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Roles & Purpose of Human Resource Management-Hilton Hotel

University: Harvard University

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3882
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: HRM 3206
  • Downloads: 1372

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Organization Selected : Hilton Hotel


In the first task of the assignment, roles and purpose of Human resource management are discussed. The selected service sector organization for this assignment is Hilton hotel and resorts. For effective and quality service of the service sector industry, the organization must understand and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the HR department. The organization must also be aware of the demand and supply analysis for the human resource plan of the organization to understand the job roles of every staff and also understand the turnover rates and the number of employees in each department. The task presents all of this information with great details.

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Task 1:

1.1: Analyse the role and purpose of Human Resource Management in a selected service industry (Hotel, Restaurant):

Human resource department of any organization is developed to benefit the most valuable asset of the company who are the employees or the staffs of the organization. Employees are the key factor for the organization to meet the objectives. HRM has various functions like staffing and looking after the issues and performances of the employees. Human resource management of an organization also take cares of the employee policies and payment issues (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Thus, the HRM can be defined as the department that is established to look after the functions of recruitment, training and development of the staffs in an organization. HRM is hugely responsible for bringing out the best potential of the employees. The assignment is based on the service sector organization. The roles and purposes of HRM in Hilton hotels and resorts are given below.

Purpose of Human Resource Management:

Purpose of Human Resource management of the Hilton hotel and resorts is to create a positive environment in the workplace for the employees. The objective of the HRM of Hilton hotel is to establish a quality employee management system as developing good employee relation in the organization will create positive results for the service sector organization. Moreover, Hilton hotel management knows that an engaged workforce in the organization can help the company to reach the organizational goals and objectives (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Initially, the objective of the HRM is to recruit the most sophisticated and qualified employees in the organization. After that, the chosen employees are clarified about their job role in the hotel industry, and adequate training and development programs are set up for him. HRM of the Hilton hotels also look forward to mitigating any employee issue. The issues involve payment problem, performance problems and communication issues. Proper utilization of HRM practices in the organization can bring quality service to the customers (Chuang et al. 2016). In future, these practices can lead to competitive advantage in the market and also in increasing the market share of the organization. The profit rates of the Hilton hotels will also increase as more and more customers will start to choose to stay in the resorts of this organization in holidays. The Hilton hotel management also has performance management and incentive management department within the HRM. Purpose of these departments is to be aware of the service of the employees in hotels and taking care of the appraisals and incentives of the employees for good job performances. The purpose HR managers of Hilton hotels are to constantly motivate and monitor the performances of the staffs in hotels and resorts. Thus, these are the purposes of HR management of Hilton hotel and resorts (Chuang et al. 2016).

Roles of HRM:

Here are the few roles of HRM in Hilton hotels and resorts.

1) Job Analysis: the recruited or existing employees must be clarified of their job roles. HR department of Hilton hotels performs these duties. Thus, the HR personnel of Hilton Hotels gather information about the job roles of every department in the hotels and resorts (Ashton, 2018).

2) Issues of Employment: Hilton hotel currently has more market share than its fiercest rival in the industry Marriott International in the UK. This is due to the effective and quality services produced for the guests during their stay in the hotels. The hotels and resorts of the organization possess services like spa, fitness room, barber shop and sauna rooms apart from the restaurants. These services require workforce. Thus it is the responsibility of the HRM of Hilton hotels to hire staffs with proper skills that set them apart from other employees from different hotel organization. Proper recruitment of employees will enable the management to improve the brand image and increase customer satisfaction (Ashton, 2018). Apart from these functions, the HRM of Hilton hotels performs functions like wage management of employee retention of employees and understanding the employee demands.

3) Participating in the planning and development of the organization: Human resource managers of Hilton hotels also act as partners of the management of the organization. Organizational objectives, goals and missions are identified by the HR managers, and they are executed properly with proper engagement with the employees. Participation of HR managers helps the HR personnel to effectively understand the overall activities of the hotels and resorts and also to help the organization to have success (Domínguez-Falcón et al. 2016).

