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Maintaining Effectiveness in HRM Practices

University: Regent college

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 4995
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BSB50618
  • Downloads: 1338
Organization Selected : Starbucks


Human resource management is defined as a system in which to manage individual within an organisation. In this, manager is dealing with responsibility in dealing with designing, staffing and employee compensation (Al Ariss, Casio, and Paauwe, 2014). Their practice is based on hiring, recruiting and managing employees in an organisation. This report is based on Sainsbury's, a retailing company which is founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury's. It is a largest groceries retailer company in UK. The main purpose of this assignment is assessing its functions in a manner to fulfil objectives. It is based on maintaining effectiveness in HRM practices. They are defined with the purpose of making support in evaluation. The practices with organisational context in making decisions for evaluating relations.

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P1 Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organisation.

Human resource management is a collective process of making the employees more effective and efficient so that pre set goals would be achieved. HRM plays an important part in the success of the organisation. Their main work is to maintain the workforce at the same time make the best utilization of limited resources so that business objectives would be achieved. Major functions of HRM is described below:

Managerial functions:

Managers work is to manage the resources available in the workplace so to attain the maximum utilization of it. Basic functions includes planning, organising, directing and controlling of the department.

  • Human resource planning: Planning is important for the Sainsbury's HR as it will help the company to decide their pre set goals and how they can achieve it so that performance of the employees improves gradually. Plans are made like how many recruitment is required or what type of skills required in the workplace to excel at work so that utilization of resources can be achieved .Workforce planning can be considered in this. It is a process in which needs and priorities of the company is align with the headcount of the company so to achieve the goals of the organization. Through this Sainsbury's HR can manage their employees and align them with the vision of the company.
  • Succession planning: It is the process of recruiting the employees, develop their skills so that employee will be ready for the advancement. It helps the Sainsbury's to find a replacement for the top executives (Albrecht, 2015). Apart from that, HR work is to align the vision of the company with the appropriate staffing so that strategic plan could be made according to that.
  • Talent hunting: Talent or head hunting is a process of finding the suitable candidate for the Sainsbury's so that there expertise and knowledge can help the company to achieve their goal. HR have to look down the candidates very carefully as wrong skills or unfaithful if recruited can affects the company performance in a negative way.
  • Training and development: Sainsbury's manager role is to train their employees according to the requirements of the job so that they can achieve their purpose in the job. Apart from that it will help them to increase their knowledge and skills over time.
  • Performance management: Sainsbury's manager should monitor and analyse the performance of the employee's and it can improve so that better performance will be given in the next time. Manager should assign task and training according to the employee's performance as it will motivate them to perform harder.

Operative functions:

Operative functions are those in which task are done by the personnel department. Some of the important functions are described below,

  • Recruitment and selection: Recruitment and selection is a process of attracting candidates to apply for the job and then select them according to their skills and capabilities. Manager role is to find out the gap between the requirements and actual headcount in the office and try to fulfil it. Sainsbury's manager should recruit the employees according to their skills and capabilities so that they can excel in their work thus increasing the productivity of the company.
  • Training and Development: It is an approach of inculcating proper skills and competencies according to the requirement of specific job. Training and development is an important which should be done by all the companies so that individual and organisation learning should be improve(Armstrong, M. and Taylor, 2014). Sainsbury's manager should provide proper training to new employees so that specific skills and competencies required for the job should be inculcate consequently helping the individual to achieve their task.

Advisory functions:

Human resource manager work is to give advice to their top management that how they can improve their employees performance or which type of technology should be use to increase the productivity of the employees and the Sainsbury's. Other than that they could provide feedback to the department head in the context of job analysis or manpower planning.

Purpose of HRM practices

  • The purpose of HRM is to motivate employees so that overall goals of the company can be attained(Banfield, Kay and Royles, 2018).
  • HRM work is to maintain peace and harmony within workplace so that employees would be motivated and helping the Sainsbury's to improve their performance to a certain level.
  • Proper compensation should be given to the employees so that they can satisfy their needs hence helping them to increase their motivation.

HRM crucial work or purpose to recruit and select the candidates according to their skills and capabilities so that company's performance would increase.

