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Human resources development is related to the employees working in the company. Human resources development helps the employees to develop their ability, skills, knowledge. (Werner and DeSimone., 2011) Aim of human resources development is to train, motivate their employees so that they can accomplish the organization objectives. Human resources development includes activities such as succession planning, mentoring, coaching, etc. its brings many opportunities for the employees for both outsides and inside the workplace. The manager and leaders train the employees for the senior level. The human resources development is very important for a very organization as it makes the employees more flexible and knowledgeable (Knowles, Holton III, and Swanson. 2014).

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In report, the company taken into consideration is TESCO which one of the biggest retail store in the UK. The company is having its worldwide business. Tesco is into grocery, clothing, books, furniture, etc. In this report, the leadership styles have been discussed and its effects on the planning and leaning events. Methods are used to give training at a different level of management. Advantages and disadvantages of those training methods have been mention in this report.

Basically, the report is all about how human development techniques help the employees to improve their capability (Armstrong and Taylor.2014). And how these skill of employees help the company to achieve their goals.


1.1 Compare different learning styles

There are different learning styles adopted by different people. Every person cannot learn from a single learning style. Their understanding levels are different. Learning styles are adopted by the companies to train their employees for the future upcoming situation. So there are different styles which can be used in different circumstances. Learning styles make the employee’s concept clear. Learning styles improves employee’s skills and knowledge by which they can solve the problem effectively and efficiently. Following are the different learning styles.

Working Learning Techniques: this technique influences the behavior of employees in an enterprise. Employees behavior changes according to the situations. And their behavior can impact on their work. So Tesco brings the rules and regulations for the employees in which they mention all the human rights, holiday, sickness arrangements. The company makes it clear all these rules to the existing and new employees so they can understand and follow it.

Visual Learning Techniques: A visual learning technique uses electronic devices for giving knowledge to their employees (Kakuma and et. al., 2011). They make understanding the new employees so they can use this learning at their workplace. This makes easy for new employees to do the work and access the systems of the company. Employees get updated knowledge about new devices, a new method of doing work.

Tactile Learning: this learning gives more practical knowledge to employees as the workers are allowed to complete the task on their own. The employees can understand the work in a practical manner. More safety is required in this kind of learning as the employees using the procedure for the first time.

All these methods gives the learning the employees. This help the employees to reach the high position and to achieve their personal goals(Daley., 2012). Every leaning style is different from another style in terms of knowledges. Skills, experiences, time, cost etc. the visual style is differ from tactile as in tactile there is more practical knowledge and in visual there is more theoretical knowledge given by using the electronic devices. The risk in tactile is more as they working in real scenario. But in case of visual they are only gets the concept clear.

1.2 Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of learning to the workplace

Learning curve is graphical representation which shows the performance level. It is also known s progress curve. This curve shows the performance rating of the employees in terms of their skills and knowledge. It is used when there is repeated task are given or the particular learning topic is going on for longer time (McKenzie and et. al., 2012). Learning curve shows the employees rating for the particular task. What is the performance level of the employees in company. By this company can take the measure to improve the employees performance enhances their skills and knowledge.

Role of a Learning Curve

The learning curve plays an important role in planning of resources. Also its help the company to do the incentive calculation according to the employees rating. This is suitable for the enterprises which has the large employment in their company. This shows how effectively employees are performing. Its help the company to identify the decline in average cost of production. The learning curve is easy form of evaluating the employee’s performance. This method has non bias decision. The rewards and incentives are only based on the ratings of employees performance in given task. This tool gives the opportunity in the work place. Through the curve the company can achieve its the targets and objectives (Bratton and Gold., 2012). Tesco use this tool to enhance the employees skills so that they can face the new challenges.

The importance of transferring learning to the workplace

The transfer of learning take place during the training sessions . This transfer can be any knowledge which can enhance the employee’s skills during the training. Transferring of learning is very vital at the workplace for both the employees and employer (Flamholtz., 2012). The transferring of knowledge refers to storage and analysing the knowledge for the future process. With related to Tesco, transferring of learning tends to innovation and planning which is made by the employees. Tesco organise many training events to improve the employees performance and skills and if they find any mistake. The company rectified it.

1.3 Assess the Contribution of Learning Styles when Planning and Designing a Learning Event

Learning of individual depends on person to person. The learning also depends on the behaviour of the people. They handle the situation according to what they feel right in that particular situation. The behaviour which influence includes emotions, values, belief, attitude, thinking etc. there are difference theories of the learning such as cognitive learning theory, holistic learning theory, reinforcement theory and others. These theories help to formulate the design of learning which motivate the employees. These theories are applied on different situation and different leaning styles. It depends on the person which approach they applied on particular situation (Boxall and et. al., 2015). The reinforcement theory tends to assume the behaviour of the employees and that particular behaviour is responsible for the employee’s action. There is positive as well as the negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement can give strength to the employees and negative can brings the demotivation factor within the employees.

