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A Guide to Reference an Academic Paper in Oxford Style

15 Jul 2019 3627 7 minutes
A Guide to Reference an Academic Paper in Oxford Style

A Guide to Reference an Academic Paper in Oxford Style

A referencing in oxford style mainly uses a list of references known as bibliography and footnotes. This referencing style is basically developed by the prestigious University of Oxford. Most of the students find it very confusing and thus, seek online assignment help from expert writers. According to our expert writers, once you get familiar with this style, it becomes easier for you to implement it in your writing. So, with the aim to make it much easier for you, here is a simple guide that you should consider for referencing your work in Oxford style.
Let’s start with the basics -

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The main features of Oxford referencing style include:

  • In-text Citations
  • Footnotes
  • Endnotes
  • Annotated Bibliography

Due to these features, this style is known as a documentary-note referencing style. Now, let’s start exploring them one by one...

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How to Write Footnotes in Oxford Style?

Footnotes are basically considered as a reference to an individual source of information. A footnote is placed at the bottom of the page. So, while referencing a footnote, consider the following things:

  • Include a subscript number (note identifier) on the page that follows the source material directly.
  • That subscript number is put above the line of your a1 text.
  • Then site the source of the information at the foot of the page. Remember the number of note identifier and footnote will be the same.
  • After that, both of them are placed in a numerical and chronological order
  • Inserting Second Footnote in Oxford Style:

In the second footnote, there is no need to include so many details as per the first footnote. All you have to do is, only include that much of information that clearly indicates the information of the referenced text.

Suppose, if you are referring a single author, then write down all the necessary details in the first footnote. If you are using that source again, then there is no need to write down the whole information again, just write some information like -

  • Name of the author
  • Title
  • Publisher
  • Year of publication
  • Page number

For Example : 1J.Williams, TITLE, Oxford University, 2005, p.10.

When there are more than two footnotes, then according to the Oxford referencing guide, you can write abbreviations of the references but, for that, you have to define it earlier once. Like -

Tips to Use Abbreviation for the Footnotes:

  • When you are making two referencing of the sources in a row, then for that you can write, ˜Ibid’. It means that the reference is the same as the last one.
  • If you have cited the source previously and want to use it again, then you can write, ˜op.cit’. To make the source more clear to the reader, write the name along with this abbreviation.

OK!!! So, this is all about how to reference the work in the assignment. But, sometimes we also write quotes of others in our assignment. So, in order to reference the quotes in your writing, go through the following steps:

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How to Present the Quote in Oxford Style?

If you want to present the quote, then you can write it in only 30 words and if you are writing it in more than 30 words, then use a separate paragraph. Write a quote by half-inch margin from the left side of the paper. According to the Oxford writing style guide, you can summarize the quote in your own words using a few sentences. At last, describe the whole document in summary and highlight only the important points.

So, this is all about the first step, that is referencing the footnotes. Now, comes the next step that is to reference bibliography in Oxford style.

Oxford Referencing for Bibliography:

The bibliography is termed as a list of the books referred to in a scholarly work and is typically printed as an appendix. While writing a bibliography, include the following details -

  • Names of Authors
  • Title
  • Date of the Publication
  • Publisher’s Name
  • Place of Publication

After doing this, reference all the sources that you have mentioned in the footnote. You can also mention the other sources that are included in the paper but do not necessarily quote it. According to the Oxford style guide, a bibliography is written after the footnote but comes before the appendix.

In the bibliography section, you have to describe the used sources in detail. While writing a bibliography, take care of the following details:

  • Arrange the sources in alphabetical order.
  • Start numbering them numerically.
  • While citing a book, first write author’s surname, then comes the first alphabet of the first and the middle name.
  • After the author’s name, comes the book title in italics, edition, publisher name, and year of publication.

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Wrapping Up!!!

No doubt, citing the sources in Oxford referencing style is a bit challenging job especially, when you do it for the first time. But, once you get familiar with the technique, then you will find it much easier. It is not necessary that this guide is only for the assignment, you can also use it in your other task like an essay, report, etc. Most of the time the professor asks students to complete their essays in Oxford style, especially the essay on history, law, and philosophy. So, apart from the assignment, if you think that you need help with your essay also, then feel free to seek UK essay writing service from our experts.

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