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Organisational Culture Power, Politics and Culture Model

University: ICON College of Technology and Management

  • Unit No: 1
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2903
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: SBLC4005
  • Downloads: 1611

Question :


  1. Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in LG corporation.
  2. Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams in LG corporation
  3. Evaluate and understand LG corporation co-operate to work effectively with others.
  4. What are the concepts and philosophies of LG corporation.

Answer :

Organization Selected : LG


LG corporation is life's good which is a multinational company and was founded in the 1947 by the koo in-hwoi. It is dealing in the electronics items like the television and it is providing the products like the telecommunication and information technology products as well. It is spread all over the world and across the 80 countries as well. Company is situated in the South Korea and from that it is operating all over the world (Landers, and, 2015). The report includes the content and the process theories which would have effect on the performance of the individual and team behavior. It also includes the organisational culture and the power, politics and culture model is applied on the organisation. The effective team importance are discussed in the report and the concept of the organisational behavior are discussed in the report. These points discussed in the report would provide the knowledge to the students about the organisation and the environment of the company as well.

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P1) Analyse the organization culture politics and power influence the individual and team behaviour

Culture model influencing the individual and the team performance

Organization culture is affecting the performance of the employees which are working in the company. The culture has the types which include the clan culture, market culture, hierarchy culture and many more. These types of the culture is implemented by the organisation but the LG is using the handy culture model for improving the performance of the employees.

According to the handy culture model the company must focus on the power, role person and task. Power culture is influencing the employees which are working in the organisation (Reeve 2016). These are some rules in the power culture which would result in the strict discipline among the employees which are working in the organisation. LG need to control the employees form the center and the concentrate only upon the few employees which are giving their best. In the power culture swift decisions are possible. In role culture the employees have the authorities upon them and their exist no power among the employees. Task culture the team are formed and the teams are working on the projects. The person cultures the employees feel free and are superior for the business.

Politics model influencing the individual and the team performance

organizational politics has the impact in the performance of the employees and the performance of the company as well. There are four types of the politics model which include the personal, structural, organizational and decision. In the personal structure the employee are affected by the personal problems. Organizational model is affecting the performance and it includes the organizational politics. In the decision politics the decisions are depended upon the higher authorities. In the structural politics the structure of the organizations is changed and the employees are according the change in the company structure in the effective way. These are affecting the employee performance and the employees are not encouraged for the team performance as well. The team performance and the individual performance is affected by the change of the structure of the organizations LG has now recruited many employees and these employees are efficient but the structure of the organizations is changing so it is affecting the performance of the employees.

Types of the power and its influence on the employees

Power is influencing the employees and the team members also but the power are of many types which include the rewards power, coercive power, legitimate power and many more (Vitolla, Rubino and Garzoni 2017). Rewards power is used by the organisation for motivating the employees of the organisation and the employee would work in the effective manner. LG is using the reward power in which the company is motivating the employees which are working effectively. The employees need motivation from time to time and the performance of the employees is being improved as well. In power culture the power is given to the one employee that one employee is the leader to the power is given to the senior authorities which are working for the company.


P2) Evaluate the content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques

Content theories are the theories which are discussing the what would motivate the individual or the team member. The process theory is focusing on how they would motivate the individual or the team member. Content theories are Maslow needs of hierarchy and the process theory is Adams equity theory.

Content theory Maslow need of hierarchy

Maslow need of hierarchy is focusing on the needs of the individual and the theory is focusing on the needs in the way of the pyramid and the pyramid are starting form the physiological needs. The physiological needs contain the necessities of the individual which include the food, water, shelter as well. The necessities of the individual or the employee of the company so the company need to focus on fulfilling the necessities of the employee. After that it comes the safety and security needs, it includes the safety of the individual or the security of the self and the security of the job, employment or the income as well (Han, and, 2017). Once the basic necessitates are fulfilled than it comes the safety and security of the individual.

