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5 Tips to Boost Your Confidence While Speaking in Public

16 Sep 2017 7903 5 minutes
Boost Your Confidence

Public speaking is an art, but it has been seen that a majority of people tend to fear from addressing larger audiences. However, with practice and a few simple tips, one can easily get used to speaking confidently in public without failing to leave the audience mesmerised. So, if you are worried as to how to present yourself, then this blog is what you need to read.

Here are some of the ways that would help you to boost your confidence during public speaking. Go through the points below to know more on the same:

1. Dress up well

Dressing up well will boost your confidence automatically as you tend to feel better about yourself. And, when you feel good from inside, you gain the confidence to speak perfectly in front of the people. You also need to be aware of your posture and avoid stooping while you are speaking. You should look assertive and active when you are addressing the audience, hence, always make sure that you dress well before you finally address people.

2. Practice your heart out before the final performance

As they say, “Practice makes the man perfect,” same goes for public speaking as well even if you are a pro in delivering speech to a wide range of audiences. You should make sure that you have practiced enough so that you do not forget your lines, or if that is the case, then you have enough material to cover up for the mistake. Also, you can practice before your close ones and friends so as to get feedback on how your presentation is going.

3. Take a Good Rest Before the Performance

Do not stay up late or have anxiety before your performance as this might lead you to forget your lines. Also, make sure that you revise your speech for the very last time before going to bed so as to be assured. Sleeping well will help you to stay alert for a very long time which would boost your spontaneity as well.

4. Watch out videos

These days, you can find out a large number of videos on public speaking which can help you to get insight into the ways in which you can speak publicly in a convincing manner and can inspire others for a good cause. You should take reference from the people whom you find great at public speaking - be it your favourite movie star, a politician or even a tech giant. Although in the end, you should come up with your own way and develop your style in order to bring newness to your speech.

5. Do vocal exercises

In order to avoid the dullness in your voice, you can take the help of some of the vocal exercises so that your voice opens up freely and you can speak with a certain volume and confidence. Try practicing breathing exercises as well, as you would be talking for a pretty long time among the people, so it is imperative for you to be ready for such an instance.

We hope that the above-mentioned tips might have given you some ideas as to how you can improve presentation skills and performance during a public speaking event. Try and incorporate these points as these would help you out in achieving great performance skills.

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