Holistic learning theory assumes that the person body is made by the various elements like emotion, imagination, intention etc. and these effects the learning of individual. Cognitive learning theory focuses of particular individual inner feelings and gives the training according to that so that they learn in effective manner. The process of learning design according to the individual insight. The adult learning theory implies that this theory brings lots of experience and this experience can be use the trainer for the further purpose. This theory also affected by the personal emotions. In this the learner design the structure of the session according to their emotion arises at that time.

These theories differ from person to person and which kind of training organisation wants to gives to their learners (Guest., 2011). These theories help the learner to learn, get experience and also improve their skills. The get the education from these learning programmes and techniques. These training programmes help the Tesco to understand their workforce. This technique helps the company to which strategies they should formulate to meet the employees expectations. The company faces many challenges new structure and these learning theories help the company to overcome from these challenges.

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2.1 Compare the Training Needs for Staff at Different Levels in an Organization

The identify the training need the company as to analyse the situation, employees performances and if they find any flaws in that they need to give the training to their employees. The company has adopt the procedure to give training to their employees (Scullion and Collings., 2011). The training program is conduct in a manner so that company can achieve its objective behind the training program. Training is necessary for all level of the management but the training programmes are differ from level to level. As middle level training cannot be given to the lower level because the skills, knowledge, experiences are different.

There is different type of training program for each particular level having the different objectives. Company should provide the atmosphere where they feel familiar, protected and hygiene. This can motivate the employees and the work more harder and effectively complete their task (Ghai and Vivian., 2014). Proper training can tends to earn more profit by the organisation and also can help them grow the business. Tesco have different training needs at different level which are as follow.

Management Level: the need of training at management level is to improve the quality, make effective decisions, and create skills and knowledge.
Consumer Level: at the consumer level the company need to train their employees so that they can solve the complaints of the customers, solve their queries and gives customers quality services.
Operation Level: at operation level training is required to advice them to improve the performance, reduce the cost of production, timely inform the mangers about the performance of the employees.

Tesco need the training at these three levels to retain the customer and also expand its business. They trained their employees to solve the challenges occurs at these three different levels. The training on these levels can increase the accountability of the trainers of their job activities.

2.2 Assess the Advantages and Disadvantages of Training Methods used in an Organization

Tesco have different training methods to bring the changes in the organisation. They train their employees to make them more flexible. Mangers give the proper training to employees to have better career in the organisation. The methods of training are off the job and on the job. In off the job training the employees get the theoretical knowledge about the particular topic (Bray and et. al., 2012). This type of training take place outside the work place or near by the work place. The cost and time incurred on this type training. While in on the job training the employees get the practical knowledge as they are working on the real scenario and also they work on the company software, machines, and equipments. Both the training has its own advantages and disadvantage. The company can adopt any method of training according company needs of training and its nature.

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of the training methods used by Tesco.


  • Training methods give the knowledge to the employees.
  • Practical experience helps the employees to improve their accountability of task given to them.
  • In training methods company introduce their employees about the opportunities they get in the company. It also helps the employees to know the challenges which take place in particular job.
  • Training methods help the company to compare the performance of the employees and enterprise can motivate them for the better performance.
  • The employees exchange their views and knowledge to other employees and with the manger. It makes the worker more creative.
  • Practical knowledge can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees.
  • Employees can be trained for the succession planning of the company.


  • It can create the confusion between the employees as they get new job and new responsibilities.
  • Different kind of information in the organisation makes the employees dissatisfied.
  • In case those employees who are not able to perform well they get disappointment and it reflect on their performance.
  • Sometimes employee’s gets difficulty to understand the concept and they make mistakes and this situation can lead to de-motivate employees.
  • If any employees are not performing well or they are not able communicate well with the mangers the cost which is incurred to trained them can be wasted.

2.3 Use a Systematic Approach to Plan Training and Development for a Training Event

Company organises the training program in which they gets the employees participation. In training session the company identify the employee’s problem and then try to solve those problems (Reiser and Dempsey, 2012). The top management conduct the training session in which they make the schedule and select the employees those who need training. They make the strategy how formulate the plan for the training and then implement the plan into practical. Time is allotted to the training session and cost which is going too incurred in training program. The employers and mangers both encourage bring change in the organisation. Following are the steps by which company solves the employee’s problem.