4) Employee mentoring and morale: HRM of Hilton hotels are responsible for proper delegation of work to allow employees to observe and get inspired by the values and skills of their leaders and managers. HR management of Hilton hotel is the medium in which employees get appropriate advice to carry out their jobs. HRM also acts as guidance to the employees. HRM of Hilton hotels also tries to boost the morale of the employees as it is linked with the job performance of the staffs. Employee engagement and development programs are also organized to increase the morale of the workforce (Domínguez-Falcón et al. 2016).

5) Legal aspects: HRM of Hilton hotels should also be aware of the legislation and regulations of employment laws. There are situations where Hilton hotel management recruits more employees, and there are times when there remains a shortage of employees. In these conditions, employees may be subjected to harassments or unethical behaviours. Thus, it is the duty of HRM to properly maintain the ethics and employment laws to avoid employee lawsuits or unprofessionalism.

1.2: Justify a human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry business:

Planning is an essential part in the human resource department of Hilton hotels, and resorts as HR planning helps the organization to attain the current and future organizational goals and objectives effectively. HRM of the organization also determine the issues and benefits of the plan. At first, the HRM gathers information about the main workforce of the hotels and resorts (Gruber et al. 2015). After that, the gathered data is used to analyze the recruitment demands, the possibility of supplies and retention rates. In this way, the HRM will gain adequate knowledge about the stakeholders and their departments with an assumption of current trends and analysis.

HRM of Hilton hotel also develops certain policies for the long-term success of the company. HRM also manages the quality of services along with the prospect of increasing production of the company. Thus, a forecast of demand and supply rates of employees in Hilton Hotels is presented to identify the internal and external supplies of the company for future needs (Gruber et al. 2015).

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Demand Analysis:

There are several internal and external factors that play key roles in demand analysis of Hilton hotels and resorts. External factors encompass the laws and legislation of the UK government regarding the recruitment of the hotel staffs, economic structure etc. Internal factors of the demand analysis are the budget situation and new services like spa, sauna rooms and fitness rooms in hotels for the customers. Here are a few points about the analysis.

  • Sales Condition: as per the forecasts of the management experts, the sales growth at the end of this financial year for Hilton hotels and resorts is estimated to be around 8%.
  • Vacancy Analysis: 3 new Hotel receptionists, 5 catering managers, 6 hotel managers are required for the effective operations of Hilton hotels in the UK (Masiero et al. 2015).
  • Estimation of the management: the staffs that are quite keen to work in the hotels in recent times is approximately 70. The number encompasses service managers, hotel managers, line managers, lobby boys, chefs etc.
  • Simulations: according to the several predictions of the researcher's demands of the customers to experience the services of Hilton hotels have increased rapidly due to the new services of spa, sauna and fitness rooms (Masiero et al. 2015).
  Supply Analysis Comparison of Supply-Demand
Position Average Turnover Percentage (Last four years) Number of current employees Estimated Turnover by 2019 Remaining Employees by 2019 Estimated Labor demand in 2019 Estimated recruits in 2019
General manager 32 12 3 9 13 4
Resident Manager 37 8 2 6 9 3
Controller 48 15 4 11 16 5
Food & Beverage Director 38 13 4 9 14 5
Assistant Controller 40 14 3 11 17 6
Sales Director 44 25 9 16 26 10
Sales manager 48 45 14 31 51 20
Catering director 40 14 4 10 15 5
Hotel Managers 35 20 5 15 21 6
Hotel receptionists 30 13 3 10 13 3
Chefs 39 50 20 30 55 25
Spa Managers 35 14 3 11 16 5
Directors Housekeeping 38 16 2 14 18 4
Housekeepers 37 52 25 27 57 30
Valet parking attendants 42 44 8 36 46 10

Supply Analysis:

Here are some of some analyses of the HRM of Hilton Hotels and resorts.