After the safety and security the individual needs the relations and the friends to share the feelings. So there it comes the belonging and love needs which include the relationships and love and family friends as well. It comes the self-esteem needs of the individual. It includes the standard of the living and the status and promotion as well. These needs are giving the satisfaction to the individual. Then it comes the self actualization needs in these needs the individual has fulfilled all the needs and wants to grow and develop the self to the potential. Through this theory the individual needs are fulfilled and so the needs of the employees would also be fulfilled.

Process theory Adam equity theory

Adams equity theory is focusing on the motivating the individual and employees, but they must be treated equally and also must receive the efforts and the cost. As per the theory the people are comparing the work and the cost and the benefits as well. Due to comparing the individual does not feel motivated, and they are not actively participating in the work because they think they are not suitable for the work (Gladman 2015).

In the company the workers of the company put the inputs for completing the job and for gaining the experience as well. In return the workers expect the salary rewards and promotion and verbal recognition as well. Input given by the workers could be the skills, knowledge, time, and flexibility as well. Workers outcome of the workers are expecting form the company is the salary, bonus, promotion, and opportunities as well. The theory is not concentrating on the individual theory but it is concentrating on the team work and team projects like the companies and the schools as well. The report consist of the organisation so the LG would use the theories and also used to motivate the employees as well. When the inequity among the individual rises it would result in the decrease in the performance and also it would reduce the input and efforts given by the employees. Generally employees of the company are quitting the situation in the effective way.


P3) what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team

  • Effective team - is the capacity of the employees for accomplishing the goals and the also for objectives of the organization. To know about the colleagues and the respect the other members of the team and the leaders as well (Quested, and, 2017).
  • Motivates unity - team environment is protecting the employees of the company but the employees need to be communicated in the effective way which would increase the motivation among the employees. Through the motivation the unity among the employees is increasing. An individual employee has various talents which are to used by the leaders for the team projects. So the employee of the team projects need to work in the efficient manner and improve the talents weakness and communication skills as well.
  • Feedback and reviews - In the team the employees of the company need feedback and the reviews. The feedback and reviews are guiding the employees which are working in the organisation. Effective team need to provide the feedback and reviews regarding the performance so that the employee would improve the performance. In the effective team the ideas are shared and the due to these sharing of the ideas new things are being innovated and the performance is being improved (Duhigg 2016).
  • Learning opportunities - In the team work the employees of the team are provide with the learning opportunities as well. Every employee in the team had different skills and opportunities, through this way the employees have the opportunity of learning new things. In the team work the mistakes of the employees are seen and rectified immediately new employees are learning new things form the experienced colleagues. Through the team work the employee of the company need to solve the problems and generate more ideas in which the employees are working effectively.
  • Improve the efficiency and productivity - through the effective team the employee of the company are improving the performance and the productivity as well. The employees need to be motivated need effective leader and also the conditions of the employees need to be satisfied as well. These factors would improve the efficiency and the productivity of the employees.
  • Ineffective team - in the ineffective team the leaders are not able to solve the conflicts among the employees of the company. Leader of the team does not have the control of him over the team and the conflicts are raising the problems for the team as well. The project of the team is affected due to the ineffective team. Team member of the projects does not have the goal for the team projects and nor the targets as well. Lack of the trust between the team members is breaking the trust of the employees which are working in the company (Chandler, and, 2016). Team members are not working together, but they are working separately and performing the task in the separately so due to that the team projects are suffering.

Due to the ineffective team the employees are suffering and it would increase the case of the retention and the absenteeism in the company. Company is making the use of the human resources and it would result in the decrease in the profits and the productivity as well. It would also affect the internal environment of the company which include the office environment and the image of the company would be affected.

