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Effects of Work Engagement


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  • Pages: 18 / Words 4449
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Introduction to Work Engagement

Work engagement is considered as activity in which business firm focuses on improvement in employee participation. In addition to this, it can be stated that work engagement is defined as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. It has been noticed that mental belief of employees might be affected due to work engagement. Moreover, workaholic is a person who works compulsively. It is also considered as a situation where team believes that person enjoys the work effectively and committed to advance the efforts for accomplishment of objectives (Shimazu, Schaufeli and Taris, 2010). In addition to this, it can be stated that workaholic person might face the stress of work which creates a mental pressure. It has been noticed that there are number of businesses that have lot of work. In such kind of businesses the stress is one of most critical issue for the organizations because in order to accomplish the task mainly employees consider workaholic culture. It impacts the overall outcome in diverse manner and create pressure on mental state.

By having an improved focus on present study, the state of operative engagement in current situation is being evaluated. It has also considered theoretical and physician literature as critical aspect of the study. By consuming role theory, researcher has determined how the existing work on assignation is limited. Along with this, it has also focused on how payments and credit systems can be the hang jot among engagement and stable performance (Hu and, 2014). Motivations and credit send signs also need to consider effectively so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. In addition to this, it can be referred that businesses are facing issue of employee turnover because of workaholic situations. It causes mental situation of employees and force him to quit the job so that level of stress can be reduced.

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Research Problem

In addition to this, it can be stated that workaholic situation is impacting overall development of individuals. It is one of key reason that impact of employee engagement and stressed situation on mental health need to be referred effectively. By having an improved focus on such situation the issue can be resolved effectively. It has also been noticed that very few research investigations are being taken into account. It means descriptive information about the subject is not available (Clark and, 2016). That is why this is worth investigating, to get a more descriptive idea and solution about the psychological behaviour. Applied scientists might study for answers to specific questions that may help humanity. It has been noticed that such research takes a particular issue and tries to find a definitive and comprehensive solution. Key motive behind the present study is to identify he changes in regard to diverse factors. Classification of factors can be as exhaustion, cynicism, professional efficacy, energy, dedication, absorption and workaholism in profiles. With an assistance of present study the ways can be determined which assist in decreasing the workaholism.

Chapter Structure

Chapter 1: Introduction – It is a chapter which provides a clear cut framework about the topic of the research. By having an improved focus on the introduction chapter the overview of subject can be attained in appropriate manner. In this, discussion about workaholic aspects is being taken into account. Along with this, there will be discussions on research tools, techniques and potential significance of the topic of research (Christian and Ellis, 2011).

Chapter 2: Literature Review – This chapter will provide an outline of the significance of research topic which impacts of workaholism, burnout and work engagement on mental health of professional and organisation performance. Literature review section will provide an explanation of key aspect which are discussed in previous studies. In-depth analysis about the theoretical values is being taken into account so that objectives can be accomplished in desired manner.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology – In this chapter, there will be discussion on the different methods that the researcher has used for taking the research forward. In addition to this, it can be said that method that is being employed by him because it assists in meeting objectives. It will also refer a understanding in regard to limitations and ethical considerations.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings – It is a section which allows to provide analysis of gathered information. It has been noticed that collected information analysis must be authentic so that appropriate outcome can be attained (Kortum, Leka and Cox, 2011). In addition to this, it has been witnessed that results of report can be outlined in desired way.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations – This chapter also plays a critical role in the study because it assists in meeting key goals and objectives. It is a section which offer information about conclusive points of study. With an assistance of this, results can be understand in desired manner. Issues in the subject can also be evaluated effectively. Along with this, recommendation has also been discussed in regard to subject. It will assist in controlling workaholism, burnout and work engagement so that mental stress can be reduced (Van Gordon and, 2014).

Aim and Objectives


To analyse the impacts of workaholism, burnout and work engagement on mental health of professional and organisation performance.


