deal in providing the live TV services to their customer in relation to saving their favourite programs which they had to view later or also pay the money for the particular programs which they are watching on TV (Cloud revolutionizes the TV viewing experience, 2019). In this case the major challenges which is faced by the Amazon is relating to developing the company websites through which they had to provide the unbeatable experiences to customer (Izenberg and, 2018). But during that time period, the customer occurs errors in relation to using the online services in context of live TV programs. Thus, by adapting the agile methodology in which they redefine the taste and also provide unique service to customer which retain their interest towards the services for longer way.

In such manner by applying the Digital strategies techniques in this case study, the results are indicted in relation to carrying the multichannel services through which they can gather more relevant information regarding the customer choice, As in relation to providing channel on TV, it is necessary that customer preferences choice are provide so that they can prefer their services only and not switch to any other company (Hussain, Duan and Zhong, 2019). As lot of competitors had entered into the market regarding promoting the same products or services which resulting in facing difficulties to retain the customer interest. Thus, in such manner Amazon mainly came up with new and innovative ideas such as Amazon Alexa, Amazon prime videos or amazon music which charges nominal rates and can be easily affordable by any person.

Thus in such manner, it indicates that these are two major case study which reflects the overall working of the Amazon company (Zahara, 2017). As the digital strategies which is linked up protecting the interest of the customer or saving their data and information in company systems. The owner of the company carry the right in relation to access the data and also they appointed the specialist person to deal with such matters. Thus, it identifies that no specific right is given to any staff member or any customer to use such data or information for their personal benefits.


Digital leaders are considered to be group of people who are considered to be the part of digital leaders team in relation to effectively support the use of digital technology. Digital leaders are considered to be one of the most crucial aspect in in the development of a business venture (Basole, 2016). A digital leader tend to focus on effectively recognizing when the company needs to require development of new technology. This in turn helps in modernizing and optimizing on the advancement of the modern technology. This in turn helps in creating the largest impact on the productivity of the business and in turn provides high quality services. Amazon digital leaders tends to focus on targeting the new machine learning technology in order to leverage the focus on customers. They key focus of Amazon is to take major decisions associated with the Internet of things (IoT). Amazon is a company which tends to form one of the worlds biggest retail company by main-streaming the activities associated with cloud computing. The digital transformation has led to increased in profitability and revenue for the Amazon company.

Amazon revenue and business model helps in continuously analysing the growth of the amazon company due to growth in the digital technology.

Social work model, theories and model is considered to be one of the effective framework of Amazon which in turn mainly focuses on determining the changing economic, social and political patterns within the global economy (Bughin and Manyika, 2018). Amazon company tends to focus on dynamic model online customer service experience which mainly helps in enabling online customers in order to feel comfortably effectively using particular website. Online customer service experience model tends tends to focus on shedding light on the role of associated with sensory experience in relation with online shopping behaviour. This helps in indicating that customers experience associated with the closer shopping experience. This conceptual model associated with the online customer service experience helps consumers to effectively use the Amazon website with utmost ease and convenience. Dynamic model online customer service experience is mainly associated with the search of the particular set of information, evaluation of information, making choice and taking decision, carrying out transaction and lastly evaluation and outcomes (Stone, 2019). Online customer service experience model is referred to as the overall mental perception and interaction of the customers in relation with the company's value proposition online. Mental perception of the customers tends to result in driving set of benefits, outcomes, judgements and emotions.

Human computer interaction model is a conceptual framework which is mainly linked with the conceptualization of interactions between computers and people. Conceptual model is referred to as the perception of the individual which in turn helps in determining the change over a particular period of time. Cloud business model is a framework which is very useful in enabling ubiquitous, on- demand network and convenience in order to effectively access to the shared pool related with configurable computing resources.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is an effective framework is an effective service model which in turn helps in delivering computer infrastructures in relation with outsourced basis which in turn helps in supporting operations of an enterprise. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) focuses on providing storage, hardware, data centre space, servers, network components, software, etc. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) model is useful in allocating virtualised computing resources with the help of internet. This technology helps digital leaders to effectively avoid the cost which is mainly associated with managing and purchasing the physical servers.