P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

Recruitment is a process of attracting or alluring the candidates to apply for the job according to their specific skills and education. Selection is a process of selecting the best candidates out of the pool of candidates selected by the recruitment process. Selection may be a negative process for those candidates who did not get selected will feel depressed moreover company perception in the mind of the candidate will get bad.

Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches of recruitment are as follows:

External recruitment: External recruitment are those in which company post their vacancy of jobs outside the workplace like newspaper, magazines, online sites et so that potential candidates can be attracted.

Strengths - External recruitments can bring new ideas and perception in the Sainsbury's and can help the company to make new products. People from different experiences can be attracted so that they will bring knowledge and skills to the Sainsbury's.

Weaknesses - This process is time consuming as it will take more time to select the best candidates from pool of candidates. It is an expensive process as high cost will be incur at the time of marketing and advertising.

Online jobs posting

Strength - This approach incurs low cost to the company as it will help the Sainsbury's to lower down their acquisition cost(Bello‐Pintado, 2015.). Online job posting can attract high number of employees thus helping the Sainsbury's to select the best potential candidate.

Weaknesses-It is a hectic process as lot of time get waste on scrutinizing the candidates resumes. Use of keywords to search the right candidate can cause discrimination in potention employees.

Press or newspaper advertising

Strengths -It creates brand awareness among the potential candidates and sends positive messages as no discrimination is there among individuals.

Weaknesses - High cost will be incur and there is no guarantee of return on investment. With that, these are restricted to those who have read the paper.

Internal recruitments:

In this type of recruitment, vacant jobs are published internally so that existing employees can help to fulfil it.

Strengths - This process is cheaper and quicker as compare to external recruitments (Chowhan, 2016). It won't affect the culture and business as the person is already aware about the working environment and their policies.

Weaknesses - It limits the Sainsbury's to recruit more talented employees. It also creates another vacancy which needs to be fulfil thus incurs the cost in training and development for the new employees.


Strengths - It can help the Sansbury to increase their performance as motivation would be increase of an individual after getting promotion. It can also motivate the other employees to work harder so to get the promotion thus improving the performance of the individual and Sainsbury's.

Weaknesses - It can demotivate the other employees who are more qualified for the promotion. Chances of favouritism and biasses is high thus leads to conflicts among employees.


Selection is a process of choosing the best individual out of pool candidates so that company requirements would be fulfil by their skills and capabilities.

Strengths - Selection process is useful to find out the behaviour and communication skills of an individual (Zibarras and Coan, 2015). Process of selecting can be modified according to the individual as if they are not able to come on the office then interview could be conducted online.

Weaknesses - It is lengthy process and cost incur to the company is also high. Chances of favouritism is high if interviewer and candidate are known to each other. Chances of favouritism is high if interviewer and candidate are known to each other.

One to one interview:

This is one of the most popular selection assessment techniques in which interviewer can monitor their communications, body shape while speaking etc.

Strengths - HR can thoroughly asses the individual traits and how their abilities can help the Sainsbury's performance. It is most flexible interview technique in which location and style are decided according to mutually consent.

Weakness - Applicants can rehearse the interview and can speak lies with great confidence so that HR would become confuse. This method is time consuming and costly for the Sainsbury's.

The panel interview:

In this method, two or more interviews are there to assess the candidates skills and capabilities.

Strengths - Biases would not be there as mutually decision will be taken at the last. All the people who might get affected from their competencies would be there so that suitable candidate would get selected.

Weakness - This method can scare the candidates and can demotivate them while interviewing. Risk of conflict is high and every person in the panel has different opinions. Risk of conflict is high and every person in the panel has different opinions (Deery and Jago, 2015).


P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer and employee.

HRM practices are those which help the personnel to manage the employees so that there performance would be improved(Bratton and Gold, 2017). Different HRM practices applied in the Sainsbury's can help their employees to increase their productivity thus improvement in performance while working. Different types of practices are described below,

HRM helps in Training and development: Training and development is an important part in the organizational learning. Training helps the employees to improve their productivity thus helping the individual to improve their performance. For employers, Sainsbury's HR should properly provide training to employees so that specific skills and capabilities imparted in the individual to accomplish a given task. Increase in employees productivity leads to increase in efficiency and profits of the Sainsbury's.

