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Resourcing and Talent Management


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Introduction to Resourcing and Talent Management

Resourcing and talent management is a crucial aspect for every organisation because it ensures that the company has competent personnel to beat the competition and retain customers for a longer time span (Sims, 2006). Recruitment and retention are both two important human resources functions which generate a need of strategic planning. These two aspects are very important for the growth of a corporation as it can increase the rate of return  (Pinnington, 2011). This report is based on Thistle hotel which has a portfolio of 33 hotels which operates within the three and four star sector (Thistle glasgow hotel, 2015). The company uses number of strategies to create competitive edge in the marketplace by offering a wide range of services (Thistle glasgow hotel, 2015). This organisation uses several recruitment and retention strategies in order to retain their workforce for a long time which also enables them to contribute towards the growth and success of the organization (Harrington, 2007). Furthermore, several recruitment and retention strategies are employed by the organisation for achieving its long as well as short term objectives (Larsson and Hyllengren, 2013). Apart from this, different sources of recruitment are also explained which in turn highly competent workforce can be acquired by the firm in order to meet expectations of buyers in an effectual manner. In addition to this, the company makes use of most effective methods for attracting competent employees in order to meet organisational objectives (Sims, 2006 ).

The purpose of present essays is the elaborate different recruitment retention strategy employed by company to determine its long run success. Also, impact of these strategies will also be explained on effective people resourcing. In this regard, detail description of retention and recruitment methods has been provided thereby organisational objectives could be achieved in best possible manner. In addition to this, application of appropriate strategies which for other sectors like retail and hospitality industry will also be explained thereby corporations can successfully operate in the marketplace.

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Success of any organisation is highly based on the quality of workforce, their skills and employees as well as attrition rates. All these factors will affect the growth and performance of the company to a great extent. Here, it is very important for all sectors to ensure inclusion of highly competent and skilled personnel who contribute towards their success and growth (Krishnaveni, 2008). On the other hand, without including high quality personnel corporation cannot achieve success as the company itself cannot fulfill demand of large number of buyers (Ellinger and Ellinger, 2014). It is only employees; service providers, chef, HR managers and finance manager who carry out business of a hotel. Furthermore, continuous development of employees is the focal point for any firm because of their retention. Here, attraction of buyers as well as their repeat purchase decision is based upon attitude, motivation and quality as well as skills of workforce. Thus, all these factors contribute towards high customer base, high sales turnover and an overall good image of the hotel within the marketplace. This is the reason that every organisation put efforts to minimize attrition rate by employing appropriate workforce and providing good quality of services to number of consumers (Holland and Pyman, 2006).

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This hotel uses a number of sources of recruitment such as traditional, online and social media for attracting number of buyers or consumers or employees. Here, internal sources of company like promotion, transfer and demotion as well as retired employees are considered. This process proves to be effective in attracting most competent personnel and retaining them. These internal strategies of recruitment facilitates to fill the vacant position of company in cost effective manner. Also, this contribute towards increasing the level of motivation among existing personnel (Pinnington, 2011). For example, if Thistle hotel has a vacant post of service provider in one of its branch then management can transfer its employee to that branch. This strategy is cost effective as well as profitable because existing employees will have positive image towards the corporation. Apart from this, Thistle hotel can use effective strategy as promotion under which existing employees are promoted to a higher position (Ganihar and Nayak, 2007).

However, they are promoted due to their strength and weaknesses which in turn results in the company having upward direction (Inkson, 2008). On the other hand, promotion leads to increase sales turnover as well as profitability (Sims, 2006). A counter argument might be that employees must have potential to secure the high position. It enables them to deliver a good quality of services to number of buyers and work in the direction of growth and success of Thistle hotel (Koskela and Palukka, 2011).

Furthermore, demotion is another source or strategy of Thistle hotel under which management remove unsuitable person from the post. However, this strategy does not serve as the motivation for employees (Ganihar and Nayak, 2007). Owing to this, Thistle hotel rarely uses this strategy where it is important to demote any of employees from higher positions. Furthermore, retired employees is another internal source wherein management of Thistle hotel approach competent personnel who are retired (Nikandrou, Brinia and Bereri,  2009). By using this strategy the company get advantage to cater need of buyers and determine its long run growth in the marketplace.