Amazon cloud tends to focus on effectively maximizing the agility and innovation of the company with the helps of Software as a service model (Vuppala and Tyler, 2018). This model helps third party in providing host application in order to effectively make information available to the customers over the internet. SaaS business model helps amazon company in effectively evaluating the right delivery method associated with the evaluation of potential financial impact in relation with the development of the SaaS products. Amazon web service is considered to be very useful in improving the operational efficiency, increased agility and expansing the market reach of the company. Platform as a service (PaaS) is considered to be an effective model which in turn helps third party provider to effectively deliver the hardware and software tools.

Conceptual model associated with providing on demand network batch and access which in turn leads to higher operational growth and sustainability of the amazon cloud business. Amazon tends to focus on cloud revolutionizing the TV viewing experience which in turn helps in gaining notable competitive advantage (The case of towards a conceptual framework of online customer service experience (OCSE) using the emerging consensus technique (ECT), 2019). YouView is very useful in combining the Live TV, cutting edge technologies and on demand viewing seamless experience. This is very useful in engaging the experience of the customers by effectively enhancing Amazon Web service cloud architecture. YouView use DevOps platform and agile methodology in order to enhance, personalize and refine the experience of the customers (Ravichandran, Taylor and Waterhouse, 2016). DevOps platform helps in giving greater agility to the individuals and also helps in optimizing the digital transformation in order to empower the business operations and attain competitive advantage.

Werner Vogels the Chief technology officer (CTO) of Amazon is referred to as “the father of cloud computing”. The CTO of the company is highly responsible for developing a platform which in turn helps in driving digital future. The digital leaders, Vogels is highly responsible for driving the company's customer centric technology vision. The CTO of the company is an effective digital leader who tends to oversee the current technology and also helps in creating aligned technology which helps in attaining higher operational goals and objectives. Vogels focuses on effectively identifying the various emerging technologies and also focuses on driving innovation. Vogels have deep understanding associated with the technological trends and also focuses on leveraging the innovative technology. The digital leader of the Amazon and Amazon clod tends to focus on identifying, rationalizing and developing a roadmap associated with new business capabilities and models. The digital leaders are associated with the research and development and innovation technologies (Brondizio and, 2016). The key role of digital leaders is to hold the funds and make decisions related with innovation driven technology innovation. They mainly focus on effectively understanding the requirements of the market and helps in translating them into effective digital products and services. This in turn helps in reaching higher operational goals and services in order to attain higher competitive advantage. 

Amazon web service digital transformation helps in collectively setting an effective strategy where they tend to focus on bringing effective and innovative digital customer experience (Ravichandran, Taylor and Waterhouse, 2016). Werner Vogels tends to play a key role in effectively driving the technology in an advanced manner. The CTO of the Amazon company tends to dive into Nitro system where they abstract an underlying hardware with the help of light hypervisor. Building of own private cloud infrastructure known as Amazon Web service tend to result in higher digital revolution which leads to higher sustainable growth and operational efficiency. Cloud revolutionizing TV helps in providing seamless experience to the customers of the Amazon. This helps in automating the software delivery process which in turn helps in speeding up the development process. Optimization in the digital transformation in turn helps in empowering the business to stay focused and ahead of its competitors. The CTO of the Amazon company played a key role in accenturing the AWS business. This helps in enabling the business enterprise to effectively run the business on the AWS cloud. They also focused the shift on the rapid delivery application and effective business agility with the help of automated information technology and artificial intelligence (Brondizio and, 2016). AWS cloud adoption framework is very useful in providing guidance which helps in supporting each unit within the organization. It helps in updating the existing the process and effectively introduce new process which in turn helps in maximizing the services which are provided by cloud computing.


From the above conducted study it has been concluded that, Digital leadership is very useful in using digital assets of the company in order to achieve higher operational goals. Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial resolution which is adapted by Amazon Company in relation to building strong connectivity with the customers. Amazon Company adapted the industry 4.0 in respect to focus more on providing the smart digital technologies at global level. This study also evaluates the case study associated with strategic business capabilities. Furthermore, this study mainly focuses on role associated with the digital leaders and the model, theories and framework associated with the industry. Conceptual model is referred to as the perception of the individual which in turn helps in determining the change over a particular period of time. The key role of digital leaders is to hold the funds and make decisions related with innovation driven technology innovation.

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