HRM helps in Performance management system: PMS main work is to monitor and analyse the performance of the employees and how it can be improved to attain more productivity. Sainsbury's can improve their employees weakness by analysing it through PMS thus motivating the employees to work harder so that weakness would be removed. It will help the Sainsbury's while giving bonuses or performance appraisal to the employees. Other than that PMS motivates the employees and employers for individual and organizational learning, as through which Sainsbury's can gain competitive advantage.

HRM helps in Manpower planning: Manpower planning is the process of placing the right people, at the right time, at the right place so that maximum utilization of resources would be attain(Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). It can help the employees to improve their motivation and performance as work assign to them is according to the skills and abilities of an individual. It can help the employer as proper utilization of resources leads to improvement in profits and performance of the company

The flexible workplace: Flexible workplace refers to when different people with distinct expertise work together to attain the Sainsbury's vision. When the different experts work on the same project than chances of giving the best performance is high. High performance leads to higher productivity thus helping the Sainsbury's to achieve their pre set goals and vision. Employees can work according to their personal scenarios hence helping the candidate to work according to their time and place. It leads to the higer performance and productivity.

P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit and productivity.

HRM practices if apply properly on the Sainsbury's can help them to achieve their business objectives and vision but if not then It could impact the surroundings of the company in a negative way. Benefits of different HRM practices are described below

  • Training and development:If proper training is giving to accomplish a given task then Sainsbury's employees would achieve it within a given deadline thus training will help the individual to improve their knowledge, skills, performance and productivity. If the productivity of an individual increases then overall productivity of the Sainsbury's will also increase hence the profit of the company will also increase and help them to attain competitive advantage.
  • Manpower planning: If the individual are recruited according to the requirements which includes skills, competencies, abilities, behaviour etc of the company then it will help the Sainsbury's to use their resources to its fullest. If proper utilization of resources is achieved hence it will impact the profit of the company in the positive way(Cardy and Leonard, 2014). It can also help the Sainsbury's to develop business plan for the future and they would achieve it. Apart from that it will help the company at the time of expansion.
  • Performance management system: Performance management work is to monitor the strengths and weakness of the employees and how it can improve to achieve overall goals of the company. PMS promotes individual and organizational learning which leads to employee retention, improve credibility of the employees, opportunity to remove weakness etc. If employee is retain longer period of time than it would affect the profits of the Sainsbury's as acquisition cost, training cost etc would be reduced. Apart from that if the employee weaknesses is removed than automatically the performance and productivity of the employees increase to a certain level(Chowdhary, Pinel, Palpanas and Chen, 2014). Consequently increases the overall productivity of Sainsbury's and it will impact the profits in a positive way.
  • Flexible workplace: Experts are those who has a vast knowledge and expertise in their specific field and will excel at their work whatever they do. If experts are working for the Sainsbury's then the insights and knowledge from them can affect the performance of the company. They can motivate the company for individual and organisational learning thus helping the Sainsbury to attain their business objectives in a given deadline. Flexible workplace motivates the employee to work harder as company is giving their place according to their prefrence. Consequently increasing the performance of the company.TASK 3

P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making.

Every individual in an organisation share certain relations with their fellows. It is an important for every human being to make healthy relations with each other at work place. In managing activities, their are several issues that a company manager may not make its decision by himself. Before implementing plans Sainsbury evaluate open forum for describing its opinion freely. It is as important for an organisation to make relationships for making effective decisions are considered as under.

Work becomes easy if it is shared among all: The relation in between an employer and employees shared opinions which helps in ease of work load and enhancing productivity. Managers of Sainsbury assigned tasks in a manner for gaining achievements. The decisions are made in according to the extent by having strong sharing power. Employees used to perform their allotted task in easy manner. When more than one individual focuses on the same problem then chances of attaining assigned task goals becomes higher.