  • To understand the concept of workaholism and work engagement
  • To analyse factors that impact mental health of professional and organisation performance.
  • To evaluate relationship between workaholic culture and mental health of professional
  • To recommend ways that helps in controlling workaholism, burnout and work engagement so that mental stress can be reduced

Focus and Purpose

Key purpose of the present study is to analyse the impact of workaholic nature on organisational performance as well as individual mental state. Previous researchers which are conducted on the subject does not offer appropriate learning (Chan and, 2011). Along with this, by having application of present study the gape presented in previous studies can be overcome. In many organisations the employee turnover is increasing because of workaholic culture. It means by conducting an investigation such kind of issue can be overcome. It will assist in analysing the impact of existing work environment on the organisational performance and mental state of professionals.

Research Question

  • What do you understand by concept of workaholism and work engagement?
  • Which factors impact mental health of professional and organisation performance?
  • What is relationship between workaholic culture and mental health of professional?
  • How organisation can control workaholism, burnout and work engagement for reducing mental stress?

Potential Significance

By having an improved focus on the present investigation, number of students can improve learning in regard to controlling workaholism, burnout and work engagement. It will assist in ensure that they are well acknowledged about the subject. Research will also allow experts to have application of innovative tools and ideas so that better outcomes can be attained (Taris, Schaufeli and Shimazu, 2010). Along with this, brief overview on subject like impacts of workaholism, burnout and work engagement on mental health of professional and organisation performance can be evaluated. With an assistance of this, ways to improve such conditions can be determined effectively so that long term sustainability can be attained. Present study will also provide an understanding regarding approaches and techniques which are beneficial for literature evaluation.

Literature Review


After focusing on introduction chapter the researcher need to focus on literature review section. By having an improved focus literature review section the significant aspects related to the subject. It is referred as most essential part of research study because it helps in understanding subject. In this section, information which the researcher has gathered from a range of secondary sources is presented. It is considered as a part of research which is consisted of statements provided by diverse authors and researchers. It means literature review allows to explore the previous studies in appropriate manner so that better outcomes can be attained in desired manner. Research studies which are developed previously on the same subject so that objectives can be accomplished in desired manner. Along with this, by having an improved focus on the section the gape presents within previous researches so that issues can be overcome in desired manner.

It also provides a theoretical evidence in respect to the subject so that better support can be offered to overall outcome of study. It means success and effectiveness of such values is dependent over theoretical substances associated with the study. In addition to this, it can be said that information is being collected from secondary sources which need to be consider effectively from researchers. In this respect, as present is based on workaholism and mental stress so researcher has also evaluated learning in significant manner. In this literature review section the factors that impact mental health of professional and organisation performance need to be evaluated effectively. Along with this, it will also provide information in regard to relationship between workaholic culture and mental health of professional. By having an effective focus on highlights provided under study will offer better outcome.

Concept of workaholism and work engagement

As per the view of Decembrele and Lord (2008), it can be stated that workaholic situation impacts the overall outcome in diverse manner. It has been noticed that if any business firm is facing issue in regard to workaholic conditions then it impacts the business firm performance in diverse manner. However, effective understanding about the subject is significant because it helps in long term sustainability and meeting organisational success. In addition to this, it can be said that there are very few theories have been proposed to explain impacts of today’s stressful working lifestyle on mental health and therefore on the organisation. Jaremko and Meichenbaum, (2013) has stated that workaholic culture might be influenced due to work engagement. It means management need to consider such values effectively so that long term sustainability can be advanced. It has been noticed that workaholism is considered as a force to work and manage the stress. It was initially used by Oates in 1971 to understand the key values related to work conditions. In addition to this, it can be said that workaholism involves two core elements which return in most following definitions such as working extremely hard and the existence of a strong and desirable inside ambition (Richardson and Rothstein, 2008).

