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Understand Business Law - Country Pine

University: Regent College of London

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2078
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/9862
  • Downloads: 1229

Question :

The objective of this report is to evaluate business law practices by identifying different legal structure, best practices in employment, nature of legal system and so on. In this regard, it is required to analyze:

  • Identify the basic role of legal system.
  • Evaluate potential impact of law on Country Pine.
  • Analyze appropriate legal solutions to a business problem of Country Pine.
  • Recommend legal solution based upon alternative legal advice.

Answer :

Organization Selected : Country Pine


Business laws are all about norms, rules and regulations which is framed by legitimate bodies for resolving various problems which might faced by corporate world while running their business entity (Pepper v Hart (1993, HL). First or foremost objective is to control various wrongful conducts from societal place by enacting numerous of major laws and orders. Country Pine is an association which is engaged in expanding their business across the international boundaries by coming up with innovative ideas and thoughts. Basically, main objective of this assignment is to highlight the various sources of laws and role of governing bodies in designing impressive acts which may prevent entire society from wrongful conducts. Along with this, shows major norms which is designed for offering best facilities to the employees in order to promote retention process. Hence, overall project is outlining significance corporate legal rules and regulations which is applied on business to control the possibilities of mistakes.


P1 Origin of law

Laws are universal in nature which emerges at anytime anyplace without any alarm and indication in order to control the probabilities of errors and mistakes. Basically, governing bodies are coming with outstanding ideas for facilitating entire nation with beneficial acts or norms. Their main objective is to focussed on each or ever aspect while designing laws so that they get succeeded in offering equal opportunities to requisite people. However, number of sources are identified from where laws are coming out such as; treaties, parliament, MPs, case laws, civil, council of ministers and so on (Fisher v Bell (1961). Thus, an appropriate discussion of various sources laws are described as follows:-

Council of Ministers:- According to this element MPs are also playing very eminent role in coming with unique ideas and useful thoughts for facilitating society with peaceful environment. Thus, council of ministers or MPs are giving their consent in converting proposal into bill for improving the certain situations.

Case laws:- It has been assessed that number of incidents are taking place at societal place which may create problem for individuals while living their life more comfortably. For example; rape cases, robbery, fraudulent activities and so on. Thus, for overcoming various issues or day to day problems governing bodies get enforced to enact some of the emergency laws and norms for controlling the worst situation which is taking place at high extent (Smith v Hughes (1960).

Parliament:- Member of general assembly are playing major role while designing certain acts by acquiring consent from various readings in order to apply it on marketplace. an appropriate procedure is also followed by members to control the probabilities of errors and confusions. However, general assembly members are involving in a negotiation and discussion for clearing all the societal issues in suitable manner.

Regulations:- Some of the major rules and norms which is designed by governing bodies are enforced legitimate bodies to make laws by considering necessary facts or figures. In fact , it aids in directing individuals towards corrective path whomsoever are engaged in designing laws and orders.

Hence, it has been understood that all the above elements are playing very eminent role in originating distinct laws and norms which is beneficial for overall society as well as corporate world.

P2 Role of governing bodies in law making

Governing bodies are engaging in designing various types of acts which is advantageous for high range of consumers as well as innocent people whomsoever are engaged in some kind of activities (Sweet v Parsley (1969, HL). However, advisory bodies are having maximum number of power and authority to improve the overall situations of entire society. Basically, number of stages are taking place while enacting any useful law at marketplace. Initially, particular proposal or agenda get emerges and later on it become an bill which is further circulate in the parliament for acquiring maximum consent of council of members. Hence, an appropriate stages of law making is described as follows:-

First reading:- In this initial phase specific is going to be announced in a parliament in front of the entire members. Main motive is to discuss each or every aspect in detail sense for understanding the matter in deeply.

Second reading:- Secondly, consent of all the members are acquiring in this stage for understanding that bill is useful or not. It means , all the members are showing their viewpoints on particular subject or bill.

Committee stage:- After this bill is analysed in this house of commons for proper examination in order do further alteration in this bill.

Report stage:- After that all the information and data are going to frame in a report for collecting all the data in one document.

Third reading:- Now its time to re-present the entire bill in front of house of commons for understanding it in more appropriate manner (Royal College of Nursing v DHSS (1981, HL).

Royal assent:- At last, after completing all the major steps its time to gain consent from monarch for final approval in order to enact bill into act.

Hence, it has been understood that all the above readings are useful for entire society because their main motive is to design various types of acts in much suitable manner for gaining maximum benefits. At the end, it helps in regulating fraudulent activities from at marketplace.


