Excellent help for solving business law cases
Need for business law case study help is felt because this field is humongous. Business law involves rules and regulations pertaining to transactions such as sale and purchase, mortgage, bankruptcy and many other processes that define the course of a regular business. Business law is formulated keeping in mind the need for providing ample protection to both the parties involve.
Important types of business laws
Business law is broadly divided into following categories:
Contract Law: Our case study experts can provide you suitable help for solving contract law cases. A situation, where the interests of any of the parties entering into a contract are endangered, gives rise to a case. Thus, there can be issues pertaining to any clause of the contract and may require intervention of the law to solve the dispute.
Consumer protection law: Consumers invest their faith while buying a product or service and if the faith is breached, they take help of consumer protection law. You can seek help of our law assignment writers for getting solutions.
Sale law: It is quite important to ensure that sales occur through legal practices only. So, what to sell, where to sell and how much to sell are some of the points that are covered under sale law. Whenever there is a discrepancy on any of these fronts from selling point of view, sale law does the job of removing it.
Trade law: Trade means sale and purchase of goods and services. Whenever there is an intent of exchange of goods and money between two parties, trade law becomes applicable. Trade law case studies solving is a cakewalk for our assignment experts and they can provide you with all possible help as required.
International law: Whenever a business requires moving beyond the geographical confines, it needs to follow rules pertaining to international business. Case studies pertaining to international law provide insight to the business holders over the issues that may arise while expanding a company globally.
Business law case study examples
You can contact us for all sorts of business law case study examples. Our team has solved thousands of case studies related to business laws and has a rich repertoire of cases that are given to university students during the curriculum.
Contract law case study
Mr Boyle recently planned to buy shirts in bulk from a manufacturer. He somehow could not manage to provide details due to lack of time. The company was forced to put his project on hold. However, at the arrival of deadline, Mr Boyle asks the manufacturing company to provide explanation for not delivering the order. How company can defend itself? Advise.
Consumer protection law
An electric iron user chooses to iron cotton cloth first. And then switches the heat regulator to mild and tries to iron linen. The cloth burns off quite against his expectation. He blames the iron manufacturer for faulty heat regulator and raises the claim. Company refuses to settle the claim mentioning the fact that fault lies in the usage of the iron and not in the make of heat regulator. How will you defend company? Explain.
Sale law
A cigarette manufacturer tries to get a shop opened near school premises. He is refused the license for doing so. Why? Elaborate.
Our case study helpers can solve all sorts of cases pertaining to various kinds of laws related to the business processes. You can call us anytime mentioning the case, pay for the service and get solved case studies in your inbox within the deadline.
Business law case studies offer various challenges
Students face following challenges while solving case studies related to business law:
- They find it difficult to analyse the case
- They are not aware of the sources of information
- Students are not thorough with the concepts
- They do not have much time for carrying out the research
- English is not their first language and so they cannot express their thoughts clearly
- They are not well adapted to research methodologies
Get case study help from the best business law professionals
At Global Assignment Help, we have the most experienced team of business law professionals who are highly qualified. Our experts are Ph.D. qualified and have deep knowledge of business law. They can provide you well-researched solutions for the case studies based on business laws and have expertise in all the areas of this field.
Business law case study help at ‘Global Assignment Help’ comes with following guarantees:
- Unique case study solutions
- Perfectly formatted case study solutions
- Compliant with university norms
- Help available 24 hours
- Timely submission of case study assignments
- Perfect in grammar and punctuation and free from all sorts of errors
Give a call to us mentioning your case study requirements and we will assign the best experts available for completing your assignments on time. We are committed to relieve you of all the worries related to case studies on business laws and have complete infrastructure for offering you the best possible help with case study writing.
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