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Learning Styles for Better Human Resource Development - Sun Court Ltd.

University: Regent College of London

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2100
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BMA776
  • Downloads: 945

Table of Content

  2. PART 1
  3. TASK 1

Question :

As per the scenario of this report, HR professional of a HR consultancy firm has bidding for a contract to develop a plan related to training and development for Sun court residential home limited. All the practices are needed to develop human resource function within an organisation by considering:

  • Evaluate different learning styles as well as theories for Sun Court Ltd.
  • Demonstrate planning and designing of training and development within Sun Court Ltd.
  • Critically discuss training events and evaluation methods related to this. 
  • Develop an understanding over government-led skill enhancement initiatives. 

Answer :

Organization Selected : Sun Court Ltd.


Development of human resource assists in high growth and development of firm. It is a framework that assist workforce in developing their personal and professional skills as well as knowledge. It is an area of HR management which involves training & development of workforce (Human Resources Development, 2016). Skilled and competitive workforce helps in increasing profits and productivity of company. In the present report, given firm is Sun Court Ltd. which deals in property management business. This assignment includes several learning styles as well as approaches and learning curve role. Importance of knowledge transfer at workplace and contribution of learning theories in developing training event is also defined. In addition to this, needs of training at different levels & its advantages and disadvantages are included. Lastly, training programme is evaluated and role that government play in providing training and learning for life long is defined in this project.



1.1 Comparison of different styles of learning

Learning style of every individual is different and it depicts the manner in which a person acquires knowledge. This learning helps in their growth and render benefits to them for long term. Communication is one of the ways which an individual prefer more to get learning and acquiring some knowledge. Learning style is the way in which people interact & respond to learning environment. Some learning models are defined below:

David Kolb's Model:

This model was developed by David Kolb in year 1984. He states that learning includes acquisition of ideal conception that can be applied flexibly in various situations. “Learning is a process where knowledge is created by transformation of experience”. The model represents 4 stages that helps an individual in effective learning (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).

Concrete experience: Existing experience is reinterpreted or a new situation or experience is encountered in this phase. Learning is gain by performing practical task. In Sun Court Ltd., manager assigned task to their manpower so that, they enable to get learning by doing things practically.

Reflective observation: Reflection and reassessment of experience is the way by which learning is gained in this phase. These individuals are able for practical application of idea and use their skills for solving problems (Bakker and Leiter, 2010).

Abstract conceptualization: Learning is gained by a person from their past experience in this phase. Their experience helps them in performing tasks more efficient way.

Active experimentation: Experience is implemented by people on external surroundings and enhance their learning from outcomes.

VAK Model:

Visual learning: Graphs, images, charts, diagrams etc. are the things which are used to provide learning to individuals. Learners learn by seeing things and enhance their knowledge.

Auditory learning: Lectures, group discussions, mobile phones etc. are the ways preferred by learners to gain knowledge. They learn by hearing audio.

Kinaesthetic learning: Real life situations are the source by which individuals acquire learning. They gain knowledge from their practical life experiences.

Honey and Mumford Learning Model:

In this model, learning style is categorised in 4 types which are as follows:

Activist: Working on practical things are the source of learning. Individuals engage themselves in tasks & learn while doing experiments.

Theorist: Individuals interpret the reasons for outcomes. Reading materials and different models are the source by which person improves its learning.

Pragmatists: Existing theories and ideas are used by individual for doing tasks. They put their whole efforts in doing experiments and enhance learning from that.

Reflector: In this style, people learn by seeing others doing tasks. Individual copy them and enhance their learning (Cascio and Boudreau, 2010).

1.2 Learning curve and significance of knowledge transfer at workplace

Learning Curve refers to graphical representation that provides information regarding acquired learning of individual. It shows about increase in learning of a person by its past experience. There are 2 situations which are considered in it. One is review of individual learning & other is evaluation of workforce productivity while performing same task again. For example, training is provided to personnel by Sun Court Ltd. so that, they enable to perform their work in more better way that assists in improving productivity and profitability of firm in an effective and efficient manner.

Role of learning curve: The curve depicts about learning of a person throughout its career. In process of learning, knowledge transfer is not enough. There is also a requirement of monitoring & identifying that whether knowledge is gained by a individual or not. Learning process of manpower is systematically determined by administrators of Sun Court Ltd.

Importance of transferring knowledge:

It is very crucial for an individual to transfer their knowledge at workplace. This helps them in their initial employment level in knowing about company as well as assists in improving their existing skills & knowledge in respective area (Daley, 2012). Transfer of learning should be structured and firms needs to emphasize on it. Induction and orientation programme of enterprise is considered as an excellent source of transferring knowledge within individuals. Some significance of knowledge transfer are as follows:

Effective utilization of financial resources: Firms incurred large amount of money in rendering training to their workforce. Main purpose of providing learning is to enhance knowledge of employees and improve their skills so that they are enable to perform well. If this learning is transferred, it will provide advantage to firm in market and enhance their profits. This will ensure optimum utilization of funds.