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P4) Apply concepts and philosophies of the organizational behaviour

Concepts of the organizational behavior

  • Individual differences - In the company generally the employees have the differences which are affecting the development of the employees. So the employees need to perform the action in the effective manner which would motivate them to improve the performance (Campbell 2018). There is the diversity of the employees which are working in the organization and the employee of the company need to work in the efficient manner for improving the performance.
  • Perception - Different individual see the same thing, but they do not feel same about the things they saw. So the employees also have the different perception and different way of the thinking and analyzing the things. So the employee of the company must be motivated to perform better and also perception if the employee must be seen and participated as well. The perception if the employee is different but the employees of the company need to motivate to collaborate with the other employees and perform better.
  • Motivated Behavior  An employee of the company need to be motivated from time to time but some employees don't need to be motivated. They are self-motivated and also they are motivating the other employees which are working in the company. So it would result in the good performance of the employees and increase in the productivity. Motivation for the employees is must because through that the employee would improve the performance (Nelson, and, 2017).
  • Value of the person  Value of the person is important because the employees need to know about the value of them to the organization. The employee would feel the value them the employee get the comment on the work and the feedback of the performance of the work as well. Through these the employees of the company feel motivated and these would also encourage the employee which are working.

Path goal theory of leadership

The theory is based on the vroom expectancy theory which include the process of the leaders specific behaviour is influencing the employees which are working in the team. It describes the need of the employees in the office premises. It is following the basic steps for leadership and the employees.

It is considering the employee and the environmental characteristics. Employees are affected by the behaviour of the leaders and the performance of the leaders. Some feel demotivated and some feel discriminated and while some are not accepted in the team. So it is the responsibility of the leaders to communicate in the effective way. The employees of the company need to follow the directive and the supportive and participative as well. These would also motivate the employees and remove the obstacles from the path of the employees. It would encourage them to perform better and also goals are to be defined in the effective way. The leaders of the team projects would support the employees which are working under the leaders and leaders would also try to improve the performance of the employees (Campanella, and, 2016). Secondly the path goal theory include the leadership styles which are the directive, supportive, participative and after that the employee would focus on the motivational factors which will help the employee to develop themselves and succeed in the life.


From the report done above the LG is a multinational company and wants to strengthen the organisational behavior and culture theory which it would also improve the performance of the company in the market. The company has also applied the motivational theories for motivating the employees. The employee would need to maintain the performance and the content and process theories are discussed in the report. Maslow they of motivation and Adams equity theory is discussed in the report which would motivate the employees. The path goal theory is discussed and the leadership skills of then employees are improved as well. Through these leadership skills the employee of the company would feel free to give the suggestions in the projects meetings. The company is also adapting to change the organization culture and the politics and power which would also have the positive effect in the company.


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  • Campbell, D., 2018. The socially constructed organization. Routledge.
  • Chandler, and, 2016. Application of simplified Complexity Theory concepts for healthcare social systems to explain the implementation of evidence into practice. Journal of advanced nursing. 72(2). pp.461-480.
  • Duhigg, C., 2016. What Google learned from its quest to build the perfect team. The New York Times Magazine. 26. p.2016.
  • Gladman, A., 2015. Team teaching is not just for teachers! Student perspectives on the collaborative classroom. TESOL journal. 6(1). pp.130-148.
  • Han, and, 2017. How virtual team leaders cope with creativity challenges. European Journal of Training and Development.41(3). pp.261-276.
  • Landers, and, 2015. Psychological theory and the gamification of learning. In Gamification in education and business (pp. 165-186). Springer, Cham.
  • Lichtenberg, J.D., Lachmann, F.M. and Fosshage, J.L., 2016. Self and motivational systems: Towards a theory of psychoanalytic technique. Routledge.
  • Nelson, and, 2017. Interprofessional team training at the prelicensure level: a review of the literature. Academic Medicine.92(5). pp.709-716.
  • Quested, and, 2017. Evaluating quality of implementation in physical activity interventions based on theories of motivation: current challenges and future directions. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 10(1). pp.252-269.
  • Reeve, J., 2016. A grand theory of motivation: Why not?. Motivation and Emotion. 40(1). pp.31-35.
  • Vitolla, F., Rubino, M. and Garzoni, A., 2017. The integration of CSR into strategic management: a dynamic approach based on social management philosophy. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.17(1). pp.89-116.
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