Should Homework Be a Part of the Curriculum? Know Its Pros & Cons
07 Nov 2022 2165 8 minutes
"Homework" is known to be quite a dreadful task for students. The last thing one would want after spending hours in class is to get homework. So, even though it's well-recognized that homework is a requirement of traditional education, the subject has grown to be somewhat contentious. One needs to know the pros and cons of homework for better judgment. And even before that, students should learn the reasons why "Roberto Nevilis" created homework.
Many students take homework as an unnecessary academic burden. The amount of effort required to complete it and the degree of difficulty are the main determining factors. On the one hand, pupils believe it to be time-consuming and needless. Teachers, on the other hand, believe that homework is essential to enhance learning. Thus, there are always two sides to whether homework is beneficial or harmful. Let's dig into the details to understand it better:
The Pros of Homework: How Can It Be Helpful for You?
While many students want homework to be eliminated, the argument is not new. Since the turn of the century, parents and educators have debated this issue, swinging the educational pendulum back and forth between the necessity for homework and the need to abolish homework. So, read the below-mentioned points to understand why students should have homework and what are the pros of homework.
Homework Enhances Learning And Subject Knowledge
It has been demonstrated that homework aids in successful learning. Students may concentrate, recollect information, and retain it better because of homework. In addition, they are better equipped to manage their time and stay on course with their education when given a regimen for their homework.
As a result, it serves as a tool to reinforce what is taught in class. The likelihood of students retaining necessary material increases when homework reviews lessons from the previous day.
Homework Teaches Time Management
While academic sessions emphasize conceptual clarity, homework tries to assist students in planning responses to problems within a set time limit. It requires them to schedule their time and ensure that all of their homework is completed. It forces students to strengthen their time management skills.
They practice their problem-solving abilities and independent thinking while learning how to manage their time. One other benefit of homework is that it makes students learn decision-making skills.
Homework Establishes a Network of Communication
When it comes to bridging the communication gap between students, teachers, parents, and classmates, homework works wonders. The pupils learn more about them by requesting their teacher for assistance with their homework. It encourages parents to spend time with their children on problem-solving and achieving a goal. Students can use homework to interact with their classmates and exchange thoughts on the topics they are learning.
Connecting with classmates and exchanging ideas about homework might help children stay motivated and interested. So this is how homework plays a massive role in establishing a communication network.
The Cons Of Homework: How Can It Be Harmful for You?
Though there are multiple benefits of homework, it is not always helpful. Sometimes it harms students more than it helps. In addition, many assignment help experts believe that it is less effective than it is said to be. So when it comes to homework pros and cons, opponents have noted these points on why students should not have homework.
Homework Affects Both Mental & Physical Health
Homework makes pupils feel worried, agitated, and unmotivated when the workload is excessive. Also, when the tasks get more challenging, it causes behavioral problems and sleep deprivation, which can make homework a burdensome part of school life.
This stress of completing homework can directly bring health issues. Students with more homework frequently experience health issues like headaches, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, etc. Even though these health issues may initially seem minor, they can develop into chronic illnesses over time. This is one of the major cons of homework.
Homework Deters from Creative Pursuits
While some students prefer to play outside or watch TV, homework frequently interferes with learning and developing new skills. Instead, children can learn to ride a bike, read books, or engage with friends during their free time, allowing them to unwind and explore things.
Homework-related sedentary time can be used for physical activity, improving cognitive performance. In addition, it gives pupils practical abilities that cannot be acquired by sitting at a desk.
Homework Creates Family Tension
"The homework conflict" is dreaded by a lot of families. But unfortunately, not all students have the necessary knowledge to complete their homework, and not all parents have the patience, time, or understanding to supervise their children's homework.
Then the storm of distractions begins. Since too much homework might stress out parents, it might lead to conflict between them and their kids, which can end up being a communication barrier between the two parties.
Bonus Tips
- Teachers should give a considerable amount of homework to students that can improve their learning and not put them under stress.
- Parents should help their children more in completing their homework. It can benefit them by creating a bond and spending more time.
- Students who keep on procrastinating homework can learn tricks from this blog “How to do Homework fast and also stay motivated in the process”. It will help them complete work on time.
Finding the Right Balance
Considering all the points written above, one might think that both the pros and cons of homework are correct. Yet the debate of "Is homework good or bad" remains the same.
To find the balance, educators and parents need to have homework discussions with students for better assistance. Moreover, students can find balance by seeking homework help online. These writing services can help students complete homework with the highest quality and quick assistance. It will help them to be less worried about homework and invest their time in various other activities.
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