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Understanding Related To The Success Factors of the Mars Airline Company

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 15
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3040
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Organization Selected : Mars Airline Company


The airline industry of UK is comprised of a large multitude of airlines. It is different from low cost carrier models to international airline groups. In UK airline industry is among the most active airline industries in all over the world. Airline companies are making lots of money but they are also facing huge problems. The present study is based on Mars Airline company which is operating its business in airline industry. There are various types of decision which company need to make in respect to carry out business in an effective manner and successfully. There are wide range of marketing activities which company to need to maintain along with focusing on customer satisfaction (Hayes, 2018). Further, company also need to maintain their expenses and increase profit to survive in a competitive market. It is important for company to provide discounts to its customers on products and services in order to grab their attentions. There are wide range decisions which company to make in relation to management, marketing and strategy that can help company in accomplishing success. The present study will cover different decision made by company in respect to carry out business successfully. Along with this, different theories which are linked with the decision and assist in conducting all the business activities in successful manner. Reason for covering all the points is to develop understanding related to the success factors to make effective decisions in respect to marketing, management, and other areas are business. Further proper analysis will be done on the basis of decisions made by a company to selling products and services. At last recommendation for improvement based on the results will be provided. Recommendation will be fully feasible and justified which consider all the cost, priority level, time scale etc.

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From the performance of airline company, it is analysed that in first quarter there was an up down in employee’s turnover. Further employees were provided training and development facility which help in delivering a quality service (Doppelt, 2017). further, it can be said that budget of training was increases yearly. In the first quarter Mars Airline started providing discount on fair structures that is 28-31 cents. In this free drinks and pretzels or peanuts are provided to customers with charge cost $1.00 per passenger. It can be said that to provide discount in fare structure is one of the effective strategy to grab the attention of customers. It is analysed in second quarter that customers will expect fewer amenities with discount pricing such as free soft drinks, and small snack meal for certain flights. it is analysed that in different quarters company has made different decision. Discounts in fair price help company in retaining customers and increase profit of the firm (Rodrigues, Nikhil. and Jacob, 2016).

Mars Airlines in their preliminary phase did not hired or fired any salesperson. The current employees in the organisation was 81 with fleet expansion or reduction of 27. The projected employees estimated by the management was 108 with turnover replacement of 11 and turnover rate of 9.9%. In order to develop the employees, management sets the quality & training budget to $1000. In the first quarter, the management hire 2 salesperson and the number of employees increased to 108. The turnover replacement reduced to 10 but the turnover rate got increased by 12%. The quality rating increased to 62 and budget for quality and training increased to $5000. The projected wages and benefits set by the organisation was $584000. According to human resource developmental theory, employee development is described as the process of enhancing organisational performance and individual learning due to developments in human resources, organisation and career. In order to sustain in the competitive environment it is crucial for business management and firms to devise precise strategies and should focus on developmental needs of employees so that they could retain in the organisation for longer period (Hayes, 2018.).

Employee development is the process of enhancing and developing the skills of employees through organisational development, training and development which further helps in improving the performance of the organisation. In the fifth quarter, the human resource management hired two 2 salesperson for the organisation. The current employees number in fifth quarter reached to 142 with projected employees to 171. Fleet expanded to 27, turnover replacement to 18 and current turnover rate in fifth quarter was decreased to 10.6%. The quality rating of the organisation increased to 78 and budget for quality & training was increased to $35000. The projected wages and benefits for 171 employees were estimated to $948000. In order to attract employees towards the organisation, firm needs to focus on providing both intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Human resource management at Mars Airlines needs to focus on providing more benefits and training to the employees so that their attraction and retention can be increased and ultimately the turnover rate get reduce. In the tenth quarter, the current employee in the organisation was 226 which equals the projected employees.