Adds value: Transferring of knowledge adds some value to firm in terms of increasing productivity and profits. So, it is required by administrators of Sun Court Ltd. to encourage their personnel and motivate them so that they transfer their knowledge at workplace in more effective manner.

1.3 Importance of learning styles and theories

While planning learning programme, it is required by manager to consider various aspects that are associated with it in order to make it effective and successful. At each level, a person utilize their past experience or gain knowledge. In understanding learning behaviour of people or employees, learning theories support managers. By the assistance of learning styles and theories, manager of Sun Court Ltd. is able to frame appropriate learning session which makes learning easy for individuals (Flamholtz, 2012).

The theories supports manpower to perform their duties in more effective manner and attain objectives of firm. For formulating effective learning programme, administrators of Sun Court Ltd. use several theories of learning. The theories are rely on person's adaptability to respond change in effective manner. At the time of designing training programme, managers are required to consider learning style of workforce. Main purpose of administering training programme is to increase productivity and enhance performance of individuals as well as organisation. Creation of learning environment enables individuals in developing new skills & improving existing one (Huselid and Becker, 2011). It is the duty of manager to assess performance of workforce and identify results. Learning theory of reinforcement facilitates in developing skills of employees. Sun Court Ltd. managers evaluate performance of their employees & identify results in that basis. Inspite of single, several learning styles are used by them. This aids workforce in getting benefits from administered training.

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4.1 Role of government in lifelong learning, training and development

In the modern era, where nothing is constant, almost everyday an innovation takes place in the market place which enables business entity to be impulsive and dynamic in their work processes and operation so as to attain higher competitive advantage in the market. By providing adequate and effective training to employees, Sun Court can improve their overall efficiency and productivity which further assist in achieving business objectives in a structured and through manner. Both private and public players laid stress on arranging training program for their workforce. However, it has been figured out that Private companies spend large proportion of amount in conducting training session for their personnel as compared to Public Limited Firms. In-fact not only private players, Government is also focusing on improving the skills and knowledge of local residents with an aim of eliminating hurdles related with employability in particular country. The UK Government also play key role in HR Development in both public and private sectors. The main motive of Government Bodies behind this initiative is to render life-long learning to all the local resident of particular country.

Life-long learning referred to the process of providing voluntary learning to all people that retain with them throughout their life (Jiang and et. al., 2012). Under this initiative, Government of UK tries to create learning demand among general public without any hindrance from the community. Their main emphasize is on providing standard training to all the residents of the respective country so that they all can have basic knowledge regarding their work field. There are various initiatives generated by UK Government that provide training opportunities to all people. For example: Learn-Direct, National Apprenticeship Services, Sector Skill, NVQ's etc.

National Apprenticeship Services deals in providing adequate fund to company so that their employers can arrange effective training program for their employees which help in improving in their overall efficiency and productivity. On the other hand “Sector Skill Council” laid stress on improving the particular skills of employees, trade union and professional bodies in respect to particular organisation (Kehoe and Wright, 2013).

4.2 Impact of competency movement on public and private sector

It is chiefly important for every company to attain higher competitiveness level in the market place so as survive in industry for longer period. Competency Movement emphasize on enhancing particular skills, knowledge and traits of a person. With an aim to beat existing competition prevailing in the market, UK based organisations have started raising competencies and sharing knowledge. UK with the help of other 8 countries focuses on enhancing the overall productivity and performance of respective person. In order to attain higher position in the market and confront heavy competitive edge, businesses are investing or spending more that ultimately leads to improve the worker's performance, adaptability, quality of services etc. Both private and public players have started paying attention towards conducting special training session for their employees with a motive of improving their overall productivity and performance that ultimately leads to raise firm's profitability ratio. For instance: Virgin Atlantis is the largest airline in UK that has implemented or designed special customer service program for their target audience. Under this program, the company has decided to take feedback and complaints from their customers and focuses on providing them best possible solution concerned with their feedback or complaint (Moser, 2012). With the assistance of this method, they are able to satisfy the diverse needs and requirement of end-users. Training initiative taken by Private Players has encouraged Public companies as well. East Cost has conducted training program for their employees which help in developing their overall skills, efficiency and knowledge so that organisational objectives can be accomplished in a structured and through manner.

4.3 Various training initiative introduced by UK Government

  • Education and Skills Funding Agency: Under this initiative, the Government provide adequate funding to businesses which they have mainly taken into account for skill development and education of adults, young people and children
  • Investors in People: This Government Scheme mainly emphasizes on one basic principle

i.e. good people make great business”. The main motive of this initiative is to improve business operation with the assistance of people management i.e. managing and controlling company's human assets in an effective and efficient manner (Noe, 2010). The success and growth of any company depend upon how performance and productivity of employees towards accomplishing business objectives.

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