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Role of Comprehension and Retention in Learning and Achievements of Students

University: London School of Commerce In Association with the University of Suffolk

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1657
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 901

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Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Set short-term and long-range goals and to develop an appropriate plan of study.
  • Generate knowledge of learning strategies and techniques to improve memory retention and understanding how people learn.
  • Evaluate techniques for building comprehension and retention.

Answer :


Comprehensive skill is an ability which every individual should have and start developing from very beginning when they don’t even know how to speak. Its an ability of understanding something they are seeing and reading comprehensive skills are when individual start understanding what they are reading. This skill helps students to communicate well with others as they can understand them better. Comprehensive skills help students to learn better achieve their goals. Retention is another word for remembering, which means students can retain what they are learning in their minds (Assiter, 2017). Retention of data can be for short and long term depending on the power of students to remember and the importance of data. If same thing is repeated again and again it becomes easy for students to remember it faster. In this report comprehensive and retention skills are highlighted with their effects on knowledge of students and their achievements. The role what both these skills play in order to obtain best learning and achieve objectives. Some obstacles are also looked at which stops or hinder students aim and stop them from attaining good reading and retention power. All these points are discussed in brief in sections below to gain more knowledge about the importance of comprehensive and retention skills.


Role of comprehension and retention in learning and achievements of students

Comprehension is an ability of understanding something, in other words its capability of human beings of reading, understanding, processing and recalling what they just read. It is skill which is excellent in nature and if someone gains the expertise in their comprehension skills it will be increase their enjoyment and effectiveness of reading. Good reading and understanding skills not only helps in day to day life of people but also, benefits students academically, professionally and in personal life too.

Retention is power and skill an individual hold of remembering thing, it can be described as an action of absorbing knowledge about anything and continuing hold on it for longer period of time (Cottrell, 2019). It an ability of memorizing what the reader is reading or seeing and developing themselves. The ability of human beings to live is depending on their power of remembering stuff. This skill starts developing in individual from the very beginning when they are students which enable them to learn new thing and live their lives in better way through practicing their knowledge which they gained and retained with them.

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Role of comprehension for students

  1. Create a visual-Comprehension helps students to visualize what they are reading, sometimes they face problems in visualizing things. This is where good comprehensive skills helps them to visualize and then lean which enables them t earn better and apply that learning in their daily life or academically.
  2. Develops Vocabulary-Another role comprehensive skills plays for students to increase their learning and achieve better goals are it develops their vocabulary. Student having good vocabulary is must, this enables them to be better speaker and convey their messages to others properly, which lead them towards learning and excel in their academics (Wibrowski, Matthews and Kitsantas, 2017). Their vocab skills will stay with them and even increase gradually which will also enables students to excel in their profession.
  3. Fast learning-Comprehensive skills of students enable them to learn fast and understand their study material faster than others. This helps students in excelling in their studies and attains good results which help them in their career and achieving better position in their professional life.

Role of retention for students

  1. Brings clarity-Retention of data, information and knowledge will bring clarity in life of students. It will enhance their learning and keeping knowledge in mind and use it when exactly it is required. That is possible only when they have clarity about concepts and it comes when student remembers what they were taught.
  2. Builds connection-Retention enables students in connecting one information with another. While learning it’s important for students to link their knowledge with past learning for gaining better understanding of the concept and that role is fulfilled by remembering (Gormley and et. al., 2018). If students remember their past study material then they can easily connect with current knowledge, which will provide them with effective learning achieving better results.
  3. Active learning- Retention also result in effective learning for students, they can be more effective in what they have learned and implement their learning in manner. Students can perform well in their exams if their remembering power is good which will give them good grades. That will help them obtain good position in their class and even their whole school.

Comprehensive and retention skills are really important for a student for learning, they develop better skills which enables them to learn better and excel in their studies along with achieving effective results(Virtanen and Tynjälä, 2019). Retention ability will enhance student’s power of learning their study material faster which makes them better from other. Better comprehensive abilities will empower student to understand things faster and better than others, being always ahead in their class.

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Obstacles faced by students while building comprehension and retention skills

Several obstacles come in way of students while learning and attaining required skills which are important for them to excel in their academics and in future. Same is the case with comprehensive and retention power and those difficulties or complications are discussed in sections below.

  1. Predicting the meaning- It refers to that the understanding of concept student gained they starting predicting the meaning of what they read which is not correct and act as a challenge. As it depends on the mental activities which include mental exercise and comprehension(Wright, 2018). Somehow it becomes barrier in the understanding of individual learning and in order to overcome from it student need to develop and enhance its learning which is used in predicting the meaning of understanding.
  2. Analysing the purpose-Determining the purpose of the learning and understanding is important because it helps in summarising the overall understanding and for this, it include linkage and connection between the mind and using it properly. Connecting and converting the theoretical knowledge into practical is quite tough and it can become obstacle in order the pathway of the career of students (McNally and et. al., 2017). As every student has different level of understanding and grasping power which sometimes becomes a challenge for students and breaks their learning.
  3. Summarising it in order to create new meaning-After analysis, summarising the knowledge and learning is also the biggest barrier and obstacle in the understanding and learning of students. Summarising includes the overall understanding of the knowledge which students gain from reading and for this, textbooks plays an important role. As summarising the knowledge is important because it is useful in order to create new meaning and concept which helps in developing the understanding about the reading. Making the new concept is quite tough for students because some of them cannot link the overall chapter in order to create a new understanding.
  4. Achieving the reading goals- In order to improve the reading skills and understanding it is important to set the goals for reading in order to develop the understanding which is used in order to achieve the goals(Ryan and Zuber-Skerritt, 2017). Setting goals is the first step in order to achieve the reading goals as reading itself is the biggest barrier in modern world. Most of the students does not like to read and to overcome this developing the reading skills is the prime objective which is used in order summarising the concept of learning and it important in order to improve the quality of learning and achieving the academics knowledge.
  5. Testing and assessment-It is a barrier and it diagnosis at the time of reading test as this step is used to identify and determine the specific type of problem which affects the learner's reading skills. It is analysed because of the observations, analysis of the student work and assessment of the language and these measures are taken by the educator in order to develop the reading and comprehension skills.

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In the above report, comprehensive and retention ability are discussed which is required by students to achieve their goals. Comprehensive means understanding and retention is known as remember, both these skills work in line so that student can perform good. By understanding the provided knowledge it becomes easy for students and even individuals to remember it for longer duration in accordance with the importance of information. It is very essential for students to develop these skills it enables them to learn faster and better in order to attain their aims in an effective manner along with efficiency.


  • Assiter, A., 2017. Transferable skills in higher education. Routledge.
  • Cottrell, S., 2019. The study skills handbook. Macmillan International Higher Education.
  • Wibrowski, C. R., Matthews, W. K. and Kitsantas, A., 2017. The role of a skills learning support program on first-generation college students’ self-regulation, motivation, and academic achievement: A longitudinal study. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. 19(3). pp.317-332.
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