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50+ Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics to Ace Your Paper!

26 Sep 2023 2522 13 minutes
Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics

Are you working on higher modern studies and have been given an assignment to work on, and now you are confused about which one to pick because there are plenty of higher modern studies assignment topics in front of your eyes? If yes, you are at the right place because Global Assignment Help provides you with a list of 50+ topics, each handpicked by experts and having the potential of making you score A+ grades. Thus, before we talk about the best issues, it is critical to understand what the course is about and who should prefer to step into it. To get an answer to it and the best higher modern studies assignment ideas, continue to stay on this page till the end. 

All You Need to Know About Higher Modern Studies 

Modern studies are related to the study of political, social, and economic issues persisting in the UK and worldwide. Finding a solution to all such problems can boost your critical and logical reasoning. Also, because of its multidisciplinary approach, it helps you to gain knowledge on the local, Scottish, UK and international markets. When you study this course, you understand the problems and formulate your own opinions. Also, you learn the necessary skills required to participate in the political and social systems. It enhances literacy rates and prepares you for the upcoming future.

This course can be a perfect solution for you if you are eager to understand contemporary and modern-day problems and want an equal position in the modern market. So, as of now, we believe you have gotten an insight into the subject, but if you have been allotted an assignment on it, it is common to get stuck at many points, including time management. Do you want to explore all those pointers? If yes, do not skip what the next section has to say. 

Why Working on Higher Modern Studies Assignment Is Difficult? 

It has been observed that many of you get stuck at some points; thus, here are the pointers that will highlight the actual problems including topics for assignment.

Creating a Research Question 

The research question is essential to writing higher modern studies assignments. But creating a one or a two-liner is not that easy; it requires creativity and critical thinking skills. Thus, this becomes one of the reasons preventing you from working on your paper. 

Writing Great Introduction 

The introduction is the start of your assignment. Thus, it should hook the reader at a glance. As it is the start, the information has to be precise and up to the mark. Thus, it becomes another challenge in your life. In such a case, seeking assignment help from our experts can help you to open your paper effectively. 

Including Valid Arguments 

Higher modern studies assignment is not like other papers; here, you have to include valid arguments. While researching, you will come across numerous pieces of evidence, but you have to apply your critical thinking skills and judge. 

Extensive Knowledge 

As higher modern studies are related to current affairs, it requires you to have extensive knowledge of political and social issues. But if you are not aware of what is ongoing and stay outdated, it can become a hurdle in your writing journey. 

Choosing the Right Topic

You will come across plenty of higher modern studies assignment topics in the research process. Thus, selecting one in the pool becomes a little challenging and can become a roadblock to delivering your paper on time. 

These are some of the challenges because of which it becomes difficult to work. But here in this blog, we have a resolution for higher modern studies assignment topics; without any further delay, take a look at the best issues that can simplify your work to a great extent.

higher modern studies assignment ideas

List of 50+ Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics! 

Have you been searching for higher modern studies assignment ideas but have not been able to make a rational decision because there is plenty of information on the internet? Do not worry; we have backed you up with the best options. 

Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics on Political Issues 

  1. What Influence Does Politics Have on Interest Groups and Media 
  2. How Powerful Are Political Parties? Discuss Their Influences 
  3. What Role Does Ideology Play in Contemporary Political Issues 
  4. What Are the Factors Responsible for the Voting Behaviour of an Individual 
  5. Discuss Different Political Ideologies and the Factors Affecting Them
  6. Why Does Not Political Parties Follow Constitutional Rules 
  7. What Relationship Exist Between Different Branches of Government 
  8. What Is the Relationship Between Different Levels of Government 
  9. What Are the Possible Alternatives for the Governance of Scotland 
  10. What Role Does Media Play in Political Issues? 
  11. How Citizens Affect the Governmental Decisions 
  12. Role of Media in Developing an Independent Nation 
  13. Role of Television in Influencing Voting Behaviour
  14. Are Political Parties from Start Undemocratic? 
  15. Impact of Size in Interest Groups 
  16. How Social Media Is Changing the Face of Politics? 
  17. Negative Impact of Having a Dominant Leader in a Political Party

Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics on Social Issues 

  1. Is Poverty a Choice or a Situation? 
  2. Why Wage Differences Between Higher and Lower Wage Workers Cannot Be Justified? 
  3. Impact of Social Divisions on the Functioning of Society 
  4. The Power of an Individual to Change the Society 
  5. Why Eradicating Child Poverty Is a Challenging Task? 
  6. How Zero Hour Contract Does Not Benefit Any Employee 
  7. Why Private Schools Should Promote Social Mobility 
  8. Why There Should Be Privatisation of Public Services 
  9. How Housing Policies Are Widening Social Gap 
  10. Impact of Globalisation in Reducing Inequality 
  11. Why the Government Should Promote Trade Liberalisation 
  12. How the Attitude of an Individual Trap Them in Poverty 
  13. Social Inequality Does Not Come from Income or Money 
  14. Is Scarcity of Resources the Reason for Global Inequalities 
  15. How Poverty Pushes an Individual to Make Bad Lifestyle Choices 
  16. How Social Inequality Can Reduce Employment Opportunities 
  17. Role of NGO’s in Tackling Global Poverty 

Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics on Law and Order 

  1. How Effective is Scotland’s Court System to Deal with Crime
  2. How Creation of the UK Supreme Court Is Threatening the Independence of the Criminal Justice System? 
  3. How Recent Legislation Is Impacting the Human Rights of People in the UK? 
  4. How Badly the UK Government Failed to Enforcing the Rights of Asylum Workers? 
  5. Significance of Biometric Cards for all UK Citizens 
  6. Why does the Scottish Criminal System Discriminates Against the Young Male Population? 
  7. Reasons for Increasing Cybercrime in the UK 
  8. How Sometimes the Role of Media Is Negative in Spreading Crime News? 
  9. How Drive of Testosterone Is the Reason for Violent Crime? 
  10. Is Committing a Crime in Genes? 
  11. Is Poor Parenting the Cause of Youth Criminality? 
  12. How White Collar Crime Is More Damaging to the Society? 
  13. Why Female Criminality Affects Families More? 
  14. Discuss How to Take the Fear of Crime from a Persons's Mind 
  15. Preventing Crime Is More Effective than Punishment 
  16. Mass Policing to Combat Crime 
  17. Right Use of Technology to Prevent Crime 

These are some of the higher modern studies assignment example or references you can use to deliver your paper. Thus, try to choose among them if you want to perform better. Listed above are the topics for higher modern studies, we also provide you with the best MBA assignment topics; thus, wait no more to get a handpicked list by our professionals.

higher modern studies assignment example

4 W’s to Ask Yourself Before Picking a Topic for Higher Modern Studies! 

Now that you have knowledge about the higher modern studies- assignment topics, you can simply pick them. But wait, hold, do you want to deliver the document other than the issues mentioned above? Do not worry; you can make it possible by asking yourself a set of questions. 


The first question that should arise in your mind while picking topics for assignment is to understand the context and purpose of selecting the issue. It helps you in writing the paper flawlessly because your core concepts are clear. 


This means thinking about the audience for whom you will be writing your assignment. It means keeping a check on the difficulty level, vocabulary, reviewing higher modern studies assignment example, and understanding ability so that you do not give a chance to the professor for marks deduction. 


Why indicates asking yourself the reason or cause behind picking higher modern studies assignment ideas. Once you gain clarity over it and have the right mindset, no one can stop you from scoring better. 


When you start writing, your assignment matters a lot. There are many contemporary and modern issues. Thus, you have to make a rational decision and decide independently what is the demand of the audience. 

These are some of the questions you must ask yourself before deciding to pick topics for assignment. Thus, follow this strategy or pick from handpicked issues curated by professionals. After working on both diligently, if you are not able to choose the right track, then read our brief guide on assignment writing or get help from our experts. To get an answer to why, do not miss what the next section has to say. 

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Still Not Getting a Right Path to Continue? Take Our Expert’s Help! 

After going through a list of higher modern studies assignment topics, are you still confused regarding research and writing process? If yes, do not worry; Global Assignment Help has backed you up. From topic selection to the editing stage, we are one solution for your assignment writing needs. Our experts are available around the corner and have graduated from reputable universities in the UK. Thus, this shall not cause room for doubt to take assignment writing services from us as there is a guarantee of quality and on-time delivery. Look no further than us if you want to see a remarkable change in your career. 

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