Folkman(2013) has asserted that porter suggests that workaholism should be construed as a habit. In addition to this, It is considered as unwarranted and tenacious performance with destructive drawbacks. It is significant for businesses to focus on rejecting sights that reflect workaholism and referred as constructive state. It has been noticed that individuals have impressive level of efforts at the job if he or she is attracted towards workaholic aspects. Such kind of people are focused towards hard work conditions so that long term sustainability can be advanced effectively. Workaholic aspects helps in dealing with organisational issues and promotes collective working. Boss, Bryant and Mancini (2013) has contended that it put much more exertion into their jobs than is anticipated by the people with whom or for whom they work. Such kind of people are focused towards engagement so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. Stereotypically, they labour so stiff out of an internal obligation, necessity, or initiative, and not because of peripheral issues such as fiscal booties, vocation standpoints, organizational philosophy, or deprived matrimonial. In addition to this, burnout is a comparison that is generally used to define an overall of psychological tiredness. Although there is certain argument near the environment of burnout. Chiesa and Serretti (2009) has stated that the most roughly used conceptualization instigates from Massac. In addition to this, it has been predictable that over 90 percent of the studies on burnout use the Maslach Burnout. Due to the prevalent amount of divergence about what operative assignation is, a substitute direction is to describe it by starting what it is not. This has stood done by lecturing appointment on the subject of exhaustion. It has been witnessed that demonstrative exhaustion is the fundamental piece of burnout. Moreover, Hostility is an instantaneous report to exhaustion and depersonalization and has been found dependably in burnout enquiry, across an eclectic range of job-related situation (Van Gordon and, 2014).

Burnout is a psychosomatic syndrome that involves an extended comeback to lingering interpersonal stressors and tips to moods of pessimism and disinterest, tiredness, an all-purpose sagacity of ineptitude, and can be seen as the attrition of commitment. In addition to this, the fact that studies on burnout and workaholism are practically scarce is all the more conspicuous because already 20 years ago it was suggested that workaholism might act as a derivation grounds of fatigue as disproportionately and hysterically salaried staffs use up their mental resources, leaving them depleted and “burned out” (Taris, Schaufeli and Shimazu, 2012).

Shimazu, Schaufeli and Taris (2010) has contended that the previously stated qualitative revision on work engagement recommended that betrothed staffs not disregard their social life outside work; rather, they devote time on entertaining, interests, and work as helpers. With an assistance of this, issue can be resolved effectively. Work engagement is positively related to sleep quality and job performances whereas workaholism affects negatively to sleep quality. The unspoiled that was verified effectively in both lessons expected that exhaustion was harmful related to health, while engagement was distinct to well-being problems. In addition to this, Kortum Leka and Cox (2011) has said that psychological meaningfulness refers to the value of a work goal about the ideas of an individual. Psychological meaningfulness is a strong predictor of employee engagement. Psychological safety entails being able to show and employ one’s self without fear of adverse consequences to self-image, status or career.

Factors that impact mental health of professional and organisation performance

As per the view of Hu and, (2014), it can be stated that there are number of factors which need to be referred effectively by the organisations. It is because such kind of aspects might affect the mental health of professionals. Classification of factors can be as long hours, job security, relation with employer, terms of employment, resources and communication. If any kind of such factor is having changes then it will impact the overall outcome in diverse manner. It has been noticed that in many organisations the work hours are very high which impacts negatively on professional morale. If individual is having working for many hours as compared to his capabilities then it will influence the overall outcome.

Clark and, (2016) has asserted that many of individuals faces issue in regard to work stress due to job security. If job security aspects are not appropriate then it will create an unsuitability for individual. It means such kind of issue is most common among temporary based work style. Job security is not a critical issue for permanent professionals which reduces the stress level. It has been noticed that if such kind of aspects are not properly maintained then it will advance the stress among individuals. It will impact the overall morale which influences work productivity as well. It means the overall performance of organisation will also be impacted in negative manner. Christian and Ellis (2013) has also contended that work relationship also creates an issue of stress management. If such kind of aspects are not properly maintained then it will create negative impact on the organisational performance. In some of the cases, it has been noticed that if employer and employees do not have better relations than employee does not feel comfortable while working within organisation. Such kind of values also create stress situations and impact overall outcome in diverse manner. In addition to this, it can be said that by having an improvement in work relations the level of stress can be reduced in appropriate manner.