  • Problems have been given to the employees for the solution: In the first step, the manager gives the situation which employees need to solve. The activity is carried only on the staff team. The problem which is given based on the real scenario and has practical questions related to the enterprise problem.
  • The discussion can take place between the employees: In the next step, the employees are divided into 3 or 4 groups for solving the problem given in a particular situation. The employees can discuss each other and make the final conclusion of their views.
  • The manager identifies all the feedback from the employees: managers collect all the responses of each group and identify the solution given by each group. The manager chooses the most appropriate solution which fits into the given problem criteria.
  • Get the solution to the problem: The most appropriate solution is chosen by the manager according to the situation in the company.
  • Implement them in the organization: the manager takes one of the solutions which he thinks is more suitable for the organization. And implement the solution in an enterprise to solve the problem.
  • Control and monitor: after implementation, the manager monitors the situation and compare the result from standard to actual once.


3.1 Prepare an Evaluation using Suitable Techniques

After the training given to the employees, there are many methods to evaluate the results of the training. It helps to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the training among the employees (Romney and Steinbart., 2012). Top management analyzes whether the training is cost effective or not. The training methods help the top management to make an important decision. Evaluating training result is very important to bring the change in the organization. It also prevents further problem and challenges coming in the future. A company can solve the problem by using these evaluating methods (Armstrong, 2011). To evaluate the training results the five tiered approaches have been used in this report. The model is having the 5 stages and these stages are given below. The model has a design with an objective that whether the training process meets the expectations or not.

Program clarification: it should be clear to the management that the training is done for the particular reason and this aim of training should be revealed in the training session.
Need assessment: when the manager is giving the problem or a situation to solve. The manager makes sure that the question should be related to the real scenario and the solution which employees are giving also according to the question there should not be any irrelevant material included in the answer.
Accountability and monitoring: This indicates that the manager and employees should ensure that their work should be delivered in the case to solve the problem.
Progress: the performance has been evaluated in this step and how it is affecting the business.

By these steps, the company can do the evaluation. The evaluation has been done to increase the employees knowledge and skills in their respective area. Tesco is using different kind of techniques like on the job and off the job. To train its employees. It depends on the situation to situation. If training needs on concept clarity the company give them off the job training but if there is practical knowledge required due to technology change or for other reason the company adopt on the job training.

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3.2 Carry out an Evaluation of a Training Event

The training which is taken shows the success in the organization. The employees are motivated during the activities and coordination is there among the employees. The first activity is giving the problem to employees. After that the divided into groups and solve the problem and then manager identifies the best solution and implemented in the organisation. Discussion has been taken between the employees and managers. The workers discover how to enhance customer services (Cummings and Worley., 2014). There is positive impact of the solution on the organisation. The results imply that the workers learn from the activity and also enhance their skills. The operation outcomes show the training results. The training results show increase in the employee’s productivity. The communication in the organisation took place in effective manner. There is well coordination between the each department and one department has the information of other departments which increases the transparency. The employees are doing their task with full sincerity and they serve their customers in effective manner.

The training method increases the knowledge about the new technology by which the employees use new innovations and techniques while serving the customers. This makes the services quicker and incurred less cost.

3.3 Review the Success of the Evaluation Methods Used

The method which is chosen for the evaluation is 5 tiered approaches. This approach is successful for getting the positive results in real life. The benefits is given by the layout and the design of the training structure (Ployhart and Moliterno., 2011). This model helps to solve the issues which rises during the training session. This approach evaluates the important activities of the training session. This has the positive impact on the organisation development and also on the workers in the enterprise. The training session generate the logical facts and figures which give the better outcomes and results to the company.


4.1 Explain the Role of Government in Training, Development and Lifelong Learning

The UK government play a very important role to trained the employees in the private organization. Government organized the training programmes and also provide the professional. To trained the employees. Tesco which biggest retail UK has been inspected by the government to look after the performance of the employees. The government look after all these companies for the development of human resources management activities. Which resulted in the improvement of the employees efficiency (Barney, Ketchen and Wright., 2011). The advantage which company gets from this it having the competitive advantage in the market.

The government of the UK introduced the schemes for the following understanding.

  • To reduce unemployment and deal with it.
  • To reduce the gap between employment and youth unemployment.

Tesco contributing its economy at maximum level. The government of UK conduct many training programmes for the Tesco employees for the long life learning. If the government is taking the training programmes in that case their more knowledge can be learn by the employees. Because the government provides high qualifies experience professionals to give training to these employees. In this case the company need not incurred cost for the training.

