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Case Study on Marks and Spencer

University: Icon College of Technology and Management

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1744
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: Y/508/04357
  • Downloads: 1415

Question :

Digital technology have revolutionized the manner in which business operations are carried out. This investigation attempts to identify the major Challenges and opportunities relating to digital technology for Marks & Spencer.

  • Providing an introduction or background to the area of investigation for Marks & Spencer.
  • Short literature review presenting the importance of previous related research.
  • Describing the methodology which will be considered for this investigation.
  • Illustrating the timeline of research activities.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Marks & Spencer


Technological expansion support many business organisations to run properly and expand their number of operations properly as well (Alsmadi, Almani and Jerisat, 2012). It is really essential for every business association to maintain and facilitate effective and appropriate technological consideration so that chances of deriving better and effective outcome could become possible. In this era and terminology, robotic engineering used to take an appropriate place in consideration. Robots are define and signify as a future of world which reduce half load and burden of men power at workplace. Robotic is a process of design, creating and manufacturing of robots which used to get operated self.

It is really essential to consider as aspect better and appropriate in frame so that efficiency and effectiveness could be maintain and manage in working. This study let to recognise and interpret about impact of robotics on retail sector business by taking example of Marks and Spencer. They are one of famous retail business organisation of UK whom used to provide better and effective quality products at appropriate rate. It is really essential for them to determine the impact of robotics in working operation in near future so that they could implement it properly and then gain competitive advantage from others. Like today machines perform similar task of production in bulk which used to operate by a person or more than an individual. But if they going to made whole process under robotics then chances of suitable and beneficial gain could become possible (Anbanandam, Banwet and Shankar, 2011). But this process not only have positive attribute but has certain negative influences as well. Like employees of workplace individuals interest get impacted because management reduce their load as well as cost cutting take place in recruitment and selection. Thus, all such used to determine by a company in better frame through which appropriately implementation of this consideration will take place.

For this, company will going to craft an aim and certain objectives as well which facilitate in deriving the beneficial and appropriate gains. The basic aim regarding topic which influence on the define consideration is as follow:

Aim: “To determine the impact of robotics on an organisation productivity of retail sector – A case study on Marks and Spencer”


  • To measure the overall impact of robot utilisation on enhancing production of Marks and Spencer
  • To analyse the significance properly for gaining and implementing better outcome by Marks and Spencer
  • To evaluate relationship among the robotics and productivity of Marks and Spencer

The reason behind choosing this topic is to make some interest towards technology so that a better and appropriate understanding of robotics used to take place (Sorescuand et. al., 2011. This will assist in gaining and defining appropriate consideration of future which enable me in made things better and easy. Thus, robotics is helpful in order to draw beneficial and appropriate gain in aspect of consideration. This is an only define reason behind selection of this topic due to vast importance in future attribute.

Literature Review

A study not become appropriate and accurate if scholar’s opinion would not include into it. Thus, it is really essential to include certain scholars aspects in a define frame so that research become appropriate and suitable in nature. This will result in deriving better and signified outcome in frame of reference so that beneficial attribute could be drawn. Thus, this get done on the basis of certain objectives of the project which stated as follow:

Measure the overall impact of robot utilisation on enhancing production

As per the consideration of Boxall (2012), technology enable and support in made work easy and appropriate. This statement is correct because with changing in environment of business, more and more suitable things used to take place. This will enable in defining and providing competitive edge to business and their working. Thus, for managers this concept really required to understand first so that beneficial attribute could be drawn in definite course of frame.

Robotics is a concept where human work used to get done by robots so that accuracy used to take place in them. This will result in gaining and providing better and supportive outcome so that better efficiency could be maintain and manage. Hence, impact of robotics on productivity of business is positive in nature but if they could operate by human. The overall impact of robotics on productivity is positive because they used to include essential resources only in products as well as chances of waste could be decline.

