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Pharmacology Lab Report: How to Make a One That Earns You A+

11 Oct 2019 5090 9 minutes
Global Assignmnent Help Australia

Lab report writing is a daunting task for scholars, especially when it comes to preparing for pharmacology.
It consists of lots of sections that itself makes the pharmacology assignment writing process way more difficult.
That's why the majority of the students start feeling stressed whenever they are assigned to such a task.

If you too are one of them, then here is good news for you. The experts of Global Assignment Help have mentioned some simple steps that will let you prepare a grade-worthy lab report.
So, just go through this blog once and ease your burden...

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Different Sections of a Pharmacology Lab Report:

Introduction - "What is the main context in which the experiment takes place?"

While writing the introduction, your main aim should be to establish the purpose of doing the experiment. So, mention it in the introduction section. According to the experts, while doing research, the main purpose that guides your work is the contribution of knowledge in your field. That is why you should always establish an introduction that consists of the previous summarized reports.

The best way is to begin the report by establishing the learning context. So, start the introduction in the following manner:

  •  Establish the learning context.
  •  Provide background information.
  •  Write the primary goals of the report by presenting the objectives and defining the purpose.
  •  State the hypothesis and explain scientific reasoning.

Materials & Methods - "What did you do and how did you perform?"

You may also write other headings for this section like "Experimental procedure", "Methodology", etc. But, make sure to describe two main things in this section -

  •  The laboratory apparatus and procedure used to gather the data.
  •  The process used to analyze the data.

This section is very helpful to take the reader step-by-step towards the procedure of the experiment. So, be careful while writing it. Always mention each and every method and material you have used in the experiment, then only you can make your pharmacology assignment grade-worthy.

Results - "What did you find in the experiment?"

The result section is known as the heart of the pharmacology lab report. In it, the outcome of the report has been defined. It should not contain any explanation of the findings or drawing the conclusion about the data. While writing it, you should always stick to the fact that each result is being observed.

  •  Start the result section with a succinct statement.
  •  Summarize the overall finding of the whole experiment.
  •  Integrate both the verbal and visual representation of the data.
  •  Include a series of findings and support them with the proper statements.

Discussion - "What does the experiment mean?"

After the results, comes the discussion section. Here the main aim is to interpret the results by simply explaining, analyzing, and comparing the results. Here you can, discuss and link the result section with the introduction section of the report. This section is considered as one of the most important parts of the report because in this section, you can demonstrate that you have clearly understood the experiment and impress the professor easily. Remember, do not discuss the outcomes that are not mentioned in the result section.

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This section basically begins with a statement that states whether the findings in the result support or not the expected finding. It is really important to make such a comparison in the discussion section, then only you can make it effective and impress your professor.

Conclusion - "What have you learned from the experiment?"

Finally! The conclusion returns to the larger purpose of the lab that is presented as the learning context at the beginning of the lab report. In this section, you can also explain that you have learned something new and the also mention the main motive behind that experiment. This is advantageous for you as well as the reader. It helps you understand the main value of conducting the experiment and for the reader to get convinced that this experiment is a success. Always provide everything in detail so that the reader can easily understand what you are trying to convey.

Abstract - "What is the main essence of the lab report?"

An abstract is also known as the miniature version of the lab report. It mainly consists of 80-200 words. So, in this section, you can define the nature and scope of the pharmacology lab report. Whatever you have written in the lab report, must be included in the abstract section that too within 1-2 summary sentences. The sentences will be arranged in the same way as the report is written, i.e. Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Title - "What's the report is all about?"

Next, the title is used to describe the content of the whole report. It is very helpful to tell the reader, what is the subject of the experiment and what are the key research variables. So, always keep it in a manner so that the reader can understand clearly what the experiment is all about. It should be fully informed as well.

References - "What sources are used in the report?"

In this section, you have mentioned the list of the resources that are cited in the pharmacology lab report, including the textbook, lab manual, or any other source. The format of sources always differs according to the field and this is where most of the students get stuck at and take online pharmacology assignment help from the experts.

Appendices - "What additional materials are included in the report?"

It is the last section of the report where you can place all the data that is not included in the report but, somehow useful for the reader. So, the things that are basically included in the appendices are:

  •  Detailed drawing of all the apparatus required, sources and materials, or any other information regarding the pharmacology lab report.
  •  Raw data like table, drawings, or photographs.
  •  Elaborated calculations used in the method section.
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Wrapping Up...

While writing a lab report on pharmacology, its each and every section matters a lot. This is the reason why our online assignment help experts have elaborated each one of them. Now that you know what to include and whatnot, so it's time to use this blog as a guiding light and prepare a perfect lab report that earns you A+. With this guide, pharmacology assignment writing will definitely become a cakewalk for you.

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