Along with this, terms of employment can also create stress level among professionals which might affect the overall performance. It has been noticed that if employment terms are not satisfactory for employees need then it will promote stress within organisation. Chan and, (2011) has stated that in some of the situations the HR policies are very strict. For example, holidays are not being approved as per employee needs which impacts the morale and create stress among individual. If employee is having working with stress then work effectiveness will also be affected in negative manner. However, such kind of aspects also influences the stress level in negative manner which impacts directly on mental state of individual. For continuous improvement, it is significant to overcome such kind of issues so that goals and objectives can be accomplished effectively. Christian and Ellis (2013) has argued that factors like resource allocation and communication also creates stress for individuals. If such kind of aspects are not considered effectively then overall outcome might get affected. For example, company is not offering appropriate tools to perform work activities. Such kind of situations create stress among employees and influences their motivation level. By having an improved focus on such aspect the issue can be resolved effectively. If employee satisfaction is not appropriate then it will also influence the outcome of company. In addition to this, it can be stated that stress can be reduced by analysing situations. Communication with management also need to be referred effectively so that stress level can be reduced.

Relationship between workaholic culture and mental health of professional

Clark and, (2016) has stated that workaholic culture and mental health of professional has great relationship with each other. In addition to this, it can be said that in recent years the ratio of psychiatric disorders has advanced in recent years. By having an improved focus on work culture analysis. It has been noticed that due of high ratio of stress and psychiatric disorders the professionals are not much able to remember things and important activities. It reflects that workaholic culture impacts the mental health of professional. Hu and, (2014), has also asserted that level of stress has also changed the behavioural values among professionals. It is one of key reason that professionals are becoming more aggressive towards work so that they can manage work properly. If stress increases in such situations then it also influences the level of anger. It reflects that workaholic conditions impact the overall outcome in diverse manner. By analysing key aspects the issues can be overcome effectively so that long term sustainability can be advanced.

Kortum Leka and Cox (2011) has contended that workaholics scored higher on all the psychiatric symptoms than non-workaholics. It has been identified in the report of experts that due to high level of stress and focus on workaholic values creates the issue of deeper psychological and emotional. It means if stress is advancing among professionals then it must be creating an issue of emotional state. By having an application of diverse methods such kind of issue can be advanced. In addition to this, it can be state that overlapping genetic vulnerabilities disorders leading to workaholism or conversely, workaholism causing. Shimazu, Schaufeli and Taris (2010) has asserted that there are number of elements which need to be referred by management in order overcome issues. Number of issues are mainly advances at the situation where employee is prohibited from working. It has been noticed that such kind of elements also impacts the morale in negative manner so that long term sustainability can be advanced.

Ways to improve control on workaholism, burnout and work engagement

As per the view of Decembrele and Lord (2008), it can be stated that there are number of methods which can be employed by the experts in order to have better control over workaholic culture. In this respect, management need to create better awareness among employees in regard to diverse steps. By having an application of step like change in values so that key aspects can be measured effectively. It is necessary for individual to ensure about key values that he holds so that he can take decisions accordingly in order to overcome issue. It is necessary for experts to make sure that employee is having a focus on peace so that overall aspect can be advanced effectively. In addition to this, it is also significant to gain better knowledge in regard to work activities. In many situations people at workplace feel stress because they are not aware of work activities. It means by having advancement in productivity and information about activities so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. It assists in overcome issues for sustainable development. Jaremko and Meichenbaum, (2013) has also asserted that by having a focus on setting out the limit on work assignments the issue can also be overcome. By having an improved focus on the work assignment allocations the individuals can easily understand key aspects. It is necessary for business firm to promote flexible working so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired manner. In addition to this, it can be stated that by having an improved focus on work engagement the issue can be overcome in desired manner. It is significant for business firm to focus on building consistency of engaged employees. Folkman(2013) has stated that engagement starts with each person and is subjective. Employees don't check their personalities at the door when they come to work. Knowing that they are respected as individuals at work can have a significant impact on how employees view their overall lives.

