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Unit 9 Sports Law Assignment Level 4


  • Unit No: 0
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 2 / Words 558
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1717

Table of Content

  1. Critical Reflection

Critical Reflection

By having an evaluation of article published by Alan Sullivan, learning in respect to role of contract in sports law has been developed. I have learnt to know that Games Law has been manufactured and which is of essential significance in many territories where there is an interface amongst wear and the law. Along with this, it has been noticed by me in reading of article that regardless of whether don is being played at a world class level or at a more modest one there is dependably an agreement working some place (Naidoo, 2012). In addition to this, I have also become acknowledged regarding sponsorship rights.  Along with this, details in respect to participation rights and obligations in major concern for the sports events which has also been evaluated in desired manner. By having an effective development of learning in respect to sale of media rights has also been developed in critical manner. It has also provided learning regarding the core principles which apply in every sporting dispute where there is a binding contract.

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Learning has been developed with a review of Cox J case. He found that the offended party had no privilege to bring his activity in light of the fact that there was no expectation to make a coupling contract. It has been noticed in the case that plaintiff did not come within any of the Cameron v Hogan exceptions (Sullivan, 2010). Such condition has been raised because during the suspension he has not received any kind of pay for playing Hockey. Also, there was no evidence presented in respect to significant financial loss which has impacted the overall outcome in desired manner. Along with this, article review has also developed knowledge in respect to principles to the fact. It assist in developing major concern in regard to act and legal values which are essential for better sports provisions. In addition to this, I have also identified that some of legal base is being enforced by the rules found in court. It is an especially the relation to the large and influential bodies so that major updates can be taken into account. Along with this, it has been witnessed by me that selection results can also be taken into account so that proper measures can be employed.

In sports agreement the person is also capable enough to have proper bound between parties. In this, athletes are key party because number of agreements are taken into account between sponsors and sports person. I have also gained the knowledge in respect to sporting activities by having a concern in regard to media rights and sponsorship arrangement. It has made me understood that sports activities are associated under diverse majors. I have also gained the knowledge that number of sports issues are being resolved with an application of interpretation of contracts that are followed under sports law (Sullivan, 2010). Proper and disciplined working is being promoted with a motive to meet standards and ensure about overall development. Diversity is also being promoted in desired manner by having an application of sports arrangements under legal concern.

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