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Human Resource Management in Airways Industry

University: Lancaster University Management School

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3943
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HRM 3206
  • Downloads: 1156
Organization Selected : Hilton Hotel


HRM is a department for managing and organising business, with the help of it company make hiring, management and firing of the staff for the development or growth of the company. It is a processes of managing employees in a company. It focuses on the work of the employees and employers. It is a process of recruiting, selecting, managing and motivating employees in the organisation. It focus on the growth of the organization and employees performance. The main objectives of it is that the company is able to achieve its growth or objectives. HRM allows management to focus on the business that is interact by its internal factors such as employees, employers and others.. This report is based on Airline human resource process. It is a European airline company that provide air transport services for travelling passengers and flight. This Aircraft Transport and Travel company is formed by George Holt Thomas in 1961, via a series of take over and mergers (Stredwick, 2013). This company is an ancestor of modern day British Airways. This company provides its services in various countries.

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Task 1


HRM is a process that is used by companies to concerned human skills, knowledge and their ability for performing the work and task that is approved by the management of the organisation. It is an art of managing people to mobilizing people in the organization.

Recruitment Process

It is process of choosing, selecting , attracting and appointing the candiadtes for the job with in the organisation or company. In Airways industry it can be done by following steps:

  • Recruitment planning- In this process the vacant position are analysed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience, qualification and skill required for the job.
  • Strategy development- After completing the process of recruitment planning the HR team prepare strategy by following some steps such as: making team or group, doing analysis of the strategies and techniques, gathering data and making recruitment strategies etc. (Miller and Rice, 2013).
  • Searching-In this process HR team searching candidate through internal and external searching. Internal source are promotion, transfer, former employees and previous applicants etc. and external source are direct recruitment, employment agencies, advertisement, campus recruitment and word of mouth.
  • Screening- It starts after the completion of the searching the candidates. It the process of filtering the applicants of the candidates for next section process. To ensure better screening of the better candidates, the HR executive must keep the following points like: reason for changing the job, employees relation, job hopping and lack of career growth and opportunities etc.
  • Evaluation and control- With in this process, the management department of the organisation analysed the efficiency and effectiveness of the employe4es and employer. It include salaries of the recruiters, overtime, outstanding costs and that cost which incurred in recruitment for hire skilled candidate during the final selection process(Stredwick, 2013).

Training and development

It is a process of learning and education or improve and enhance the knowledge ore skill of the employees. In Airways Industry, it can be done through induction program, online training, online coaching, and other learning and training program. It beneficial for Airways employees to learn, improve or enhance skills and knowledge and make improvement in confidence and capabilities. With the help of training an development program the employees and employer can make improvement in their skills and knowledge which is most important tool of an aviation industry. It provide benefits to employer in increased morale and job satisfaction.

Roles and purpose of HRM

The roles of HRM are as follows:

  • Recruitment and selection- The main role of HRM is hiring new employees for the organisation as per the company needs by following all the process of recruitment.
  • Training and development- It is the process of enhancing and filtering the knowledge of employees for achieving the organisational goals.
  • Retention- It involves keeping and motivating employees by rewarded him for their work necromancer and by promote them to stay with the organisation (Miller and Rice, 2014).

Purpose of HRM

The purpose of HRM to help Airways industry to achieve its goals. Its purpose is to provide well trained and motivated employees to the organisation for its growth.

Soft HRM

In this HRM treats employees as most important source in the business . This HRM focus on concentration of employees need their roles, reward and motivation etc.

Hard HRM

In this HRM, employees are treats by the organisations as resources such as machinery and building of the business. It focus on finding out the needs of the employees towards business and hiring, firing and manage accordingly (Khan, 2013).


Human resource planning

In Airline, it is a process to ensure or choosing the right people for a right place and right time and in appropriate number and these employees are trained and motivated to do right work. . By this planning the organi9sation identifies current and future human resources needs for an organisation to achieve its goals.

Human recourse plan for Airways Industry

There are following points for r HR planning for Airways industry:

Recognize the quality and skill required

To get success in this industry the employees need certain quality which the employees look for and customer expect. These qualities are as follows:

  • Computer Knowledge -In this industry the employees have good knowledge about the technical skills and knowledge and about the applications because now these days this industry mostly used the computers.
  • Communication skill-The customers are come from different places so the employees should have good communication skills. They have the knowledge of both orally and in writing of communication .
  • Teamwork-It is important for creating a successful team environment for efficient and profitable business. It plays a vital role in service industry because without the effective teamwork no work can get success (Jiang and et. al., 2012).

Recruit staff members

The recruitment process for Airways industry are as follows:

  • Targetting the right people - In this industry the organisation target right people and recruit the best person for achieving neds, mission and values of the company.
  • Testing through aptitude and interviews-Interview is a face to face communication method to identifying the capabilities and skills of the candidates. In aptitude talent and ability are identified to succeed in a particular activity. This method used by the organisations for measuring the ability, skill and knowledge of the candidates (Jiang and et. al., 2014) .