In addition to this, it can be stated that company can also focus on employee engagement survey so that long term sustainability can be advanced. It has been noticed that by having an analysis of employee opinion the better strategies can be employed. It will advance the overall outcome in appropriate manner. Focus on engagement at the local and organizational levels. By having an improved focus on such values the issues can be overcome effectively. It will help in advancing long term sustainability and lead to various improvements. Boss, Bryant and Mancini (2013) has stated that employee engagement also creates a positive work culture. It means the level of stress can be overcome effectively so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired manner. It has been noticed that by having an application of realistic values such kind of issue can be overcome in appropriate manner. It means by having a discussion and meetings with employees the morale can be advanced. It is beneficial to overcome the issue of company which need to be referred effectively. It also helps in improving the performance so that long term goals and objectives can be accomplished.

Folkman(2013) has stated that management can also focus on open communication technique because it will allow to identify reason behind the stress. With an assistance of this, better environment can be created in order to lead business towards impressive level of success. By having an improved focus on open communication the better strategies can be employed because it allows to take decision according employee satisfaction. Improved of satisfaction among employees is beneficial to overcome issues. It helps in reducing the stress level and enhances the employees motivation effectively. Along with this, sharing of information is also beneficial for organisation to consider because it helps in leading business towards impressive level of success. With an assistance of this, the level of stress can be reduced which assist in meeting objectives. Stress control is beneficial to have improvement in productivity values. Creating trust and positive elements within organisation is appropriate for organisation because it helps in meeting key goals and objectives. Employees need to trust each other as well as their leadership. Employees are constantly watching leadership to see how their decisions affect the strategic direction of the organization and if their behaviours reflect what they say.

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As per the analysis of secondary sources, it can be state that workaholic situation impacts the overall outcome in diverse manner. It has been noticed that if any business firm is facing issue in regard to workaholic conditions then it impacts the business firm performance in diverse manner. However, effective understanding about the subject is significant because it helps in long term sustainability and meeting organisational success. In regard to this, it can be stated that there are number of factors which need to be referred effectively by the organisations. Classification of factors can be as long hours, job security, relation with employer, terms of employment, resources and communication. Job security is not a critical issue for permanent professionals which reduces the stress level. It has been noticed that if such kind of aspects are not properly maintained then it will advance the stress among individuals. Workaholic culture and mental health of professional has great relationship with each other. In addition to this, it can be said that in recent years the ratio of psychiatric disorders has advanced in recent years. By having an improved focus on work culture analysis. It has been noticed that due of high ratio of stress and psychiatric disorders the professionals are not much able to remember things and important activities.


  • Boss, P., Bryant, C.M. and Mancini, J.A., 2016. Family stress management: A contextual approach. Sage Publications.
  • Chan, S. S and, 2011. Hong Kong Chinese community leaders’ perspectives on family health, happiness and harmony: a qualitative study. Health education research. 26(4). pp.664-674.
  • Chiesa, A. and Serretti, A., 2009. Mindfulness-based stress reduction for stress management in healthy people: a review and meta-analysis. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine. 15(5). pp.593-600.
  • Christian, M. S. and Ellis, A. P., 2011. Examining the effects of sleep deprivation on workplace deviance: A self-regulatory perspective. Academy of Management Journal. 54(5). pp.913-934.
  • Clark, M. A and, 2016. All work and no play? A meta-analytic examination of the correlates and outcomes of workaholism. Journal of Management. 42(7). pp.1836-1873.
  • Decembrele, S. and Lord, S., 2008. MyStudentBody–Stress: An online stress management intervention for college students.Journal of health communication. 13(6). pp.555-572.
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