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Employability Skills


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  • Level: High school
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Employability skills refer to the proficiencies and knowledge along with the experience required for carrying out operations at the workplace. Further, it enhances the confidence level of individuals and increases the overall capability to perform better in organization as well. Moreover, it is a well known fact that different types of tasks are carried out by employees in organization and individuals can easily focus on the same if level of knowledge is up to the mark (Saunders and Zuzel, 2010). In the present study, one career pathway has been selected in the field of sales and marketing and main stress is on identifying the career opportunities that are present in the chosen field. I am planning to apply for the position of sales manager in the retail organization and for the same; I have identified career opportunities along with job market for this role. Various tasks have been covered in the study which involves working environment, range of knowledge and skills required, etc.

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I am having interest in the field of sales and marketing as I have obtained degree in this field as well as presence of appropriate knowledge in this field will support me in carrying out the operations in a proper manner. Further, the qualification required is Master degree in the field of marketing which I am pursuing at present. After obtaining MBA degree from the recognized university, I want to apply for the position of sales manager in any retail firm as it suits with my area of interest. Marketing as a field has wide scope and it provides large number of career opportunities to an individual. Further, it becomes possible for an individual to focus on its future growth by doing job in this field (Treffinger, Isaksen and Stead-Dorval, 2005).

Further, large number of skills is required to apply for the position of sales manager in any retail organization and it involves motivating and leading team, time management, influencing, ability to work under pressure, good planning, coaching and mentoring, good business sense, etc. These skills are necessarily required in a sales manager and absence of such skills prevents individuals from carrying out the assigned tasks. All these skills are present in me and I have prepared effective plans so as to develop the skills which are not present in me.

Further, every organization has high expectation from the sales manager who is being recruited at the workplace and due to this reason; it is required for me to gain full knowledge along with the skills in this field which can assist in my career development (Warner, Bowers and Dixon, 2012). Moreover, while pursuing my master degree I have done two months internship in Tesco as a sales manager through which I have gained proper knowledge regarding this field and I have understood the appropriate ways of selling products of firm in the market. No doubt to sell commodity in the market by influencing customers is one of the most toughest tasks but presence of proper knowledge allows individual to do the same.

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Knowledge is required so as to determine an appropriate way in which assigned sales target can be accomplished easily. Further, I have acquired actual knowledge that is linked with the sales and marketing by pursuing master degree where reading books and attending lectures was beneficial for me and it has supported in my personal growth. Further, experience of 1 to 2 years is required to apply for the position of sales manager in any organization but as a fresher also, I can apply for this position and can focus on my career development. Apart from this, I am having very less experience in the field of sales and this can act as hurdle at the time when I will carry out duties that are assigned to me at the workplace. So, this type of knowledge, skills and qualification is required in the field of sales and marketing and by acquiring the same, I can easily perform better in any company and it will be beneficial for me in every possible manner.


In the present era, generally, every organization has employed sales manager whose main responsibility is to prepare effective plans for enhancing the sales volume of enterprise. Further, without hiring sales managers, no company can survive in the competitive market for longer period of time. Moreover, I am interested to apply for the position of sales manager in retail firm and the range of companies who are having this role involves Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Marks and Spencer, etc. All these firms are regarded to be the leader in this sector and they have employed efficient workforce who can easily meet sales target. So, this will be a kind of opportunity for me and by working with these reputed companies, I can easily enhance my knowledge and experience level. In short, these firms will provide me proper growth opportunities and can assist in my career development which is also one of my main aims.

Apart from this, all the firms have applied larger efforts in training its sales manager so that they can work efficiently and it is fruitful for the enterprise in every possible manner. The growing market of sales and marketing can provide me ample of opportunities and I can easily develop me career in this field (Whimbey, Lochhead and Narode, 2013). Apart from this, to apply for the position of sales manager in these companies, candidate must have master degree from the recognized university and should have full knowledge regarding the sales techniques and other form of information that is required to work as sales manager in the enterprise. So, this will be beneficial for me as range of skills and knowledge required is already present in me.

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In the field of sales and marketing, large number of career opportunities are present which are beneficial for an individual. By working in this field, I can enhance my knowledge along with the skills. Apart from this, I can easily work for the betterment of firm in terms of enhancing sales volume. Market analysis has shown that large number of opportunities is present in the field of sales and they are associated with the personal development of an individual. Further, it is a well known fact that ultimate aim of every individual is to work in organization which can provide career opportunities for development. Therefore, growth is present in this field but it is directly associated with the performance of individual as when sales manager is able to meet the targets on monthly basis then it has a positive impact on the overall performance. Apart from this, the growing market of sales is providing ample of opportunities to sales manager and they can obtain higher position in any organization such as head of the department. Further, monetary benefits are quite high in the field of sales and other additional benefits are also provided to individuals while working as a sales manager in any specific company (Wye and Lim, 2009). So, this represents the overall growth opportunities that are present in the field of sales and they are associated with the career development.

