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Theories of Learning and Teaching

University: ITCM College London

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2319
  • Paper Type: PPT
  • Course Code: R/508/0591
  • Downloads: 1001
Organization Selected : Carnival Plc


Learning is that which help people to use in any situation of there life and thus it also help in facing various situation too. Even learning is a continuous process, moreover it can be gained with experience and learned from training and development (Simonson, Smaldino and Zvacek, 2014). This essay will talk about various theories of learning and Venn diagram which help to make comparison in between two theories of teaching and learning.


Two different theories of teaching and learning

For a individual it is require to analyse different methods of learning that help to enhance interpersonal skill and working approaches as well. These kind of learning aspects are beneficial when a person develop professionalism in their personality. In such process, an individual learn from their culture and environmental factors to getting proper knowledge regarding its benefits and disadvantages as well (Mezirow, 2018). Learning methodology helps to enhance personality of a person in effective manner. For this a learner can use different beneficial sources and theories that provide desirable results to them. These teaching and learning theories can be -

Behaviourism – This is a appropriate procedure that helps to understand behaviour of each and every one in effective manner. Through this learner can easily understand what others wants and demand for. This theory is based on physiological term which is based on different proportion of behaviour and mental states. Behaviour theory is define individual's behaviour that based on different environmental condition. This is classify between two different components as-

  • Classic conditioning – In this process, individual learn from different kind of fears that can affect their personal lifestyle. For example in student life a child learn different kind of aspects by anxieties as fear of failure and pubic speaking as well. In these procedure a individual is deals with different mental state that can affect their personal lifestyle.
  • Behavioural conditioning – These kind of procedures are basically impact when a person got affected through different operant conditioning. For example a person feel motivated while they got rewards and positive feedbacks from their seniors.

This theory is basically uses in teaching and learning process. Main objective of this is to observe different kind of aspects by the behaviourism analysis of an individual. It is base some different types of elements as methodological, technological ad physiological behaviour.

Cognitivism - This theory is based on physiological term of learning which is describe individual's learning procedure through own thinking and knowledge enhance process. This is classify between several elements as problem solving skills, analysis procedure and learning ability by different sources. In this process cultural changes affect views and thoughts of a person in effective manner (Myles and Mitchell, 2014). This is not based on outward learning process but it focuses on internal learning approach that take a specific place in individual's learning. This is also based on different environmental factors that influence in learning procedure. For this a person should have to be quick thinker and problem solver who can take quick decision in any situation. It is also similar to Behaviourism learning process in which a person can affect with different mental stages as fear of failure that consider as learning tool in which a learner understand that they require more knowledge to be successful in future. In this process instructor play a most important role to monitoring different learning approaches of individual and problem solving skills as well. They individual can be the fast learner who learn several elements on the bases of physiological term.

Venn Diagram of analysis -


Learning theories with its benefits and limitations

Learning is considered as the measurable per-forma and having an permanent changes in behaviour with the help of experience or study too. Moreover, the individual learning is such which leads to selective. Basically, group learning is such which is being considered as the political outcomes and somewhere it is largely dependent on playing power in group too. Hence, learning cannot be measured as but its result can be done in effective manner (Tyner, 2014). Even though learning is a continuous process which can be done at anytime in life as well. Learning is that which has an relatively permanent change in behaviour which do occur as the result of the practise and experience as well. There are various types of learning which needs to be included while learning in better way too. Particularly some of those are as:

Motor learning: Various activities of ours which is being performed in day to day life leads to motor task. Therefore, individual has to learn different thing that maintain the regular life too. For instance, walking, running and skating etc.

Verbal learning: It is such in which learning do involve different languages normally people speak and devices of communication several people use. For instance, pictures, symbols and sounds etc. Normally individual person do use words for communication.

Discrimination learning: Learning is such which needs to be differentiate in between the stimuli and also show some accurate responses to some of the stimuli refers to discrimination

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