On the other hand, advertisement is another external source under which management places advertisement by using several media such as newspaper, television and other related sources. It facilitates to attract number of candidates and then effective recruitment and selection process is adopted by Thistle hotel (Inkson, 2008). In this regard, internet can also be used for hiring personnel across the globe. It enables management of Thistle hotel to find the most suitable person in a time effective manner. Apart from this, campus recruitment is another external sources by which fresh talent can be hired into the company (Tomé, 2011). On the other hand, part placement agencies play active role in providing competent and highly skilled employees. This is because placement agencies at first assess the need of organisation and accordingly keep record of suitable candidates. This way Thistle hotel can ensure inclusion of right kind of workforce in an organisation (Krishnaveni,  2008).

Outsourcing is another method in which Thistle hotel can access highly competent personnel on rental basis and get the work done in less time span. However, such kind of sources work on the basis of contract which motivate organisation to secure good position in the marketplace. It can be critically evaluated that accessing outsourcing for getting fresh talent is time consuming as well as costly process (Mayhew, 2015). Though, comparatively it takes less time because the company is not required to complete the recruitment and selection process. Here, organisations need to lay emphasis on selection of right kind of personnel on right position. Also, this process makes employees so comfortable to adjust in environment. Thus, Thistle hotel uses number of strategies to access customer’s right kind of personnel in order to meet customer's expectations (Sims, 2006). At this juncture, company try its best to build trust among them so they easily cope up in new environment (Larsson and  Hyllengren, 2013).

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Retention refers to keeping highly competent workforce within the organisation for long time. It requires active attention of management in providing a good work environment for employees so they can easily stay (Harrington, 2007). It is very important for any organisation to have a good work environment so that employee’s find it feasible provide long term services specific organisation. Basically, companies with high retention tend to have high wages, employee welfare program and other related benefits for them. It assists employees to develop relationship of trust with company (Ellinger and Ellinger, 2014). This way companies and employees have mutual consideration during work and they work with integration in order to achieve specified objectives (Jain, 2005). Here, Thistle hotel uses number of techniques to retain employees. Basically management of hotel lay emphasis on motivation of workforce as it include them to stay with company for extensive time (Larsson and  Hyllengren, 2013).

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In this regard, Thistle hotel uses several motivation techniques like monetary and non-monetary rewards. It consists of strategies like succession planning, career management and reward strategy. All these strategies are unique and important for the growth and success of an organization (Holland and Pyman, 2006). The succession planning is the technique under which workforce working at lower level are trained for the higher position (Krishnaveni, 2008). By using all these method company can retain its qualified and competent employees. In addition to this, succession planning is the imperative aspect wherein strategic goals are aligned with human resources. Here, management must need to consider the potential employees who are suitable for vacant key position of company. Succession planning will also bring peace in Thistle hotel because employees will have high level of satisfaction (Inkson, 2008).

The critical aspect of succession planning is dividing the same into formal and informal. The informal one is that where employees know that they are going occupy the high position. On the other hand, , informal succession planning is that in which management intentionally provide training to existing employees for higher position so as to meet the specified objectives (Harrington, 2007). The other strategy is of career management which aims to enhance knowledge and skills of employees (Jain, 2005). This facilitates to motivate them for achieving their targets on right time span. For example Thistle hotel add extra activities of learning for employees while they work. It will bring modification in the current work environment and accordingly employees will be attracted and existing will change their mind set if they are thinking to leave the organisation (Ganihar and Nayak, 2007). The reasoning behind this strategy is to make workforce competent, knowledgeable and skilled to move hotel into upward direction (Harrington, 2007). Along with that, management also want to increase motivation level of employees. Owing to this, career development programs are promoted at workplace (Aghazadeh, 2003).