Marks and Spencer could go with this option so that they could maintain efficacy in their working and productivity. This will result out in better and signified outcome through which appropriateness could be maintain and manage. Thus, deriving beneficial and positive attribute supposed to be get done. Although, competitive edge and advantage could be reflected as well for designing suitable working aspects.

Research Methodology

Survey and investigation approach is an essential element for conducting and organising a project (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2012). It is really essential to understand such attribute properly while utilising all kind of methods in better manner so that effective and suitable study used to take place. For Marks and Spencer project, they have to underpin the appropriate tools and techniques for study so that better and suitable working used to take place. Following are certain number of RM for this define project which required to understand better and effective:

Research Philosophy

Every research have their own and definite philosophy which have to conduct and understand by an individual better and appropriate in nature or tenure. There are various kinds of philosophies regarding with study need to undertake by an individual for managing understanding. In this context exploratory study is appropriate for this concern project so that things used to describe and define in better and supportive manner. Although, concept of robotics is wide in tenure which required to understand properly for deriving better and suitable gain in respect. This will assist in managing various aspects properly so that effective and suitable gain could be response. Although, qualitative study also used to organise for managing and evaluating the impact of robotics on productivity (Godfray and et. al., 2010). Thus, suitable link among such concepts need to craft so that beneficial gain could be drawn.

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Data Collection Method

A study become perfect and appropriate only with support of some data. It is really essential to consult and organise appropriate data collection method so that signified outcome could be drawn. Every project includes and define about two kinds of data collection where one is primary method of data collection and another one is secondary sources.

It is really essential to understand and evaluate each one of them properly and then implement them into study properly. Thus, a basic understanding of each research method of data collection is must so that efficiency in project could be maintain and manage better. Primary data is concern with raw material which supposed to be working with better and effective manner. All related aspects could be based on surveys, questionnaire, interviews etc. Thus, a basic understanding enable in collecting better and suitable outcome so that decision could be crafted.

Another approach is secondary source of data which could be gather through internet and books and journals. This enable in analysing previous aspect properly so that an effective understanding used to take place. This will support in designing better and supportive outcome in nature of frame of reference so that beneficial output and outcome could be define. This will result in maximising efficiency in working options.

For this study, primary data collection could be utilise which includes and define opinion and perspective of various employees of a company. This will result in analysing and gaining better and supportive outcome in nature of frame. Thus, primary survey will facilitate in derive a raw aspects which further assist management to reduce chances of bias. Although, the consideration through which aspects would get disseminate is questionnaire method which is a set of questions whom enable in proclaiming study better. Thus, such survey get organise on 20 respondents or employees of Marks and Spencer so that define topic consideration get assess in better and determined manner of course.


Sample is selected population on which survey will going to organise so that beneficial attribute could be drawn in signified manner. It is really important to select some individuals on behalf of whole population or respondents through which better and determined results could be interpret. This will enhance and support in maximising effectiveness and efficiency in project through which better and determined outcome could be placed. Every study found certain number of sampling frame like cluster sampling, random sampling, quota sampling etc.

Convenience sampling, a part of non-probability sampling is taken in this research to select the respondents. One of the main reason behind choosing this research method is that it help in choose the respondents as per the convenient accessibility. 30 respondents of Marks and Spencer of UK branch are chosen so that their opinion and perspective could be identify which result in deriving beneficial outcome in frame. This will assist in maximising effectiveness and efficiency in responsive gain through which better and supportive study results could be determine. It will result in reduce bias from research where each and every individual opinion and aspect get vary from each other in order to analysing effective and suitable gain. Thus, sampling enable in made study easy and appropriate in frame for gaining and deriving better and suitable outcome in nature of frame.


Three limitations of this study have been acknowledged and careful consideration will be given to mitigate the potential impact when undertaking the research and analysing the data.

On the basis of interview all aspects get vary and have a different nature in frame. This need to understand better and appropriate by individuals of a company as they do not provide appropriate opinion in regards to project

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