Analysing demand and supply

It is focused on various elements of the business such as talent acquisition, balancing of the workforce and management of the talent to achieve future needs of the company. It assessing the customer demand towards product and services. It focuses on the revenue projections,competitive trends, market consideration and customer demand. It facilitation the process of planning for identifying the needed roles and business objectives to meet future needs.

Internal and external factors influencing human resource planning

The factor which affect an organisation internally, these rectors are organisation mission,policies,organisational culture and conflicts, organisational structure and HR system. The factors which affect the organisation externally such as economic condition, technological advancement, workforce demographics and government regulations.

Task 2


Employee relations

It assists in communication between employees and supervises, corrective action and planning and exploration and clarification of policies and procedures. Employees relation offer resolution, facilitation an consultation strategies for those issues which raise ion the workplace (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang, 2014).


This structure is formed to develop employees relation for continuous development of them in the organisation. It is expected that the training and development program will be helpful for all people and employees if the organisation for holding their relation and enhance the operation of the structure.


It is about the business of Airline unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, interactions, beliefs, behaviour and attitude. In hospitality industry, it can be a system that is used by the organisation to shared assumptions that can be governed towards the people behaviour within the company (Hoque, 2013) .


It is an industrial situations are typified by trade union negotiation where a team from the trade union seeks to gain better pay and working conditions.


It is a process of managing the employees and employer and examining or discussing their mutual or common issues. It can be a process in which the manger of the company involve to solve or discuss the issues and seeking or viewing that matter and doing decision making process.

Involvement and conflict management

It is a process of resolving conflicts and HR professional and conflict management experts are involve in this process for resolving the issues related to the organisation.


It refers employees and employer involving in the decision making process to the delegation so that the employees and employer can provide information, opportunities and resources for holding responsible for their job outcomes. At that time they will be more capable, productive and have satisfaction regarding jobs.

Grievance procedures

This procedure are related to concern issues and problems that are related to employees and employer of the company. There is no legal binding process related to employees and employer that must be follow during the time f raising a grievance at work (Gavino, Wayne and Erdogan, 2013) .

Disciplinary procedures

It is a procedure for an employer to deal with disciplinary issues. In Airline, it is a critical tool for succeed. This procedure followed in industries usually consists of framing a charge and issuing a letter,consideration of explanation, issuing show cause notice, making a full fledged inquiry and passing the final order of punishment.


Employment law

It known as Labour Law and it is a process of mediates the relationship between workers, employing entities, trade unions and the government. In Airline, this law is used by the organisation to establish and manage working atmosphere and conditions so that the employees and employer can do work in bias free environment. In context of employees, this law is used by company to provide and promote health and safety, prevent discrimination and establish a needed level of economic support to the employees and for managing the disputes between management and labour (Calabrese, Costa and Menichini, 2013) .

Employment legislation

It is a law that is used by the company to govern employment at the workplace who works. This law is making by the government to save the employees and employers from the problems and issues that are related to employment and provide all rights related to employment. In Airline, this law is used by organisation to organise fair hiring process and providing all rights according this law.

Employment Relations Act

It is a important law that us developed to provide various rights to employers and employees when all the given work completed for monetary reimbursement. It provides all types of employees with some expectations for the basic terms and working conditions.

Employment Rights Act

It is an act that is used by the companies to provide or manage the employees and employers rights within the company. It covers the majority of British employees. In this act all the employees have basic right of privacy, fair compensation provide to them and freedom from discrimination.

Advisory,Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)

It is a non government body whose aim is to make improvement in business practice and working life through developing employment relation. It help to solve disputes between groups of employees or workers their trade unions and employers (Buller and McEvoy, 2012) .

Task 3


Recruitment is a process that included creation of the pool of staff members which are suitable for particular job in company that is to be done by determination of the factors which can impact the labour market, determine needs of company, organisational needs analysis etc.

Job analysis

It consists collecting, analysing, reporting and synthesizing information regarding roles and responsibilities of job.

Job design

It is a main function of human resource management and also concerned to content specification, relationships of jobs and methods ion context to satisfy the organisational and technological needs (Brattond Gold ,2017) .

Job description

It refers to the document that consists scope, working situations, responsibilities etc. Under this, Director of Hilton hotel is responsible for the better operations management at hotel.

Job Description

Organisation: Airways Industry

Job Location: United Kingdom

Section: Airline Department

Job Title:Cabin Crew London city

Job Summary: Airline is looking candidate flexibility in working, skilled and knowledgable which are ready to fulfil their responsibility in organisation.


  • Providing the information and equipments in condition of emergency to the passengers.
  • Administering first aid and dealing with emergency .
  • To show the passengers their seats and help in searching their seat or pay attention and help of disabled and elderly.

Job specification

It is a employees qualification's statement that is required by the company for the satisfactory performance of the employees for their defined work and duties.. It covers aspects like education, managerial experience and work experience which can help the employees to achieve the job related goals.