  • Skill Inventories: many staffs are required to fill vacant posts created by the estimated turnovers. It includes housekeepers, receptionists, valet parking attendants etc.
  • Personnel Ratios: it is found from the above chart that for every 2 housekeepers 1 line manager is necessary. Thus the ratio of housekeeper to that of line managers is 2:1.
  • Labour market analysis: this analysis is based on the comfort and luxury that are provided to the customers with the launch of new hotel services like Spa, Sauna and Fitness rooms in every Hilton hotels around the country.


Thus, it is observed from the first task that the HRM plays an important role in managing and monitoring the performances of the employees in the service sector organization in times of new initiatives. For new service to the customers, HR department of the organization also discussed key demand and supply condition that may influence and play a good part in the times of new hotel services in Hilton hotels like fitness rooms, spa and sauna rooms.

Task 2


The role of the receptionist is very important for the Hilton hotel, and the receptionist needs to ensure good communication skill and efficiency in order to provide excellent customer service to the customers of the Hilton hotel. The receptionist must need to be polite and show their care for the customers because it will help the organization to share their positive reputation among the customers (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The receptionist must need to ensure a skill of public speaking because it will help them to communicate with different kind of customers. This section will help to understand the selection procedure and job description of receptionist of the Hilton Hotel and customer assistant of Transport of London.

3.1 Receptionist of Hilton hotel:

The job description of receptionist:

The job role of the receptionist is very important in any hospitality industry, and they need to meet new peoples every day and should understand their views. The job roles of the receptionist are described below:

  • To greet the customers when they come into any hotel and also exit from the hotel.
  • To provide the allocated rooms to the customers and also understand the demand of walk-in customers.
  • To contact the service person to help the customers to carry their luggage.
  • To understand the budget of the customers and provide service accordingly.
  • To deal with the new customers at the time, they check in any hotel.
  • To produce the bill of the hotel at the time of they leaving the hotel.

Personal specification of Receptionist:

Skills: the receptionist needs to understand the various background of the customers and they need to be very passionate to deliver the best customer service to walk-in customers. Additionally, they need to ensure the skills to solve the problem of the customers. The receptionist must need to help the customers to understand the pride of the hotel (Wehrmeyer, 2017).

Qualification: the receptionist needs to ensure good communication skills and should have the proficiency in speaking the language on which the people of the country speak. At the time of recruiting any receptionist the higher authority must need to check that the candidate does have the criminal records or not. The receptionist must need to ensure to work in rotational shift.

Experience: The receptionist must have the experience to work in the hospitality industry.

Physical Criteria: the receptionist needs to be fit physically and mentally and also medically. It will be beneficial for the receptionist if the individual has good height and physic as it will help to create an impression on the customers.

M2: Aim of recruitment and the technique used in the recruitment process:

Aim: The aim of the recruitment process is to enhance the productivity of the organization through recruiting potential candidates in the post of the receptionist. Additionally, enhance the quality of the customer service by establishing positive communication with the customers (Riley, 2014).

Technique: The technique used by the HR in the recruitment process is consisting of several steps among them the following are notable:

  • The candidate needs to provide personal information
  • Needs to answers the general question and the experience.

3.2 Comparison between the Hilton hotel and Transport for London:

Hilton hotel

Transport for London

The organization promotes their vacancies of receptionist through their website and the job portals.

The organization promotes about their customer assistant through an agency of recruitment.

For recruitment, the candidate needs to provide personal information for the post of the receptionist.

For recruitment eligibility and competency test conducted of customer assistant post.

The candidate needs to tell about the experience and the general questions.

In this company, no psychometric test is conducted before the process of selecting.

Previous record and criminal record checked at the time of recruitment.

Physical status and previous experience checked.

An application form is provided through online by this company.

Email id and password needed to login in the website of the organization.