The government is arrange the training program for the public as well private company as Tesco is serving the economy at the larger scale the government gives lot facility to develop its business and also incurred the higher cost to trained the Tesco employees and improve their skills.

Government make many rules and regulation to conduct the business activities. It also the one of the rules of the government that the enterprises in UK should give the regular training to its employees so that they are flexible in nature, can work with their full efficiency, get updated knowledge about the new technologies and process in the market. The government also emphasis on the training because government wants increase the employment level in the country.

4.2 How the Development of Tthe Competency Movement Has Impacted on the Public and Private Sectors

Both public and private sectors are affected by the competency movement. The competency movement encourage ever company in the target to perform their best and get the success. So no other company can have the competitive advantage against them. Every company gives training to their employee’s sop that they work with their full sincerity. Competency moments give the opportunities to the employees to work hard and learn more things from their training given to them. The competency enhances the employees to work in their effectiveness manner.

Investors in People: Investor in people refers to that standard by which the company can better mange its people. Investor in people is owned by UK government and around 11000 organisation are there under investor in people. They give standard by which company has to invest in their employees.

Blue arrow is a platinum accredited company. They are into staffing and recruitment of candidate for different organisation. The company is famous for its high performance and provide the candidate which are best for the enterprise. (Jiang and et. al., 2012). they develop the clear purpose by enchaining the people lives and try to fulfil their mission. Blue arrow is specialised in people management. The company take the regular feedback of their employees to problem their problem and give better live. The company gives the friendly environment to their employees to improve their work and performance. Company also provide the certain human rights which protect the employees and also increase the employee’s retention. The employees of blue arrow employees are very loyal to its brand and they have the job satisfaction as they get the high standard facilities by the company.

If the employees of the company has the low productivity level, effective products quality, low participation. The enterprise took the various learning patterns to teach them and help to overcome with these problems. The private companies express the interested in the performance gap and for that that reasons the private organisation invest more on the training programs. The private corporations control and monitor the performance of the employees on regular basis. And after that they send their employees to the higher training institutions to trained them. These institute teach the employees, trained them, qualified them to handle the situations occurs in the business unit. They company incurred high cost and time to trained their employees because the human resources is the important factor in the company which decide the company success. The human resource is one the most strongest pillar of business unit.

4.3 Assess How Contemporary Training Initiatives Contribute to Human Resources Development

Training organized by the Tesco brings the new change in the company and its structure.
And the major portion contributes to the economy because if the customers are served in good manner they retain with the company and the brand loyalty. Tesco has the large share of market in the UK. They serve large number of customer in UK with is the contribution the society and economy. Training programmes improving the working environment of the company which motivate the employees. This working environments leads towards the development of the enterprise and its employees.

Tesco gains an advantage against its competitor. The contemporary initiatives of training help the organisation to take decision related to the structure and development of the company. There are many small enterprise also which are facing competition from the bigger enterprise. For this smaller enterprise the government of UK make many policies so they can also grow and serve its customers (Unger and et. al., 2011). For encourage them government of UK has adopted the different training methods to trained the small scale industry employees. They adopt contemporaneous training method which serves the training activities to the small and medium enterprises. Government also promote the economy training for these industries.

Training is done in a different manner for these industries like government adopt the vocational and the aim of the training is too diversify the business aspects. Tesco introduces the various resources to train its employees and also employees get benefits from these training activities. This method of training helps the workers to faster adopt the external dynamic environment.

Related Sample: Managing Professional Development in Tesco


The training program success depends upon the company employees. If the employees are well trained, their abilities increased, the effectiveness is improved in that case the company get success in their training program. Tesco which is a retail distributor of goods in the UK having its operation worldwide. Their main strength is their human resources which gave them higher returns. The training programs are conducted by the Tesco to improve the business environment. It makes their employees well trained in which they can act in a dynamic situation. Their employees are capable to face challenges and can solve them by their skills and knowledge. The company uses different kinds of learning styles and approaches to trained their employees. They regularly evaluate the performance of the employees. So if the employees have any flaws the company can improve it. As a results company earn more revenues, help the UK economy by contributing to the society. Not only the company government also conduct the training programs for the Tesco employees. These employees are trained by the professionals and provide them new experiences and teach them new concept and techniques.


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  • Barney, J.B., Ketchen Jr, D.J. and Wright, M., 2011. The future of resource-based theory: revitalization or decline?. Journal of management.
  • Boxall, P. and et. al., 2015. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bray, F and et. al., 2012. Global cancer transitions according to the Human Development Index (2008–2030): a population-based study. The lancet oncology.
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