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How To Cite a Podcast in MLA and APA Style Guide

25 Sep 2024 802 13 minutes
How to Cite a Podcast | Global Assignment Help

Podcasts are a gold mine of knowledge, whether you want to learn about technology, business, or science. They cover a wide range of topics. But what if you have used one to get insights for your academic paper, and now you have to cite it? Since many of you do not know how to cite a podcast, you search for an online citation generator to get referencing help.

But if you want to learn citations in the most famous style guides, this blog is for you. It has covered the meaning of podcasts, how the MLA and APA guides cite them, their differences in citation, and examples. So, why waste any time? Let us begin now.

What Is a Podcast?

A podcast is an audio content that provides information, entertainment, news, and storytelling. They can be based on various topics, like technology, entrepreneurship, health, and more. Listening to them regularly can make you a polymath. Further, the first podcast was aired in 2003, under the name Radio Open Source. But do you know where the term podcast came from? It is formed by the combination of 'iPod' and 'broadcast', as it was popularized by Apple's iPod.

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It is all about the meaning of a podcast to help you develop a basic understanding of the topic. Now is the time to talk about the steps one has to follow to cite sources, beginning with how to cite podcast MLA.

How to Cite a Podcast in MLA Style?

Now let us talk about how to MLA cite a podcast. Knowing them will aid you in adding your references by yourself. But if they sound complex, you can get the help of our MLA referencing tool to cite your sources effectively.

Add the Author's Name

First, write the names of the hosts. Remember to add a comma between them and write the last name first, followed by the first name.

Write the episode title.

Now, you write the title of your podcast, if it has any. If it does, then add the episode title in quotation marks. Doing this will add specificity to your citation.

Identify the Podcast Title

It is time to identify the podcast title. You can do it by looking at the top of the podcast web pages or app. Once you know it, add your text citation in italicized format.

Include the Publishing Date

Now you will add the publishing date of the podcast to let the readers know when it was released. Further, you add in the order: day, month (abbreviated), and year.

Include URL & Website

In the last, you will include the URL or the website. Doing this will help the readers locate and listen to the podcast, which will increase the credibility of your citations.

These are the steps of how to cite a podcast MLA. Now, let us move to the steps of the APA style guide.

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How to Cite a Podcast in APA Style?

Here are the steps of how to cite a podcast in APA. They will aid you in navigation to start and finish your citation work. But if they sound complex, you can use our apa referencing tool to include all your podcasts effectively and in no time.

Write the Podcast Host

In APA, you begin citing your podcast with the names of the hosts. You first write their last name, then initials. Also, ensure you add ampersand (&) before the name of the last host for clarity.

Include Publishing Date

After the names, you will add the publishing date of the podcast. You begin with the year, month, and day of the podcast release. In case you have no information about the exact date, then writing only the year is sufficient.

Add Podcast Episode Title

Now you will include the episode title in your citation. You will write it in the sentence case. It means you will capitalize only the first letter and only the proper nouns. Also, italicize the episode title.

Write the Podcast Title

After your episode title, you will write the podcast title. It has to be written in the same manner as the episode title. But you may have to find it by looking at the top of the podcast webpage or app.

Add the Podcast Platform

Here, you will also add the podcast platform where the podcast has been published. It can be a music streaming app, website, or YouTube. If you are unclear about the platform, consider where you have listened to the podcast and add its name.

Include the URL or DOI.

In the last, you will add the URL or DOI (Document Object Identifier). These are the links that can help the users listen to the original podcast if they have to listen. Further, you first prefer to add the DOI; if it is not available, then consider the URL.

It is about the steps of how to cite a podcast in APA. Now, let’s move to the difference between MLA and APA to help you cite your podcast effectively.

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MLA vs. APA Podcast Citation Difference

Now, let us talk about the difference between how to cite a podcast in APA and MLA to help you do your work effectively. Further, if you are interested in knowing in depth about any of the styles, you can check online blogs. For instance, if you are interested in knowing the APA, you can read Creating APA Citation and Referencing. It will help you build in and out knowledge on the guide.

MLA Referencing

APA Referencing

The podcast title is italicized.

The podcast and episode title are both italicized.

It does not include the podcast platform.

It mentions the podcast platform.

The episode title is written in the quotation marks.

The episode title is not enclosed in quotation marks.

The publication date is mentioned in the format of day, month, and year.

The date of publishing is added in the format: year, month, and day.

It ends with the URL or website name where the podcast can be accessed.

In last, here you add a URL or DOI, if available.

It is all about the difference between how to cite a podcast in APA and MLA. Now is the time to read the examples, which are essential for you to understand the basics.

Examples of Various Podcast Citation

Now, let us talk about the examples of MLA and APA style guides to enhance your understanding of the subject. Knowing them is essential to grasping the minute details of how to cite a podcast MLA and APA using their guidelines. But if all these sound complex, you can get the help of experts not just to cite but also to write your paper; you can get it by searching for assignment help.

Single Podcast

Now, let’s discuss how a single podcast has to be cited in MLA and APA style.

  • MLA


Host last name, first name, host. "Title of Podcast Episode." Podcast Title, Season Number, Episode Number, Publisher, Day Month Year, URL.


Smith, "The Power of Education"

Work Cited

Smith, Dean, host. "The Power of Education." The Teacher's Corner, Season 1, Episode 3, Education Media, 24 May 2024, 

  • APA


Host last name, first initials, (year, month, day). Podcast Episode Title, Podcast Title, Publisher, URL.


(Jack, 2024)

Work Cited

Jack, (2024, May 24,) The power of education, teacher's corner, Education Media.

Video Podcast

Sometimes the podcast is also published in video format on YouTube or any other site, so let’s learn how to cite a podcast APA and MLA.

  • MLA


Host last name, first name, host. "Title of Podcast Episode." Podcast Title, Season Number, Episode Number, Publisher, Day Month Year, URL.


Joe, "Episode #1309- Naval Ravikant"

Work Cited

Rogan, Joe. "Episode#1309." Joe Rogan Experience, YouTube, 5 June 2019. 

  • APA


Host last name, Initials. (Host). (Year range). Podcast Episode name. Production Company. URL


Joe Rogan, 5 June 2019

Work Cited

Rogan Joe (Host), 5 June 2019, The Joe Rogan Experience.

Podcast Series

What if you have to cite a whole podcast series. You will learn by the example below of how to cite a podcast series in MLA and APA.

  • MLA


Host last name, First name, host. Producer name. Year Range, URL


The Joe Rogan Experience

Work Cited

Rogan, Joe, host. Joe Rogan Experience, 199-present, 

  • APA


Host last name, Initials. (Host). or the Producer's last name and first Name. (Producer). (Year range). Podcast name [Audio podcast]. Production Company. URL


(Rogan, 1999–present)

Work Cited

Rogan Joe. (1999-present). The Joe Rogan Experience [Audio Podcast].

It is all about the examples you should go through to develop an apt understanding of both the citations. But if all these sound complex, you can read the next section to know how to get the help of experts in citation.

Get Our Expert Help in Citing Your Podcast

It is all about how to cite a podcast. The blog has discussed the meaning of the podcast and the steps to cite it using the MLA and APA referencing guides. Then, you learn about the difference between their podcast citations and examples. But understanding them is difficult. You can search for paper help to get the aid of professionals, not just to write your task but also to cite sources in it. They will deliver your quality work on time, as they have years of experience. So, you do not have to take any tension if you assign them any task.

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