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If you often get stuck writing a thesis statement, then you have come to the right place. Our platform provides free access to a thesis statement example to students. So, do check out all these and get away from all your writing worries.

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What Is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is used in different essays, such as analytical, expository, and argumentative, and in a research paper to define the main intent of the document through a single "Statement." Using it clearly defines the reader what they will read next in the paper. Some students find it hard to frame it and look for "What is a Thesis Statement Example?" online. That is why we help them with our thesis examples. Thus, you can rely on our samples and get the best assistance to frame your paper.

Effective Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement

The examples of writing thesis statements given by Global Assignment Help clearly define how you can compose a perfect one. Still, we want to provide some additional tips to create a perfect statement for your thesis. So, let's check out the points below, which will provide tips for writing thesis statements.

Know Your Topic

You need to understand your topic well before writing an impressive statement. It is one of the necessary parts which you must not miss. If you are not well aware of your topic, then describing it in one sentence is impossible. You can always rely on our example of thesis statements to learn more and get ideas for writing your paper.

Brainstorm Ideas

You must decide on a topic to write a thesis statement. So, if you face any issues, then always brainstorm ideas for your paper. Write down what comes to your mind and select among the best ones. After this, frame a thesis statement for your paper. If you require any further help, you can always get help from our writers or check one of our thesis statement examples.

Make It Specific

While writing your thesis statement, always mention only the points you will discuss in your paper next. You should not make it too broad or narrow; you must always stick to the point and be specific. You can refer to our examples of writing thesis statements to grab some quick ideas. It will help you to know how you can make it specific.

Add It In Introduction

You must always know that a thesis statement is used at the end of the introductory paragraph. Many students get confused about where to place this statement in their papers. So, the right place is at the end of the introduction. It is a summary and will help to generate curiosity among readers.

The above points suggest some tips for writing a perfect thesis statement for your paper. You can always remember these while writing your research paper or essays. Furthermore, we always suggest you check our thesis statement examples for better understanding. Also, if you find writing tough, our writers are available. They can help you frame a perfect one for your document.

Things You Should Consider While Writing Thesis Statement

In the above section, you will read some tips on how to compose a perfect thesis statement. In this section, we will tell you a few specific things you must know before writing it. Other than this, you can always check one of our thesis statement examples and understand the points described here clearly.


The first thing you must remember while preparing your statement is to be clear. You should not write your topic with twists and turns. Get straight to the point and tell your writers your topic. If you find it tough, you can use our thesis writing services and find the best experts to get help from.

Reader's Interest

When writing a statement, you must always keep your readers in mind. Knowing their interest should be your utmost priority. For example, if you are writing a dissertation or assignment, you must know your professor's interest area. Hence, it will help you to write a better thesis statement.

Your Views

Being a writer, there should be your point of view on the topic. So, you need to present your thesis statement. For better understanding, you can pick any of our examples of a thesis statement and analyze how our experts have given their opinions on it. Then you will understand how to do it.

Give Answer

Suppose your topic is a question; then the best you can do is to answer that through your thesis statement. It always works and provides a reason for your readers to stay with your document. All the experts do this, which is the best way to prove your point while informing readers about your topic.

The above points clearly state what you need to keep in mind while writing your thesis statement. Still, if you have any issues, then you can check our example of thesis statements.

Thesis Statement Examples

An example clears a reader's doubts and helps them better understand things. So, to put your questions on hold, we not only provide a thesis statement example but also here are live examples of some of it.

So, let's check them out.

Example 1:

"You should always use biodegradable items." This is an example that just informs you about using biodegradable things to maintain our environment. However, your thesis statement should have a backup argument.

Correction: "Biodegradable items are easy to absorb in nature, so you should use it to maintain the environment."

Example 2:

"Booking of movie tickets is reduced in the theatres. "Now, again, in this statement, the reason is not justified clearly behind this.

Correction: "Booking of movie tickets is reduced in the theatres due to the increased number of online OTT platforms."

The analysis of your writing is your responsibility; no one can help you. So, these examples clearly state how you need to write your thesis statement. In simple terms, when you are stating anything, there should be a backup argument with it.

Thesis Statement: Bad vs. Good

When you check any of our example thesis statements, you will realize this is just not a sentence; it is specific and targets a complete point. So, your statement may be good for you, but it is not perfect. Therefore, we have created a list of Bad vs. Good thesis statements.

Example 1:

Bad:  "One should not consume alcohol."

Now, the above sentence does not describe why one should not take alcohol.

Good:  "Consuming alcohol can damage the liver, increase fatigue and other health issues, so one should not consume it."

So, we have explained with a clear argument why taking alcohol is wrong for people.

Example 2:

Bad:  "Internet can be used for good cause."

Again, no specification or reason was given.

Good:  The internet can be used to enhance knowledge, connect people, and serve a good purpose.

So, here, we have explained how the Internet can help people with different things.

Well, these are two thesis statement examples that will help you to categorize which is good and the bad. So, you should check it whether it is defining the entire intent or not. Also, as we said multiple times, you can always take help from our writers. They have been providing online assignment help services to students for many years. Thus, you can rely on them not only for thesis statements but also for getting guidance in writing different academic papers.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why Do I Need a Thesis Statement?
    You need a thesis statement for two prime reasons: it gives direction to your paper and helps readers understand what's coming next. It also hooks readers and gives them a reason to stay with the paper. So, as a writer, you must use it.
  • Are Thesis Statements Used In Fictional Writing?
    A thesis statement is mostly used while writing non-fiction, which includes an essay or a research paper. In some exceptional cases, like narrative essays, you can use it to describe the story's lesson to readers.
  • Can a Thesis Statement Be Two Sentences Long?
    Yes, a thesis statement can be two sentences long, but it is found best to be one sentence. This is because a reader can understand one sentence perfectly rather than two. So, always try to write your thesis statement in one sentence. You can check some good thesis statement examples on our websites if you need a reference.
  • Can a Thesis Statement Be Too Broad or Too Narrow?
    A well-researched thesis statement is never too broad or narrow. When you write a long statement, it confuses your readers, and you will also find it difficult to cover every aspect. On the other hand, when you write a narrow thesis statement, you will miss out on describing your message accurately. So, always make a statement that clearly defines your opinion and focuses on a topic.
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