After recruitment company provide a communication course and an induction about the company to the receptionist (, 2018).

The candidate does not get any special offer at the time of joining (, 2018).

The candidate needs to give personal information, answers general questions and about the experience.

The candidate needs to clear the interview session for the recruitment.

Task 3


Proper training program helps an organization to increase the productivity of the organization and also helps the employees to enhance the efficiency to contribute in the organizational context. Development helps ay individual to assess the individual growth. Training and development both are very important in any organizational context.

4.1 Assess the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of a selected service industry business

Training cycle:

There are four steps in the training cycle and these four steps also analyzed by different analysis techniques. Assess needs is the first step and this step analyzed by organizational analysis, personal analysis, job, and task analysis (Bailey et al. 2018). Design and develop is the second step and for his step applying knowledge of learning principals are preferred training methods, develop detailed content, develop training material and training program for the trainers. Deliver is the third step and evaluation of the training is the fourth part of the training cycle.

Differentiate between development and training: Training refers to the learning process of any individual where the individual learns gets the opportunity to develop their skill set to perform better in the organizational context. This is a short-term process.

Development refers to the growth of the individual means this is a long-term process and development is a greater aspect of any training program. Additionally, development motivated by self.

Needs for training and development:

Training is very much important for Hilton hotel as it will help the organization to increase the quality of the customer service (Thomas and Smith, 2018). Training will help the organization to increase the confidence level of the employees, and the real confidence will help the employees to perform better in the organizational context and development will help the Human resource management to assess the growth of the company as well as the growth of the employees.

Effectiveness and benefits of the training:

Personal needs: Training increase the job satisfaction and morale of the employees and Hilton hotel will be benefited if the employees are satisfied with their job and as the motivation level of the employees also increased by the training program, the organization will be benefited and enhance the efficiency in the organizational context.

Task needs: The organization can establish innovative ideas to complete any particular task. The proper training program will help the employees to perform on a particular task and meet the demands of the customers.

Organizational needs: If the employees are trained properly then the Hilton hotel can increase the productivity of the organization, and it will help the organization to establish their brand image in the market (Thomas and Smith, 2018).

M3: The barriers and attitude of the training:

There are several barriers which affect the training program of Hilton hotel Employees are comes from different culture, and HR management sometimes face difficulties in conducting the training program for the different culture of the employees (Bailey et al. 2018). Sometimes the views of the employee conflict with the higher authority which hamper the training program. Different employees work for Hilton hotel who speaks a different language because the customers come from different language and conducting training program become difficult for the HR to communicate properly. Employees are sometimes misunderstanding the aim of the organization which hampers the training program of Hilton hotel (Wehrmeyer, 2017).

To resolve these issues, the organization has taken some initiative to conduct the training properly. The organization first evaluate their needs of the employees and conduct the training programs by which the employees get the recognition for their performance and also get the job satisfaction. The training program helps the employees to encourage self-development and self-confidence. Training program helps the employees to move closer to their personal goal. The effective training program of Hilton hotel helps the employees to be a problem solver in the organizational context.

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This section helps to understand the different aspect of the training cycle and the difference between training and development. Proper training program helps any organization to share their positive reputation in the market which increases the financial benefit in the organizational context. Additionally, the barrier for conducting training discusses and the steps which Hilton hotel follows to mitigate those problems also discussed.

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This assignment will help to understand the work of human resource management. Human resource management is very important in any organizational context as HRM helps the organization to recruit candidates who can increase the productivity of the organization. Task three helps to understand the role of the receptionist in Hilton hotel and the personal specification needed to perform in the organizational context or to increase the productivity of the organization. Task four refers to the training cycle and the barriers which create difficulties for human resource management to ensure the proper training program for the organization. Additionally, the organization has taken some steps to mitigate the problem. Human resource management ensures the productivity of the organization which enhance the financial benefit in the organizational context.

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