A courageous environment become if employees are working together as a family: an individual tend its focus on reducing unnecessary tension and stress. A person used to observe talks by discussing with others. Sainsbury spends 8-9 hours per day by making work place practically without having any break. TA courageous environment helps an employees to make their own ideas and views on an assigned project or task. Making decisions is considered by talks and making discussions with fellows. If workplace environment is favourable then it enhance overall productivity level of employees and company.

Motivation felt by trust and fall back on whenever is needed: Motivation refers to inner forces within individual and which forces them to attain the pre set goals and objectives to satisfy their needs. The employee is their feel secured and positive, thus help them in making their best delivers. Motivation is made in regard with sensing trust. Sainsbury employees has shared their secrets with colleagues(Deery and Jago, 2015). Decisions made in regarding with trust and honesty can fall back on completing desired results. Motivation plays an important role in the success of organisation that's why employee should avoid conflict through better communication.

Healthy employee relations also discourage conflicts and fights among individuals: This refers to an employee in relating with others without having battle (Ford, 2014). This is an important approach is made for employees by Sainsbury, in making positive minds of employees for not leading with meaningless conflicts. company treated their employees like friends and try to lead their best level in compromising.

It reduces problem of absenteeism: In this, individuals are serious in their work by coming office on daily basis. Absenteeism problem lie in Sainsbury and they are reducing it by making healthy relations and tries to make work which is enjoyed by employees. Employees of Sainsbury are those who are making trusty relation with their colleagues when they are not able to come than the work will be handle on their behalf.

P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making

Employee relations refers to relationship between employers and employee in an organisation. If relations between those are good then it will make the environment favourable for higher productivity and efficiency. In this, federal laws are affected on such points like labour relations, retention records, checking criminal records. These laws came with an impact on decision making(Jackson, Schuler and Jiang, 2014). HR professionals minimise liability with an aspects to operations by changing employment law. Sainsbury is dealing with many of the legislations which is affected on decision making are stated below.

  • Equality Act 2018:This act determines by employers required in making adjustments to disable person with comparison with non-disable person in making decisions. Sainsbury Employers are required to make reasonable adjustments with a factors of cost and practicability in order to correct available resources which is useful in deciding reasonable.
  • Data protection Act 1988:This protection act is based on controlling personal and customer information in regarding with governmental bodies. Employees are regulating personal data for processing for the need of making decisions. Sainsbury holding organisation breach of rules.
  • Health and safety Act 1974:This legislation is made for occupation health with local authorities. The instruments are leading which are responsible of making decisions in working environment. Sainsbury employees are provided wide range of subjects in making safety by rescuing from mines, radiations, working at heights etc.
  • Leave provisions: It is federal family and medical act enacted on employees ability who take leaves which are unpaid for about 12 months(Marchington, 2016). The employees of Sainsbury is provided effective decision making with job protection during absence in their health coverage.
  • Redundancy: In this, employer are treated fairly with leading with legal rights and contracts. They are consulted for making right selection in a notice period. The employees are lack of consult or claiming compensation.

The applications made in the context of practices of HRM on relating with working process are defined below.

Discipline: The practices which are in accordance with a system of governance applied in regulating with human behaviour. In this activity is organised by having knowledge, study and observation in including self, groups, fields, classes or society. It is made for self controlling and behaving well. Sainsbury uses this by maintaining discipline if their lie punishments and suffering.

Grievance: Sainsbury faces grievances in many of the reasons by raising complaints towards employer by an employee in its work place. This make an impact on making decisions. It impacts came on wrong injury or ill, unfairness, evil etc.

Dismissal: It is determine by termination from employer to employee. The problems faced during performance related decision making are often perceived by terminating from previous job. Sainbury employees have serious infraction with firing reason.

Employment Contract: it is a kind of contract in which parties having different roles and responsibility. Sainsbury is leading with this contract by denoting relations with dependence and coordinating for making decisions.


P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples.

As per HRM practices, the work with having accurate job descriptions to its parts and defining objectives. An organisation is focusing on purpose and main tasks(Smith, 2014). This is based on regarding with making decisions an overview of potential applicants. Sainsbury is looking forward to an organisation extent in which they can allow a successful managing of performance. The activity is their in making the recruitment process as per person specifications, interviews questionnaire etc.