The reward strategy is another way to retain employees. Here, management of Thistle hotel assess performance of all personnel on the basis of set criteria and analyze the same according the criteria. With this process it becomes convenient for corporation to provide rewards to those who achieves targets. This strategy works well when employees are skilled and motivated. Apart from this, it is also imperative that which reward should be given to what employees (Aghazadeh, 2003). For example, a person seeking for hire position must be provided non-monetary rewards instead of monetary. Still, if that particular employee is provided monetary rewards then he will be dissatisfied and may promote to leave the corporation (Sims, 2006). Owing to this, at first need of all workforce can be assessed by taking advantage of any suitable HR program. On the other hand, those who are looking for good salary should be provided monetary rewards for their better performance instead of thinking to provide good position only (Ellinger and Ellinger, 2014). These strategies can be applied in other organisations like Marriot, Tesco and Sainsbury  as well as other related sectors. It will help organisation to boosts morale of employees and create sense of achievement among them. In addition to this, hotels like Thistle and Marriott can also use such kind of explained recruitment as well as retention strategies. It enables management of hotels to retain workforce and cut down attrition rate to a great extent. This in turn positive impact will be seen in organization in the form of integration of workforce, high profitability and competitive edge of hotels. This will assists corporation to bring modification in current work environment so as to cater need of large number of consumers and retain them for extensive time (Pinnington, 2011).  Similarly, use of these strategies in aforementioned corporation support them to expand at global marketplace and create goodwill. This in turn organization can effectively enhance level of customers' satisfaction (Kreimeier, 2014).  In addition to this, it is important for retail companies to ensure inclusion of highly competent personnel so that attrition rate can never be increased. Although, company should be focus on selection of highly competent workforce in the organization by adopting suitable method (Taylor and McGraw, 2006).

Thus, all aforementioned factors need to be considered while enhancing the level of motivation among workforce and retaining them with firm for longer time. The well known facts about hotel industry is high attrition rate due to long working hours, low pay scale and uncertain career progression (Koskela and Palukka, 2011). At this juncture, Thistle hotel can effectively use reward strategy and succession planning. These both methods are formal way to enhance level of motivation and retain employees with organisation. This in turn, the company can have high customer base, low cost of production and delivery of quality services. Similarly, Thistle hotel can easily expand at the marketplace just because of support from highly skilled workforce. Therefore, Thistle hotel uses effective recruitment and retention strategies for talent management (Larsson and  Hyllengren, 2013).

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The aforementioned report concludes that retention strategies used by organisation are effective in term of increasing customer base and reducing additional cost. It makes possible for company to expand at global level. This fact makes the retention process very easy and management can change the work environment in positive manner (Aghazadeh, 2003). It can also be said that, Thistle hotel should use effective performance appraisal techniques for adopting reward strategies. It is because in case of absence of performance appraisal tool company cannot have proper judgment in providing rewards to personnel (Ganihar and Nayak, 2007). Apart from this, other corporations should also take views of their employees while making use of effective retention strategies. It contribute towards achieving long as well as short term objectives. In addition to this, referral policies can also be used by company for acquired competent personnel in cost effective manner (Mayhew, 2015). Furthermore, it can also be said that career development and succession planning are important tool to cater need of employees and influence them to provide long term services in Thistle hotel (Sims, 2006). Moreover, different stated retention and recruitment strategies could be applied in hotel as well as retail industry also by which employee turnover can be reduced to a great extent. This will also help management to maintain good performance of firm for longer time.

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  • Aghazadeh, S. M., 2003. The future of human resource management.  Work Study. 52 ( 4) pp.201 – 207.
  • Ellinger , E. A. and Ellinger, D. A., 2014. Leveraging human resource development expertise to improve supply chain managers' skills and competencies. European Journal of Training and Development. 38(1/2). pp.118–135.
  • Ganihar, N. N. and Nayak, S. V., 2007. Human Resource Development and Teacher Education. Discovery Publishing House.
  • Harrington, H. J., 2007. Resource Management Excellence: The Art of Excelling in Resource and Assets Management. Paton Professional.
  • Holland, P. and Pyman, A., 2006. Corporate universities: a catalyst for strategic human resource development?. Journal of European Industrial Training. 30(1). pp.19–31.
  • Inkson, K., 2008. Are humans resources? Career Development International. 13(3). pp.270 - 279.
  • Jain, P., 2005. Strategic human resource development in public libraries in Botswana. Library Management. 26(6/7). pp.336–350.
  • Koskela, I. and Palukka, H., 2011. Trainer interventions as instructional strategies in air traffic control training. Journal of Workplace Learning. 23(5). pp.293–314.
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