In order to gain more information in the field of sales, primary study has been carried out where information has been collected from five sales managers that are working in Sainsbury.




  • 20- 25 years
  • 25- 35 years
  • 35- 45 years
  • 45 years and above

3.Educational qualification

4.Does Sainsbury provide you growth opportunities in the field of marketing?

  • Yes
  • No

5.What are the ranges of skills required in an experienced sales manager?

  1. Problem solving
  2. Influencing
  3. Decision making
  4. Critical thinking

6.Do you face difficulties while achieving monthly sales target?

  • Yes
  • No

7.Are you satisfied with the career opportunities in the field of sales?

  • Yes
  • No

8.What are the ranges of techniques that you use for enhancing your knowledge level?

  1. Training
  2. Taking expert advice
  3. Reading articles and books

9.Market of sales and market is quite healthy?

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree

10.How many years’ experience you are having in the field of sales?

  1. 2 to 3 years
  2. 3 to 4 years
  3. 4 years and above

So, this questionnaire has been designed in order to collect the primary information and through this, it has been found that proper growth opportunities are present in the field of sales and marketing which is beneficial for an individual who wishes to apply for the post of sales manager in any retail organization. In short, through collection of primary information, it has become possible for me to know about the opportunities that are present for the sales manager in any specific organization as said by majority of managers (Job profile, 2015). This type of information gathered has supported in my career choice where it is quite clear that obtaining job in the field of sales will be beneficial for me. Majority of sales managers are having high experience and they are satisfied with the healthy job market. Through this, I can easily focus on my career development and this can develop my future. Both primary and secondary study has supported in knowing that applying for the position of sales manager in any enterprise can provide support to an individual in grabbing large number of opportunities and thus, he can earn high income which is regarded as one of the main aims of every individual. But, it is necessary to ensure well in advance that level of skills along with the knowledge must be appropriate so that duties assigned can be carried out in an appropriate manner.


Sales manager has to deal with the team members at the workplace on daily basis. Further, daily reporting is done to senior executives who assign monthly targets which sales manager has to accomplish. Further, meeting with top officials are carried out on continuous basis through which proper planning is done regarding the type of operations which have to be carried out for enhancing the sales volume of enterprise (Cook, 2009).

Moreover, Job holder has to manage a small team of sales people and they are guided in relation with the way of selling products in the market. Further, time to time, individuals have to undergo with the training session for enhancing the level of skills along with the knowledge.


Market for the role of sales manager is quite healthy and it is providing ample of opportunities to the individuals who are planning to do job in this field. Further, recruiting sales manager on continuous basis has become the need for every organization and without hiring efficient workforce, it is not possible for the firms to survive in the market. Apart from this, scope for sales manager is appropriate in the market where they can easily perform in different types of organizations. Further, the changing job market for the role of sales manager is beneficial for me as it is one of my main aims to work as a sales manager in a reputed company which can provide me the growth opportunity (Gatewood, Feild and Barrick, 2010).

Every organization has started to recruit sales manager and this is representing the overall condition of the job market and is beneficial for those who want to build their career in sales and marketing. The analysis that is obtained with the help of primary study has also assisted in knowing that for a sales manager, job opportunities are easily present and he can easily apply range of skills along with the knowledge required in carrying out business operations.


The entire study has supported in knowing the significance of obtaining skills which are essential in carrying out the business operations. Further, I am interested in doing job in the field of marketing for which it is required to acquire skills such as critical thinking, decision making, communication through which I can better perform being a sales manager at the workplace. Master degree is essential for an individual and by acquiring this, individual can get entry in any company as a sales manager and this boosts his career development.

Apart from this, market is growing at a faster pace and it is providing ample of opportunities to sales managers in terms of growth and this is also beneficial for me. On the other hand, questionnaire designed has supported in obtaining primary information and through secondary analysis also, positive results have been obtained.

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  • Cook, M., 2009. Personnel selection: Adding value through people. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gatewood, R., Feild, H., and Barrick, M., 2010. Human resource selection. Cengage Learning.
  • Saunders, V. and Zuzel, K., 2010. Evaluating employability skills: Employer and student perceptions.Bioscience Education.
  • Treffinger, D. J., Isaksen, S. G. and Stead-Dorval, K. B., 2005.Creative problem solving: An introduction. Prufrock Press Inc..
  • Warner, S., Bowers, M. T. and Dixon, M. A., 2012. Team dynamics: A social network perspective.Journal of Sport Management.
  • Whimbey, A., Lochhead, J. and Narode, R., 2013.Problem solving & comprehension. Routledge.
  • Wye, C. K. and Lim, Y. M., 2009. Perception differential between employers and undergraduates on the importance of employability skills.International education studies.
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