Management didn't hired or fired any salesperson and the fleet expansion or reduction reduces to 0. The turnover replacement got increased to 21 and current turnover rate was reduced to 9.3%. The quality rating got increased to 78 but the budget for training and quality remained constant to $35000. According to the theory of human resource development, it is the process of systematically planning, allocating resources in the right way so that organisation can achieve their desired goals and objectives in effective and efficient manner. In order to gain competitive advantages, the management needs to focus on hiring more and more employees within their organisation so that the performance of the company can be improved. In the 10th quarter the management estimated the project budget for wages and benefits to $1252400 which was adequate enough to retain employees.

After analysing the marketing activity of Mars company, it is determined that company spend money on promotion and advertising. Along with this, through the use of social networking sites company is used to make good relation with its customer and show their active presence on social networking sites. However, it is identified that company do not provide in flight magazine to customers. there are total 3 regions and company has only put marketing efforts in third region. Further it is marketing decision impact on q2 is $11,000 while estimated in quarter 3 is $26,000. Company has not taken any step regarding social responsibility and environmental causes. There was increase in marketing efforts put by company quarterly and cost of promotions and advertainment was also regular increase. Hence it can be said that Mars Airline company has adopted marketing mix elements so that more and more people came to know about the Mars company products and services. Company is using promotional strategies such as creating awareness among customers through social networking sites on Facebook, twitter etc (Huet, Frail and Snyder, 2015). further putting efforts on marketing shows the impact on profit of the firm. As compared to other companies, Mars companies promotional budget and advertising budget is $60,000 and $60,000 respectively. Along with this they used to promote in three regions. Along with this, they also hired 13 sales persons in respect to carry out sales and promotional activities. However, no cargo business was carried out by company in quarter 3. Hence, it clearly shows that marketing efforts of company increases yearly. Apart form this, it is analysed that Mars Company has started some additional cleaning and maintenance services. Cost which is charged by them are $25000 per aircraft per quarter. Company has avoided to take cargo services because it leads to increase the expenses which can impact the marketing decision of the firm. .

It is analysed that company need to bring changes within its system so that it can easily provide more services to their customers on time (Rezaei, Chandran and Oh, 2018). There are various forces that lead to stop an individual to avoid changes. But company need to understand those changes and adopt them in respect to carry out business in effective manner. Here company can used Kotter’s 8-step change model

Increase urgency

In respect to create urgency company can focus on identifying and highlighting the potential threats and the repercussion which can be crop up in the future. Further Mars, Airline company can examine the opportunities which can easily tapped with the help of effective intervention (Huet, Frail and Snyder, 2015). There are many initiatives which can fail to accomplish the provided target because firm either lack of interest in the proposed change effort or because of higher energy of resisting the change management process. Company need to understand importance of making changes and try to implement them in a successful manner.

Building the guiding team:

The further company can form guiding coalitions through identifying the effective change leaders in the firm and key stakeholders through requesting their involvement and commitment for the whole process. Mars airline can focus on forming a powerful change coalition who can work as a team. In respect to implement changes successfully company can easily identify weak area in the coalition team and make sure that team get involve in the influential people from different cross functional department (Stark, 2015).

Getting the right vision:

Mars Airline company can determine the core values and ultimate vision and the strategies in respect to realise the change within the firm. Along with this, it is important to make sure that change leader can easily describe the vision effectively and in systematic manner which help employees to understand them and follows. If all the employees working in a team came to know about the vision of the firm the it will help in working in more effective manner (Hornstein, 2015).

Communicate for buy-in:

Through communicating the change in the vision can be often powerful and realistically. To handle all the issues easily and in honest manner can help in carrying out business successfully (Kim, Kim and Magnini, 2016). The main goal of organisational change is to get many people to work toward the goal with full efforts. Good communication is important in respect to understand the important of changes and implementing the effective manner

Remove obstacles:

It is important to make sure that firm process and structure is linked with the overall organisational vision. Manager of Mars airline need to check any type of barriers which can resist change. Further proactive action should be implemented in respect to remove obstacles which are involved in the process of change (Kim, Kim and Magnini, 2016). Along with this company can also focus on rewarding people who endorse changes and support the change process.

