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Top Memoir Examples for Students with Difference & Writing Tips by Experts

20 Nov 2021 1688 8 minutes
How to Write a Memoir ( Tips & Examples)

Top Memoir Examples for Students with Difference & Writing Tips by Experts

œIt's an event from my college life when I was around 20 years old. We went to a picnic in a village covered with dense forest and one night........... 

These are just a few lines to give you an idea of how a memoir starts. Opening lines can be anything, but they should be impressive. Numerous students have to seek professional help when their teachers give them a task to write a memoir. It is because they can’t write impressive opening lines. Some of them look for memoir examples to understand how to write them.

By checking the examples, students can get some ideas to start writing a memoir. It is not like any other academic paper. It is different and often conflated with autobiography. If you don’t know what is a memoir, read the below section.

What Is a Memoir? Described Clearly

A memoir is a document or book written on a person's life events by himself. A person writes it with a motive to inspire the readers. He tells how he handled particular situations that occur in his life. This type of document is written in the first person, and the author needs to write only the truth.

The author or a writer has to do a deep analysis of his life events to find the best one to write a memoir. He has to decide on a theme for the memoir. You should read some examples of memoirs to clear all the doubts. Check the following list for it.

  1. Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
  2. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
  3. Vanity Fair by William Styron
  4. Elie Wiesel’s Night
  5. Cheryl Strayed’s Wild
  6. Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father
  7. Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
  8. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
  9. Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth.
  10. The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux.

These are some selected memoir examples for you. Pick anyone and read it. By doing so, you will get to know an idea. But only examples can’t help you completely. You need to understand some points and consider them while writing. These points are mentioned in the below section. By reading them, you can know how to write a memoir. So without any delay, scroll down.

5 Points to Consider for Writing a Perfect Memoir

  1. Clear Theme: When you decide to write a memoir you have to go back to your past life by thinking about it. You have to find a clear and easy-to-understand theme.
  2. Impressive Opening: Many students check the memoir examples to know how other people have written opening lines. These lines should be perfect in all senses so that reader will not go without reading your entire memoir.
  3. Emotional Content: A memoir without emotional content is a poor memoir. So, you should add some emotional facts and events to strengthen the paper. This way, you can write a perfect memoir.
  4. Inspiring Events: Many students don’t know what is a memoir and make mistakes. The biggest error is not making the paper inspiring. So, you should not make such a mistake.
  5. Make It Relevant: When a reader comes across your paper, he must get inspired and emotional. It is possible when you make the paper relevant to the current scenario.

So, these are the points to consider for a perfect memoir. There is a type of memoir which is famous and also mysterious. It is a six-word memoir. Many students don’t know what is a six-word memoir. It means writing the life story in just six words. Shocked? But it is true.

To write such a type of memoir, you have to be very careful because, as you know you have to describe in only six words. Let’s know some six-word memoir examples below.

  • I made a choice about the business
  • If it's easy I am missing something
  • Too happy suicidal on the inside
  • Books are not just staring.
  • A reader logging for the stars
  • So many spaces, so few words
  • It's simpler than they think

Now, you must have understood what is a six-word memoir. After knowing everything about the memoir still students make some mistakes. They misunderstand it with autobiography. But there is a difference between both. Let's know it in the below table.

You may also like to read: Figurative Language Definition & Examples by Professional Writers

What Is the Difference Between Memoir & Autobiography?



1. Focuses on vital and selected events.

Focuses on the entire life events.

2. Detail of personal information and facts. 

Not too personal like a memoir.

3. Described in a narrative manner. 

More facts are included.

4. It's not a chronological narrative

Chronological narrative.

After reading the above points, you must have understood what is the difference between a memoir and an autobiography. Now you can write it with a clear perspective. But due to improper writing and mistakes, you fail to write an impressive memoir. If this is the case with you, seek expert writers' help. Read below to know about the best website that offers excellent writing services.

Who Can Help to Write an Error-Free Memoir?

Global Assignment Help is a renowned website. It is trusted by a large number of students for more than 7 years now. Approximately 4500+ professional writers are available on our website to provide the best writing services to the students.

From well-researched to timely delivery, you name the service, and we cover all. If you want to know our features, read below.

  1. The expert writers offer 100% original papers.
  2. Thoroughly researched paper by the professionals.
  3. Properly structured document for readability.
  4. Exciting offers and discounts to get the paper at an affordable price.

These are the features that you can get if you seek our service. We also provide cheap essay writing service, assignment help serviceonline assignment help to the students.

Writing a memoir can be difficult for you. Read the points and memoir examples carefully to know how to write a memoir. If still, you face issues, Global Assignment Help will assist with its high-quality services in a short time.

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