Job advertisement

Business Associate

Qualification: Minimum 60% in MBA/ BBA In recognized institution.

How a candidate can apply?

Send your updated CV with coloured photo and required documents on our website.

The last date for application is till 30 Nov. 2018.

Email-id: xxx

Contact no.: xxx

Job specification


Degree in MBA/BBA from recognised University.

Basic knowledge in computer application.


Should have 0-1 year of experience.

Area of expertise

May have basic knowledge in regarding with MS Office.

Other qualities

Hard working, expertise knowledge.

Able to support other in challenging work.

Job interview letter

Subject: Invitation for interview

Dear Johnson,

Thank you for applying for the position of Business Associate with Sainsbury's.

Our company would live to invite for the final round of interview in our office on 26th January 2019 at 4 PM.

Please call HR at 333-333-333 or email at gmail.comIf you have any problem related to work requirements or rescheduling of interview.



Regional HR manager


Job Description: Here is a requirement of Business associate with having basic knowledge of MS office. Their is a need of MBA/ BBA degree from a recognised institute. The person having quality to support, coordinate with others, helping nature, fast typing skills, excellent communication, learning capability etc. It is a work of making excellent reports.

Job advertisement and person specification: The job and person specifications are required in these practices to ensure the level of language which is clear and sufficient(Storey, 2014). Sainsbury is adopting person by having certain qualifications with professional experience according to company policy. In recruitment context the stages required in selection each criteria has been indicated and tested.

Recruitment and Selection in practice: Recruitment is an important part of HR, which in use for minimising potential employee issues that came in future aspects. Their having technological impact came on this process. Sainsbury is leading with this procedure by using online resources, digital platform and social networking. For an organisation context company used to deal with clear, transparent interviews in professional manner.

Designing and placing job advertisements: the duties of new staff is responsible with the experience and skills according to the level of authority.. The advertisements is considered by attracting candidates in various forms such as website, social media, recruitment agency or local newspapers. Sainsbury company is a conducting this approach for hiring candidates for career development opportunities.

Short-listing and processing applications: With an organisational context company Sainsbury is dealing by short-listing of best from wide range of candidates. This is a competitive advantage in recruiting and retaining gifted employees. The company redesign a change on hire, manage and support their people(Wilton, 2016). This screening is done quickly and efficiently by have to face challenges.

Interviewing preparation and best practice: Interview is facing certain things with advancing to prepare it. Sainsbury interviewer screened resume of candidate in order to get to know the information regarding that person. The preparation is made by an interviewee in order top respond intelligently with confidence.

Selection best practice: The last step of HR practices in recruiting and selecting procedure to know the person who is capable for the position(Caligiuri, 2014). Selection is based on finding the best from many of the prospects. Sainsbury make this final selection on thriving better from others. In organisation context candidate is in manner to complete target with full efficiency and dedication. Their are having available to identify who is among the best one. The suitable person is selected for the company by identifying its working capabilities.

Offer letter

Mr. Jackson

Hackney Downs.

London, United Kingdom

Dear Jackson,

This letter is to inform you that you have been selected for the applied post at our organisation. The terms and conditions will be provided to you at the time of joining. Congratulations for being selected as a Business Associate for Sainsbury's.

We would like to have you in our office for document verification on Saturday 25th 2019. Documentation which you should carry is listed below,

A) Passport size photo (3 copies)

B) Driving license or other identification proof

C) All the original document from high school till your highest academic

D) Resume (3 copies)

For this position, Sainsbury's is offering sum of 15000 dollars per annum and all the other information is attached in appendix 1.



Regional HR manager


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From the above mention report it is concluded that the functions which are influencing in making decisions. This report defines benefits which an employer and employee got either compensation, promotion, perks etc. that leads in raising productivity by having motivation from this required benefits. The practices choioce is made in terms of implementing productivity. The relations in between managers and their fellows are to be familiar. From this it is concluded that they felt motivated and helps in discouraging conflicts. In this, it describes laws which have in context with relating to work by rendering principle applications. Sainsbury considers an effective decision making with an organisation context.

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