Role Information

Job title

Cabin Crew


Non- management



Job purpose

To make development in new or appropriate skills and controlling the path of career and rewarded for high level contribution of the employees.

To provide services in this field and gain experiences and knowledge .

Principal Accountabilities

To work as a British Airways Airline check cabin before take off to ensure compliance to safety regulations.

Create reports in accordance to all the relevant rules and regulations.

Person Specification



Good communication skills

The ability to diffuse situations calmly and quickly .

The capacity of work quickly and efficiently .

To show competence to handle or manage different situations and capability to reduce or solve problems or issues in emergency situations or in pressure.

Minimum age of 18, in some cases 21

Good standers of health and fitness

Good hearing and eyesight

Valid passport permitting unrestricted travel worldwide

A medical examination is required

Having a degree and experience in aviation field


Airlines give preference to the relevant work and work experience rather then qualification and they are focus on required sills and knowledge that is important to have working in Airlines.

Physical Criteria

It is important to be fit physically and medically according the requirement of the health service medical assessment.

To be have required height between 5'2” and 6'1” with required weight.

To be have ability of aircraft jump in emergency and without a seatbelt extension.

To be able to lift 25 kg. weight.

Behaviour required for this job


To have innovative thinking and seek improvements and have good understanding of customer.


To have a aim to reduce complexity and are always be conscious to ensure to invest.

Methods of recruitment advertising

These methods are use to develop the recruitment process from sourcing candidates to the hiring decisions. There are different recruitment methods and advertisement is one of them. It is a very good and useful method of recruitment (Bon and Mustafa, 2013) . It is also know as recruitment communication it have different methods such as : using recruitment agencies,talent search, social media, web advertising, print advertising and through TV.


Selection process

It is a process of choosing, electing and hiring the skilled candidate that have required qualification, skills and knowledge according the organisation. In Airline, this process is perform through organising interviews, following employment criteria and using other methods for selecting candidates for the organisation.

Selection methods and practices

There are different methods of selecting an candidate in Airline, some are as following:

  • Skill test- This could be a typing test, writing test and even a maths test (Birasnav, 2014) .
  • Personality test- It can be done through interview to analyse if the candidate has the suitable personality for the job.
  • Panel interview- It is also a type of interview in it a group of people or experts take interview of the candidates because different people see different things according the job or organisation's needs such as ability, skill, knowledge, body language etc.

Interview methods

There are different methods of interviewing such as:

  • Telephonic Interview- In this process the interview scheduled on the telephone . The one benefit of it is the interviewer is not in front of you so make sure that you speak confidently.
  • Face to face Interview- It is process in which to member are there, candidate and interviewer and expert ask question to find out good talent for the company.
  • The penal interview- It is also a interview and there are a group of people and experts that organise the process of taking interview to find out better talent and skilled candidate for the company.
  • The group interview- in this process several candidate are intact with each other by usually a group discussion.

Task 4


It is a subsystem of an organisation which emphasizes on the improvement of the performance of individuals and groups. In Airlines, this process and program organised by the company to make improvement and enhancement in the skills and knowledge of the employees and employers. The company provide training and learning program through online courses, online training, online coaching etc. (Baum, 2016). Training and development program help the employees to make development in their skills, confidence, capabilities and increased morale, job satisfaction etc.

Types of training and development activities

Airline provide different training to its employees. There are different types of training and development activities. They are as following:

Technical and technology training- It is provide to the employees to aware about the technology of airways industry. It means to learn new technologies and provide training to learn about the new technologies that are adopted by the company to their employees.

  • Quality Training- It related to prevent, detect and eliminate with the non quality items to familiarizing employees.
  • Skills training- It is provided to the employees to enhance and improve all the skills which are needed the specific job industry.
  • Professional and legal training- it is a type of training required according the industry. Aviation industry needed some other trainings which it provide personally (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014) .
  • Team training- This training is provide for improving communication , motivating a team and teaching the team self regulation strategies.

Benefits of training and development

There are different benefit of training and development such are as follows:

  • Less supervision- Training improves skills which are required to employees and empower them to show good performance.
  • Address employees weakness- Many employees have certain weaknesses in choir work and workplace and cause of these they are not perform better. Training assists in eliminating these weaknesses and help the employees in improvement (Alfes and et. al., 2013) .
  • Increased consistency- With the help of training and development program the employees improve skills and knowledge and increased consistency in experience and knowledge that is helpful for the employees and their growth.

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Barriers and attitudes to training

There are different barriers which which effect the training such as:Limited resources. The organisations are not provided training cause of limited resources. And if there are not passive leadership in the organisation it also create barriers. If there are less knowledge and skills in the employees it also a barrier of the organisation.

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In this report concluded about the various and appropriate strategies or factors which are useful for Airways Industry. HRM is an important department for the organising the recruitment and selection of the candidates. Recruitment process and various types of recruitment methods are explained in this report that can be used by the company to hire skilled employees. Process and different methods of selection are also defined with including its various types that are necessary for Airline industry. Job description and job specification are clearly mentioned in the assignment in context of cabin crew.

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