Create short term wins:

By creating a short term win company can feel victory in the first stage of changes. Through creating a various short term target rather then moving toward the long one can help in lesser the possibilities of failure. Company can reward to those people who accomplished the short-term target on time. Get the best assignment help from experts.

Don’t let up: 

There are wide range of changes which can be failed due to victory which is declared at early stage. It is because changes are slow going process and it should be driven in the entire culture. Quicks wins are the way of the beginning of long term changes. It is important for the firm to keep looking for improvements (Rezaei, Chandran and Oh, 2018). This can be done after accomplishing multiple success. So that changes can be done within the

Make it stick:

In order to create successful change management plan for Mars Airline, it is important to make any changes with stick. It is most important and core part of the enterprise which consider corporate culture and often determines vision of day to day work. With the help of continuous efforts, it is important to make changes in the organisation. Furthermore, it is also important to change solid place with organisation culture. As results, it assists to focus on bringing new change with coalition. Leaders have responsibility to take proper support with changes among staff members and new leaders (Huet, , Frail and Snyder, 2015).

In order to take advantages of this model, it is important to know about progress of Mars Airlines. Hence, successful outcomes need to be share with all members to attain desired results. Changes includes ideals and values to hire and training new staff members. It will incorporate to replace key leaders that assists to make successful business functions. In order to work hard, it is important to carefully build proper foundation. Implementation must be easier so that it assists to develop organisation culture. Skills assists to make happy and successful career with using different tools and resource that added values in business.


Mars company needs to make the approachable target goals and strategies in order to accomplish the company objectives and goals. In order to enhance the strategic management goals and strategies company requires break the task and activities in order to accomplish the better generating work (Cotter and Fritzsche, 2014). For example, Mars company will be planning to increase 25% sales by next year. Then the focus of the company should on the target that has already set by seniors. For that, employees needs to set their own milestones and targets to accomplish the overall target plans. In spite of that, another major success factor that should be consider by company is brand value in the market. For increasing brand value in the market. For that, employees needs to build emotional connections with customers and other stakeholders to get approachable task making performance and strengthen the brand internally. Overall, it brings new productive environmental growth to deal with better performing task. In order to enhance the company image in the market Mars also required to look upon the change management to introduce innovation and new services. For that, company required to identify what will change, present a solid business case to gain buy-in, create a Road map, gathered data for evaluation (Williams, Mummalaneni and Erramilli, 2015). Besides, it also helps to get the better effective growth nature of better performing level. New change will connect new customers and sales of the company. Besides, company needs to increase new thinking and problem solving approach that will helps to control the best productive nature in order to handle the approachable task oriented performance. New thinking will give new strength and stability in the competitive market. For that, employees requires to cohesive thinking, learn to pitch new ideas and bounce ideas off to others.


From the basis of above section, it has been analyzed that effectiveness is the most enlarging and effective process that helps to take the productive decision making approach. Airline companies are the most profitable and high earning business sector. That enact the luxury services and provides a hundred percent comfort zone to the customers. Present study was based on Mars Airline company which is an operating business. Overall, study has been analyzed that customers attracts towards the company services on the behalf of discounts and fairs. Besides, it also identified that due to low services of customer attraction, clients of Mars company will rapidly distract from the company. In spite of that, it also measured the creating climate for change such as increase urgency, building the guiding team, getting the right vision, communicate for buy-in, create short term wins, Don't let up, Make it stick etc. overall, study has covered the effectiveness of the challenging growth in order to keep the best productive growth. Company needs to enhance the services or customer focus in order to take up the market growth. Firm also needs to take action to remove customer dissatisfaction and in order to get the approachable profit revenue. Further it is concluded that Employee development is the process of enhancing and developing the skills of employees through organisational development, training and development which further helps in improving the performance of the organisation

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