P3 Impact of employment law on business organization

According to given scenario Country Pine is engaged in offering best or qualitative products or services to their customers by expanding their business across the international boundaries. Basically, Business Future is a consultant firm whose main motive is to promote new start-ups so that they can come with mind blowing ideas for generating maximum revenue. Thus, company needs high range of employees for handling their business activities in better manner. Therefore, it is essential to learn more about employment laws in order to fulfil all the terms and conditions in more effective manner (Mann and Roberts, 2011 ). Some of the major useful norms are described as follows:-

Health and safety:- It means an organization needs to ensure that security of employees get maintained in proper manner for promoting the workers retentions at workplace. For example; every individuals wanted to work in a safe environment due to which company is implementing various policies as well as polish their equipments on regular basis in order to control accidental cased.

Equal remuneration act:- Company is setting their new business due to which high level of labour power is required at workplace. Thus, employees are getting enforced towards working extra work due to which they need to work harder in order to gain maximum advantage. Hence, company is liable to offer high level of benefits to their staff members if they are giving their best and extra. Beside this, as per terms and conditions employees have the authority of gaining amount for their extra job role.

Minimum wage act:- Employees have the right to gain minimum amount of salary in order to fulfil their basic needs by accomplishing assigned job role in best appropriate manner. It means Country Pine needs to consider wages of their employees or cost of labours while expanding business in various regions for gaining maximum benefits (Kroes, 2010) .

Apart from this, it has been understood that all the above legal acts related with employment acts are highly beneficial for company success because it aids an enterprise in creating positive relations with staff members. As a result it helps in controlling conflicting situations which might occurred at workplace while working in a team. Instead of employment laws company also needs to understand laws and order related with consumer protection acts for gaining trust or loyalty of various customers.


P4 Legal solutions for various business problems

Country pine is sole trader organization which is engaged in converting business into limited company for improving their performance as well as wanted to acquire more or more revenue by satisfying the needs or demands of various clients. However, it is not easy to convert the business due to fluctuation in various external and internal factors and it have a major impact on a company performance (Macaulay, 2018). Along with this legal issues are getting emerged at high level because number of employees are also involved in this as well as number of shareholders. In fact , it has been understood that sole trader and limited company are distinct in nature in various manner that is described as follows:-

Throughout the differences it has been understood that both the companies are distinctive in nature due to which company must gone through major problems while changing their business type (Folsom and et. al., 2013). In fact, major issues are identified at workplace because of various changes. Hence, useful solutions of business problems are described as follows:-

Implement useful acts and norms for controlling fraudulent activities which is occurring at workplace.

Follow all the legal proceedings to resolved conflicting situations.

Understand the each or every aspects while involving in a limited company.

Hire skilled or talented employees by following suitable selection procedures.

Make an effective plan or policies to resolve various issues.

At the end it has been understood that above elements must used by company while resolving their business problems in better manner.

P5 Justification

After analysing the legal solutions it has been understood that most prominent method is following legal norms and rules to control the possibilities of mistakes. Their main objective is to overcome various issues in a defined time frame by using legal regulations at workplace. Along with this, use employment acts to make a positive relations with staff members which aids in controlling possibilities of losses (Nichols, 2012). For example ; equal wage act aids in creating a equal environment at workplace, remuneration act is use as a motivational factor because it aids in encouraging individuals towards their assigned job role. It means, above plans or policies is beneficial for company success and development in various manner by satisfying the needs or demands of various clients.


P6 Recommend appropriate solutions to various problems

ADR means alternative dispute resolution is most useful or appropriate mode of resolving conflicting situations because it aids in clearing all the hidden doubts or points in a minimum time period. Additionally, their main objective is to enhance the performance of an association by taking corrective measures such as; hire third party for clearing doubts and so on. Thus, it has been understood that ADR is most useful approach of reducing organizational problems because three methods are identified in this tool (Bhatia, 2014). Hence, company have three alternative choice of selection method to resolve conflicts such as; mediation, negotiation and arbitration. Beside this, all these three of them are distinct from each other. An effective detail is described as follows:-

Mediation :- Presence of third party for clearing hidden doubts and issues in a defined time period. It means, an organization is hiring any other members whomsoever is interested in overcoming disputes are appointed by company to control disputes.

Negotiation :- Healthy conversation is taking place between both the party for clearing their points .

Arbitration:- Professional body get hired in this for resolving issues in legal manner by following each or every aspects ( Law, 2010).


From the above report it has been summarized that business laws are playing very crucial role in overcoming business issues by implementing useful acts and norms. Their main objective is to protect members of an association from exploitative activities in a define time period. Employment laws are also covered in the report for understand the need of workers at workplace as well as facilitate them with various benefits in order to make long term relations with them.

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